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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by McButterpants

  1. Backstory - going to Las Vegas from the northwest for surgery due to self-pay.

    I was feeling increasingly uneasy about the local team (doctor, nutritionist, & social worker) that I was working with for the past few weeks. Last week, I felt like the doctor was "mad" at me for choosing Dr. Umbach down in Las Vegas as opposed to going thru the insurance appeals process which is what he wanted me to do. I was very upfront with this team by telling them I was considering going to Dr. Umbach from the beginning. Quite frankly, I wasn't prepared for the roller coaster of appeals, rejections, appeals, rejection. I felt like I was ready to move on with surgery prep and my efforts we better spent doing that then spinning my wheels with insurance. I also have a very specific exclusion in my policy - basically anything weight related is not covered (behavior modification, pills, etc. - it's not covered). I felt really comfortable with my decision on going to Dr. Umbach. So, I told them last week that I was going with another doctor and since then, he has been really difficult. In retrospect, I think he was trying to make it hard on me to go elsewhere for the surgery - things like requiring Dr. Umbach to do the 2 week and 1 month post op visit, requiring me to make two trips back down to Las Vegas for follow ups.

    So, I contacted the other local hospital here which has a Weight Management department and was contacted immediately by their patient coordinator. She was friendly, upbeat and sounded more than willing to help me. I told her my dilemma and said the local after care is my biggest concern. I need a good group of people here locally to help ensure my success. She said she would talk to the doctor and would call me back. I was like, "yeah, she'll call me back at the end of the week" About 20 minutes later she called back and said, "The doctor would love to work with you. Can you come in this afternoon to meet her?" I arrived at their office and was welcomed - literally welcomed with open arms. I met with the doctor for about 30 minutes - she's very nice, asked me a lot of questions, explained the surgery and said she would do the 2 week and 30 day follow up as long as I don't have a drain. Then I met with the patient coordinator and she was equally as fantastic.

    I am so relieved. My husband saw a difference in me when I got home - he said, "You feel really good about them don't you?" It was really like a weight was lifted. It's one less thing I have to worry about.

  2. I want to...(in no particular order)

    Walk into a room and not worry or think about if I'm the fattest one there.

    Feel attractive.

    Have the energy to be a mom that can do active things with her son - maybe embarrass him by breaking out into a river dance in front of his friends..

    Take the 3 mile uphill hike up to the lake.

    Run. Run with wild abandonment.

    Have my picture taken - there has to be some documented proof that I existed.

    Smile. A lot. I have a lot of time to make up for.

    Shop for clothes in the Misses section, not in the plus department that has the worse selection and prints that look like they belong on a 1970's vintage couch or window covering. (Sore spot, obviously)

    Sit in a chair and not worry that the creek I'm hearing is the chair asking for help or a warning it's going to break.

    Sit in a booth...comfortably.

    Have my wedding rings fit comfortably and not look like they are forced on a Breakfast sausage.

    Take a walk without fearing some smart ass kid isn't going to yell something out the window of his car at me like "Speed up!" "It's going to take more than a walk!"

    Not fear seeing old friends.

    Be proud of myself.

    OK - that's enough for now.

  3. My son turned 14 this month - I don't think he's mature enough to go thru this with me.

    I agree with the other folks that posted - I would do it alone before I brought him into this.

    I would worry about "IF" something went wrong. That would stay with him for the rest of his life.

    The juice isn't worth the squeeze on this one, in my humble opinion.

  4. I am out 5 weeks so i am stepping down things, diet wise, a week at a time. Stopped caffeine 2 weeks ago. Started sipping my liquids in stead of gulping. This week. The next 2 or 3 weeks, depending on final surgery date, reducing calorie intake

    Thanks for the reply, Chris. We about a week apart on our tentative surgery dates!

    I'm worried about the coffee (as I sit here with my second cup)! I plan on starting to cut back this week and maybe switch to hot green tea or something like that. I'm going to ween myself off the java.

    I hope this upfront work we are doing will make the recovery and subsequent diet changes easier.

    Good luck!

  5. I don't go to the grocery store nearest my house for fear I will run into someone I know.

    I won't return a Facebook message of a friend I haven't seen in 15 years because she wants to get together for coffee and I'm embarrassed by what I've become. (My rational mind knows she will NOT judge me.)

    I won't shop at the mall to shop for clothes - I only shop on line.

    I have no pictures of myself in the past 15 years - I am always the one taking the picture so I don't have to be in the picture.

    I felt the same way about my husband until we sat down and had an honest conversation about my weight for the first time in ....well, ever. I told him I can't believe he finds me attractive and would want to touch me. I was wrong and let's just say, things in that department have been much, much better in the past couple of months. It was MY hangup, not his.

    Stay strong! Believe in yourself.

  6. I'm doing this for my family - I want to be there for my son now and do things with him and I want to grow old with my husband.

    I am doing it because I'm exhausted. I've tried, tried and tried again to lose weight "conventionally".

    I am doing this because I see a future that doesn't appeal to me - diabetes, joint pain, a sedentary lifestyle, difficulty doing the most mundane tasks around the house. (I see this because my mother is living it right now - I don't want to.)

    Am I scared - heck yeah I'm scared. But I'm committed to making myself better.

    I wish you luck in your journey - I know it's a tough decision. You'll know what is right for you.

  7. My husband and i are getting sleeved tomorrow! we could eat a big Breakfast but have been on clears all day- im starving!!! As far as prep tho..... Our doc makes you do south beach all along but the week before surgery you have to go back to phase one.... Needless to say i'd give anything for a whole wheat turkey sandwich right now;). Good luck to all the other "preppers" out there!

    Best of luck to you the hubby tomorrow! Keep us posted.

  8. I am 4 days away from my surgery:) No pre op diet!!!! I'm eating all the foods I am forever saying goodbye to. My long term goal is to be on a Mediterranean way of eating. I bought a membership from a gym and I bought my 1st week of foods. I also bought the anti bacterial soap to use the night before surgery and the morning of surgery. I am headed to Walgreens to pick up my liquid pain medication and I have paid for my take home pay pump. I am so ready :)

    Beauty29 -

    Wow - 4 days away. Awesome! Best of luck to you.

    Thanks for your tips!

    Keep us posted on your progress!

  9. Hi, all.

    I'm just over 6 weeks from my surgery date (11/14/13). I'm wondering what you pre-sleevers are doing to prepare yourself for the pre-op liquid diet, post-op diet, and general preparations. Any post-operss with the helpful hints would be appreciated as well!

    I'm starting to exercise (walking and planning on starting back at the gym), I'm trying different shake varieties and flavors, I'm eating smaller meals and I'm working on getting my home office cleaned up (for some reason that's important to me).


  10. Hey there, Cyster!

    I'm about 7 years older than you, but your history is similar to mine. I was finally diagnosed with PCOS just last year - apparently telling every doctor you've ever been to you have never had a regular period (maybe 3 a year - one doctor actually said "that would be nice"), you've been gaining weight consistently since age 18, etc. didn't warrant a proper diagnosis.

    So, welcome to the forum and good luck with your journey. Imagine yourself being able to play with that little jelly bean baby of yours. I have a 14 year old son and my hope is that when I'm done with surgery my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.

    Take good care.

  11. My grandma used to say, "Don't let the a**holes get you down." It was funny coming from an old lady. I didn't realize how true it was until I got older and have been more exposed to them!

    Congrats on your decision and keep up the good work.

    Best of luck to you!

  12. Good Saturday morning to everyone!

    So I was reading thru some posts yesterday and saw someone (can't remember who - I'm sorry) said she took a living will with her in her documents when she went for surgery (I believe she was traveling out of her area). I never thought of that...duh it makes sense.

    Then I got to thinking, "What else haven't I thought of?"

    Any suggestions out there from post-op sleevers for us soon-to-be-post-op-sleevers? Living will, power of attorney, etc. anything like that?

  13. Dont you know we are not supposed to use straws!! They will blow up your tummy!!

    True story about soft drinks unrelated to the confessional part of this thread...When I went to the information session about VSG, the doctor said he had had the VSG surgery. He was sipping on a diet Coke during the seminar when he shows a slide about forbidden foods and it mentioned soft drinks. I thought that was ironic.

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