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Posts posted by NicoleSW

  1. My surgeon said that medication only works in 30% of cases and that many people say it's the worst six months of their lives due to nausea, diarrhea, weakness, etc. I chose not to take it due to already having these constant symptoms since surgery on 11/6 even though I have already developed gall bladder "sludge."

  2. Same problem. He said some people just have to wait it out. I was on three different nausea meds at the same time and all they did was make my dry mouth worse. I was in the hospital for six days because of it and he ran every test in the book. No problems. He said I still have a lot of swelling internally and some gall bladder "sludge." So I'm waiting. Going into week six. I'm exhausted all the time. I'm starting to feel like the grandparents on Willy Wonka!

  3. I had my second large family event for the month yesterday. My aunt and uncles 25th wedding anniversary. My cousins ordered fifteen pizzas and breadsticks from pizza Hut. I brought chili and saltines and ate before everyone else, standing mostly by myself in the kitchen. My family is Italian so large meals are very normal. I'm feeling very isolated right now at family gatherings, they've always revolved around food...and lots of it. I sat with my family while they ate, joked and laughed with them but I miss pizza and chips and pop. I know this is saving my life but it's hard to remember that in the moment. People keep asking me what I can eat, "Can't you have a little bite?" "Why can't you have salad?" It's so hard to explain. My family is used to feeding people when emotion comes into play and they're not sure how not to do that.

    I just got out of the hospital earlier this week. I went to the ER thinking I was dehydrated. I wasn't. What I thought was going to be an overnight stay turned into 5 1/2 days of test after test. The good news is my nausea is finally subsiding and I've gotten in more food in the last two days than I probably did the entire two weeks before (which sounds bad but is actually good because I could barely get anything down). This is the hardest thing I have ever done and I definitely wasn't prepared mentally. I'm down 46 lbs from my heaviest weight. I can't see it yet. My family claims they can. I can feel it in some of my clothes which is awesome.

    It was one month as of yesterday. I'm hoping month two goes a bit more smoothly!

  4. I am constantly nauseous, I was feeling better when I ate puréed food yesterday, today nausea is back. My skin is so dry and has been since surgery. Put lotion on twice today and you can't tell at all. I constantly feel miserable! If you had dehydration post op, what symptoms were you seeing and what was the outcome (did you need IV fluids, etc.)

  5. I felt better today than I have since I had surgery on the sixth! They told us no straws but at my appt today they said some people are the opposite and get too much air without it and that was me! Plus I've been drinking iced lemon Water with a tad of truvia and that's helping too. The most amazing thing though was eating my puréed chicken salad! My nausea went away instantly almost! I have had very few moments without nausea since surgery and that break was a relief! I ate slow and it was awesome! I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel! FINALLY! Still getting nauseous but at least I know there can be some relief. I've lost 39 lbs since starting the program and about 24 since surgery.

  6. I hope you are all feeling better by now. I remember crying and wondering too if I had mad a bad choice. But, it really does subside and it really has been a blessing in my life. I had an aversion to sweetness at first too. The sugar substitutes were sickening! Even now, at 6+months out, I use less sweetener than ever. For instance, I used 10 packets of sweet n low in a gallon of tea before surgery, and for months afterwards used only 6 packets. I used 8 today. I ate a lot of scrambled eggs with onion on my soft foods. Keep drinking lots of Water and check back every day....we can keep encouraging you and you can see how each day brings more normalcy to your life. praying for you all.

    Thank you so much!!! I think my problem was that I went into this assuming recovery would be easy! I kept reading about feeling good after a couple days and when that didn't happen for me and then the nausea hit, I just became a puddle which is completely out of character for me! You are giving me hope darlin'! :)

  7. I've found out that if I actually make myself get out and do something, the nausea subsides. A lot of my nausea is psychological I think. Psyching myself out and just overthinking things. I'm going to find a counselor, I've been struggling with depression, spending a majority of my day in bed or on the couch watching Dr. Phil on YouTube. I haven't struggled with depression since my teenage years. This has been so tough for me and I'm not eating or drinking enough. I'm so done with the pity party. Can't wait to have my appt Monday to advance my diet. I have the hiccups all the time and times when I feel like air gets stuck in my chest and I can't get it to go up or down. I keep seeing all these people who feel great and amazing and energized so it's good to see I'm not the only one struggling.

  8. I remembered another humorous story! My second day there I decided to change my hospital gown. I had some blood on the one I was wearing from surgery and they had left me toiletries, towels, a wash cloth and new gown in my bathroom. I washed as best I could, then started attempting to put the gown on. After five minutes I was exhausted. Couldn't figure the dang thing out!! My friend had surgery the same day so I texted him and asked if his mom could send a nurse down to my room (I basically had one arm in and that was all haha). Then I hear a male voice call my name, crack the bathroom door and it was one of the bariatric surgeons checking on me. It had been about ten minutes at this point and I told him I couldn't figure the gown out so he starts trying to help. After a minute or so he says, "I can perform surgery but I have no clue how to put a hospital gown on!" He grabbed a nurse and she had me buttoned and tied in within about ten seconds. Said she could do it in her sleep. Who knew getting dressed would be so hard!! Lol!

  9. Hopefully last night... Day 2 wanted to stay because we tried liquids today and still a little pain now calves are in pain almost like there swollen..doesn't sound major will get a ultra sound tomorrow hopefully just Fluid or maybe sore because my muscle don't walk this much? My job I stand for long hours so pray for me I wanna go home

    My calves were really sore too! I was too tall for the hospital bed and realized I kept pushing against the bottom of the bed with my feet. That meant my calves were tense constantly, even while I slept! I also thrashed a lot when it wasn't quite time for my pain med yet and rubbed my skin raw on the scratchy sheets and the leg massager things. Geesh....I was a hot mess! Lol.

  10. I struggled with nausea too. About 3 weeks or so. Definitely drink your Water, I got dehydrated and had to go to hospital to get IV fluids. Also made a round of horrible Constipation happen! Weird, but I found that Crystal Light pink lemonade seemed to be something I could drink that would take some of the nausea out of me for a short bit at a time. Good luck, and won't be much longer. I am 6 mos out now and doing great.

    Thank you! I've needed to hear that. It's been enough to make me regret my decision. I can't wait until I don't regret it anymore. I've been having pity parties for myself about once a day lol. Just get overwhelmed sometimes! I want to avoid the hospital again...and the IV! Yikes...

  11. My nausea lasted two weeks. I'm 3 weeks post op now. Chamomile tea would ease it for a little while. Stay hydrated it only gets worse when you don't drink. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It gets better!!

    Thank you. I've been lying here praying for a time machine. Helps to know that others had nausea this long! I'll try drinking more, I know I haven't been getting enough.

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