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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lindaa

  1. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey Phyl, It's good to get your updates as you travel south. Keep 'em coming. I'll PM you next week because I only lost 1/2 pound last week--doesn't pay to make you change things for that!! Next week will be better.
  2. RN in California: Just wanted to let you know that Medical Assistants are not uneducated. In fact, they receive the same amount of education as your LVN's. The difference is that a Medical Assistant works under the physician's liscense so they are not regulated by the state the same way that nurses are. Many MA's are certified, which means that they completed stringent educational requirements at an accredited school and passed an examination similar to the NCLEX. None the less, the "nurse" in this situation was inappropriate. If it happened to one person, it probably happens more often and should be discussed with her supervisor so that others are not distressed the way kbear was.
  3. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Two pounds by next Thrusday--OK, I'm in! It'll be tough. . .but I need to do it.
  4. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I don't know, I am thinking wayyy to much about food right now. The band is keeping me from overeating at meals, but in between I'm eating a life saver or two here and there, a pretzel, a cracker. . . a (heaven forbid) slice of a brownie. THAT HAS TO STOP! Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I am scared to look.
  5. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    CeCe--Awww, I am so happy for you! That is a huge milestone, and even with the band, getting there is not easy. Give yourself a big hug from me!!
  6. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet--even at the sweet spot, wine and candy go down just fine, don't they? I'm dong OK avoiding the candy, but wine is another story. My son just got his private pilot's license a couple of weeks ago so on Thrusday he is flying DH and me to a part of our state where there are some pretty good wineries--at least good by midwest standards. We're going to have lunch, do a little shopping and fly home. Of course, we can taste the wine before we buy, so that's going to be yet another temptation! Now if I lived where you are, I'd really have a problem!!! BTW: We finally heard from the kid in Pasadena--actually another son (I have 3 of them!) is in LA for a convention and finally tracked the elusive kid down. I guess all is fine after all! Have I ever told you how much I appreciate your honesty? I really do. You just lay it on the line, and that is what I need. I'm really glad you're in this thread!
  7. lindaa

    Near death by chocolate ?

    Yup--It used to happen quite a bit. Horrible feeling! Now I never eat after 7pm and about an hour before I go to bed, I drink a glass of water to "rinse out" the pouch. That and Pepcid keeps the reflux at bay for the most part.
  8. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Go Packers! Did anyone else see Monday Night football? Brett Farve still has it! Sensational overtime touchdown pass!! I was hungry this morning so I made two scrambeled eggs. That was over an hour ago, and I still feel miserable--I almost wish I would PB and get this over with. Hopefully this will get me back on track as last weekend was not a high point in my weight loss experience. Too many birthday celebrations. . .Will I ever learn?
  9. lindaa

    Daylight Saveings

    I am totally FOR it! We live on the eastern edge of our time zone in Wisconsin, and it gets dark early enough even with DST. In a couple of weeks, when we have to move back, it will be pitch dark at 5 pm. It gets very depressing--espeically in January and February. That's when we pack on the pounds!
  10. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, You've got a big job keeping track of all of us! I'm down two pounds from last week--8 to go!
  11. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Congrats Jackie! You sound like a "normal" person who really enjoyed a party without treating it as another eating opportunity. That is HUGE, and I am proud of you! Thanks for sharing your NSV with us! Kim, you lost 37 pounds in 3 months. That's over 10 pounds a month. Nothing wrong with that! Good for you to schedule a fill for the day before Thanksgiving. THAT shows commitment!
  12. lindaa

    California Fires

    Is anyone familiar with Southern California? My son lives in Pasadena, and he doesn't have much communication with us. (he's a doctoral student who is too busy for mom and dad. . .) I been trying to find out if there are any fires near there, but I can't find any information about the Pasadena area. Maybe that's because they're not affected yet? I could use a geography lesson. If anyone is affected, my heart goes out to you. I wish there was some way to help. What we in the midwest are seeing on TV is just awful.
  13. lindaa

    Being debanded help! terrified!

    I did mention my anxiety to my anesthesiologist proir to surgery, and that wonderful man gave me a medication called Versed that helped me relax and forget. There are other things they can do for you besides give you more anesthesia. Prayer helped too.
  14. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Awwww. you guys are great! Thanks for the birhtday wishes, Ruby and Dini!
  15. lindaa

    Obesity Could Bankrupt NHS, UK

    It's amazing to me that I volunteer in a free clinic where a large percentage of patients are illegals from Mexico, but at the same time I had to go to Mexico to get my lapband because I couldn't afford it here (even though I've worked full time for 20+ years). What is wrong with this picture?
  16. lindaa

    Students are going to KILL me.

    Oh, and I was going to mention. I have all my powerpoints online so the students can download them themselves. Is there some way you can do this?
  17. lindaa

    Students are going to KILL me.

    Laurend--this must be your first year of teaching? In a few years, you will get used to this. Students do it to themselves. Prepare yourself for lots of tears, begging, and pseudo-remorse at the end of the semester. I do think that it has gotten worse recently. Many students today expect to get something for nothing--it's been that way all their lives. Mommy and daddy do a great job of teaching them that they are entitled to whatever they want, and they never had to work for anything. Look at their clothes, cars, toys, and vacations--in high school even! Then suddenly, in college they get a prof who actually expects that they do some homework, and they can't cope. Oh, yes. . .the joys of teaching!
  18. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Yeah, Char. That is a problem. Lots of bad things still go down just fine, but some of the good stuff, like meat and some veggies, well that's when I get into trouble no matter how slowly I eat them or how well I chew. That may be why I've lost so quickly. I basically don't eat much at all. The band helps me control portion size, but I still need will power to walk away from all the temptations. The band doesn't help with that.
  19. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, All I can say is that you are my kind of woman. Brutally honest! Thanks for making me see myself in you.
  20. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Wow, Phyl--you are good with the computer directions!
  21. lindaa

    California Fires

    Thank you Marimaru. I hope your family is OK.
  22. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Sharon, just click on another person's ticker and you will be at the site. You'll need to register, but it's free. Have fun. Can't wait to see what you choose!
  23. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thank you so much Indio. You know how us "moms" are. I have 3 boys, two keep in touch, but this one. . .well he's his own person. I hope that you will be able to avoid any problems with the fires as well. Sounds like tomorrow might be another terrible day. I live in Wisconsin, right on the shore of Lake Michigan. It's nice from June - October, but the rest of the time we get the damp, bone chilling wind off the lake. Thanks once again for the reassurance. Hey Chim--don't forget your birthday twin here! I'll be thinking of you girl. My dh is taking me on a tour of a brewery (we like our beer here in Wisconsin) and then to my favorite rib place afterwards. It will be fine as now we just share a meal and he gets a desert. So how are you celebrating?
  24. lindaa


    Yup, a palm tree on my ankel, and I'm not your typical tatoo type! Most people are amazed that I have one. It was a mother-daughter bonding moment. She got a belly ring. (she has the belly for it)
  25. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    This isn't lab-band realted, but is anyone familiar with Southern California? My son lives in Pasadena, and he doesn't have much communication with us. (he's a doctoral student who is too busy for mom and dad. . .) I been trying to find out if there are any fires near there, but I can't find any information about the Pasadena area. Maybe that's because they're not affected yet? I could use a geography lesson.

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