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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by McButterpants

  1. McButterpants

    Scared and unsure

    You're the one that has to live in your body and mind...Not your family, not your friend. Yes, there's a stigma to weight loss surgery - people do not realize what it entails. Some may say this is the easy way out - I can guarantee you, that is not the case. Here's what I know...I was not going to lose the weight on my own. I had metabolic syndrome, I was pre-diabetic, and have thyroid issues. What I would need to do to lose weight was not sustainable - I would have to severely restrict my calories and work out many hours a day in order to lose a few pounds. Giving it "one more try" wasn't going to work. I finally decided to lose weight when I reached 256 pounds - barring marrying my husband and having my son, the decision I made on 08/21/13 was the best decision I made in my life. I decided to tell 5 people prior to surgery and have only told one more person since surgery. I don't expect people to understand my decision - sometimes I can't believe I decided to do it myself; it is a very drastic action. This is your decision - people around you are going to have their opinions. I decided early on that since I didn't want to hear negativity, so I was very careful who I told. My dad totally did not understand - he asked me "Will you be able to give up all of those foods you love?" My reply was, "Dad, I have eaten enough bread for a lifetime. It's time to stop." He started to cry - he totally didn't understand. Now, he asks me about my diet and how I feel when I eat. He calls the surgery "a necessary surgical procedure". He sees how great my life is now and how happy I am - I am finally living the life I am supposed to live. So, do what you need to do for you - this is your life.
  2. McButterpants


    Early on, I made sure I ate very slowly - I downloaded an app called Eat Slower on my phone. You set it to chime at intervals and you take a bite when it chimes. I set mine at 1 minute. I chewed really good - 15-20 times per bite (even foods like refried beans). Eating slowly is going to help. YOu also have to listen to your body - it may give you clues that you're starting to fill up. I would do a hiccup / burp thing or my nose would start running - I needed to stop immediately on those clues because a bite or two after that I was stuffed and in pain. I do have a suggestion for all sleevers - your goal is not to eat until full...your goal is to eat until you don't feel hunger any longer or eat until "satisfied". That's why eating slowly is so important - it helps you identify when you're getting rid of hunger. If you eat quickly, it's easy to over eat. My doc also made sure to point out that the portion size on her post-op diets were the "maximum" amount to eat. Do not exceed that quantity of food and remember, you don't have to eat everything - again, eat until satisfied. Hope this helps
  3. I lost a lot of hair...I mean a lot of hair. My stylist and I estimate I lost about 30-35% of my hair. I started losing at month 2 and lost thru month 6. Months 3 and 4 were the worst. I remember crying in the shower as I looked at my hands full of hair. Hair was every where...on my pillow, at my feet in the bathroom after styling, on my desk, etc. It was horrifying some days. I did what I could control: I made sure I got in my Protein, my doc approved Biotin and Folic Acid (for regrowth), I used and Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. My doc said that anything I lost due to surgery would grow back...she was right. My hair has grown back and my stylist actually said she thinks it is fuller than before. To mask the hair loss, I went with a shorter cut that I actually like even at 18 months out - I realized my thick, long hair was dragging me down. My new cute short cut fits my spunky new personality. I used a product called Toppik to mask the thinning on my bangs - it works just like the videos show. I know it sucks and it's scary, but you'll get thru this. Be patient - get creative. In the end, it's all worth it!
  4. McButterpants

    Surgery in the morning and NERVOUS

    Best of luck today - you got this. Yes, I was very nervous...nearly backed out the day of surgery in admitting. I wanted to flee, but am so happy I didn't. This was a life changer and life saver for me. Had I known then what I know now 18 months later...I wouldn't have been nervous I would be saying, "Let's go Doc. Let's do this thing!" Let us know how you're doing!!!!!
  5. Scary indeed. I almost backed out of surgery - a couple of times in the weeks before surgery and even on surgery day. I sat in admitting thinking to myself, "I can leave right now and I'll only be out $500." But then I looked at my husband, who was just as scared as I was and I chose at that moment to change my life. Had I let fear win that day... I wouldn't have the relationship I have with my husband and son I have today I wouldn't have received the promotion at work - not due to fat shaming by others, but because I did enough fat shaming to myself I wouldn't have run in that 5K last weekend (and I beat that snotty little 12 year old! Yeah, I kicked her ass!) I wouldn't have explored Paris on foot logging 20+ miles in 2 days I wouldn't have explored San Francisco on foot, logging 17 miles in one day! I wouldn't have been able to walk into the department store and purchase clothes in Misses section (goodbye ugly unnatural prints in the big girls' section) I wouldn't have tried hot yoga, to which I have now become an addict! Don't let fear get in your way...
  6. McButterpants

    Backed Up!

    yep - happened to me...I took Metamucil and a good quality probiotic. NUT wanted me to poo immediately! :-) Best of luck - hope things get "movin'" for you soon.
  7. McButterpants

    Recipes/Foods during the Purée Phase

    I didn't do grits...I'm not sure I've done grits since before surgery. During that stage, one of my go-to's was refried Beans with some melted cheddar topped with greek yogurt. I liked canned chicken mixed with some light mayo, mustard and relish. I think I did the ricotta bake in the puree stage I ate and still eat a lot of scrambled eggs topped w/ cheese
  8. McButterpants

    What is your work-out regimen?

    I walked a lot prior to surgery - I tried to get into the best shape I could Since surgery, I have done different things - I need to switch it up to keep things interesting... Turbulence training (planks, push ups, squats, etc) Hiking Walking Gym - elliptical, treadmill, rower, biking Hot yoga (totally addicted!) Now I've committed myself to doing 1 5K race every month between now and end of November I do monthly goals for milage and yoga sessions. I make appointments in my calendar for exercise - I have a higher success rate if I make goals and plan my weeks. For March I wanted to do 13 yoga sessions and 100 miles. I need to get in 3 more miles today to get to 100...I have a goal to do over 1000 miles this year (I did 900 last year)
  9. McButterpants

    Everyone exercises?

    I became very active after surgery - I find that I feel better when I exercise, if I don't, my energy level plummets. I tend to do the same thing over and over again, get bored, then quit. This has been my trend forever. I knew I needed to break that cycle... Now I hike, I bike, I jog, I even do hot yoga. Those are all things I would never guess I would have done or even enjoyed. I've committed to running a 5K every month between now and the Run Turkey Run in November. I also reconnected with a good friend - she's my exercise buddy. We set exercise appointments. I was never a believe in the buddy system before...I'm a firm believer now!
  10. McButterpants

    Meat 7 days out?

    @@carolinacrumb88, I get it. Here's my answer to the hunger question...I was allowed food immediately after surgery. My surgeon was very progressive when it came to introducing foods immediately. In fact, when I came home and started seeing a local bariatric surgeon for aftercare, I actually had to backtrack and go on fluids. In the first couple of weeks after surgery, I started to feel what I thought was hunger - it wasn't hunger, it was acid. Many sleevers will be put on a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) post-op. Once you start to figure things out, you will know when you're supposed to feel hungry. I ate on the clock early on - I ate every 2-3 hours as my doctor suggested. I hope this helps!
  11. McButterpants

    Meat 7 days out?

    You should follow your doc/nut guidelines. This is not a choose your own adventure.
  12. I'm 18 months out and still feel great restriction. I don't measure - I eyeball it. I try to eat only until I'm satisfied, rather than feeling full. I eat 4-5 times a day. It's usually 3 meals and 2 Snacks. I can graze - I have had days where I felt like I ate all day long. "Bad" carbs are my downfall - things like breads, Cereal, chips, etc.
  13. McButterpants


    I drove a on day 7 and did fine.
  14. McButterpants

    Pre-op diet

    The first few days of the pre-op are the hardest...hang in there. I remember snapping at my son on day 3 and then said, "I'm sorry, buddy. I'm really struggling here. I'm hungry, I don't feel good." It's hard - it's really hard. BUT, it will be worth it. Don't let this derail you. I drank tons of decaf green tea - it helped with the hunger. You got this! It will be over soon.
  15. McButterpants

    Ground chicken

    I used canned chicken and put it in my Magic Bullet
  16. McButterpants

    hair loss after surgery

    Search "hair loss" on this forum and you'll get a million threads...It's common. I started losing at 3 months and it continued thru month 6. Some people don't lose hair...some do. According to my doc, anything you lose due to surgery will grow back - she was right. All my hair has grown back - my stylist says she thinks it's actually thicker than before surgery. My doc approved Folic Acid and Biotin, but that was for regrowth, not to prevent. I used Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. I made sure I got my Protein in every day. I was surprised at the amount of hair I lost - I estimate about 30% loss...it was horrifying. I had hair on my pillow, on the floor after blow drying, on my hands after shampooing.
  17. The sleeve is just a tool, it's not a cure. You still need to address the reasons why you overate to begin with - emotional issues were my problem prior to surgery and I continue to struggle 18 months post-op. I can eat a lot of food - just not at one time. I can graze all day long and have done it. The further out from surgery I am, the harder it is...Some days I need to go back to basics - add a shake into my day or a Protein bar, so get me centered again.
  18. McButterpants

    So disappointed

    Failure? No way. Impatient? Yes. "Only" 14 pounds is awesome. You are going to lose weight at a different pace than others and comparing yourself to others is only going to lead to disappointment. This is your journey. Had I known then (when I was 4 weeks post-op), what I know now, here are some things I would tell myself: Follow your doctor's orders - he/she knows best about your situation (just because other doc's prescribe a different post-op diet, doesn't mean you can follow theirs...this is not a chose your own adventure) Be patient - your body will let go of the weight when it's ready Scrap the scale - take pictures and measurements instead
  19. McButterpants

    Post-op day 3 and no weight loss?

    Every body is different - some lose immediately, others don't. WLS journeys are like snowflakes...no two are the same. Your body will lose weight at it's now pace - it probably won't be as fast as your brain wants you to. You're going to be just fine.
  20. McButterpants

    Confused need some advice!

    You're still very early on - your body is still healing. Make sure you follow your doc/nut guidelines for portion size and listen to your body. I'm 18 months out and I still have days where I can eat more than others.
  21. McButterpants

    Post-op day 3 and no weight loss?

    Be patient - you just put your body thru major surgery. Don't be surprised if you don't lose anything in the first couple of weeks. Allow your body to heal - the weight will come off. Just as you didn't gain the weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight. You got this
  22. McButterpants

    I am having second thoughts!

    I think I changed my mind or waffled about my decision a hundred times. Only you can decide for sure if surgery is the right thing for you to do. You need to research - know the risks and the % of incidence. Research your doctor and his/her history. Arm yourself with information, then make an educated decision.
  23. McButterpants

    My decision

    Congrats on your decision... I took a picture of myself on "decision day" - 08/20/13. It was the day I stood on the scale in the doctor's office and cried. I vividly remember how I felt that day - I was sad, I was angry, I was desperate. I look at my face in that picture and see an empty shell of a person - no life, no joy, no happiness. I am so glad I documented that day with a picture. This is an amazing journey you are about to take - there will be highs and lows, joys and tears. Best of luck to you!
  24. McButterpants

    How have you changed?

    I am 18 months out - I want to lose more weight, but am happy where I am. The number on the scale doesn't mean as much to me today as it did 18 months ago. How I have changed? I'm the "old" me...the one I used to like, but lost her somewhere along the way. I am more confident - I look people in the eye when I talk to them. I walk into a room more confident and not worried about finding a way to the other side without hitting people with my ass as I try to fit between tables. I don't avoid talking to people any more - if I see someone I know, I approach them, rather than looking the other way. I received a promotion at work and a fat pay raise - I don't think I got the promotion because I'm 75 pounds lighter, I think I got the promotion because I don't walk around like I'm pissed off at everyone all the time. I'm more calm, I am better able to handle stressful situations and, again, I'm more confident. My life is completely different that it was 2 years ago when I was toying with the idea of having surgery...My relationship with my family is better - my son and husband don't have to pussyfoot around me any more. I'm not so quick to get angry. food no longer rules every thought of every day - my weight is not what I think of the first thing when I get up in the morning and the last thing when I go to sleep. I can do 80 minutes of hot yoga - I love hot yoga, something I wouldn't have thought to try 18 months ago. I hike - I love being outdoors and exploring. I walked 17 miles in one day in San Francisco last month and enjoyed every step. I spent 2 days wandering around Paris and didn't think once "Oh my God, I am tired and need to stop!" I am an active participant in my own life again. I am in control. My life is mine and I love it!
  25. Ran a 5K race today and put in 3 miles on top of that...UNPOSSIBLE 18 months ago!

    1. RJ'S/beginning
    2. Stevehud


      Rock On! my goal is a 5k in november, my boss sponsors a race every year ( hes run 46 marathons and 3 triathlons, not me lol But you are an inspiration!

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