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Everything posted by lindaa

  1. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Peaches--I could meet you along the way. It might be fun to take the high speed ferry over Lake Michigan from Muskegon MI to Milwaukee WI. It cuts about 4 hours off the driving time.
  2. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    WOW--Size 8!!!!!!!!! In my dreams!!! Janet, you rock. See, i have a theroy that all that exercising has toned you up, and that's 173 pounds of solid muscle. I am really happy for you. So how long to you plan to stay single--you are one smoking woman, and you're going to have to start fighting them off like never before. Hold your head up high babe, you got it all!
  3. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Wow, Jackie, You musty have been really dehydrated for them to put you in the hospital. I hope you didn't overdo it with the cleaning! Take it easy, hon, and try to get the fluids in. Peaches, Mall of American is in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I'm not sure about casinos. I'm pretty sure there are indian reservations near Minneapolis so there are probably some casinos. Like any big city, there is a lot to do in Minneapolis--especially in the summer. I think the passport laws are changing. I think that after June 1, all Americans will need a passport to return into the US from Canada, Mexico, and other places that used to just require proof of residency (Drivers License, etc.) It might still be possible to get back in without it, but you will definitely have problems at the border without a passport.
  4. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Yeah, a lot of ppl around here start fake-baking in preparation for their spring break trips to warmer and sunnier places. I've had a couple of bouts with skin cancer, so I try to avoid it now. But nothing will keep me out of the Mexican sun! Anyway Janet--what'd you buy today? I gave some of my larger clothes to my sister today. She's getting banded in a month or so. Re. Mall of America: I will make my own arrangements--probably drive or have my one of my private pilots (ds or dd's bf) fly me in--just let me know which hotel you choose. 7/11-14 or 7/18-21 or 7/25-28 All are good for me & Yes I would go. Peaches, I'd love to come to Ontario too, but I do have to shop for a dress for the August wedding, and Mall of America is too good to pass up. It'll be about a 5 hour drive for me. OK, hope you're sitting down. I made a resolution to start walking when the time changed and so today I walked a mile in the sub-division. It was freezing cold (20) with a damp wind off the lake (Michigan) but I did it! I also went for my orientation to the gym and bought a pair of tennis shoes. Guess all your talk about exercising is getting to me at last! I WILL make 100 this week, I WILL. . .I WILL. . .I WILL!
  5. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, You won't believe it! They got to Chicago, but had to trun back b/c it was too overcast over the lake. He's comming home tonight and who knows what will happen tomorrow. I did some calling around, and there is a possibility he can ride with some other ppl who are traveling to Michigan tomorrow. The only other option is for me to take and drive back--a 12+ hour trip, which DH will be too busy to do (after wasting so much time today). OK, maybe that's not altogether fair, but if past experience holds true. . . KIDS! Well at least they're safley back on terra firma. Yeah, I get bored a lot too and the cure for that has always been eating. (That cures just about everything) TV just doesn't do it for me either. Sometimes I like HGTV or TLC, but after awhile that gets old too. I've been working on a crossword puzzle while drinking my wine. I could be grading papers, but I just don't have it in me tonight.
  6. lindaa

    I need some help please tongigt

    Are you sure you don't have a hiatial hernia or some other reason for the reflux? What kind of diagnostic imaging procedures have you had?
  7. I'd be more concerned about your anesthesiologist/anesthesist than your surgeon :thumbup:
  8. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    So, let me tell you what happened to the 3-hour layover. Frist of all, DH dropped me off in the baggage claim area as whe had arranged. The Arrival board said that Luke's plane was "on time." So I sat down and waited. A few minutes later the arival board said that his plan had "arrived" so I continued to wait. 5 minutes later his flight dissapeard off the board? What's with that? 30 minutes later, I tried calling Luke--got his voice mail, so his phone was still turned off. Now, remember, this is Milwaukee Wisconsin and it is snowing outside (we've had record snowfalls this year, but that's another story). Milwaukee is NOT a particularly buzy airport. It takes maybe 15 minutes to taxi from the runway to the gates. I've never had it talke longer than that. (Not that I fly all that often, maybe a couple of times a year.) I waited another 10-15 min and finally Luke called me. They were finally deboarding the plane. Hum, I asked him what took so long and he said he'd tell me when he sees me. Well, it turns out that either the plane that landed just before Luke's or had just attempted a take off before his had skidded off the runway and Luke's plane had to wait on the runway for permission to go to the gate. Now the airport was closed. OK, so what about his connecting flight? He didn't know. So we went to breakfast at a resturant nearby. After breakfast we called another son, Andy, while we were still at the resturant to ask him to check the airport website to see if the connecting flight was still on time. Yes, it was, so we brought Luke back to the airport and said our good-byes. But as we got near the airport I did note that there were no planes landing or taking off. Hummm. Sure enough, as we pull out of the airport the phone rings. "Um, my flight is cancelled." I told Luke to go to the ticket counter to rebook, and we turned around. Well, the only flight he could get was tomorrow. Nuts! Meanwhile Andy, who has his private pilot's license calls back. "You know, this is only lake effect show, and it's ending soon, and I could rent a plane and fly Luke to Michigan this afternoon." So Luke decides that would be fun, so he declines to rebook and asks for them to send his checked duffle bag to baggage claim. 3 hours later, still no duffle bag. So we file a lost baggage claim and leave the airport and drive 1 1/2 hours to the little county airport that Andy flies out of. So the upshot is that at this moment, Andy, Luke, and a friend of Andy's who is also a pilot (with instrument rating--thank goodness) are somewhere over Chicago in a little Cesna plane. You can't fly over Lake Michigan in a single engine plane--you have to fly around it, and that means Chicago. I am going to have a little wine now and try to settle down.
  9. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oops, the "rich brother" thing came out wrong. I have two brothers. One of them is normal, the other always lets you know that he has money. I always refer to him as "my rich brother" kinda of sarcastically. It has nothing to do with us going to Minnesota. Actually, the last time I was at Mall of America--years ago--I was there with a friend. We were shopping, and all of a sudden this woman was just standing in front of me and I realized that it was my sister-in-law. She had no idea that I was in town, it was just a random thing! Another time the same thing happened to one of my sons who was at a Twins game with his high schhool class on a class trip and across the aisle was my nephew! It's just kind of bizarre. OK, so Janet, are you keeping track of who's in? I don't mind sharing a room (which is not like me--I usually want my own room--but you guys are family) Stephanie, good decision! I'm glad you're focusing on the positive--that's healthy. Hopefully your doctor can point you in the right direction. Talking to a therapist is just like talking to a really good friend except that they are trained to ask the right questions to help you uncover issues that you can't get to by yourself. They are trained communicators, and they know how to really listen to what you're saying and help you make sense of things. I've done it, and I'm glad that I did. I think everyone can benefit from the experience. Well, I'm up early b/c I have to go to the airport this morning and meet my son during his 3-hour layover. He was interviewing for jobs in Mass. the last couple of days. I have mixed feelings about him moving so far away. I already have one son on the west coast, now this one is looking at the east coast. What's a mom to do?
  10. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh, Oh, Oh. Sorry, but I got to add one more thing: I need to find a mother-of-the bridegroom dress! Mall of America is the perfect place to look!
  11. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, If I see you one more time saying that you're not an official Lucky 7 I, Aunty Linda, am going to spank you! Enough--accept it, you are one of us!
  12. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Mall of America is great with me. I've been there a couple of times. I live in eastern Wisconsin--about 2 miles from Lake Michigan, so The Cities are driving distance for me--which means we'd have a car--no need to rent one. Also have a rich brother in the area. The airport is near the mall and is a hub for, i think, Northwest. There are lots of hotels and night life so we could really have a good time. I'M IN!
  13. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ontario sounds do-able to me but a problem might be if someone doesn't have a passport--which is needed for us to get back into the US. I have one, but not everyone does. Of course, Peaches would need one too if we met on this side of the border. Another option might be Niagra Falls or Chicago, although it seems that most of you guys live west of the Mississippi (unlike me) so you might want to look for something that would require less travel. I guess I'm open to anything as long as it's in July. August is out for me. I just put in a request to day to go to LA in October for a conference, (I'd make a road trip to visit Janet if that happens!!!!) but I could probably manage two trips in a year--my son lives there too.
  14. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Just a quick note to let you know that I'll have to postpone the 100 party for another week. I am still 0.5 away!
  15. lindaa

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    Yaz, You weighed almost 200 pounds and had a BMI of over 40 at 22 years of age? That's not an astonishing number of pounds yet, however unless you make a dramatic change on the role that food plays in your life, your weight will only go up as you get older. Where will you be at 25? 30? 32? What will you do 10 years from now when you're pushing 250 pounds or more? Do you think there will be a surgeon who will be willing to give you another band once you've had one and had it removed? Why not just keep it, and like someone else said, don't fill it yet? Try to think about the big picture instead of reacting to how you are feeling at the moment. In the meantime, try to get a handle on why you have such a strong attachment to food. Please understand that I'm not trying to be mean. I just think that you need to think this through and try to anticipate the consequences of your decision on the rest of your life. Sometimes we need to act more from our heads and less from our hearts. Again, good luck, hon. I'll be checking back to see how things turn out for you.
  16. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, Congratulations, you took a huge step today! I am so proud of you. If I knew how to do smilies, I'd send you a bouquet! I am so glad that Janet was the first to respond to you. As I read your post, I was thinking the same things that she so eloquently said. It's possible that you need a therapsit to help you uncover and resolve some of the underlying issues. That's hard, painful work--I know because I've been there too. Until you do that though, all your efforts at controlling these demons will eventually end in more failure, and just reinforce the things that disgust you so much. Please, please do as Janet said and lay it all out for your doctor. Allow him/her to do his/her job and help you. We can and do love you and support you and above all we are your friends. We are addicts too. The other thing that I want to ditto is when Janet told you to release your guilt and shame to God. As a Christian, I have come to understand that where man in incapeable of healing himself, Jesus is the almighty healer. Through Him, all things are possible. Claim that promise. Allow Him to work through your doctors, your family, and us. I will be holding you up in prayer every day.
  17. Hi Veggie and Chunky, Welcome to LBT! Just to add to the other replies, I think the reason you can't eat soft breads, pancakes, and stuff like that is b/c it absorbs Water and bulks up in your pouch. This can obstruct your stoma (the opening into the rest of your stomach) and cause pain and what we call sliming (overproduction of mucous and saliva) what we call PB-ing which is belching and eventually more or less vomiting what is in your pouch. It's not a plesant experience, so best to avoid it. Besides that, too much of that can cause your band to "slip" which can require more surgery. With time, you will learn what you can and can't eat. For me, I need to be a little on the tight side--it seems to control hunger better. So I pretty much gave up soft bread. I can do very small amounts Pasta, but I really have to wrok hard to get my Protein and water in every day, so that doesn't leave much room for carbs. Unfortuantely, crackers, Cookies, and especially ice cream go down very well, so I still have to work at putting those demons in their place. While the band certanily helps, you still have to do the mental and physical work. Good luck to both of you, and keep us posted as to your progress!
  18. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi All. This week is flying by. The clock seems to be moving faster and faster. Plus my computer is being very naughty! Janet, count me in on the anniversary celebration. Gifts could be regional things, (like a bottle of local wine or something hand made in your area) or "thin" things like a gift certificate to Victoria's Secret (or even something purchased at Vicky's) or some other cool store that doesn't have plus sizes, or work out videos, music (my kids make up their own CD mixes as gifts), things from a spa that we wouldn't buy for ourselves. I'm sure we could make quite a list of possibilities. I think that could be a lot of fun. Hoope you're havin fun with the gd. I am so looking forward to that, but i do think i know how you're feeling about an extended visit! Got my fill on Tuesday and am nice 'n tight now, but not overfilled. Taking it easy on liquids for the rest of the week. Will update the ticker tomorrow. Anyone think I will make 100 pounds this week?? You need to know that until I got my fill I was ravenous. Tune in tomorrow and see!
  19. lindaa

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    WOW! I hope you get the help you need. I wonder how your insurance company is going to react to all of this. If you ever want help or support in getting this to work for you, please let us know.
  20. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I still take my Effexor. Been taking that or Prozac for geez, 15 years? I've tried going off it a couple of times, but got clinically depressed, so that's not an option for me. I just break them in half and haven't had a problem. Bigger problem is the Omega 3 capsules that I can't break up. So when I was overfilled a couple of weeks ago I stopped taking them all together. One thing to think about is maybe you can get by with a smaller dose. You might talk to your doc about it? As for goal weight: I set it myself. Right now it's 25 BMI which is techinically still overweight, but close enough to be realistic. Frankly, I think that as one gets older, they look haggared and drawn if they are too thin. I would be delighted to buy a size 12 dress for my son's wedding in August! It would give me more choices than I can imagine!
  21. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ooops, I posted too soon. Karri--what a great way to start off the week. Good for you! Auntie Linda is proud of you too!
  22. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Pris--I am so happy that you posted your update for us, and even happier to know that you were able to have the bypass and are finally loosing! That's great news. Don't be such a stranger--you're still one of us! Janet--I don't know. I had some browine CRUMBS last week and they were fabulous. Today there was a 1/4 piece of a coffee truffle left on a plate at work--it was marvelous. I have to say that I still love to eat, and it's frustrating as can be that I can't. I still fight this every minute of every day. Thankfully, I am going to start getting refilled tomorrow. The constant hunger along with the desire to eat is doing me in. But, yeah, I don't beat myself up when I do succumb. This is a life long process and the trick is to get over the errors in judgement and get back in the groove. And, like you say, sometimes you just have to give up something else to make up for allowing yourself a treat.
  23. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey, if Janet can WANT to eat veggies, and Jackie can exercise instead of eat, Ruby, you can stop beating yourelf up! It takes time to break bad habits. Recognizing them and what your triggers are is the first step. Choosing to respond differently is the second one. Implementing new choices is difficult at first, but with time and practice it starts to come automatically. Of course, there will always be times when the old demons pop back to test you, but it you learn how to push them back where they belong--or you give in to them just enough to get them off your back and move on. It sounds so easy doesn't it? Believe me, it is an ongoing process. As soon as I think I've mastered one, another pops up. But we're winning more than we're losing, and so are you!
  24. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl--I did check you your links. Salvation Mountain is intresting. The artist sounds like an interesting fellow. Janet--I hear you about Chuckie Cheese. You're a good grandma! Enjoy your cake and kids--you're making a memory. I just ate a whole Mc Donalds chicken baccon ranch salad for lunch! Got to go check how many calories that will be--more than I've had at any one meal in a very long time, I'm sure. Sure am looking forward to getting refilled--it'll be worth the $300! Looks like I'm having problems with my internet. Better try to post before the whole thing shuts down! Later
  25. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ruby, I know, but now that I'm feeling better, I realize how awful I was feeling when I was too tight. I didn't think I had any restriction b/c I've been so hungry, so tonight I tried eating pizza. Got one wedge down and then I realized that I still do have restriction! My problem is that I've taken to grazing this week, which has got to stop. You are 0.7 away from the magic 30 BMI, so make that a mini goal for yourself and you'll be overweight before you know it! So, what about the rest of you--how did you spend your Saturday?

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