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Everything posted by lindaa

  1. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    G'mornin. I just finished catching up, and now there's no time left to post. We got back from DS's graduation in Grand Rapids (on Kari's side of the lake) late last night. The band did it's job as far as controlling my eating, but it was of no use for the rest of the celebrating with the college kids. I'm up a pound this morning. It was a wonderful weekend, and one that frankly, I didn't think would ever actually happen! Don't know if I'll have time to post more later or not. Sleep study scheduled for tonight--cross your fiongers that I can ditch the CPAP!
  2. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    How did I know? Phyl's here!
  3. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    You-hoooo: Anyone home? You all must be outside enjoying a beautiful spring evening. Well, maybe not Phyl--it's probably snowing again! Yes, Janet, I can't believe I could actually get rid of the belly roll that's been plaguing me for 29 years since the birth of my first 10 1/2 pound baby! That would be something I would have never dreamed of. I think one of the reasons I gained all the weight back after the last time I lost it is b/c that roll was still there--even when I was an emaciated 140 pounds and ppl were worrying that I was anorexic! Karri--speaking of anorexia--I was starting to worry about you. I'm really glad to hear that you gained 2 pounds. You know, it wouldn't hurt sometime to talk with a counselor. It's not a sign of weakness, but it does help uncover and deal with some of the issues that may be driving your anxiety. Please don't take me wrong--I adore you. I just want you to be happy on the inside. As someone who lost it and gained it all back plus, I know that maintenance is more about head work than anything else. Hopefully I've done enough of that this time!
  4. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    The reason the PS gave for having the weight be stablized was that he feels that prolonged dieting depletes nutritional reservs and delays healing. My counter to that is that I've been taking vitamins and other supplements all along, and I can go back to protein shakes if necessary. I think I can convince him to do it as soon as I lose about 15 more pounds. I just have to find the cash if insurance won't step up (again!). He said that sometimes insurance will cover a panniectomy (tummy tuck), which only removes skin below the belly button. That solves the rash problem. He said that's about a 1 1/2 hour procedure. However, an alternative is a more extensive procedure called abdominoplasty (aka body contouring) which extends around to the sides and (in my case--and Kerri's i think) a vertical incision to the breastbone. That's a 3 hour procedure, and he quoted me about $8500. He said that insurance sometimes pay for the panni, but not the abdominoplasty. The other option, which in no way can I consider, is a complete lower body lift in which the incisions run completly around to the back. This would remove all the excess skin from the back and lift the buttocks as well as all of the above. That would be a 6 hour procedure for the low price of a little over $19K. Ruby--I've been praying for you and your DH. It sounds like you're doing all the right things. This is a time to focus on family and tell them how much you love and appreciate them. That is how God heals these hurts--through the love of others.
  5. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi, Just a quick update as it's been a long day. . .the PS consult: MOST EMBARASING MOMENT OF MY LIFE--much worse than delivering a baby--i'd rather go to the dentist. I am a very modest person, and the thought of me standing naked while they're taking pics of my fat was more than I could take. OK, with that said, it sounds like my surgery will be much like Karri's. We'll see what the insurance says. I am still planning on M of A--come what may. I am hoping for late June/early July. The PS is not happy with that--he'd like me on maintenance for 3-6 months prior to surgery, but my window of opportunity is very narrow. Now I wait on the insurance and DH. More later.
  6. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Umm, I've been holding off making hotel reservtions for M of A b/c 1. Last I heard, Peaches' DH was thinking about coming and 2. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go due to possible PS in July. I actually have my first consult today, and hopefully will know more this afternoon. I got myself a nice li'l rash, so hopefully that will convince my insurance to cover it.
  7. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Go figure, I give up and THEN you all come on! Sorry I missed you guys. I spent a lot of time on Land's End's website last night trying to find a bathing suit. You can enter your body type, height, weight, etc and create a virtural model to try things on. I think I found something I can live with. My thighs and butt are horribly saggy-baggy, so I need LOTS of coverage! Now I have to get up the courage to actually order the thing!
  8. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well, in that case, let me try again: I'm here all alone. DH is outside restaining the deck. He knows better than to put a paint brush in my hand! Now, the windows I asked him to wash three weeks ago still aren't washed. He touched up some woodwork, but didn't bother dusting or cleaning it like I suggested. I suppose I should go outslde and talk to him. . . MEN!! AGGGRG
  9. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Howdy friends, Just posting so we can move on to a new page. Don't worry about it Jackie. It's worth it to see the pic of your dd looking so happy. I love her dress--what a beautiful color on her! I hope she had as good a time as she looked! I know that I've been retaining water too this week. I haven't had more than 1100 cal, so pretty soon I should get a big jump. Hopefully by Tuesday when I go for PS consult. BTW, Karri. I got myslef a nasty rash going--should be impressive for the insurance pics! I had to go shopping for something to wear to DS's graduation next weekend. I am so excited--I found a beautiful skirt and top that really looked awesome on me. I just love it! NOW I know what you mean when you say that nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Not that I'm near thin yet, but just to see myself in pretty clothes feels soooo good! Well, did I write enough to push us along? Hi Phyl, Janet, Steph, Peaches!
  10. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'm here too this morning--just lurking, I guess. I don't have much to add--just refreshing between doing other things. On the health care topic, there are programs sponsored by the drug companies that provide meds to ppl. that can't afford them. Janet--Your ex could try that. The problem is owning a home--I guess they feel that some ppl have equity in the house and/or other assets that could be tapped into to purchase meds. I think we would be shocked at how much our taxes would GO UP if we had to subsidize health care. Americans have an entitlement mentality that is way beyond what we can afford. I see this a lot at the free clinic that I volunteer in. A lot of ppl feel entitled to things that they don't really NEED. For example, a woman came in demanding a medication to clear up a fungal infection in her toe nails that she got from having pedicures. Now, the medication costs, I don't know, something like $100/month, and you have to take it for at leat 6 months. She didn't get it, and was upset. But when you look at it from the clinic's perspective, we have limited resources too, and the diabetics need their insulin and test strips much more than she needed the anti-fungal medication. I mean, sure, her toenails looked bad, but she's not going to die from it. Again, if she has the wherewithall to be getting pedicures, she probably can afford to purchase the medication. It's all about choices. I guess my point is that people will always be dissatisfied with whatever kind of health care system because there will always be things that people want and can't afford. The bigger problem in the US, IMHO, are the lawyers who encourage law suits which raise the cost of malpractice which raises the costs of health care, and greedy health care administrators. Well, for not having much to say, I sure got on my soapbox! Stepping down now.
  11. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    OK, so tonight DH and I went to Chilies. We had to wait to be seated and since the place is small we couldn't help but watch as other ppl got their food. Oh, things looked really good--pasta, huge hanburgers, onion rings, chips,. . .but I didn't feel "tempted" by any of it. I had made up my mind that my "splurge" was going to be a bowl of chicken enchallada soup. It was wonderful. Just the right amount to satisfy. it was 440 calories, but that's ALL I had. No Marguritas, no chips, no desert. Phy's absolutely right. It's not about giving in to temptations, it's about making choices. Phyl, I hear you about the rain/hail/snow thing. It's about 40 degrees here too, but the wind is raw--right off Lake Michigan. This is the time of year I really envy you folks who have spring--leaves on trees and flowers blooming. Our little daffodills are maybe 2 inches tall, and they're freezing! I never did buy into the global warming theory. IMHO, it's just another way for some ppl (i.e. Mr Gore) to make money. Peaches--so sorry to hear about the terrible care your mom is getting from her doctor. Good for you for advocating for her. Keep up the good work. I don't know how health care works in Canada, but I'd be seriously looking for another doctor. Janet--You are a very good mom. You are loving but honest with your kids. You set limits and enforce them. That's what a good parent does. It's just hard when your grandchildren are involved. I'm sure you want the best for them and so sometimes you have to indulge the parent to protect the child. I hope you're having a good time with your friend tonight. Looking forward to hearing about it. Well, my scale is stalled yet again. Never mind. I'm pressing onward! I did buy some size 12 shorts at TJ Maxx today in anticipation of our Mexico trip next month. They're snug, but I can wear them! (My legs are actually thin, but saggy-baggy.) I also got some new summer PJ's (size large!) considering that we have a lot of overnights comming up.
  12. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Karri, That is FANTASTIC! One of my sons did the Chicago Marathon a couple of years ago. You can do it, and we will all be there cheering you on! Hey, I'm willing to try out your recipies. Maybe you can write a cookbook for us less creative bandsters. I am clue-less in the kitchen, except when it comes to old the fashoned, high fat things my mom cooks. Steph--since you don't usually drink coffee in the summer, why not just give that up for now and see how it goes? 100 calories a day is 700 a week. Basically, you'd be saving 1000 calories every 10 days. That works for me!
  13. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Im my previous life I used to LOVE the Tostitos spinich dip on taco chips, but it NEVER occurred to me to substitute it for mayo. What a great idea! Thanks for the idea about cream sauce too. Nothin new to report here. After this week, only 3 more weeks of classes left--hourray. This summer is going to be fantastic; I can't wait for it to get started. First of all, I desperately need some clothes. I cleaned out my closet last weekend, and what's left is not going to work at all once the weather warms up. I have four graduations, the trip to Mexico, and the wedding (including showers, rehersal dinner dinner). I even need new PJ's and other unmentionables. I had my cholesterol checked at work last week. It was 190, so I'm happy about that. I go to the pcp next week, but I don't think I will be able to d/c my BP meds. The last time I was thin (15 years ago) I still needed them. I think my last pregnancy did something to my kidneys, and no matter what my weight is, I am going to have BP issues. TTYL
  14. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Phyl, And I'm betting that pound you gained is water weight! Really good job!! Beth: YOU'VE LOST 95 POUNDS! A break once in a while is a GOOD thing. You've taken the first step and are back with renewed committment. You're doing great! Just try not gaining anything until Friday, and hopefully once you're filled, the hunger will go away and you'll be able to stick to the plan like you did before. You should lose quite a bit the frist week after you're refilled b/c your body has become accoustomed to a few more calories and will give up the fat more readily once you start restricting them again--at least that's what happened to me when I was unfilled and refilled a couple months ago.
  15. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi, I sure missed a lot here yesterday! "Welcome!" to the newbies. Hope ya stick around awhile and let us get to know you. I am most grateful for this thread--these ppl are my bestest friends. What's up with the tight bands anyway? I am right there with ya. I ate maybe a half of a pork chop yesterday, and that set me right back to soup and mushies. It still hurts today. Karri--In a perfect world, you'd get a little unfil now and the rest later, but traveling 6 hours is not a perfect world. Since you are in the maintenance mode, and you are highly motivated, I'd say to unfill all of it now. I share your fear of that--but I do think it's the healtiest option for you at this point. For me, I think it's different. Going by how I feel, I should have some fill removed too. But I'm holding off, hoping that losing the last 20 pounds will put me in a good place, and if not, I can unfill then. That should be late June/early July, which is when I hope to schedule TT, Then I can have a little fill put back just before M of A and The Wedding. Hey Phyl, My soon-to-be radiation therapist son is interviewing for a job in Wanachee (sp?) WA today. Is that anywhere near you? I still think he's leaning towards accepting the offer in Springfield MA, but he wanted to check this one out before making a final decision. On the sipping water question: Before I starting having all these issues with being too tight (since the first of the year), gulping water was not an issue. Now, I can still swallow water, but it hurts like mad to gulp it.
  16. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I miss all our other friends too. I know Phyl's traveling, but I miss her. Last night was a little better. Had some issues early on, but after nothing after midnight. I'm having a little coffee now, and plan to take it really easy today. My son, dil, and dd's bf are comming for dinner after church tomorrow, but at this point, I'm not the least bit interested in eating. To do fills/unfills you need a special kind of needle. The clinic that i volunteer in doesn't have them. I have an appt. with my pcp the week after next and I plan on talking to him about it. I'm hoping I can convince my him to know how to do an unfil for me if I need one, or at least get me a needle and syringe. Ya know, it's still early. Maybe I'll go back to bed for awhile. . .
  17. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Aww, thanks Janet, What a friend! No cold or any other symptoms during the day--everything is fine. Just issues at night. Yeah, I'm self pay, and to make it worse, most surgeons don't even want to deal with Mexican patients at all, and the ones that do charge an arm and a leg. Frustrating since I could adjust the band it myself if I had the supplies. Well, I'm hoping for the best tonight. . . Off to watch "What not to Wear." TTYL
  18. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Warning: May be TMI Hi friends, I have to tell you that I'm starting to have problems again :thumbup:. The last two nights were terrible. Every time I fell asleep I'd start refluxing. The first night I thought it was b/c I ate too much supper too late and too fast, so yesterday I had nothing to eat and only water to drink after 1 pm! I worked till 10 pm and went to bed very, very tired. Every time I'd relax and start falling asleep I'd start coughing b/c there was stuff in my throat. My nose would be full of mucous, and eventually, I'd start bringing up large amounts of mucous. This went on all night long until I called it quits at 5 am. During the day I don't have any problems, but when I laid down after work tonight I could feel it starting again. I don't have a lot of acidity, just all this mucous. I suppose an unfill is in order, but to be honest, I can't afford another $300 + $300 to refill again. I hope by relaxing this weekend, and sticking to slider foods, I can get past this. Any advice?
  19. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Oh Karri, a size 4! My 21-year old daughter wears a 4 and she is THIN! Just imagine what that's gong to be like! I am really very happy for you. You've worked hard and it's paying off.
  20. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Here's the thing: They have the right to take away anything that doesn't meet the criteria. So if you have a big can of aeresol hairspray--gone! If your liquid foundation or deordorant is in a container bigger than 3 ounces--gone! etc. Even a half used tube of toothpaste, they can take away if the tube's too big. I had them pour distilled water out of a 8 oz container b/c it was too big--at least they gave me the container back.
  21. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet--Any gel, liquid or cream (including toothpaste) you want to carry onto an airplane must be in a container that contains no more than 3 ounces, and all your little containers have to fit into a clear zip-lock bag no bigger than 1 quart. You have to pull your 1 quart bag out of your carry on when you go through security and have it inspected seperately. You can buy little containers at Target (or probs lots of other places). When I went to VA last month, they didn't hassle me about the lip gloss or the Tide-to-Go in my purse, but they probably could have. If you want to bring a bottle of water, soda, or coffee onto the plane, you have to purchase it after you clear security. Also, wear sandals or flip flops onto the plane. You gotta take them off too, and it's a hassle to put them back on with everyone trying to rush through. I didn't have any issues with underwires in my bras, or my band setting off the alarms. Some ppl say they do, but I never did.
  22. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Denise, 1000 calories isn't much. It is really hard. That's where I try to stay too, and to be honest, I usually don't get my 60 grams of protein. I hope it helps you to know that you're not alone in this. We're all fighting the same battles here. I have found that some days I really do need to eat a little more than the 1000 though. It seems that a little boos tricks the body into letting go of a little more fat. So don't beat yourself up on the days you go a little over 1000--just get back on track the next day.
  23. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Janet--That's fab. news! What an honor. Can't wait to hear all about it. Now, whatever are you going to wear??? :huh2:
  24. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Good for you Ruby, Sometimes when I get a craving like that I give myself a certain amount of time. When the times up I give it a little more. Pretty soon its time for a real meal, and that usually takes care of the craving. Once in a while the craving persists for days. That's when I usually give in--but just a little. Glad it worked for you too!
  25. lindaa

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Ruby, I'm back. . . How you doin? Time to make supper now. That'll fill me up--don't need the cookie.

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