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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lindaa

  1. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh, by the way--don't underestimate the Packers! Mike Holmgren is still my all time favorite coach, so I have a special place for the Seahawks too, but the Pack had a great season--good enough that Brett Farve didn't even play for, I think, three or four quarters--even the thrid string quarterback, Craig Nall, played yesterday. Now if they can keep it going for the paly-offs! At least they got a bye this week, so plenty of time to prep. But the Patriots--woah! 16-0? It's going to be an interesting post season!
  2. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi guys, I've had a rough week. Spent most of the time in the kitchen either making food, serving food, or cleaning up food. 21 people here for Christmas eve and another 8 for Christmas day. Kids coming and going all the time with all their friends (this is the gathering place). Things should settle down soon. Son #1 and wife moved into their new home this weekend. Son #3 will go back to Grand Rapids (with an engagement ring!) today, and DD will go back to school on Wednesday which means her BF won't be around either. Did I mention all the animals? Two dogs, two cats, and a tank of fish! I am sending all the left over cookies with the kids--I need them outa here! Losing weight was hopeless--seriously hopeless. All the food and the stress just did me in. I guess i can look at it as a way to boost my metabolism, and I was losing too much too fast, so all in all it's not that bad. But I got to get back in control. Unfortunately, we are going out with friends tonight, so it will be yet another challenge. I need some down time. Janet, I hope you're feeling better now. I didn't think that people living in S. California got colds! It's the pits to be sick over the holidays. We have a Wii which was well used, and one of the kids got Guitar Hero also. We've also been playiing a lot of Mexican Train. Phyl. Changed the rules a little, but the kids seem to enjoy playing it with us.
  3. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Lynette, Come back! How are you doing, girl? I see Hunter is getting big. How is preschool going for him? What a fun time of year for the kiddos! Maybe you'll have more time to post after the holidays? We miss you!
  4. lindaa

    Lap band erosion

    Just want to thank Dr Watkins and Wasa for sharing their thoughts with us. As a Mexican patient, I've found this thread most interesting and informative. It's great that both of you take the time to contribute your expertise. Merry Christmas.
  5. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh Kathy, I'm so sorry. I am praying for a large measure of grace for you and your family today and in the weeks and months ahead.
  6. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet and Phyl--you guys are inspirational. I am so happy that you are both doing so well with the holiday food and weight loss in general. I have to say that it all still tastes oh, so good to me, so the battle rages on.
  7. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I have a very bad case of the munchies today. There is just TOO MUCH food every where I go and it smells soooooo good. It's really getting me down. If i sample a little I feel guilty, but if I don't I start feeling sorry for myself. My band is doing it's job and keeping me from eating too much at any one time, but I my will-power is exausting me. I am getting a lot of exercise walking away from the food, but I'm not feeling good about it.
  8. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Aww, Janet--That's so nice! You deserve that kind of recongnition!
  9. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Dini--great to hear from you, girl! Let me echo the others: What happened in NYC?! Janet--I want a full report on every cookie and tamale you eat. I'm counting. CeCe--I'm glad you're still checking in too! Marcy--MMM, Prime rib! 4 pounds a week is great!!! So how much sunlight to you actually get these days? I am struggling too. I know its time for a fill but I have to wait till after the 1st for my flex spending. I got into the Baileys over the weekend--not a good idea! Then yesterday I got really angry at my bil (a morbid combination of ignorance, arogrance, OCD. and who knows what else--very long story) and the way the family (including dh) enables him and started eating some of the junk that's around here with all the kids home. So today I've got to take control. I've been sooo close to onederland for two weeks now--this week I am going to make it!
  10. I'm assuming that you are already using CPAP. To my knowledge the OSA surgery is not all that effective. I am dealing with the weight issue first.
  11. lindaa

    Sleep Apena

    It does sound like sleep apnea to me. The only way to know for sure is to schedule a sleep study. I have it too, and even though I've lost quite a bit of weight, I know that it is still an issue. Thin people can have sleep apnea too. You need to check it out. People have been know to die from sleep apnea (Reggie White--a former Green Bay Packer for one) and it also contributes to hypertension. Talk to your doctor today.
  12. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey Jessica--My band twin! Wow! Level 3! I'll be cheering for you! Kathy--I PMed you. Thank you again for setting this up and tracking us. Phyl--What a nice pic! You have changed a lot since summer--you just glow! My NSV for the week was to be able to button the buttons on my daughter's North Face winter jacket. Now she is a size 6, although the jacket is a L, but none the less, it was a huge NSV for me! I think she wants to give the jacket to me so I can buy her a new one--we'll have to see about that! I kinda think I should get to buy a new one. . . Got the Christmas tree up. Today I'll clean up the house and maybe put up afew more decorations. Kinda cluttered here, with my son and his wife living downstairs, my daughter home from school and another son coming home next week. I LOVE IT! So fun to have them around and all their friends. Constant people coming and going. I don't even miss dh right now.
  13. lindaa

    Ice storm!

    Anyone along the I-65 Corridor in Indiana? My 20-year-old daughter'll be on it between Indy and Gary tonight and I am worried.
  14. lindaa

    Noises after a fill, to tight?

    I know exactly what you are talking about. Some days are worse than others. Sorry, but I have no solutions for you. When I am out with others, I eat very small bites and very, very slowly.
  15. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, You are "That Person" for me! Thanks for sharring! Temps in the 60''s sound good to me. My dh and I are having our annual fight. I want to keep a window in our bathroom craked open just a little bit when it's above 0 to keep the bedroom cooler and have some fresh air during the night. He, on the other hand, says that it messes the heating system in the whole house (4000+ sq feet including the finished basement) even though we keep the door closed all the time. i I guess I'm a little different. I don't notice restriction with the first bite. But all of a sudden I notice it when I've had too much. It varries so much, and comes on without warning. If I take one bite too many. . .well, you know what happens.
  16. lindaa

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    It works both ways. What about the ACLU and their incessant attacks on Christmas? It seems to me that neither group is as tolerant as they want the other group to be.
  17. lindaa

    How can it be?

    Robin--Where in Wisconsin? I am on the shores of Lake Michigan, and there are no support groups (that I know of). Nice to find someone relatively near by! I'm with you on the stall this week--in fact, this week I gained 1 1/2 for no good reason. Just gotta hang in there--eat right--try to exercise and HAVE FAITH! Like Wheetsin said, all of a sudden a bunch will come off all at once. My weight loss chart is not a smooth line--there are all kinds of plateaus followed by sharp declines.
  18. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Morning Lucky 7's! Kirajh, what a great idea! Actually, we are going to the Grand Palladium on the Rivera Maya in May. This is going to be our last real family vacation because the last two kids will graduate from college this spring! We leave the day after the last graduation. So I recommend that you join us there--you can do it! BTW, where in Mi are you? I live in Wisconsin, but my son lives in Grand Rapids (goes to school at Grand Valley) and when I was a kid, I lived there too. Thanks for sharing the poem, Jackie. Great way to start my day! It's sure looking alot like Christmas here--it snowed last night, and now the sun is brilliant--makes everything look pristine. Too bad that by noon it will all be dirty and slushy from everyone going Christmas shopping. I am battling the scale also. I know I was very naughty last Sunday when I made Christmas Cookies, but I was not THAT bad. The scale is telling me that I GAINED 1 1/2 pounds this week. Now that is crazy since I kept it at 1000 cal/day since Sunday. Yesterday was only 800 cal, for heaven's sake. But now I have more to go to get to Onederland. I should still make it by New Years, but I don't think it was fair to gain weight this week. Comeon!!! Well, my oldest son, his wife and two cats are moving in today for 3 weeks while they are in between houses. DD comes home from college next week, and another son will be here with his dog sometime before Christmas too. I am going to have to really fight to stay in control. Besides the added stress, there will be more food around the place, and I will need to do more cooking/baking/entertaining. I must stay focused. I must stay calm. Repeat.
  19. lindaa

    5'6" - What weight/size are you?

    Well, I am 5'6". I started at 280 and wore a size 24/3X. Some things were getting tight, but I like my clothes loose and non restrictive. Now I am looking at Onderland any day, but not there yet. I can comfortably wear size 14W pants and I have a pair of 18 jeans. My 1X tops and sweaters fit nice and loose, and just this week I tried on some 18 blouses that actually were a little too big for today's styles. (These were old--from the 80's when things were oversized.) I do carry a lot of weight in my shoulders and upper back (not chest). I have a large frame--I wear size 11 shoes and 7 1/2 glove. (I'm a nurse, and often have to wear sterile gloves to assist with procedures.) My goal is 145, but I am hoping to be able to afford a tummy tuck so I may end up around 140-ish.
  20. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi kcval810, As the others have said, I don't worry about how much is in my band--it really is an individual thing. I had a tight fill in August and haven't been back since. I will probably go back once the new flexible spending year begins in January. (I'm self pay) Re. how much to eat: It depends on the type of food. I can easily drink all of a medium McDonalds milkshake, but have a really hard time with even a few bites of grilled chicken breast--especialy if it's dry. There is no way I could eat a slice of bread or hamburger bun, but crakers and chips go down just fine. For me, it's all about calories--which burn energy. Like Janet, I try to keep it under 1000/day. That way I need more than I eat, so my body has to burn fat. Exercising helps for two reasons: 1. It burns up more calories, 2. It builds muscle and forces the body to burn fat for energy instead of breaking down muscles. The problem, as everyone knows, is that I don't exercise much in the winter. I have a list of excuses, none of which are totally truthful--I just don't want to. Keep checking in with us. This group has been a wonderful support group for me. Sometimes, I just need to read what everyone else is writing about and I know that I am not alone. I've learned to love the ppl that post here--i check it every day--sometimes more than once!
  21. lindaa

    Getting it off my chest

    Arkie--so does he want the land or not? If he's complaining about paying $300 for it, then perhaps he doesn't want it. Maybe son #2 would like it instead? I have no tolerance for such thoughtlessness and ingratidude. Unfortunately, too many 20-somethings haven't had to earn their standard of living and have an entitlement mentality. You didn't ask for advice, but if you want to know, I'd withdraw my offer until such a time as the son was ready to show some appreciation for such generous parents and honor my wishs.
  22. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I think one reason we're all so cold is that besides losing some of our insulation, our metabolism isn't as reved up either. But, yeah, as a 50-something woman, the hot flashes aren't as frequent or as intense either. Janet--YOU MADE IT TO ONEDERLAND!!! Good job! You need to go out and buy yourself something to celebrate! Ruby--Thanks for reminding me that it's not all about appearances. I stopped taking my blood pressure med this weekend. I was feeling dizzy all the time, so I am trying without it for awhile. Distant--Lookin good! But, I have to tell you that I would be delighted to look as good now as you did at 199! No way can I wear a 14-16. Maybe a stretchy 16-18. . . I have decided that I can not be trusted to bake Christmas Cookies ever again. Cookie dough goes past the band real easy. Like a typical addict, I felt sick afterwards and have been kicking myself ever since. Someone else is gonna have to bake them from now on. Make it a great week, everyone!
  23. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ruby--That guy's a keeper. What a sweet story! I'm happy for you both. I don't know how this happened: I weigh-in every Friday morning. Last friday was the day after Thanksgiving, so I probably weighed more b/c of that, but I still lost a pound or so. I had a tooth pulled after that, so I didn't eat anything that day and only liquids the day after. Since then, I've been eating only soft foods, but I have been eating. So this morning I weighed in again. I had to weigh myself twice because I could not believe that I lost 8 1/2 pounds in one week! What a wonderful surprise that was! So here I am. Only ounces away from Onederland!!! I was hoping to be there by Jan 2. Looks like I'll be a little early!! I have to go to a retirement party tonight, so I will Celebrate by consuming some liquid calories--and not feeling guilt!
  24. lindaa

    Major Weight Loss on Oprah Today

    Solaa--I saw the program too. My daughter called me and told me to tune in. Here's the thing: I lost over 100 pounds 15 years ago and gained it all back plus some. I wonder how many of the people who were on the show today will keep the weight off for the rest of their lives? I chose the lap band because I don't every want to do that again. The band gives me hope that if I do start regaining, I can get the band refilled and maintain a healthy weight this time.
  25. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Marcy--I get it. N. Wisconsin isn't Alaska by any means, but the looooonnnnngggg nights are depressing. Try to focus on how your body is changing under all thoes clothes, and at the end of a long, dark winter, a new you will emerge. Be tough! We're in this with you--sun or no sun!

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