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Posts posted by Getting-used-to-new-me

  1. if you are having problems finding good protien things to eat and the Vitamins there is a great site for people in the usa i actually even spent the money in canada to get it up here and the vitamins are awesome tasting and easy and the foods and Snacks and drinks are amazing it is call bariatricchoice.com lots of Protein in all the products and taste great. I must be a lucky one cause i have never felt like even had the operation and only thing for me is i have to focus on when i am eating to make sure i eat very slow and cheww..i have been sick lots but for the most part i am sure it was my own fault.

    Bariatricchoice.com is good. Our surgeons group recommends that and www.celebratevitamins.com. It would be nice to have a sampler box from these suppliers. A sampler box with individual servings of everything they offer would help us all to decide which we like, and which we don't BEFORE we order a 90-day supply!

  2. I like it also. I found it on Walmart.com and it comes in a 3 or 5 container bundle. Great price! Called the company and asked for coupons so they sent me three $5.00 off coupons. I thought that was terrific. I like the Cookies & cream but can only find that flavor on line. So far I have found 5 different flavors. Unlike a lot of powders out there Body Fortress does have 30 grams of Protein and I haven't been able to find higher.

    How'd you get those $5 off coupons? Can you get them more than once?

  3. In addition to most of those above that Laura mentioned: split peas, pinto Beans, garbanzos, refried beans, 1% milk, frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, frozen cauliflower, SF popsicles, hash browns, white fish fillets, oranges, lemon juice and Crystal Light to add to Water, non-salt seasonings, Clif bars, Body Fortress whey powders, GNC whey powder, canned Soups like split pea and Tomato, tomato juice, vegetable juice, Special K Protein flakes, potatoes, tortilla chips. Now that I look at it all, I'm doing more with more variety than I thought. Thanks for starting this Christi, I fell less deprived than I did! ;-)

  4. I am always tired. What is wrong . I had my surgery December 5th. So for I have lost 50 pounds. But the feeling of being tired and wanting to sleep all the time has me down.

    Just some ideas: low blood pressure, need for healing sleep, not enough calories, fat burning requires rest, blood loss from ulcers? Any of these could use a call to your doctor or nurse.

  5. A few things.

    1) we can only absorb 30-40 g of Protein at once.

    2) Go to Vitamin Shoppe and gt a bottle of this or that to try before buying a big tub of something

    you may not like. ( they also have sample pack sizes of Syntrax Nectar that you can mix with Water and its a very good juice type protein NOT like Isopure.< /p>

    3) I personally have the best luck with Nectars ( fruity ones) and OhYeah! ready to drink ( they are lactose free) in strawberry and banana.< /p>

    Thanks! I needed to know that about the protein grams absorption per feeding But what's your source?

  6. I just had a nice surprise. My husband and I are going to Italy and Greece for 2 weeks in June. I don't know what made us start talking about our passports but we did. So he goes and pulls mine out of our lockbox. We got it renewed in March of 2008.

    Here is where I digress a bit... so, my 'ah ha' moment was in november of 2006 while at my moms house. I didn't own a scale and she had one in her guest bathroom. I jumped on it and saw 267 pop up and realized I can't do this anymore (at 5'2", I was easily 140lbs overweight). It was right there that I decided to do whatever it took to take the weight off. If someone told me shooting horse pee into myself would work, I'd do it. Luckily for me my answer wasn't as gross. I scheduled a consult at the mayo clinic to get the lapband. Mayo has an extensive bariatric program and requires six months of appointments prior to surgery. I jumped in full force. By March of 2008 I was 25 lbs down, tracking my food religiously and exercising regularly. So when I had that picture it wasn't even my 'come to Jesus' moment but wow five years makes such a difference. As many of you know the band didn't work for me. I had it placed in June 2008 and did well the first 2 years. Then I started having terrible reflux and playing what I referred to as my food games ( waiting until 2 or 3 in the afternoon to eat, get stuck, throw up, look longingly as others ate around you knowing darn well you can't even swallow Water but you are starving). In December of 2012 I couldn't ignore it anymore. I made an appointment with mayo again to get an EGD and find out what was going on. I found oyt later that week that the two years of vomiting, reflux and heartburn had manifested itself into intestinal metaplasia. It was then I decided the band has to come out and I wanted converted. Having a friend die from Barrets several years ago, I knew I was done playing.

    June 2013 (almost five years to the day from my lapband) my band was taken out and I was converted to RNY. I was 220 on the day of surgery and am 160 this week. I am confident I will reach my goal if it takes me another 20 years. God willing horse pee won't factor in. ;)

    So back to my NSV.. Seeing that picture was a great visual reminder of my journey to this point and reminded me how every step along the way helped me get here. My relationship with food is better than it has ever been, I feel healthy and while I have the all too damiliar freakouts from stalls I never take my eye off of the prize. Me and my worth to achieve anything I desire.

    Another NSV is people double-taking on my passport and DL. I'll have to get new ones. But at $200 for the new passport and $25 for the new DL, I'm thinking it'll be the DL first!

  7. I know this is women's territory. But I'd like to share my own NSV, if I may. I was going through my old clothes, (mostly suit coats and sweaters), which I haven't worn for over ten years and found out they all fit! A couple of my suit coats could even be altered now to make them double-breasted! But my 19-year-old daughter saw me styling them and said "Ugh Dad, those are so '90's!" Little does she know they're actually '70's and '80's! Oh well, more donations for the thrift stores. ;-)

  8. I'd like to know about salad friendly ingredients as well! I'm pre op but am a vegetarian and I eat a very plant based diet.

    Welcome! I was vegan pre-surgery. But since then I've tried to get in the Protein however possible. I'm leaning back toward lacto-vegetarian, eating legumes and dairy for the protein. I just have such a hard time with pouch pain and meats. My nut says it's impossible to get enough vegan- only protein. The veggies I tolerate now are all soft, like tomatoes. I'm thinking my salads will be mostly soft, diced tomatoes with other soft, diced veggies.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
