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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by amyecpa

  1. I am officially 17 days post op. I really turned a corned on day 13 and started to feel human again. I was cleared for what my dr calls mushies two days ago. He's not a stickler for everything having to be puréed. My first meal to try was scrambled egg and it was fine. I then tried chicken salad and I ate too much, too quick and paid dearly. I ended up having a crying session/pity party in my shower. I think it was less "why did I do this?" and more "why did I have to do this?, will I ever enjoy eating again?" -- not to mention all the pain I was in. Fast forward to last night. I made meatloaf, cooked down carrots and mashed potatoes. I had a teeny tiny plate, but I was able to sit down and eat what my family was eating with no problem. This did a lot to help my feelings. If it weren't for the awful reflux, I would've felt pretty darn normal last night. Now here's the part that I'd like opinions on.... I woke up at 1:45am out of a dead sleep with heart beating over 200 bpm. My faced was flushed, severe dry mouth, nausea and abrupt diarrhea. I went to ER. They did EKG, tested blood, and did an X-ray of stomach. The only thing they found was that I was low on phosphorous so I took several pills there. ( I couldnt stomach the fizzy orange phosphoric juice). After 2mg of adivan and two shots of a beta blocker to lower my heartrate, I was sent home with the diagnosis of anxiety. I was prescribed adivan as needed and two beta blockers per day. I was also instructed to follow up with my PCP, the one who was not supportive and that I haven't told about my VSG. I know this is long, but has anyone experienced anything similar? I've dealt with anxiety for years and that's just not what last night felt like.
  2. Hi. I am 8 days post op and I am failing miserably with getting my Protein. I am lactose intolerant so I can't have anything milk based. I've gotten to the point where any whey Protein Drink or unflavored (yeah right) powder makes me gag. I AM DONE ????. That emoji is cute, but I am literally in tears at the thought of more "fake" protein. I won't be released to mushy foods until Wednesday (Feb 11), but I got so desperate that I put some retried Beans in the food processor and ate a little of that, spitting out any pieces of "bean skin". (Gross, I know). My question is this..... Is there anyone that started mushies after one week? If so, what did u eat? I just can't spend any more time, energy, and money chasing supplements that I just can't keep down. I really hope that this post doesn't turn into a lecture about following my NUT's plan explicitly. I'm very serious about my health, my weight loss, and my new little tummy. In order to up my chances of success, I adopted a low carb/high protein diet pre-op and was very faithful. I am not worried about my protein when I can eat real food, just stressing now. Any advice on food would be great. Thanks - Amye
  3. How far out were u when u revised? I am only two weeks out, but I've dealt with reflux for the last ten years and what I'm experiencing now is unreal. I wake up in the middle of the night with acid in my throat and mouth. Ears, nose, and eyes on fire. My teeth feel as if the enamel is being eaten off. I've been told that it's too early to stress, but I can't help but to be worried. I am currently taking Omeprazole 20mg in the AM and PM and I chew tums during the day. I will see the nurse tomorrow and talk about stronger options.
  4. Hi all. I started puréed today and I attempted to eat some scrambled egg. Everything seems ok except for the fact that I have a slight blood/metallic taste in my mouth. I don't see any visual evidence of blood in my saliva (on a white napkin). I am struggling with reflux. Has this happened to anyone else? I have a drs appt tomorrow so I will bring it up if it is still an issue. Thx
  5. amyecpa

    Slight taste of blood

    I did want to mention that I DO NOT have dark stool. I do have a sore throat, burning runny nose and my eyes and ears feel irritated. So I do feel this a reflux issue. I just wanted to know if anyone else has gone thru this. The reflux is even irritating my gums. My teeth also feel very strange.
  6. amyecpa


    Hi. I am 11 days out and I am now having horrific reflux. I woke up with acid in my mouth, nose, and even my ears were burning. I'm taking 40mg of Omeprazole and chewing tums. Doesn't seem to help much. I hope to be put on something stronger. I'm going to attempt to sleep in my recliner tonight. Not easy, cause I'm a diehard stomach sleeper. I have a lot of crazy thoughts about this not resolving and having to b converted to bypass, but several fellow sleevers have shared their experiences that worked out. So I'm hopeful. Just know u are not alone and most likely (very likely), there is nothing else going on
  7. I want to thank everyone for the helpful and informative comments. I have reached out to my NUT and I hate to say, she is just not very helpful. She is reading from a manual and has not gone through the procedure herself so she didn't have many suggestions. I would never pretend to be as knowledgable as my surgeon, but I pride myself on being educated and informed. That being said, I am focusing more on my hydration and stressing less about the Protein. For my mind and tastebuds, I picked up some garlic roasted hummus. This is NOT on my ok list yet, but I've researched and feel comfortable with it. The psychological aspect of all of this has to be addressed or I will not be successful. I truly needed something more than soup that wasn't sweet. I feel comfortable with this decision. As far as my other issues, I bought some lactose free milk and made instant pudding with unflavored unjury powder. It's sickeningly sweet, but im holding it down. My main issue now seems to be horrible reflux. I've been on Omeprazole 20 mg for the last ten years. I upped it to 40 mg, didn't help. At the advice of my nurse, I switched to Nexium and that isn't helping. Is there anything stronger? Has this happened to anyone else and it got better? Again, thanks for all the input - Amye
  8. amyecpa

    Is this gas?

    I am Day 4 Post Op and every sip I take feels like I'm swallowing something sharp. It feels as if there's a knife in between my shoulder blades. Is this gas? Maybe I'm just not moving enough ????
  9. I've read several posts where people were released to puréed at one week, so I wanted to know what they ate at that point. I'm at a low point... mentally, physically and emotionally. Just looking for advice, shared experiences and support - not permission. ????
  10. I see your point. I'm just so tired and weak. I know this is one of the hardest parts, BUT it's only temporary. Thanks for the perspective.
  11. I hate that you're in so much pain. I pray it gets better quickly. I've read a few of your posts because I am scared to death of this happening to me. I've had controlled reflux for the last ten years. I am now a week post op and this reflux is killing me ????. My surgeons nurse says it will just take time, but I'm scared of having to have revision. I would never have chosen that. I weighed 199 the morning of my surgery (5'4"). Good luck with everything - Amye
  12. amyecpa

    Losing weight ?

    I am one week post op and I have lost 10-11 lbs. My big fear is that I'll lose 40 or so pounds instead of the 70+ that is my goal.
  13. amyecpa

    Eating Uncomfortable

    What does your surgeon say? From all I've read, this is not normal. Several posters with complications have described the same thing. A stricture is what comes to mind. I'm hoping some vets will come along and give their two cents. I'm still a newbie ????
  14. Still on liquids/yogurt and I just feel like it's my job. It's so uncomfortable and I just dread it. I know I've got to get my protein in, but I'm really hating eating right now!!!! Help
  15. Still on liquids/yogurt and I just feel like it's my job. It's so uncomfortable and I just dread it. I know I've got to get my protein in, but I'm really hating eating right now!!!! Help
  16. I had VSG this past Wednesday (6 days ago) and now I am waking with stuff in my throat that makes me cough and a rapid heart rate. I am afraid that my controlled reflux has gotten worse. I don't know if this is a temporary thing, but I am scared to death of aspirational pneumonia and lung issues as well as damage to my esophagus. I am only 38yo so I'd like to live a long esophageal cancer free life. I've heard of people having to convert to bypass and I would absolutely hate that as I am low(ER) BMI to begin with. I think right at 34. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is this something that happens immediately after surgery. I already take 20mg of Omeprazole and took an extra yesterday. I plan to call my surgeon tomorrow, but it's 3:45AM local time. My BIGGEST fear about this surgery was causing additional health problems instead of improving my health. ???? I appreciate any feedback - Amye
  17. amyecpa


    I'm a little scared to go to sleep. Waking up choking and gagging was frightening. I have moved to my recliner tonight though. Hoping things go better.....
  18. Please help. I am on my two week full liquid post op diet and I am struggling to get my protein. I'm allowed low fat soup and yogurt. My problem is that I can't stomach anymore shakes or even the unflavored Unjury powder. I am getting desperate. Any suggestions would work.
  19. amyecpa

    Take it, take it now!

    I am newly sleeved, but had my gall bladder out over nine years ago and my opinion.... Find a surgeon who will take it out or say you've been having trouble. I've had two children and several kidney stones. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING feels like a gall bladder attack. Have it removed!!
  20. Amen and Amen! At this point, I just want to suck on a steak ????
  21. OMG. That is kinda depressing. According to this calculator, I only have a 50% chance of getting to a healthy BMI nevermind my personal goal ????
  22. amyecpa

    2.5 Months Out & FAIL

    Following this post. I will be 4 months post op when my entire family takes a dream trip to Disney on the deluxe meal plan. I have about 70lbs to lose total and hope to have at least half gone by then. I appreciate any and all advice. I don't want to be a bummer on the trip.
  23. I am in my thirties and I just couldn't "stomach" the thought of possible Vitamin deficiencies and my BMI was only 35. I too worry about the long term effectiveness of the sleeve. I especially worry that this honeymoon period with such tiny amounts of food will destroy my metabolism. What keeps me optimistic is the thought that if/when I get to goal, I will do whatever it takes to maintain. I LOVE to read posts from vets that are maintaining!
  24. amyecpa

    Eating Uncomfortable

    Not to hijack your post, but I am wondering the same thing. It kinda feels like a stabbing feeling when I swallow is that what you're experiencing? BTW, I'm just 6 days post op and on full liquids
  25. amyecpa


    The nurse suggested switching from Prilosec to Nexium and also said that this was common from all the swelling associated with hernia repair. I feel better, but would love to have this corroborated by someone who's actually been through it

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