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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by AuriP

  1. Hey folks. It seems to be like everytime I come on to complain as soon as I do it, I drop weight. I finally, Finally broke a 10 week stall. Lost 6 lbs in a matter of 10 days. Really, really hoping to continue and not stall out again.

    So some news I haven't quite shared yet. My husband and I are going cruising June 8th. Very first time ever going on a trip alone and will be the first time I ever go on a cruise or even in Florida! We are going to Miami, Key West FL, and Cozumel Mexico! So excited. Just not getting everything ready for us to go.

  2. Hey folks, been been a while. Not doing so good and am so sad and happy to see the amazing losses. I've been stuck within 4 lbs up and down for the past 2 months. I feel like I'll never get there, I've been eating right and exercise, I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm seriously ready to throw in the towel and am really regretting even doing this to myself. All that alterations for 50 lbs.

  3. Update: the last 2 months were a bit rough for me, very slow losses, one month was only 2 lb loss. While that was happening, I lost a massive amount of inches though. I took measurements from hips, belly button, waist, arms, legs and bust. All those together were 243 at the start of Janurary, 3 weeks ago I took the measurements again and it was 226.75, that's a total of 16 inches lost. I lost 4 inches off my hips alone. Just this week I went in and tried on some pants, they were a size 12 (a bit tight around the stomach but they fit and zipped. So if the scale fails you, just know you are indeed losing inches. So far I've lost a total of 52" since the beginning of my journey. From a 22/24 to now a just right 14 and tight 12. Also I've gone down another 6 lbs and am 194.


  4. I had the band in June 2009, I lost 25 lbs and that was it. I wanted the sleeve but my doctor said it would be best for me to do the bypass. I got the bypass in Oct 2014 and have lost down to 194 from 250, my goal is 130 and I'm sure I will get there by my surgeversary. Good luck on your choice.

  5. So been a little while. I beat that hump of 199 and sitting at 194/195. I was sick all last week so that probably contributed. I went shopping this Friday and decided to check out some sizes. I went to target and tried on 2 sizes, a size 12 and 14. Both could be zipped and fit over my purge of a belly. Shock and amazement was all that I could think of. Still shocked to this day. Once I fit comfortably in a size 12 I will officially have 2 sizes left to get to my goal of a size 8!!! Also I have 4 more lbs to get to half way to my goal of 130lbs. Here's some pics of my journey so far.


  6. Thanks for the encouragement all. Im too stuck on the you have to lose the majority of your weight by 6 months thing. It seemed like such a daunting task once I hit around 200 lbs and the scale was crawling by. I don't need to lose 20 lbs a month but at least let the scale move down every week. I wasnt doing that and I was becoming very frustrated. I was pretty sick over the weekend and not focused on my weight at all, I gave my pouch a rest and was really focusing on fluids since my appetite took a dive. I lost 6 lbs but not in the way I wanted to. I know this is a life style change I guess I just need to wrap my head around the fact of it not being a sprint off the jump. I've always been an impatient individual and I guess my body let me know that, it will do its thing the way it wants and no amount of me begging will change it. Lol.

  7. @@AuriP - Can you share how much you upted it? And are you tracking carbs and fats? If so where do you try to keep them. There's a sweet spot I'm sure the body likes and it looses more when you reach it. My problem is at this point it's all a guessing game as to how much of each I should be eating! Congrats on the loss and fingers crossed it keeps on moving down at a faster pace!

    My nut always wanted me to stay at 60 mg but that wasn't happeneing. I started using supplements and using those getting my 60 required, then whatever I eat is bonus, so maybe up to 90 or so grams. I don't eat much in the way of fat so I don't track that like I should, I do know I stay within the recommended for my fitness pals 1200 calorie diet.

  8. Goodness, it's been a while, I've bounced up and down the 200 lbs scale for the last 7 weeks, I'm tired. I'm frustrated, I guess it's at a crawl now and I got stuck at this point then gained up, waiting until I see the elusive 199, it's hiding from me and I feel like surgery isn't working for me. Sigh, I hate coming here with disappointing news but I don't have much to share, I am still losing some inches and no real Hair loss. Here's some updated photos. I'm in some 16's in all stores and some 14's in some stores. (2nd pic is the 16's, 3rd pic is the 14's)




  9. Today is a day for celebration! Well, one celebration, tomorrow may be another one. Today I weighed in at 200.8 lbs. Thats 50 lbs loss from my heighest weight. This is also the lowest I've been since I can recall from 2006, when I was pregnant with my daughter. I didn't cry ugly tears,yet. I imagine I will once I find that illusive 199 lbs mark. It's so close I can taste it. I managed to find out that I lost around 6 lbs last month give or take a lb. Although it has averaged 10.5 lbs a month since surgery. That is the average amount of loss. My expatations may have been premature and I feel like I will make many of those premature assumptions in the future. Whoever said WLS was easy, have no single idea what they are talking about, we have to struggle with our minds and bodies daily, we have to find ourselves, find the love we may have lost or had stolen from us with hurtful words, evil eyes and our own words repeated in our heads over and over again. One day I will hope that I can look back at this and Say, what were you so worried about? You were beautiful then, you were loved then, you were accepted then. So today I Celebrate the fact that I've lost 50 lbs, and want to lose so much more, but for today its amazing.

  10. It has greatly affected me. I am happier that In longer am so large. I lok at food totally different now. I am able to say no to foods that I wasnt able to before. I am so close to being in wonderland. 3 lbs. It cant come soon enough in my honest Opinion. I am hoping that I finally broke the stall I am on. We'll see tomorrow when I step on the scale.


    Glad you found something new to try. It's a struggle for me too. Today is 3 months since my surgery and I am yet to make it through a full week of 5 days of exercise. Everyday it seems something happens preventing me from exercising. Hit and miss. I know, lasting success is only achieved with regular exercise. But everyday I do something but not always a full workout.

    Weight is going to come off slower from now on and some of it it's going to require more effort on out part. Oh well, we knew it was coming. But I already feel like a winner. Feeling so much better and my energy level is so much better. Every once in a while I still run out of steam mid-afternoon but not as often.

    How has your weight loss impacted your life so far?

  11. Welp day 2 of my new exercise program and my legs feel like Jello. It really does. I bought this beach body work out called PiYo. It's piometrics and yoga rolled into one, by Chalene. Low impact which is what I need. Hopefully it jump starts my weight loss again. Down to 203 so in total from the surgeons scale weight of 208 I'm down 5 lbs this month. Half of what I usually lose.

  12. @ Beni, I think I will hold off until 2/2 then if no change I will go in. I've lost even a few inches in the last week so I'm sure my stall will be over soon. I've been good with my Water and Vitamins, I probably need to slow a bit on the starch, so I will eliminate them from my diet completely even though I am allowed them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
