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Posts posted by 2ndchanceadict

  1. For a few weeks now I have been having the shakes in my hands and arms. I told my PCP and he said he didn't think it was anything but to go see a neurologist. I asked the NUT and she said check your blood sugar, which I did and is normal. I then asked my Psych about meds since I have lost weight maybe it had something to do with it and he said no. My next step is to ask my chiropractor. It doesn't happen all the time. It feels like I have had a huge jolt of caffeine but haven't. Anyone else have this problem? Maybe dehydration?

  2. Thanks! I try and remind myself that I'm healing. If you have some meals let me know. I just eat meat and potato occasional veggies. I was raised meat starch What time?and veggie! That's what got me here

    I have tons! All with chicken breast.

    I buy the Perdue individually wrapped. They are easier. Get taco seasoning broil the chicken then chop up add seasoning like you do with meat. Serve with avocado slices and sour cream. If you can eat bread then use a soft taco shell. Sooooo good

    Get deli turkey breast chop up into small pieces add goat cheese (I use cranberry goat cheese) or feta cheese add avocado and small chunks of green apple.

    Spray chicken breasts with Pam. Then cover in shredded parm cheese and broil. Serve with some kind of veggie

    I also keep ready to eat mashed sweet potatoes on hand.

    Desert - get redi whip fat free, choc rice cakes sprinkles and strawberries or blue berries. Put whipped cream on rice cake put fruit on whipped cream and add sprinkles. Feels do decadent but not. I also get sugar free pudding and make a faux sundae with whipped cream and sprinkles

    I have more but tired of typing lol. Hope that helps

  3. I just hit week 6 and slowly starting regular foods. I am a massive addict. My boyfriend isn't really helping either. Don't stress yourself out. Get a really good chocolate Protein Shake, EAS or Premier Protein. Drink when you are hungry. You are supposed to eat 4-6oz every hour. Eat when you're hungry. If it involves a sweet or 10 shhhh lol do it. The whole thing is that you are in the healing stage. If you want I can give you some really good meals that totally feel like you are cheating but you're not.

  4. Hi there! I had the same thing. Not a big deal at all. I also have some issues with depression and anxiety. Just take your meds, make sure to tell your nurse at the hospital. Oh and definitely tell the anesthesiologist. They can give you something to relax while you are waiting. I think you'll do fine. Just be as open with your nurses and doctors. I see a therapist 2x a month, you should see one if you don't already. You will have a lot of emotions going through this whole process and having my therapist is helping me immensely. If you need to chat I'm here as well. :) good luck!

  5. Went to Sunday dinner with the family. All was great! Stuck to small portions and didn't overstuff myself. I did have a small piece of cake though hehe. Then all 10 of us got into a heated discussion about the ACA (I'm an insurance broker). I got so upset about the whole situation, I went "searching". Thank goodness I was full and was totally not able to eat anything. It was kind of bitter sweet though. ;)

  6. I am a total addict which is why I had this done. I am trying sooo hard to eat healthy but I always cave in. At least it's not as bad as before surgery. Before when I went to the grocery store hungry I would by all crap. Now I actually have to think about it and see if it will benefit me and comfort me. Very hard to do but I manage to do it :)

  7. I originally had lapband which after the first 6 months stopped working for me. It is a great tool and a really good friend had it done because of my progress. She has lost 100lbs in a year so I know it works. Finally 3 yrs later my dr said let's switch to VSG and so far I am very happy with my progress.

    If you really aren't sure maybe get the band, which isn't permanent. Essentially it is what makes you comfortable

  8. I haven't been eating great but not horribly either. I am 2 days away from regular food graduation. I have lost 37 lbs and lost 4 inches which I am really happy about. I think that because my food options were limited (soft foods) and my body is ready for real food, I have been eating whatever I can find. My weight has been stable for the last week and all of a sudden I went up 1 lb. I know this is nothing and I am probably fine and will be better when I get to real food. I can't get out of my own head though. I am so nervous though. Any words of wisdom?

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