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Posts posted by Getting-used-to-new-me

  1. Completely can relate. I work days. Husband works nights. And we have a 1 year old so for us we do a lot of quick meals that of course are unhealthy. At least on on a positive note we'd do always make something healthy for our daughter. Which I love and it shows with her because she loves fruits and veggies more than anything! I am trying to meal plan are nd figure out what he is going to eat post op and also plan for both of us pre op. I almost feel pre op may be a little harder! Lol

    Yes, I agree, everyone here says the pre-op Liquid Protein diet is the worst one. I'm confident we'll all get through this.

  2. I had surgery in march. I spent most of my time napping, sipping, watching recorded tv shows, and napping more! Then due to complications from surgery I ended up back in the hospital one week after my surgery for 16 more days. I spent that time napping, walking when I could, and getting on this app! :) good luck to you! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    Thanks kraney! I'm sorry about your complications. But how filled your days is what I expect to do too.

  3. My husband put it on Drive ins, Dines and Dives last night. I just looked and him and said really?? Haha. Lots of changes!

    Yes! My wife's having a hard time of it too. We pass ready made meals like pizza and subs and she asks if I wanna get one for dinner and I ask if she means for herself and our daughter. Then she says yes, lots of changes ahead. And I worry. We'll all get through these changes. We have to.

  4. I'm new here:) my surgery is scheduled for 12-31-13...talk about Happy New Year! I'm 47, currently weigh 241, 255 is my highest weight. I'm 5' 6.5" I'm heavier now than when I delivered my younger child 10 yrs ago. Not really doing it just for the weight but for the health issues I have due to weight. My asthma is out of control, GERD, arthritis in my hip requiring frequent steroid injections, sleep apnea...spend more time at the mayo Clinic than anywhere else it seems. I just want to have the energy and stamina to do fun things with my son like I did with my daughter when she was younger. I'm excited for the surgery but feeling anxious as well. The pain doesn't scare me as much as the mental part of the recovery process and the lifelong changes that go along.

    I hear you! I've got all the co-morbidities myself. I'm hoping and all my doctors say I'm likely to be med-free, if that's a word, after RNY. My surgery date is 12/10. So I start the Liquid Protein diet this Tuesday. From what I've heard, it's the worst of the diets. Andrew's right, it's all good and this is a safe place.

  5. I took two weeks off from work. I bought a couple new books and envisioned myself relaxing on my deck, reading in the sunshine with my dogs napping nearby. My surgery was May 30, my first full day home was June 2 so you would think my vision wasn't really out of line. But June was unseasonably cold and it rained a lot. The first few days I napped, read my book, watched movies, and napped some more. I moved around the house quite a bit to ease the gas pains. I was huddling under blankets in my Hubby's lazy boy with my dogs a lot of the time. I was pretty bored. It was too cold and wet to walk and the only thing that I was comfortable wearing was a sundress topped by a big old sweatshirt. After the first week the weather improved a bit so I could start walking. I began to feel human. I was cleared to drive so I went grocery shopping. Nine days after my surgery I was cutting grass in my yard. And I finally got to spend a couple days reading in the sun on my deck. By the time I went back to work I was feeling pretty good. :-)

    Thanks terry1118! That's the kind of thing I need to know. My coworker who had an RNY about a year ago said the worst part he remembered was the gas pains from the surgery when they inflated him to do the surgery. He recommended I get up and walk often afterwards.

  6. I wanted to start this thread by asking what everyone does to deal with the pain and the boredom of the downtime of early post-op. I've heard that you don't have an appetite for a while after surgery. I've also heard you have to take it easy for the first few weeks. I can only imagine taking just so much tv and movies. So what do you do with your time?

  7. Hello to all the December surgery folks out there. I am having RYGB on Dec 17th. I saw the doc and staff for my final appt a few days ago. I am starting my high protien, low carb (under 20 mg daily) early. I don't have to start until three weeks before, which is Tuesday the 26th of next week, but I thought I'd be a big girl and get it going early. So, yesterday I did a great job of eating lots of meat and cheese and I only consumed 12 grams of carbs. As always, I pounded the zero calorie fluids. Today I made lean hamburger meat balls, with low carb cheese, garlic, salt, pepper and and egg. I made some low carb brown gravy and enjoy these for brunch. I am not a big morning eater, but I love MEAT any time of day, so I enjoyed that. I am not a fan of eggs really, so to hide that in other foods to get in extra protien is a good. I really would love to drop 20 or so in this 3+ weeks, that I have before surgery. Can I do it?

    I was 401 in 2006.

    I had the lap band.

    I struggled to get/keep any weight off.

    I was 302 at the surgeon two days ago.

    I am having surgery on Dec 17th (RYGB)

    My goal weight to start with is 180.

    Heck, I cannot wait to be in the 200's then out of them in the 100's,

    Would love to hear from any of you out there that can "relate" to me!

    Happy Journey to all.

    Kari Jo-Washington State

    A few of us here are in WA too. I'm in Spokane. Welcome!

  8. I do have some ideas. I've already tried several of my favorite Soups pureed. You're right about watching the high-calorie ingredients. I've liked all the soups that I've experimented with. I think that's a good rule for experimentation--to try low-fat, low carb foods that you'd normally eat, pureed at high speed in your blender. I think this would also be the best for eating with the family too. You just puree for yourself what everyone else is eating, as long as it's low fat and low carb. And as for blenders, I know you can spend almost any amount on a blender. But my favorite is just a glass jar Oster brand you can get at almost any store. Here comes pureed turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy! (I haven't tried that yet. But you get the idea!) BRING ON THE BABY FOOD!!! ;-)

  9. Thanks AndreG and terry1118! I hope to be able to say the same after surgery! A friend of mine had similar positive experiences after his vertical sleeve surgery. But he was still using CPAP. Do you know if CPAP must be continued after surgery?

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