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Posts posted by lindaa

  1. lauraend--I teach in a college also, and I hear you loud and clear. I keep reminding myself that students earn their grades--I don't give them. Yesterday I had a student e-mail me and complain that since her answer of 6-10 million was close to the correct range for RBC count, I should give her credit--at least she didn't choose an answer that was "way out there." (We had even talked about Polycythemia Vera in class!)

  2. ssankofa--Just say "No" to the soda. Make a pact with me: No soda will pass our lips! If I can do it--so can you!

    My weight loss has certanily slowed down! Only 1 pound gone this week. I know I am eating the same; less than 1000 cal /day. Guess I got a bit spoiled with the big weeks where I would loose 5-8?

  3. Ruby and Princess--I was overfilled with my first fill over a month ago, but gradually, I think it's beginning to loosen up. There are still some days when I can't eat as much as others, and never more than 1/2 to 3/4 Cup at a time. Like you said, the weight loss is good, but you do pay for it. As long as you are able to keep some solids down, and can drink your Protein shakes and Water, I'd say to hang in there. You can always call your doc if you are having problems.

    Phyl--I hear you about the Diet Cokes! Haven't had one since July 15th, and I was a major Coke drinker. I'm afraid to even try it b/c it would be the beginning of the end for me!

    Indigo--As beautiful as fall is in Wisconsin, I know it is the beginning of a long, dark, cold, damp, slushy winter that won't end until May. 80's and dry sounds like heaven to me! Enjoy!!!

    So, tomorrow I weigh in. I hope it's better than last week. . . It sure is hard not to check the scales every day!

  4. food at work is one of the hardest things to get under control. I keep saying "Walk away from the food." It's become my mantra! Frustrated: I don't feel hungry either, but I still always think about what I'm going to eat at my next meal. (For supper I think I'll have some left over chuck roast with a few carrots and maybe 1/2 li'l red potato. . .)

  5. Thurs. I'm from Wisconsin too! I flew from Tijuana to Milwaukee and had no problems except for a little discomfort on landings. (Had to change planes in Phoenix). I was very tired and happy to be home. It was a long trip. You can get some dramamine or even benadryl which might help with motion sickness--it will also make you tired and more likely to fall asleep on the plane. You won't have much in your stomach on the way home, but you still don't want to throw up, so it's a good idea to talk to the staff in mexico about it.

    Good luck! If you live near milwaukee or north of there, feel free to PM me and I will give you my phone number so we can keep in touch. I did find a fill doctor in milwaukee who will follow up the mexicans. You'll need that in a month or so.

  6. My NSV: I've been taking blood pressure medicine since I was pregnant with my last child 21 years ago. Even when I lost over 100 pounds and was "normal" weight I needed to take it, although my dose has been increased quite a bit over they years. Yesterday, it occured to me that the dizziness I've been experiencing lately may be related to blood pressure issues, so I checked it. It was a very low (for me) 90/60. So today I took only 1/2 the amount I've been taking and have a call in to my doctor. YES!

  7. Sunny--I'd keep the appointment on Tuesday and until then stick to softer Proteins like eggs and cheese. (Have a ham and cheese omlet--just mince the ham very well.) Keep track of what you are eating either on paper or on one of the online journals so you can identify that the impact the baked potatoes and ice cream have on your daily calorie intake. Have a Protein Shake for one of your meals. Be sure you're drinking enough Water. Be patient, you can make that scale start moving again. You're just going though a nasty period here, but it's temporary. Let us know how things go on Tuesday.

  8. Hey Chim. It's a great day! Yesterday is OVER; perfect fall weather, and I have nothing I HAVE to do today! Maybe I'll bake those pumpkin muffins. . .do any of you guys know the calories? DH is busy--he is obsessed with rebuilding a Mini Cooper in the garage, so I hardly ever see him. I've just been hanging out this morning drinking pumpkin spice coffee and browsing LBT. Maybe I should go get dressed? Nah, I'll warm up the coffee and hang out a li'l longer.

  9. PB = Productive Burp. It's a little different than vomiting. If something gets stuck, or you eat too much or too fast, you will feel a definite tightness in your chest. Everyone is a little different, but a common symptom is hypersalivation which banders call "slimming." Sooner or later you will be running to the sink or toilet or whatever is immediately available where you will burp loudly and throw up a seemingly large amount of food, mucus, and saliva. Afterwards you will feel much better. Eventually you will learn to control your eating as to avoid such episodes! Some of us learn more quickly than others--me being a slow learner with a great gag reflex!

  10. CeCe--The EXACT same thing happened to me today--only some of the students were already in the room and there wasn't a trash can near by. OMG! I don't think any of them realized what was going on when I bent over behind the desk, and I was able to slip out of the room and get some paper towels and subtly clean it up before class was supposed to start. I proceeded to lecture about blood for 1 1/2 hours but I have never been so embarrased in my life. No more Breakfast for me! No way. That CAN NOT happen again.

  11. Thanks, Indigo, and don't quit posting. I miss Dini and Lynette, Aunt Phyl, and the others. Hopefully they'll check in from time to time and update us on their progress. I'm trying to adjust the empty nest, and NOT liking it much. DH has all his hobbies and he is rather enjoying himself, but I miss the volleyball, basketball, soccer games and judo and wrestling matches not to mention homework and dance class and swimming and. . .you get the point! I need grandchildren, but for now you guys are my virtural family.

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