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Posts posted by Steamywindows

  1. Anyone tried hard cider with a shot of Fireball? It's popular here. I have been wanting to, but I have such a hard time with carbonation. And my hubby is a home brewer :(

    I haven't tried it but would like too....I've heard alcohol has more kick post surgery, ie dumps into the bowel quicker and is more quickly absorbed? Any truth to this rumor....?*

  2. Well, Guinness isn't as gassy as lager. I still can't drink lager. Its just not worth it for the feeling of total burpy-bloat.

    Guinness and cider, however, are all good in the hood :D

    I love my cider too.. And whilst in Edinburgh sampled ginger grouse.. Ginger beer with whiskey! Very nice for a treat!! Hope the hangover has gone :)

    Oh I am delighted to read this...Ginger beer is my favorite and I was a bit sad to think I would never get to have it again! Now I have to try a ginger grouse.

  3. I am 3weeks out. Nov 11 was my day. I am on soft food snow, and hardly lost 1pound last week..but almost 18 total for 3weeks. Also a lowbmi person.. Challenging tho...

    Congratulations on the 18 lbs...that is like 2 dress sizes...

    I think it is a hard transition, although I know that you can't sustain that low a caloric and specifically Protein intake, but darn the weight comes off. Now I have decided to stick with my original rule of weighting once a week...and see. I am on full fluids for another week and a half so still looking forward to softs...

  4. @Jen GA Peach. I am back to work as well, and started on full fluids, which IMO is just in time! I haven't lost any weight for a number of days but I think this is to be expected and quite normal. The glycogen stores we lost in the fasting/ clear fluids phase are being replenished and that requires a certain Fluid load (water retention), that equals what many refer to as a stall. Butterthebean posted a great article on stalls that I think you might find helpful...

    http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html#.Up3LRn-9KSN. The site is about duodenal switch but I think it is relevant to VSG as well.

    Anyway I also know we have work to do on the stinking thinking /negative stuff which is part of our weight loss struggles... Just think; you have come through a significant surgery, you have committed to a lifelong change (too late your stomach IS smaller) and demonstrated a toughness in this that you can apply to today, tomorrow and so on. You rock!

  5. While I do not intent to contradict specific medical advise, I think it is reasonable, given the variance of recommendations to ask the surgeon for the level of evidence which these recommendations are being based on. In most cases, we try to use evidence in health care, but as an earlier poster commented, it is unlikely straw use will get research funding, so there is not likely much to go on. My hunch is this is based on anecdotal evidence ( the experience and or belief of the surgeon), and would be considered by them, to be prudent since it does not cause harm to recommend NO use of straws and serves to prevent gas, pain etc.. I would be interested if this was not the case.

    I would suggest asking yourself:

    1. What do I know about the real risk?

    2. Is there a benefit which out-ways the risk?

    3. Can I test this is a small or less risky way?

    4. Am I prepared for the consequences..my surgeon's concern/anger, gas, pain, etc...

    At the end of the day we are responsible for our choices, and health care professions (I am a nurse) are neither omnipotent or infallible. Good luck with you choice, I applaud your thoughtful consideration of the issue.

  6. Today I am post op and down 12.6 lbs!! Starting wt 209.2. Cw 196.6. Just finished he first week of Clear Liquids. Onto ful liquids.. It's been an emotional week, FYI estrogen is stored in belly fat...ugh.

    Congratulations! I am done the first 9 days of clears...only 5 more till full fluids. Gotta say yesterday I heard from a work colleague about a case in which there were fatal complications post WLS, and it has made me fairly conscious that this stage is about healing!

  7. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends sodium intake of no more than 2,300 milligrams per day.

    There is a great piece on salt intake in the UK National Health Sytem's web site ...http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/salt.aspx

    "Cutting back on added salt is only a small part of the solution. To really cut down, you need to become aware of the salt that is already in the everyday foods you buy, and choose lower-salt options.

    Fortunately, nutrition labels on food packaging now make this a lot easier. Most pre-packed foods have a nutrition label on the back or side of the packaging.

    Many foods also display information about the salt content on the front of the packaging. This may show the salt content as a percentage of your reference intake (RI), or have colour-coded nutrition information to show whether the food is low, medium or high in salt. Where colour-coding is used, red means high. Eat these foods as an occasional treat, and aim to eat mainly foods that are green (low) or amber (medium).

    Look at the figure for salt per 100g:

    High is more than 1.5g salt per 100g (0.6g sodium). These foods may be colour-coded red.

    Low is 0.3g salt or less per 100g (or 0.1g sodium). These foods may be colour-coded green.

    If the amount of salt per 100g is between 0.3g and 1.5g, that is a medium level of salt, and the packaging may be colour-coded amber.

    As a rule, aim for foods that have a low or medium salt content. Leave high-salt foods for occasional use."

  8. Oh yeah. Shitted. You're right. Peanut oil. I forgot.

    So, following along this thread has been interesting, and now the turkey talk had me doing a little research..'cause it just seems like frying anything has to be " bad", but turns out, according to the author, Michele Jacobson, http://www.nutritionprescription.biz/3/post/2012/10/surprising-nutritional-facts-about-deep-fried-turkey.html, it is nearly the same....

    "Per serving, the two types of turkey are about the same. A 4-ounce serving of roasted turkey has 241 calories and 12 grams of fat while a 4-ounce serving of turkey deep-fried in peanut oil comes in at 253 calories and under 14 grams of fat, a very subtle difference.

    Fried turkey is traditionally prepared in 100 percent peanut oil because it naturally maintains high temperatures throughout the cooking process resulting in a bird that is crispy on the outside, moist on the inside and has a slight nutty taste."

    If Inquiring minds wanted to know...

  9. Anyone else dealing with diarrhea? I'm not sure if it's from liquid diet or antibiotic or? the funny thing is they gave me a scrip for colace to counteract side effect of pain meds. I go back to the surgeon for follow up on Wednesday. Still having nausea, I'm tired of artificially sweet beverages, and the smell of chicken broth turns my stomach. I can start pureed foods soon, hopefully that will help.

    I really have nothing but scant amounts of watery stool..but since I'm on clear fluids I think this is normal. Don't know what to say about the nausea, except are you getting enough Water? I have tried a number of different ones, vegetable is good! Yesterday I tried the broth from the noodle Soup, hot and sour beef, strained the noodles, which my hubbie ate...it was good but HOT!. One more week of clears to go!

  10. I am responding more from my pre than post op experience, which is only four days, but my experience with "nothing appealing" is that it does come and go. When I was eating any and every carb, it seemed very rare. However, during pre op it really struck me when I had a disinterest in food of any sort! This was a really new experience for me, and maybe not a bad thing, because it didn't last forever. I have been observing/studying eating behaviors of my "normal" weight friends, and it does not seem unusual for them to have these periods...

    I have decided to take those times as gift. It is really freeing NOT to be so food focused. As long as you (and your professional support) are monitoring, I wonder if it isn't an opportunity to explore a new aspect of relating to food?

  11. one day post-op. spent an hour trying to eat broth, Jello, tea. could not finish. hours later still feel full. the NG tube was bad, made me gag. lots if deep breathing to get through that because gagging hurts! Going home tomorrow. i have lots of broth frozen in cubes and sf jello waiting for me. cant wait to sleep in my own bes!

    I am four days post op...I had nothing by mouth for two days, just IV fluids. After the fluoroscopy (ugh) we got to have a popcycle.. Manna from heaven. Then clear fluids for two weeks and then two weeks of full fluids..then soft...etc I have no discomfort, taking fluids really well. I didn't have an NG tube. Sorry to hear you had to have one.

  12. Good thread. I always sit on the fence about labeling myself an addict, but whatever you call it (or don't call it) the behaviors were destructive enough to allow me to get up to 300 pounds. I used to say cake is like crack to me, and it still is. I weighed 140 pounds when I met my husband, and he enabled me to gain that weight. He would offer and go get whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. Now he enables me to lose weight by not doing that, and encouraging me every day to stay on track. I never blamed him for my weight gain - that was all on me. He couldn't stop me from gaining now if I wanted to. So I know I have to monitor myself and my habits and intake all day, every day, forever. I'm not perfect, and don't even care to be, but at least I know what I'm consuming. If I had to point to just one thing that I've learned and feel has contributed to my success so far, I would say that it is tracking and being honest with myself about what I eat - ALWAYS. Even when I don't want to, and even when I've eaten too much, I force myself to face it.

    I really relate to the things you have articulated in this post, MC! First, your hesitation regarding the label, i agree the behaviors are destructive. I have never tried crack, but imagine my food, especially simple carbs, are my "crack". I

    especially agree that monitoring does make you face it. I have struggled with the win -loss treadmill, but with the last time I lost a big amount of weight, I made a number of lifestyle changes (one was to take up running) which I naively thought would stave off the seemingly inevitable slide /gain. Well, in June, at my annual physical, I faced the scale, for the first time in a year or more, and found I had gained 60 of those "lost" pounds back. How did this happen?....buy not being honest with myself...saying It is "just" a hundred calories etc. I forced myself to face it, but this will always be a struggle for me; to NOT turn a blind eye to my addiction with food. My VSG is tomorrow, I plan on making it another addition to my weight loss tool lit.kit...

  13. I'm two days pre-op. I started midway through October making some changes. I quit sodas and all carbonated beverages. Then I transitioned over a couple of weeks to Decaf coffee. Then I created a myfitnesspal account to cut down calories to 1500 and to track my carb versus Protein ration. I haven't felt like there is any food to say good bye to that I can't incorporate into my new life eventually, and this has helped me avoid the food funeral mind. Although I do wish I had taken one more meal at the all you can eat sushi place that I adored. Lol

    I am two days pre-op too! I have been using MFP as well. I was surprised at how hard it was to get under the carb limit (30 grms) before clear fluids... I chuckled about the all-you-can-eat sushi....we might not need ANY all-you-can-eat anything again!

  14. Here are a few things I have going on ...My husband is threatening to change the password on my Amazon.com account!!!! It seems I have 1-2 deliveries each week between blender bottles, decaff coffee, cooking stuff for when I can introduce food, etc. unjury canisters received (soup, chocolate splendor and vanilla). Sample pack of nectar - mybariatricpantry.com allows you to select which ones you want. Full size Roadside Lemonade which is my favorite nectar so far. Blender bottles Gas-X strips Chike shakes (coffee) I haven't found a ready-to-drink shake that I like, so I'm going with the powders.< /p>

    Thanks for this thread, McB! I just ordered chicken flavored Protein powder from Unjury. A friend gave me what she had left, so I knew it was good. I like Pure Protein Shakes, which I can get at costco. We only have chocolate flavored here, but San's Club steels vanilla flavored. They have good Protein levels and low carb, so they fit my doc's specifications..and taste good too. Have you tried them? Of course, I can't have them right now, I'm on clear fluids...what is nectar?

  15. <p>My surgery is scheduled for the 19th. I started my presurgical diet on the 4th. Although I can not say I am starving I am certainly hungry and the change of eating, hand to mouth is really hard. Even on my six month supervised diet I could snack on fruits or low cal items. I am trying to stay busy so that I am not thinking about it. And I chew a lot of gum! I can have one Atkins style meal each day and two shakes. I don't mind the shakes I am using Fortress whey Protein Shakes and they are pretty good. My Bariatric Consultant at the Dr.'s office recommended. I also picked up some Liquid Protein for after the surgery. </p> <p> </p> <p>I work full time and have four children (ages 4 to 22) and a 2 year old grandchild that I watch a couple of times per week so that his parents can work/go out. My husband works an off schedule and isn't home until around 10 pm so everything pretty much falls on me. At this point I am completely overwhelmed! My mood swings are brutal but I can't help it. My husband continues to spend his Sunday's drinking while he watches football and they all keep bringing food into the house that they know I can't even look at, oreos, Klondike bars, cheeseburgers, French fries, etc. and then eat the few things I can have. They have all been drinking the Protein shakes and the other day my daughter reached over into my one meal I can eat and took food from my plate to eat. I feel very unsupported. I am so excited about this whole thing and have worked for six months to get it approved through my insurance and I feel so alone. I do a lot for others and was hoping for more from my loved ones. As you all know this is a life altering move and a complete change in our life, guess I thought it would be different.; anyone else feel like this? I will make it through I always do.</p> <p> </p> <p>So far I have shopped for everything I will need when I get home from the hospital, atleast for the first week or two. I am mentally prepared. I have had several C-sections and my gallbladder removed so I know the pain following surgery just will be an adjustment on the being able to eat side.</p> <p>Good luck all!</p>

    I have the same date! Good for you for doing what you need to do for you! " doing a lot for others" is very generous, so maybe it's time to be generous to yourself. The others may follow your example. Are you having laparoscopic surgery? If so, compared to c- sections this should be a piece of c.....easier. Best of luck!

  16. Thanks McButterpants! I have a lot of things that I want to do too! I don't feel that the weight has held me back too much but I know my confidence will grow and I just really want to feel healthy and not so sluggish all the time. Finally broke the news to my parents the real reason I'm going to Mexico and was very surprised and relieved that they were somewhat supportive and didn't freak out. Considering it is a bariatric hospital and they specialize in these surgeries I feel like I'm in good hands. Don't even think I can get it done in Canada and if I could it would be expensive and with a BMI of 37 they aren't going to look at me. I have the apple shape and my mother is diabetic and I don't want to go down that path. I have just started showing signs of fatty liver disease and the only thing that is going to help that is losing the weight. My docotr here is supportive of it which helps convince my parents. At 41 I shouldn't be concerned with what they think but just got out of a long term marriage (21 year union) and they are my support.

    My BMI was 37 as well, and there is a three year weight list for people with higher BMI! (Varies from province to province). My doc says the Canadian medical assoc just came out with the position that WLS should be offered to individuals before they develop the co-morbidities that go along with obesity, if there is a history of weight gain, loss regain etc. I feel the same as you, I don't want to go down that path....good luck. My surgery is Monday, November 18.

  17. Not nervous yet. I expect that later, maybe. No second thoughts or desire to " not jump out of the plane" either. Got to say clear fluids is a pain. But I have lost 29 pounds since the day back in June that I made the decision to have WLS...looking forward to having the pendulum swing in my favor against this obesity issue!

  18. I apologize in advance for this long vent, but I know all of you here would understand!

    I think you had a good response, and I think you definitely have a right to put your concerns forward. Many clinics and professional associations have complaint resolution processes, perhaps this clinic does too? At any rate, speaking up serves a good purpose, to help this doctor become a better one. You may want to consider letting your primary doc as well as surgeon know about this. Good for you for being willing to say " this isn't ok"! Whatever you do, let the stress go...be kind to yourself.

  19. hea

    Have had any problems with headaches? I start my liquid diet Wednesday but I'm allowed to have raw, fresh veggies also. Good luck!

    Oh yes I'm start day 7 of my liquid pre-op tomorrow. First 3 days constant headache.. also seems to be the consensus for a lot of liquider's on our FB support group too....so drink lots and lots and lots... if you wake up through the night, drink, turn over, drink. You may have to pee couple times through the night but that's a much better option than the headache. It did go away on day 4.. Good luck

    I have had some headaches, but their not bad ones. I think you observation about Fluid intake is sound. However, I have a really dry mouth feeling immediately after my Protein Shake. I am well hydrated so I don't think it is that. Has anyone else noticed this? (I am day 3 of the last pre-op stage of clear fluids)

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