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Everything posted by lindaa

  1. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ruby. I'm here. I'm fighting the cookie deamon too. Let's see if we can hold out for an hour.
  2. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Yes Stephanie--Yeah for you! You're going to need a whole new summer wardrobe--no point in buying clothes now, except for a few things to get you through the rest of the school year. You are going through a bad time now with your son. It's got to be really hard; it seems that every time you turn around there is something new with him. Just remember that you know and love this kid more than anyone else and while the doctors may have a lot of academic info, what you feel in your heart is important too. Don't be afraid to tell them what you think and ask questions. Phyl--drive save! I'll be looking for the next post! Margo is the 1 1/2 year old that I babysit for on Wednesday afternoons. Mom and dad are divorcing and mom had to go back to work, so I'm helping out a little. She's a great little girl--lots of fun to play with. Mom taught her sign language, so we can actually communicate a little although she's starting to talk now too. She's sleeping now. Margo was one of my incentives to have surgery. I was trying to feed her a bottle last spring and couldn't hold this little baby on my lap. I couldn't sit on the floor. I just felt like a blob. I thought to myself that it would be so sad to not be able to feed my own grandchildren or play on the floor with them. Now I can hold Margo comfortably on my lap and get up and down from the floor easily. Every time I do I think God for my lap band!!!
  3. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri--Looks like you were having a lot of fun getting married. Thanks for sharring with us. Yes, you are having an interesting ride getting the PS. It's never easy is it? Phyl--even if you gain a pound or two or five, like you said, once you get back on your own, it will come off. I thought I really messed up last weekend, and today I was down 2 more pounds. The scale is funny that way. Remember, we're in this for the long haul, but like Janet said, you gotta live life too. Do you think that part of what you're feeling might be related to leaving the warm, sunny, weather and going back north? For me, the trip home is the worst part. It just gets colder and greyer with every mile. Hey, just think, by this time next year, you'll be over thoes sand dunes will not keep you from the water! Look at how far you've come already! If you can't get through to that PA then no one can. I can't wait to hear how you do it! Well I just got back from Spanish class and I am on my second glass of vino. I saved calories for it all day, so it's OK. It's been raining all day and the temp is 36. I am just sooo cold all the time lately. I guess I'm missing a lot of insulation; I just can't warm up. I go to bed with layers of stuff on, and then end up with night sweats so bad that sometimes I have to change 3 times before morning! I don't know--really goofy. I am also really tired and achey during the day. I have an appt with my PCP in a couple of weeks--guess we'll talk about all of this. Funny thing too--here I was thinking that it's been about a year since Aunt Flo's last visit, and guess who showed up last week? Well, Wednesday is approaching--classes all morning and Margo in the aft. Guess i should try to get some shut eye time.
  4. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi, I ment to say that Janet, your pic is georgous. I got dibs on any clothes that Candice doesn't want. Phyl, I'm jealous--what a bunch of nice-looking kids! I can tell that they're well loved! After meeting you, I'm starting to think that I might like retirement. Karri--So glad that you've got surgery scheduled. You've inspired me, and despite what my fam thinks, I'm moving forward with it this summer if I can aford it. I have an consultation appointment on the 29th. With any luck I will be 15 pounds away from goal at that point, and should be able to lose that by early July. Steph--you made the right decision! I hear some birds outside. It's still only in the 30-40's and still very brown. The snow is ALMOST gone and the days are getting longer. I'm hopeful. . .
  5. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi all, I have a million things to say--what an interesting weekend here--but really, very little time this morning. I just need to rant a little and then I have to get to work. So yesterday I told my mom that I am thinking about a TT. Her response? One word: "Vanity." That really got me going. Grrrrr. Now realize that I was afraid to tell her bout my band for several months because I didn't want any hassle from her about it. She and my RN sister decided that it was "Very dangerous." That is the same sister who is getting her band this week AND the same mother that is taking my sister to the hospital and will be holding her hand through out the whole thing. Never an acknolwedgement of my weight loss. Only "Vanity." I gotta go. TTYL
  6. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri--Thanks for the update! It does sound like fun! Can't wait to see the pics! I am sorry to hear about your diffiuclties with the suregry though, That's a little disheartening, but at least the door isn't completly closed for you.
  7. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ruby--I hear you loud and clear. Believe me--what you're feeling is definitely a downer. My solution for that, and it's not one that Janet would approve of, is to give yourself a day off. Just bump up your intake for a day. Eating more eases the tension, and it also nudges your metabolism. Unlike an alcoholic, who can physically avoid all alcohol in recovery, we do need to eat. We've been eating less than our bodies NEED for a long time now, and our bodies have adjusted to the reduced intake by becomming more efficient. I think that's what results in thoes nasty plateaus. So by exercising more and eating a little more, we can shock the body into letting go of a little more fat. It works for me. I'm always amazed at when the scale moves. When I think I've had a really good week. . .NOTHING. Then after a binge, I actually lose a pound or two. Well, it's worth a try. Hang in there. Your rewards will come!
  8. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Kirajh, I've been tempted to try the panninis, but to be honest with you, I don't think we need the bread. Same with the pita. Your problem might be the bread. Try eating just the fillings and see what happens. I usually can only tolerate small amounts of meats at a time. No bread at all. Cheese goes a little easier, but because of the fat content, I limit that too. I haven't had a slice of bread since I started this, and only once did I try a dinner roll--very, very slowly and itsy bitsy bites at a time. It wasn't worth the effort, even tough I love bread.
  9. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good Morning Lucky 7's Ssankofa--Really glad to see you back with us. Janet is the official leader of the group, and she runs a tight ship here--we love her! We are planning a girls weekend at Mall of America the weekend of July 25-27. In fact I'm going to make reservations for Peaches and me today at Homewood suites--right gang? Consider this your official invitation to join us! Hey Janet--I know how irritating it is to have issues with people. You are one to take the high road, but it's not an easy path. I wish life was fair. Phyl--We got a Wii last summer, and I do enjoy it too. I actually got my fitness age down to, I think the 20's by the end of summer! But I haven't played it for awhile, so I imagine I'd be up there again. My son has guitar hero too--that looks like a lot of fun. There's another one too, where you dance--now that really looks good. I would LOVE to take up Salsa dancing. Just wish I could find someone or a class. (Yeah, when? What spare time?) I was having a pity party yesterday when ds and dil invited us to go to dinner with them. Two Bloody Mary's and a salad bar later, I wasn't feeling so bad anymore. I had ordered a baked onion soup for my main course, but couldn't eat but a few spoonfulls and some of the cheese. Not a Bandster meal, but it felt so good to actually eat what I wanted, not what I should have. The band did it's job and kept me from eating more, so that's the good news. Of course today, I'm bulling on the boots once again and resolving NOT to mess up at the banquet we have to go to tonight! So I'm officially a size 14 now. (Started out a tight 24) Getting lots of comments and people not recognizing me. Some former students stopped in for a visit yesterday and were blown away. I don't know if I'll ever get to an 8. Seriously, I am big bonned--still size 11 shoes, a tight 7 1/2 gloves. Just got my ring resized down to an 8 1/2. A year ago I couldn't imagine a buying a 12 for the wedding; I do think that a 10 is a distinct possibility! Well time to switch laundry loads. You guys on the west coast are still sawing logs!
  10. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, I'm glad you told us a little about your aunt. She sounds like a very special person who will be greatly missed. What a blessing that she was a part of your life. I had to miss one of my grandma's funerals too. It was 28 years ago, but I still feel bad that I couldn't be there. That's just really hard. Janet, You should see the images I have of you and your trainer! You are gunna be one hot chick! I love it that you got your head around all of this. I have to admit that I'm not there yet. Karri, I'll be thinking about you all weekend. Can't wait to hear from you! Ruby, Thanks for the recipie. I used to love the Spinach dip on taco chips. Great idea to try a little with meat! So, in a few hours another weekend begins. There are still piles of snow everywhere, but maybe I'll be able to get out and walk between them. We have another banquet to go to on Saturday, so it will be yet another food fight for me. I'm just so tired of it all, but no chioice, must press on.
  11. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl--you are just too much. I am so glad you are part of our group! I can't wait to meet you and DH in MN this summer. Karri--great post! I'm going to copy it and send to my sister who is getting her band next week. I'm worried about her. I think she's thinking this is going to be easy. Steph--I hope to be where you are by the end of the month! The 160's seem so much better than the 170's! I actually made an appointment for a PS consult for the end of the month. I'm hoping to get rid of my belly this summer, so I figured now's the time to get the ball rolling. I think I'm back among the living tonight. Have no idea what the heck that was this morning, but we don't need to do THAT again!
  12. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph, You can always go back into teaching, but you can NEVER have your babies back. Not that there aren't joys in them growing up, but sometimes I do get sad thinking of some of the things I missed because I had to work when they were little. I guess everyone's different, but that is how I feel. Speaking of my kids growing up, DS and DIL came over last night with new pics of their baby. Has anyone else seen a 3-dimentional sonogram yet? It is truly amazing! AND they told us that ITS A GIRL! So that was pretty exciting. They were sooooo happy. Now I have to resist the urge to go shopping (for awhile). Janet--I didn't notice any increased tightening with flying. But I have noticed that when I get a cold it seems to tighten up. I'm home today. This morning when I woke up I had a terrible headache, felt feverish, and every single muscle in my body ached. I took some Tylenol, and just now showered and got dressed. I still feel awful--achy and really tired--absolutely no appetite. I wonder what's up? With all the snow days we had this winter, I can't afford to cancel any more classes--I'm getting nervous as to how I'm going to get everything done in the next 6 weeks. Well, this is long enough at the computer. As Janet says, "ck back later"
  13. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyll--Hugs from me today. It's tough. Karri--Hi to you too! I second the notion for you to post a wedding pic! Janet--Isn't it amazing how losing the weight changes more than our appearance? Peaches--How you feelin today?
  14. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Happy Birthday, Jackie! I hope it's a wonderful day for you. Going to the gym and tanning--I could handle that! Some day you'll look back and wish you were "only" 35!
  15. lindaa

    bad surgeon?????

    The thing is that it is really difficult to find a surgeon that will look at someone else's band. Besides that, there are going to be a lot of additional costs in starting out with someone new. Practically speaking, I would suggest trying to work it out with your doctor. If you have any kind of insurance, it should cover the costs of complications once you have the band. You may want to call you carrier and see what they suggest you do. I don't think that it is a bad idea to talk to a lawyer so that you know what your legal options are. Just because you talk to someone doesn't mean that you are going to sue the doctor. Many lawyers will do a free consultation and give basic advice. The fees start when and if you decide to initiate action. Talking to the lawyer is just a way of educating yourself.
  16. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I know, but it doesn't bother me as much because 1. My belly is worse and 2. I can wear sleeves most of the year. It's sad that we will never be able to have our 20-something bodies back. I wish I had appreciated it more then! Maybe someday I'll feel the same way about a 50-something body?
  17. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet, Except for the freckles (due to living in S. Cal., I'm sure!) thoes could be MY arms! We are going to have to have a contest when we get to MN as to who has the worst arms!
  18. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    HI! I have a palm tree tat on my ankle--I'm in for another little one when we're in MN! Not a dice though, a heart would be OK--or a sun like Janet's, or sandals, or a lily--something tropical. . . So the wedding was fun. Didn't eat much--half my salad, a couple bites of meat, one bite of potato, only two bites of cake (my fav.). A year ago I would have cleaned my plate. I did have 2 glasses of wine and a sip of champange. I have to say, I had a lot more fun talking to people than I ever did before. Felt so confident! It was an unusual wedding. The bride was traditional and beautiful, but the groom? Can you say spikey Mohawk? Chains? Tatoos, piercings, tennis shoes and a tux? Someday they're going to want to to hide the wedding pictures. He's actually a very nice Christian guy--once you get past appearances.
  19. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Nixx on the tatoo, Peaches. As you loose weight the site will change because your belly changes. I asked my son, who will be a Radiation Therapist in a month. They tatoo the spots where they have to administer radiation, but they still image the sties regularly to make sure that the tatoo is still in the correct location. Changes in weight can make a difference. Well, I'm off to the weddiing. I got to admit, I look pretty hot in my size 14 skirt and 3-inch heals. More and more, people don't recoginze me. This morning someone said that she thought she knew me, but she couldn't place me. When I told her how she knows me, she couldn't believe it! How much fun is that? Thank you everyone for your congrats on reaching 100! It is a milestone for sure, but no one else knows it. I love you guys!
  20. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Peaches, I'm so happy that your surgery was uneventful! Do you have any fill in your band now, or do you have to wait 6 more weeks and start all over again? Hopefully the soreness will be gone by Monday and you will be on your way! Kari, Thanks for reposting the pic--I have the same issues with 50-something eyes. You look happy with the baby! How much weight have you lost? You live in Mi--right? But you're not going to be able to come with us to Minneapolis? Well, my only "news" besides the fact that the scale finally moved today, is that my #3 son was offered a job in Springfield MA. He'll probably accept it, which means that I will have one son living in the southwest (Pasadena) and another one living in the northeast. Doesn't get much worse than that :smile: Well, i suppose they could be living overseas. . . Good thing that I "fit" into an airplane seat now! That was a blast last week--crossing my legs on the airplane!!! Got a busy weekend planned too. We're helping some friends with a rehersal dinner tonight and the wedding's tomorrow. I also have a breakfast meeting tomorrow. Sunday's church and dd goes back to college for the last time (we hope). BTW: If you hear anything in the next couple of weeks about the book "Mistaken Identity" or see a story on TV about two girls who were in an auto accident in which one died and the other lived, but for 5 weeks they were misidentified, they would be friends of my dd. The girl who lived is in one of dd's classes this semester. I know there will be something on Dateline tonight (NBC I think) but there are other appearances scheduled in the next couple of weeks.
  21. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri--What a great way to wake me up! You're just full of good news, aren't you? I am so happy for you. Could you have ever imagined a year ago that YOU would be saying these things? New body, new haircut, GETTING MARRIED? WOW!!!! I could just hug you! I'm going to be happy all day just thinking about you!
  22. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, I love it! It captures your personality, and accuntuates your emerging figure. Maybe your stylist at home can copy it now that you have the ideas? Ruby--I ready your posts too and while I didn't post a response, I was glad that you were able to share your frustrations with us. I don't always respond by writing to each person, but I do think about every single one of you when you post, and I appreciate your sharing your lifes with me. I think that makes all closer--we can't always give advice, but we are always here to listen and to care. I'm tired tonight. Shopping all day yesterday with dd, and baby-sat my little 18 month old friend after work this afternoon has me worn out. Plus, I don't know, but my band seems really tight again. I've been coughing and waking up gagging again at night, so I'm not sleeping very well. Back to liquids for the most part, and unfortunately, not always the calorie-free ones.
  23. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Steph. Teen issues are the worst, and it sounds like you've got your share of them. Honestly, when my oldest was 14 i seriously would have sold him to the gypsies if I had the chance. It was a nightmare. But that was 14 years ago and we both survived relatively intact. One thing I remember that James Dobson said about the teenage years was "Just get them through it." He said it's like white water rafting--when you go through the rapids, it doesn't matter how you do it, just get through it. It's not going to be pretty, but like everything else, just take it one day at a time and pray, pray, pray. I know how hard it is to not reach out to the comfort of old friends when you're stressed. You are done with the chocolate now. Put it behind you now and move on with the program. For today, try to respond to your fears and frustrations with healthy food choices, that in the end will give you a feeling of satisfaction and some positive affirmations. As with so many things in life, "This too shall pass," but the consequences of how you handle things will effect you later on. You can choose for it to be a positive effect.
  24. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi. Gotta love that snow! It keeps comming. But I guess it's better than the flooding down south. Janet--glad you got a laugh. It is pretty funny when I think about it. Yeah, i agree that walking the mall will be exercise enough! What WAS I thinking? Chim--I hope you can make it. I think we will have a wonderful time. Peaches--what kind of lasering do you do? DD is on Spring Break this week (She doesn't get to go to a warm and sunny place yet--we're all going to mexico when she graduates in 53 days!) Anyway, we're going shopping today. I have to go to a wedding this weekend and literally have nothing to wear. She needs to transition from college-kid to business wardrobe. So off we go. The best part is that we can shop in the same stores now!
  25. lindaa

    Hello from WI!

    Hi, I'm a Sheboyganite. There is a Wisconsin thread in the Local Lab Band Support Groups.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
