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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by McButterpants

  1. McButterpants

    December Fitness Challenge

    Hey there. Thanks, Butter, for facilitating this! I was sleeved two weeks ago, so I'm getting back into the swing of things with regard to exercise...I'm only cleared for walking right now. I'm going to do a total of 50 miles this month.
  2. McButterpants

    Hungry! (Pre-Op Diet)

    Hang in there - it will get better. I think it was on the 5th day of pre-op that I felt better (my pre-op consisted of 2 Protein shakes, 4-6 ounces of meat and 1 cup of vegetable daily). Here are some things about your pre-op diet: 1. It's really hard - I underestimated it. 2. It's necessary. 3. It sucks Then, I found some things that helped me with my pre-op diet, once I accepted the facts above: 1. Artificial sweeteners made my hunger worse, especially Splenda. 2. Green tea was my friend - I drank copious amounts of it. 3. Lots of Water helped. There were times in my pre-op diet that I wanted to give up and I had to remind myself why I was going thru this procedure. You will find you're stronger than you know. Hang in there! Best wishes.
  3. I'm just over 2 weeks out. Exercise is walking, walking and more walking. I'm not cleared for other exercise at this point. Walking is a great way to recover! For meals, I'm on the pureed stage, so this is what my day looked like yesterday: Morning - scrambled egg or 1/4 cup oatmeal or cream of wheat mid-morning - Protein shake lunch - ground turkey (about 1/8 cup) w/ 2 tablespoons of refried Beans topped w/ salsa and greek yogurt mid-afternoon - Protein Shake dinner - finely diced chicken and cooked broccoli (pureed) Evening snack - protein shake My doc wants 80 grams of protein minimum - so I will require 3 shakes for the foreseeable future. I can't eat enough to get in much protein, but it's nice to eat food. I will warn you - at this stage, getting in all your requirements feels like a full-time job. I am constantly looking at the clock because you can't drink 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after a meal or shake. It gets cumbersome. But, every time I think it's annoying and OMG, I can't take it anymore...I look in the mirror or step on the scale and I see a difference. Totally worth it!!!! Good luck.
  4. I agree with Bufflehead - you probably have to dig deep. Grab a fork or a knife and go fishing for the scoop. I also agree that a kitchen scale (digital) will be of great help. I use mine multiple times during the day. BTW, I'm jealous - I need to buy more Chike! Love that stuff.
  5. McButterpants

    Size 16 Cords...

    Nice! That's gotta feel good! I'm on the verge of not having any jeans that fit...in a good way for a change! No larger sizes for this gal! On another note, are you feeling better? I hope all is well.
  6. McButterpants

    Off To The Hospital!

    Best wishes! See you on the loser's bench soon!!!!! Congrats on starting your journey.
  7. McButterpants

    Info From My Surgeon

    Interesting information, Mistysj. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Hi guys. Thought I would start a thread to see what you all are doing to prepare for your November dates. My tentative date is 11/14/13 and I'm hoping to lock that in this week. I am traveling from the Northwest to Las Vegas. Here are some of the things I'm doing - would love to hear from other November sleevers on their prep for the bid day: 1. I'm incorporating one Protein shake a day (usually in the afternoon). 2. I'm saying goodbye to some foods and restaurants. I have had a few occasions where I've said, "This probably won't be on my post-op diet." The chicken Ranch Club sammy, husband's chicken wings (a favorite, but this last attempt wasn't so great - we may have to try again in the next week or so) 3. I am doing my on-line classes required by my doc in Vegas. 3 down, 5 more to go. 4. Slowing cutting down on my caffeine consumption. I'm down to two cups of coffee in the morning and will start incorporating half caff/half decaff next week. (I posted regarding my attempt at going directly down to one cup and boy did I suffer) 5. I am trying to reflect a lot on a) how I got here and what am I going to do to make things different, so I don't return to this dark and dreary place. 6. This week I am going to do more exercise and perhaps visit the gym for the first time in months. My goal is by surgery date, I'm working out at the gym on a regular basis. I believe going into this surgery is like any other - be in the best physical shape you can be in and recovery might be a little easier.
  9. McButterpants

    Tomorrow Is The Day!

    Best wishes for tomorrow! You'll do great. See you soon on the loser's bench.
  10. McButterpants

    Honest Answers Only!

    I got so sick of the "last meal syndrome" I ended up starting my pre-op diet a day early. I was over mourning food - I mourned a lot! A couple of days prior to surgery and a couple of days after surgery, I had a major pity party. We would drive down the road and I would think, "I can't have that" or "I'll never eat that again". I also had some serious 2nd thoughts about the surgery. At about Day 3 post-op though, I had more positive thoughts and feelings. Now, I'm looking forward to making meals that are sleeve and family friendly. My focus is on trying to get in my Protein and Water and daily exercise. It's a new/different focus; it's not about deprivation.
  11. McButterpants

    Nov 2013 Sleevers Progress So Far...

    Sleeved November 14. As of the 28th, I'm down a total of 32 pounds - 18 pre-op and 14 post-op. I have had no issues and a fairly uneventful recovery. I get tired very easily, but that's to be expected. I'm having a hard time getting in my Protein and some days don't get in my liquids. So far, so good!
  12. Hi there I'm in Vegas as well with surgery scheduled for 12/23. Who was your surgeon and when did you get sleeved? Hey, Tahoe. I was sleeved on 11/14 by Dr. Umbach in Las Vegas (Blossom Bariatrics).
  13. McButterpants

    Honest Answers Only!

    OK, so you cheated. It is what it is - you can't change it. A couple of things you will find you will need for this surgery - both pre-op and post-op - is commitment and discipline. The pre-op diet sucks, but you must be committed to it. It prepares you for this major surgery you're about to have. The post-op diet it tough - from the first few days where you're trying to figure out how to get in your Water and Protein, to the subsequent weeks where you're introducing food and trying to figure that out. Your doctor has a pre-op diet for a reason. He/she has a post-op diet for a reason. Please, for your own good health, stick to the plan they prescribe. I send you much love and good wishes for success. Be good to yourself.
  14. McButterpants

    Day 5

    It will get better - I was able to get over that hungry feeling with a couple of sips of Water. Makes me wonder if it was hunger or maybe some acid in my stomach or something. I'm on puree right now - I'm loving refried beans!
  15. McButterpants

    Probiotics For Constipation?

    Hi there. When I was 5 days post op and still struggling, I called the NUT. She said to take some Metamucil and go into her office to pick up a probiotic. I got the Metamucil on the way over to her office and got in one dose. Brought the probiotic home and had a shake. Within 30 minutes, it kicked in. Prior to surgery, I had a good quality probiotic that got things moving as well - so well, I was only able to take 1/8 teaspoon at a time (full dose is 1/4 teaspoon). Just make sure you get yourself a good quality probiotic. Good luck!
  16. McButterpants

    22,000 Reasons!

    A great insurance success story! What a weird path. Congrats not only on getting it paid for but your success! 105 pounds - that's amazing. A true inspiration!
  17. McButterpants


    You called it when you named your thread DISCIPLINE I was sleeved on 11/14, so we're close in dates. I, too , have had a fairly uneventful recovery - I think I've had it easy. I took a total of 4 pain pills and haven't had to take anything else. My sleeve hasn't rejected anything I've tried, which worries, me a little for the future. I would suggest to anyone that reads this to stick to your doctor-approved meal plan - your doctor wants you on that plan for a reason. For me, testing my sleeve is a slippery slope. Give me an inch and this bitch will take a mile! I wish you great success, wildlyme, just please be gentle with your new tiny tummy!
  18. OMG - what an amazing transformation. Congrats on your success and thanks for sharing your pics!
  19. McButterpants

    7 Week Post Pics!

    Wowsa! That is awesome. Congrats on your success. Thanks for sharing!
  20. My surgeon in Las Vegas advised us the afternoon before that we could do whatever we wanted for dinner the night before surgery. He just put a limitation on red meat. My husband and I went to the macaroni Grill and ordered two of the smaller appetizers, had some bread, ate less than 1/2 of my entree and we both ordered dessert (we ate about 1/2). It was a great meal, we just didn't eat to the point of stuffing ourselves. So, while I was given a free pass which was nice after a two week pre-op diet, I really was surprised at how little I ate. I savored every bite. It was wonderful.
  21. McButterpants

    Gobble! Gobble! Turkey Day Pics!

    What a great tradition and that beach looks wonderful!
  22. McButterpants

    My Mom Just Worked My Nerves

    First, congrats on your success! I'm sorry you aren't getting more support, but don't let this derail your plan for today. Sending ((hugs)).
  23. McButterpants

    First Day Of Pre-Op Diet

    HI there. The first few days are the hardest - it will get easier soon! And you're so close to your date!!!!!! Good luck to you.
  24. McButterpants

    Is It Just Me?

    Too funny - I thought that last night...Chore, that's a good word for how I felt last night. I was seriously short on my Protein yesterday and that's probably why I felt a little funky. I tried drinking a shake (OMG - I did not want a shake). I drank about 1/2 of it and couldn't stomach any more. Later in the evening, I made myself a scrambled egg...about 1/2 way thru, I was like, "This egg seriously sucks and it's taking me forever to eat it!" I threw the other 1/2 away and went to bed. Today is a new day, however. I was able to get down about 3/4 of a scrambled egg and I was fine with it. I think I'm in a better place today than yesterday. I'm going to work hard to get the 80 grams of protein in that the doc wants. It helps that I can start the pureed diet today, but she still wants 3 shakes a day. I vow to do the best I can. Good luck to you and Happy Thanksgiving!
  25. McButterpants

    2 Week Post-Op And Doing Great!

    I was just released to do puree's too and I had refried Beans as well! Wonderful!!!!!!! Wishing you continued success.

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