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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by pandagirl

  1. Well, I feel like a failure already. I lost weight during the pre-op diet, but haven't lost a thing since (except for the 5 pounds that I came out of surgery with). I know that I am supposed to be concentrating on healing, but I still would have loved to have lost at least a few pounds. This sucks. Ok, pity party over. For now anyway. ;-)

    I am scheduled for my first fill on October 23rd. I am scared of that because I go back to work the next day.

    I lost a lot of wieght before surgery so I think that's why my wieght isn't coming off.

  2. I healed really, really well. Havne't had a fill yet. I gained 2 pounds. But that's mainly because most of my mushies have been carbs. That's my fault. My main issue though it not knowing when to eat. Most days I'm not really hungry so I end up force feeding myself when I've gone 4 to 6 hours without eating. It's a little confusing to do this because I've spent the last 18 months training myself not to eat until I feel hungry.

    Also, I don't feel the "restriction". Since I feel full most of the time, I never know when I've hit my full point. I don't know. My communication with my body is totally off and I really don't know what to do. I'll be seeing my Doc tomorrow, a week late because of a severe cold I had. I don't think I'm rehudrated from that either....but all that is just training me into my new belly. Otherwise I'm peaches!!!!

  3. I know almost immediatly after I swallow that I made a mistake. Most of the time I will have some pain and start burping like crazy. I can feel it trying to come up or go down. I have pb'd about 4or5 times. The longest pb session I had took about 45 min. before it was all said and done. I have also slimed. But I haven't personally had pain with slimming. I hope this has answered your questions.. Also take in mind everybody is different. Someone else might not pb as long as I had that 1 time. Some maybe longer. It depends on the individual.

    As far as being newley banded and burping..get used to it. It eventually gets better. I belch really bad after my fills now for 1 or 2 days. good luck

    My burping has slowed a bit. I still burp after eating, but usually just one long man burp. I think the key was eating more slowly and healing.

    I also had my first PB. It wasn't so bad and I knew immediatley that something was wrong. I felt the bit of food get stuck in my chest and there was some pain, but not excrutiating. Then liquid came up and once that was done, the food went down. It was my fault for taking too big a bite, lesson learned. :thumbdown:

  4. I am 3 weeks out and have not vomited or PB, I only burp like a man. My burp usually happens about 15 to 30 minutes after I eat or have a protien shake. I am on mushy food now and I still have not had problems with vomiting. I got my 1st fill yesterday and on liquids today, but so far so good!!!!

    Do you have a sense of restriction now? Did you before the fill? I get full quickly and have no complaints about feeling hungry and wondering how much less hungry I'll feel after the fill. If you don't feel restriction, how long do you have to wait for your next fill?

  5. Hello,

    Starting at 256 lbs, I was banded 2/26/08. I have lost 48 lbs and gained back anolther 11 lbs w/i 7 wks. I slowly reverted to my old way of snacking on carbs and Snacks high in sugar. Ive only had 2 fills which was only a few cc's at a time, and there is no retriction. Im embarrassed when I bump into those that knew I had the surgery because of little diffrence in appearance. Im also too embarrassed to go and get a fill. When my doctor sees the small amount of progress since the month of May I know they'll be dissappointed. I have the desire and the mind to eat healthy and go back to the gym like I previously did -but, when I'm faced with the temptation I get weak and give in. Once I give in I feel so disgusting and guilty. Would you guys forget about what the doctor might say/think when they see the small amount of progress and get a fill OR would you guys just try to loose another 25 lbs on your own and then get filled? Once I see the ongoing progress Ill have enough strength to stay with a healthy lifestyle. Please send me feedback.:confused:

    Face them, face the guilt, face it all. You need to do what's best for you and running from it only brings you more anxiety. I think if you just went and got it over with you'd be free to move on and do better. Whatever you do, don't use this as an excuse to fail. We're not perfect and we're not going to lose the weight perfectly. We can only do our best and keep trying.

  6. I have a question about PB ing.. Its kinda gross but I would like to know what to expect

    I understand that when you overeat or something gets stuck you.. Burp vomit. Is there advanced warning can you run to the bathroom to hide it. Or are you like a cat with a hairball?

    Do you feel nausea, pain, both?

    I haven't had the PB experience yet, but I know that when I eat to fast or take too large a swallow or bite of food I get a tight feeling in the middle of my chest. If this is caused by liquid I just sit it out, it doesn't last too long. If it's caused by food, I take a deep, deep breath and hold it and I can feel the food go down. I'm not really supposed to be on real food yet, but I experimented the other day with some mushies. Anyway, whether or not I feel this pain I burp like mad. When I experience PBing I'll let you know but I'm sure you'll get plenty of answers before I get to it. :confused:

  7. I do that also Im almost 9 months out but, this only started about 2 months ago. Dr. said it was from "dry Swollowing" (what ever that is).Also said that Im probally doing it in my sleep and are unaware that iIm doing it.

    I tried searching the term dry swallowing and the best I could come up with is that it has something to do with air intake. I'm not sure. I just know I'm a burping queen and by the end of the week I may reach god status. :confused:

  8. I'm feeling like a little kid again! I've got my super snazzy baby spoons (they make it too fun to eat, actually) and I burp after every meal and every time I drink "large" amounts. Am I eating too fast? Am I supposed to be burping every time?

    And what is the burping cue? Again, am I supposed to feel this pressure or does the pressure mean I've gone too far?

    I'm feeling okay otherwise. I'm 8 days post-op and haven't vommitted, PB'ed or had anything to complain about accept my massive, deep throated monster burps and a little soreness around my port incision. I guess this is a good thing. :confused:

  9. Hey I am about a month post surgery and have been told to crush my meds for 3 months!!! :thumbs_down:They are very difficult to get down and upset my stomach for hours after I take them.....has anyone just scored theirs into small pieces to get them down instead of crushing them????:confused:

    I cut my allergy pills in half and take them 2 hours a part. I crushed them last night though and it was much, much easier. I just mixed it with Crystal light and honey. I know honey is a no, no, but the pills are nasty. Oh,I based the size on my birth control pills, the Doc said those are so small I needn't worry about it and yeah, listen to those who mentioned making sure you can cut your pils. My brother did this with his bi-polar meds and it was not a good thing.

  10. lol this depressed me as i want to keep my breasts wahhhh but its probably a known fact they will shrink lol. Thank you for the tip because usually I do go to Lane Bryant and pay a fortune for good bras. Next time Im in the valley I will do exactly what you have done. Thanks for sharing :confused:

    Smaller breasts get cuter bras!!! I've always noticed that and now I'm getting into C cups and I already have more choices. You will, too!

  11. post op. Seriously If I don't have food in my hands, I used to go crazy. So I'm now Knitting up a storm. Anyone want a scarf? LMAO. I've always been a crafter, but I need to keep my hands really busy now. That and I've been cleaning up a storm since I started this journey. Spring cleaning in August... works for me.


    I write and do art, but I recently added crocheting to my outlets. I tried the knitting thing and I just can't get the hang of it!!!!

  12. I thought this might help us to get to know each other better.

    My surgery date is Sept. 10th. I'm on my 2nd day of pre-opt. Not to bad- Protein shake for Breakfast, lean Protein and veggie for lunch and dinner.

    I'm in a good frame of mind, I've moved past all the second quessing, etc. and I'm ready for a new way of life with eating.

    Also, is there a daily thread that we can all check in with everyday?

    If not, let's start one!


    I'm going in Monday (9-15) for my surgery. Had my pre-op visit last week. I'm going from excited to nervous and back again. Though I'm sure I'll get the band this time since I'm going to consent to an open surgery if the lap fails again.

  13. As my date grows closer, I am leaning toward only telling a few close friends about my surgery. I suppose this is due to embarassment, that I could not lose weight the "normal" way, whatever that means. Also, I've had a lifetime of comments from family, and just do not want to go there.

    Is anybody else hesitating to spill the Beans to friends, coworkers, etc?

    I told everybody and even had them sign my fat pants!!!!

  14. Hi ya'll, how many days r u planning to take off from work after your surgery?

    My surgery is scheduled for Tues. Sept 9th. I have taken off the 9-12. That gives me 4 work days and 2 weekend days before work the following Monday. So that is a total of 6 days. Is that enough time? I am also off on the Monday before surgery for labor day.

    I have heard of people taking less time but I think the doc is going to fix a hiatal hernia during the surgery also(is anyone else getting a dual procedure?) so I wanted to be on the safe side.

    I'm going in on the 15th and coming back on the 22nd. (So, 7 days) Unless, they do an open then I will take an additional week off.

  15. Hey I'm getting banded Monday, Sept. 15th and in honour of that day I brought my "Fat Jeans" to work and am having all my friends and lovely supporters sign it.

    I'm of course going to include my family and even my wonderful surgical staff!!!

    Did you guys do anything to commemorate the day? If so what did you do?

    Here are my pants. I've got a few sigs, but I'll have more by Friday!!!!!!



  16. I think you should get another surgeon. I weighed 375 when I got the band. I have a large ventral hernia which means things were TIGHT in there. There are many different places where they can place the port...and I am fine now. I think your surgeon is blaming you for her lack of skill.

    I have thought about saying no to the open and switching Docs if she can't do it. I'm sticking with her for now though and haven't commited to the possibility of open surgery yet.

  17. Why did they tell you they couldn't do it? I had surgery 8/11 and he couldn't place the band. I followed his preop diet longer, lost 32 pounds, and got the band on 8/29. I had a fatty liver.

    It's not my weight that's the issue, nor a hernia or a liver. It's the placement of my fat. I carry the majority of it in a cirumference around my belly button. If my fat were evenly distributed like many, there wouldn't be an issue.

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