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Posts posted by McButterpants

  1. On my pre-op, I wouldn't be allowed a smoothie from Extreme juice.< /p>

    I'm allowed 2 Protein smoothies and a lean and green dinner - trying to get in 60 grams of protein.

    the NUT in my doctor's office told me this week to have "a couple of blueberries or strawberries in your protein shake" So I asked her, "When you say a couple, are you talking about a 1/4 cup or something like that?" Her response: "Less than a quarter cup." Yeah, that's like 2-3 strawberries - literally A COUPLE.

    Good luck with your pre-op!!!!

  2. You got this. Look at it as an opportunity to start and follow through with better choices. You'll be getting yourself into the best shape you can for your upcoming surgery. AND, you didn't have the added time to dive into "food funerals", leading to possible gain.

    Stay strong, it is worth it!!

    There is a great thread here http://www.verticals...an-opportunity/

    Don't worry about what you may or may not have missed out on, you'll be able to have your favorites again if you choose after surgery.

    Best of luck!!

    Thanks for posting that, Jerseygirl! I e-mailed it to myself for future reference!!!!!

    I'm starting my two week liquid diet next week, so trying to prep. I like the word OPPORTUNITY and will try to look at it that way. It might not always be easy, but she's right - this is two weeks out of my life and the beginning stages of my new life.

  3. I have been so up and down these past few days. I even sat down with a piece of paper and wrote down the pro's and cons. Seriously! I sat down and told my husband, "I just need to you to listen to what I'm saying, I don't want you to try to fix this, just listen" and we had a really good conversation which included some of his fears for me.

    We then got off our a$$es and went to the gym. I did 55 minutes of cardio and sweated A LOT. It felt good and it helped clear my brain. I think sometimes I sit around thinking too much and when it gets unproductive is when I get myself in trouble.

    We're all in this together. I agree, this is a great forum to come to and put your fears and confessions out there. Sometimes I expect a swift kick in the butt and others, I expect kind words of encouragement.

  4. Welcome and congrats on your decision!

    I love the story about telling your kids. My 14-year old's first question was "is my diet going to change?"

    I agree with RJ, take this time to prep. Practice taking the small bites. Work on finding a Protein drink that works for you (don't buy a lot, your tastes may change). Practice eating with out drinking. Don't eat in from of the TV - eat in a calm environment at a table. And, my most difficult talk, cut out caffeine - I am doing it slowly.

    My surgery is 11/14, so I'm a couple of weeks before you. I have a 2 week liquid pre-op diet. ugh.

    Again, welcome and good luck.

  5. I'm reading your responses with tears in my eyes. Thanks so much for the support. It's much needed.

    I went for a walk shortly after my post - just the dog and me. I had some time to reflect and have an attitude adjustment. By the time I got home I felt better, then read the kind words you all wrote. My sincerest thank you goes to all.

    You are all right - I'm fearing the unknown. I have read gamegirls & RJ'sbeginnings posts for the past few weeks and feel inspired when I read their words. The pre-oppers that have posted - thanks for sharing your thoughts. We're all in this together.

    I'm thankful we have this forum to share our thoughts, fears and the many successes.

    So I decided rather than wallow, I will work TOWARDS my goal. I work from home and sit at my desk A LOT. I purchased an adjustable height table so instead of sitting it will force me to stand while working. The hubby and I put it together and I'm getting my office straightened out so I can start working the new way tomorrow.

    Thanks, friends, I appreciate your support.

  6. My surgery date is 11/14/13 and I start my two-week liquid diet on 10/31/13. I’m feeling particularly emotional lately and more so today. I don’t know why and I guess it doesn’t matter why I’m more emotional today than I was yesterday or 20 minutes ago.

    I’m having difficulty sleeping; I’ve been having weird dreams the past few nights. In my dreams, I look really different than what I assume I’ll look a year down the road (funny, in my dreams, my breasts get bigger and perkier, my hair changes color and it’s think and long – the hubby likes that). I’ve been moody; some things my husband says just set me off (more than usual – the hubby doesn’t like that). I think about food more than I did a couple of weeks ago. And I’m worried about the two-week liquid diet I will start in ten days. I’m cutting back on caffeine and refined sugars and trying to watch my portion sizes (it’s great, I haven’t lost a pound – note sarcasm).

    I have thoughts like: “Can I really do this?” “What if I fail at this like every other attempt to lose weight?” “What if I’m not strong enough to do this?”

    I’m not having second thoughts on the surgery, I am committed to this and my rational brain tells me that everything will be OK. But that little voice in the back of my head that has berated me for so long, that bully that laughs at me every time I get on the scale and it doesn’t move continues to mock me and calls me disgusting. There’s that lingering self-doubt. I lack confidence that I will be successful at losing weight when I’ve been such a failure before. Will I ever get rid of that little b***h in the back of my head? How do I snuff her out? How do I take away her power over me? Why am I giving that abusive voice so much power?

    I assume at least some of you post-oppers felt like this before your surgery. I know I need to buck up and think of this as a new beginning. I am blessed to have this opportunity to turn things around. I just don’t know how to get over this funk I am in. Any suggestions?

  7. I discussed it with my husband first - he's very supportive. Called my best friend and got her input, again, very supportive. Next was my parents - they were the hardest, they both cried, but are totally on board (after I explained the surgery to them). Then came my son - he was actually the easiest, which surprised me. Not planning on telling anyone else right now.

    I'm glad your family was supportive - it's important to have positive people around you during this process.

    Best of luck.

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