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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lindaa

  1. Hey Becca--The nice thing about this big happy family is that there is always someone here to talk to. I've been around for two weeks or so, and have found tremendous support, encouragement, and honesty here. Whenever I get hungry (which has been pretty much non0stop for the last two weeks) I just check in to see what's going on. Everyone's positivity and encouragment is uplifting. Thanks everyone!!!!

  2. Hi Dini--We HAVE been missing you. Glad that all is OK--well except for the brother!. Everyone here seems to be doing fine. A couple ppl have checked in post-op and mostly what they're saying is that the pain and hunger aren't too bad. More soreness than actual pain. Mostly everyone's on liquids for now and doin OK. We've got another N. Irelander this week--hopefully you'll see her around. Oh yes, and the cruise. . . lots of folks interested in the cruise!

  3. Hi Nurse76 and all. I'm Linda--a 50-something nurse/educator with four 20-something kids, a thin husband of 30-something years, and an old dog. I looked into banding a year ago, and fought with my insurance company to no avail. Recently I found out about Mexico and wasted no time making the connections. I will leave tomorrow afternoon to fly to San Diego (a 4+ hour flight with a lay-over in Phoneix). One of our sons is going to school in Pasadena, so we will rent a car and drive up to see him on Sunday. On Monday moring we will be picked up and driven into Tijuana where I will be banded in the afternoon. We will spend Tuesday in TJ, and return to Wisconsin on Wednesday. I have been plus sized all my life except for a couple of years when I was 40-something, and am so looking forward to the feeling of being normal. My goal is to be able to wear normal sized clothes for my youngest son's (and possibly my daughter's too--the way things have been going this summer) wedding. Since no one is engaged yet, I have time to do it!

  4. Easy way out? My DH said the same thing to me just the other day. Well after 40 years of losing and gaining, after trying every diet pill and exercise plan, after months of counseling, the truth is that this is the ONLY way out. NOTHING else has worked--if it did I wouldn't be where I am. Only a fool keeps trying what doesn't work.

    I am self pay too, and I am just thankful that I am able to pull together the funds to do this. Yes, it means less to spend on something else; I wish I didn't have to spend it on this. But in the end, I think it is better to bite the bullet now and finally get this monkey off my back so that I can enjoy the next 40 years more than I have enjoyed the last.

  5. The cruise sounds wonderful! I'm going to have to wait and see b/c we are talking our four kids and their spouses/boy/girl-friends to the Rivera Maya in May to Celebrate two college graduations, one Master's degree, possibly a grand-baby???, my husband's retirement???, and my weight loss. If that doesn't bust the bank account, I may be able to go with you all!

  6. Crissy, I asked about that too. They told me that as long as my BMI<45, I din't need to do the pre-op diet. You are way under that (if fact I'm surprised you qualified--you must have some co-morbidity); I just eeked out!

    I am getting excited. For one thing, this is a great chance to visit my son in LA, but also, I have been wanting for this for sooo long! My insurance company doesn't cover biatric surgery at all, and I had given up hope until someone told me about Mexico. This morning I stocked up on liquids (EAS AdvantEDGE) and liquid Tylenol (adult strength) and chewable Gax-X, and bought a sports bra.

    I haven't told anyone other than my husband and kids. Not my parents, Not my PCP either (well, he knows I was trying to get the surgery done here, but he doesn't know that I am going to Mexico) It's kind of easy since we can just say that we're going to see our son. I don't want to have to defend this decision to anyone else yet. I only wish I could have done this 20 years ago! I lost over 100 pounds then, but gained it all back + 30. This time, I pray that I will be able to keep it off!!!!!

  7. If you don't mind can you let me know where you go for your fills. I am being banded on 7/26 and that is one of my worries that the doctors back here will not treat me if I have it done in Mexico. I have not even told my reg. doctor yet that I am having this done.

    Crissy, I have the same concern. Someone told me that there was a doctor at Theda Clark in Neenah that will do them, and I think there is someone in Milwaukee as well. Otherwise, I will be looking into Chicago. The nearest FillCenterUSA is in Missouri! www.fillcentersusa.com

    Ill let you know what I find out.

  8. gutierrezea vbmenu_register("postmenu_497731", true);

    I am scheduled to be banded by Dr. Corvala in Tijuana, Mex on 7/26. I am a little weird about leaving the states for this. I was referred to them by 2 friends that have had it done and they loved it. How is your recovery doing? Have you faced any problems?

    ME TOO! I am scheduled with him this Monday! How was it? How is it going? Any assurance or advice would sure be appreciated!

  9. Green,

    We can all cite a study or anecdotal evidence about some remote individual or group that seems to support a theory. The bottom line is that 1. There is a huge number of people wanting/needing health care due to life style choices, and 2. We live in a society where there is an entitlement mentality. These two factors will bankrupt any health care system that fails to hold people accountable. We need to stoop blaming someone or something else for our problems. We need to stop expecting that someone else will take care of us, and take responsibility for our own self-induced health care issues.

    I realize that to you this seems harsh and uncaring. I am not about kicking people into the streets (again, remember I do work in a free clinic for heaven's sake), but I'm just not convinced that it is the government's responsibility to provide free health care.

  10. CeCe: Vivo en Wisconsin pero tenemos aqui muchos personas español. Soy enfemera y yo quiero hablar con las personas. Mis niños están en el universadad y yo tengo muchos tiempo ahora. ¿Y usted?

    (For non spanish-speakers: What I think I am saying is that I live in Wisconsin and we have many spanish people here. I am a nurse and I want to learn to speak with the people. My kids are in college and I have a lot of time now. Then I asked about her.)

    How do I private message so that I don't bore all of the rest of you with my feeble attempts to practice Spanish? I think it's realy rude to speak in a language that only a few people in the group understand!

  11. Hi Charlene, Most states, including the one in which I live have very good health insurance for children and disabled individuals. One example that comes to mind was a recently widowed young mother whose husband had declined to purchase health insurance for his family believing that "someone" would take care of him or his family if they became sick. Shortly after his tragic death, one of the kids fell and broke her arm. First the mom signed up for the state administered plan which as a single mom she now qualified for, and then took the child to the ER.

    All hospitals that recieve grants or financial reimbursement from the government are required to donate a certain amount of services for thoes who can not pay. Hospitals and health care providers must work out payment plans for people unable to pay for emergency services. All professional groups have an ethical responsibility to perform "community service" which often means donating services. (Hence my free clinic experience)

    In a perfect world, everyone would contribute what they could, and no one would abuse the resources. In the meantime, I am going to Mexico because I cannot afford to pay for my Lapband in the United States. I am thankful that my husband and I have been able to work for 30 years and our kids are almost through college so that I can finally do this.

  12. As someone who has seen the organ transplant program up close and personal, I'd like to set the record straight regarding this misconception.

    Charlene, OK, Let's say that everyone that recieves a transplant is a clean, sober, non-smoker for six months proir to the transplant AND stays that way after the transplant. (Never mind the years during which the organs were damaged.) What about the on-going costs associated with the chronic conditions of all the people who choose not to remain drug, alcohol, and smoke free? My point is that eventually every universal health care system will have to set limits and make decisions about who will or will not recieve services, and ultimately the system will weaken the economy of that country. At least in the American system, while not perfiect, rewards those who contribute with insurance coverage, and provides for thoes who can not (i.e. Medicare etc).

    Since you brought up Mickey Mantel. Seems to me that he recieved his organs very quickly--unlike other people who were waiting. Not a good example if you want to talk about distribution ethics.

  13. Green, Before you label me as being judgemental, try to understand what I am saying and not read into it. Of course there should be assistance for people who, through no fault of their own, develop life-threatening illnesses, and yes there are many people like that. However, as a nurse, I am more than aware that many people could avoid or reduce the need for expensive procedures and hospitalizations by making life style changes. Additionally, there is a growing number of people who feel entitled to expensive and unnecessary treatments without feeling a need to contribute to the system that has to pay for these treatments. I happen to volunteer in a free clinic, and I see this every day. It's one thing to talk theoretically about universal health care, but you get a different perspective when you work in it.

  14. Thanks for the update Mommiranda--it's encouraging. I watched Big Medicine tonight too. I hope they follow up with the patient in future episodes.

    I have been the "other person" in a situation similar to yours. I teach nursing and last year one of my students was banded. I was envious becasue I had tried and tried everything to get my insurance to pay for the surgery to no avail. Ive been working longer than she has been alive, and the student never worked but was able to have the surgery covered by her husband's policy. When I found out that I could get it done in Mexico for less than half the cost of doing it here, I made up my mind to bite the bullet and pay for it myself.

    It is unfair that some can and some can't, but if she wants it badly enough, she will find a way to get it done. Maybe she can sell candy bars or have a bake sale to raise money. . . (That is supposed to be funny) The point is to try to support her and help her brainstorm possibilities. Maybe we can set up some kind of "scholarship" fund--who knows? There seems to be a lot of demand--maybe someone can make a business out of financing the surgery for ppl who don't have insurance. We need some PR people--where is Donald Trump?

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