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Posts posted by mandrey

  1. Thank you everyone for all the great ideas! I have shared all this valuable information with my wife so she can keep me on track and get my Protein up! What is a good unflavored Protein Powder that you guys have tried and liked? Thanx again! Even though the eating and drinking is tough I wouldn't have changed a thing about having my sleeve done! I am down 180 pounds since I started this journey in April!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. I am 6 weeks post-op and I am having trouble getting my 60-80 grams of protein! I know there are some days that I am only getting at most 20 grams. I try to drink a Protein Shake a day which is 30 grams but don't always get one in. As for my meals. I try to make it as high in Protein as I can but I am still only able to eat maybe 1/2 cup of food at my meals. Some meals not even a 1/2 cup! So with trying to get my Water in and not drinking too close before or after meals and trying to get a shake in during my drinking I am having trouble! What are some tricks you guys use in order to get or what are some high protein food choices you guys use in order to get as much as we need? Thank you for any helpful tips or ideas!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. Well I have been looking forward to this day for 6 months and it has finally come! October 20, 2016 is my surgery date! I started my journey at 519.5 pounds and currently today I weigh 379.5. So far I have lost 140 pounds.

    I am overly excited to see what the future has in store for me after my surgery and the new life I can give my family. My boys deserve the best father that I can be and at 519.5 pounds, I was not that! 2017 is going to be a great year!

    Everyone keeps asking if I am nervous for my surgery. I tell them all the same thing. NO! I am excited! I want to get the next chapter of my life started! I want to be able to keep on going with the awesome changes I have already started to make! They also ask since I have already lost so much why still have the surgery!? I have lost this weight with dr prescribed pills and also my 14 day liquid diet. I need this surgery to be my tool to help me through the next phase of my weight loss and for the future to help me keep it off! It's not going to be easy but I am up for a good fight!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. I finally decided in April it was time to make the change I knew I had needed for many years! I made the appointment to see a surgeon at our local Bariatric center. Went and got all the info I needed and then some! Of course the doctor dropped a bombshell on me! They do not do surgery on anyone over 450 pounds. That day I weighed 520 on their scales. My insurance requires 6 months of monthly weigh in appointments. So I had 6 months to lose 70 pounds. I thought I had went their in hopes of surgery to help me lose the weight! So with some help of some prescriptions from him and a lot of will power I have been exercising at least every other day if not more and eating much less and much more healthier meals. Making sure I get in all my Protein that I will need after my surgery. In July alone I lost 45 pounds. As of today I currently weigh 417 and hope to be under 400 by the time of my surgery. Last weekend we had my youngest sons adoption party and I was 2 jean sizes and 2 shirt sizes down from where I started. When my wife showed me these comparison pictures from when my journey started until now and it was the first time I really realized that you could tell how much I have lost already! Can't wait for my last weigh in Sept 13 so I can get my surgery date!!!

    HW: 520

    CW: 417


    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. Wow I felt like I was reading my own story! I know exactly how you feel! I have been up and down and lost and gained back what I lost plus more.

    When I started my 6 month weigh in appointments, as well in April, I was at my heaviest at 519.5. My doctor said because of size limitations at the hospital they cannot do surgery on anyone over 450 pounds. So right from that moment I knew I had a goal for the 6 months! Well my last appointment is Sept 13 and so far I have lost around 95 pounds!

    I as well have worried if the weight loss after surgery will be steady or will I plateau!? And I have also thought to myself, do I need this surgery? I am losing sometimes up to 45 pounds in a month. I have been on phentermine as well and man does it work! But I know I still have almost 200 pounds left to lose and I need this surgery to help me through this! Everyone solves their problems differently and I need this surgery to help solve mine!

    I do have a goal of 120 pounds lost before my surgery though and working hard everyday at it! Keep up the hard work!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. I just had my 5th out of 6 monthly nutrition visit before my surgery. I have lost 80 pounds so far. I had to lose 70 pounds to be able to have the surgery though for size reasons for cat scans and others. So that was defiantly a lot of motivation for me! I did not want to have to wait any long than the 6 months!! I have a goal of 100 pounds at the 6 month mark! This is a life style change. Not just a temporary change so if I cannot eat right and exercise ahead of my surgery how would I be able to do it afterwards!? I am excited to venture down a road I have never been on and a road I will never leave!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. As much as I want it, I need it!! Started the process 4 years ago and made it about 2 months from surgery and missed a monthly weigh in and next thing I knew it was a few months later and I was back in my old habits and not going through with the surgery! Well 4 years later and 100 pounds heavier I am back in it for real this time!! Not really sure what my goal weight is but would love to be around 250!! But I would take anything under 300 lol

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    My toughest part is the mental thing. I'm addicted to wanting to eat. Expecially late night watching tv.it sucks

    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App

    I broke my night snacking routine by walking on a treadmill while watching TV. An hour of that and I stopped being hungry.

    That's a good idea! I am going to try and hang my new punching bag tomorrow in my garage. Hopefully that will help me get away from the TV and move around more!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. I believe it's more mental than physical! It's been a lifetime of wanting to always eat and have food. Always wanting to be around food and now you have to be away from food! I have always been a late night snacker, even late night 2nd dinner type of guy! That has been a huge thing I have had to work on. I always have a bottle of Water or Powerade zero on the coffee table to help me! And at work I would always snack throughout the day. So I have to change what I take in my lunchbox. Doesn't help we always have customer bringing us in good Snacks. Like on Friday one guy brought in cinnamon donuts and another brought in pizza for lunch. I was proud of myself to say no to each of them! One coworker even asked if I was feeling ok!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. As much as I want it, I need it!! Started the process 4 years ago and made it about 2 months from surgery and missed a monthly weigh in and next thing I knew it was a few months later and I was back in my old habits and not going through with the surgery! Well 4 years later and 100 pounds heavier I am back in it for real this time!! Not really sure what my goal weight is but would love to be around 250!! But I would take anything under 300 lol

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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