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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by McButterpants

  1. McButterpants

    Comparison: VSG to C section?

    My recovery from VSG was seamless...not one complication, limited pain and never got sick. I took one pain pill during recovery and that was more to get sleep than to get rid of pain. If I compare to my c-section...my c-section was a more difficult recovery.
  2. McButterpants

    Surviving 10 day hotel stay

    I've been traveling a lot myself the past couple of months and having similar situations - sitting in meetings and not able to eat on schedule like my body likes. I put Snacks in my bag and had my bag by my side...I had Protein bars (which I try to use sparingly usually) and almonds (I had some beef jerky, but it has a strong odor and I didn't want to draw attention to myself, so that stayed in the bag!). I also made sure I had some Crystal Light packs in my bag since plain Water still makes me gag, even one year after surgery. It's challenging, but doable.
  3. I was self pay and went out of my area for surgery - I selected a local bariatric surgeon who took me on as a patient even though she didn't perform the surgery. I pay $120 for my visits with her. For me, it was important to have aftercare and follow up visits with her. I wanted to have a local resource where I can go to make sure what I'm feeling is normal and she can look at my bloodwork and determine if anything is wrong. I get the blookwork requirements from the surgeons office, then have my primary care doctor order the bloodwork so my insurance will pay (they have to code it as anything other than weight loss for the insurance to cover). I then take my results to the surgeon. That has saved me about $1400 this year. In the end, as with everything else with this journey, you need to do what's best for you. I feel like I get a value from my surgeon's visits and I really like what she offers.
  4. McButterpants

    Not Losing Weight

    You just went thru major surgery - give your body a break. It's still trying to figure out what you've done to it. Be patient and follow your doctor's instructions...the weight will come off. If you haven't started taking measurements (upper arms, neck, bust, chest, waist, hips, thigh, calf, etc), do so now. It will be most helpful when you're in a stall to see your body getting smaller. Also, start making a photo journal - I love looking back at my pictures and seeing myself shrink. You got this! You're doing fine.
  5. McButterpants

    Scared to Death for Post Op

    I haven't vomited once. Never got the slimes. The only thing that has made me feel nauseous were my bariatric Vitamins (learned I had to take them with food, now they are fine). Strictly follow your doctor's orders - that will give you the best chance for success! Fear is normal - I almost backed out of surgery the night before and the day of surgery. I am so happy I didn't - this was the best thing I could have done for myself. Best of luck to you!
  6. McButterpants

    So excited!

    Congratulations! You're doing great!
  7. McButterpants

    3 Month Stall ?

    Hi there. Happy New Year. I had a stall at three months and after the stall, that's when my weight loss started to slow down. The three and four month mark were struggles for me mentally because of the slow down - exercise helped me mentally. Everyone's loss is different. Your body is unique - your weight loss will be unique as well. Glad your measuring - that always helped me when the scale stopped moving. Take lots of pictures, too. I love looking back and seeing the transformation. Best of luck to you!
  8. Last year at this time I was about 2 weeks post-op. Some of my family didn't know I had weight loss surgery, so I pretended to be sick and stayed at home. I was cleared for a tiny bit of mashed potato and a little (well chewed) turkey. I remember thinking "What did I do to myself?" I felt sorry for myself. The following 12 months was a whirlwind of emotion, hard work, giggles, tears, frustration, etc. If there was an emotion, I felt it. Today, I ran a 5K to support our local food bank. A year ago, I would have never imagined I would run a 5K - OK, full disclosure, I ran and walked. A year ago I would have never imagined I would be addicted to hot yoga and I love to hike. I love being active. So, for all you guys that are newly post-op or soon to be post-op - there is light at the end of the tunnel. You're going to struggle, you're going to feel high highs and low lows. But you will get thru this and you'll find out you're so much stronger than you thought you were. I finally realized I am so much more than a number on the scale. Today I am thankful for this forum - it has helped me greatly over the past 15 months. I am thankful for the surgery that saved my life. I am thankful for my body that didn't give in even though I've abused it for decades. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, you guys! Take good care of yourselves.
  9. McButterpants

    So Cold!

    I am a year post-op...a year ago I was cold all the time. I wish I could say a year later things have changed - not so much. I am writing this with wool socks, Under Armour Storm (fleece lined) pants, sweatshirt and blanket. But I will say...I'll take the cold over the 75 pounds I've lost!
  10. McButterpants


    @@VGB, I had a hernia repaired as well.
  11. McButterpants

    Anyone stop all Thyroid Rx post op?

    I stopped my thyroid meds 2 weeks prior to surgery thru 2 weeks post-op when my doc told me to start taking them again. My levels are back to where they need to be. My docs concern is my nodules - we don't want them to get bigger.
  12. McButterpants

    Lack of attraction

    I'm down 75 pounds and sometimes feel like my "old self". I can't explain it. I went shopping the other day and found myself looking for the XXL or plus sizes. I can't explain it. Also, my first 49 pounds went unnoticed...When I hit exactly 50 pounds, two people said something to me about my weight loss. It was weird. I wondered why no one said anything prior to that? Maybe because I was wearing very loose fitting clothes? It has taken some getting used to being this small - I haven't been this size in decades. Sometimes when I look at pictures, it's like I'm looking at a stranger. This isn't every day I feel like this and it is getting better. I think we all have an adjustment period to trying to figure out who we are now - my personality has changed, my view of people has changed, my confidence has changed, and obviously, my appearance has changed. I often wonder if this is what people who have drastic plastic surgery feel like? I would definitely start a photo journal - that has helped me. I started from the day I decided to have surgery and have continued thru the past year. Seeing the changes in my body and face has been helpful - on those days where I think "nothing's changed", it helps bring me back to reality.
  13. McButterpants

    7 mos out, failing horribly... ????

    I agree with a lot of the previous posters...get back to basics. I belong to another on-line group that had their surgeries at the same time and something similar happened to all of us around the same time. I kind of felt like at that point I no longer "feared" my sleeve...I became more comfortable and I knew what I could eat and, quite honestly, it was around then that I found what I could do to eat around my sleeve. Here's where the hard work comes in - you're sleeve has been doing the work the since surgery. Now, you are in control. You are in control of what you put in your mouth and how much you move your body. Go back to doing what works - Protein first, get junk out of the house, drink your Water and move your body. You're going to be fine - you got this.
  14. McButterpants


    @@VGB, I am a telecommuter, so I had it easy...I had surgery on a Thursday and went back to work 1/2 days the following Monday (worked a full day on Tuesday). That week I got tired very easily, so it was nice to only have to put in a few hours a day. I would say if I had to get up, get dressed and go to an office every day, I would have needed a week to 10 days off.
  15. McButterpants


    In admitting at 6:00 am and out at noon...I was a little nervous about the outpatient thing at first, but we located the nearest hospital (I was self-pay, so we traveled out of the area) and we had my surgeon's cell number, just in case. All was well and I rested comfortably at the condo we rented.
  16. McButterpants


    My doc required me to be caffeine free prior to surgery...I tried cold turkey and couldn't do it. I was really surprised at my body's caffeine addiction. I was a 4-5 cup a day person - I slowly started to cut back, switching to a 1/2 caff/1/1 decaff cup once a day, then twice a day. It took me about 2 weeks to be completely off caffeine. 2 weeks prior to surgery, I was caffeine free and drinking decaf green tea in stead of coffee. It's not easy, but for me it was very temprorary - I was able to start coffee again around week 4, I think, I just had to pinkie shake with my doctor that I wouldn't go back to my old habits. I now drink 2-3 cups of real coffee per day. After surgery, once I was approved for coffee, I didn't enjoy it. It would take 45 minutes to drink a cup of coffee. It was frustrating, but like with everything else, it gets better with time.
  17. McButterpants

    "Stop" signs

    I would have a hiccup-burp combination or my nose would run - once that happened, I had to stop immediately...one more bite and I was in major pain!
  18. McButterpants

    I am a "veteran" today!

    It seems impossible, but I am one year out today... This process became about so much more than a number on the scale. I have finally am living the life I am meant to live. While I do wish the scale reads a lower number, it's not as important to me as it once was. I am no longer held back because of my weight. I am healthy for the first time in decades. I like myself again. I lost so many years being unhappy. I became disconnected from friends and family. I allowed my weight to drag me down. I realize that now. I realize that to my friends and family, I was just me. They didn't judge me, they loved me even when I couldn't love myself. My husband loved me at 256 pounds and he loves me now. My son didn't see his fat mom before, he just accepted me as I was. I know this now. This year has been amazing! It has been full of tears, laughter, mourning and celebration (sometimes all of those things in the same day)!!!! I found out I love hot yoga. If you would have told me a year ago that I would have laughed! I love to hike. I love to go to the gym and work out. I am more outgoing socially than I was a year ago. I got a promotion - I don't think that's directly related to the weight loss, I think it's because I am no longer hiding in the background. I have so much more confidence! I can shop in the Misses section and can shop at Eddie Bauer, one of my favorite stores! I haven't shopped there in 20 years. I can now wear anything in the store, not have to order on line out of the Plus section. I have learned so much from this forum and the members who are kind enough to post and answer questions. This has been and still is a valuable tool for me to use. I try to help others as they have helped me. So, thank you!
  19. I don't feel comfortable with "journey" though I've used it for lack of a better word. I've used process. I really like "adventure"!!!!!!!! That is spot on!
  20. I can relate - I'm sitting here with wool socks, sweat pants, tank and sweatshirt, topped off with two blankets. I cannot get warm. Milk - doesn't bother me, but the 1/4 cup of ice cream I just had is bothering my tummy a little.
  21. McButterpants

    shakes with bananna

    I will use 1/4 of a banana if I do - and I make sure it's not an overripe banana. I mainly use blueberries and strawberries.
  22. McButterpants

    Diet Cheating!

    Good for you - put verbs in your sentences...I will eat what is on my plan today. I will drink my water today. I will work towards getting my protein minimums in. No one is perfect - we all do the best we can. So today, do better than yesterday. Tomorrow, do better than today. Remember - follow your doctors plan. Plan ahead, so those old habits have a harder time coming back in your life.
  23. McButterpants

    Diet Cheating!

    So just because you don't feel pain doesn't mean it's OK. You could be damaging your sleeve. Our doctors give us a post-op plan for a reason and those directions should be followed. I also think you need to figure out why you're "cheating" - it doesn't matter what you call it (food addiction, eating disorder, cheating, whatever), you're doing something you shouldn't. Cheating is throwing this opportunity you've been give out the window. You want to be "normal"? Sweetie, you're going to have to find your new normal. And, in the beginning, it's a huge sacrifice so you can eventually get to relatively normal. Even a year out, I don't eat some of the things you're eating now because it's not the right thing to do.
  24. McButterpants


  25. McButterpants

    09 14 14

    From the album: PIctures

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
