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Posts posted by DroppinStones

  1. Thank you LisaT678, Butterbean, and deedadumble. Your advice is incredible!!! I am reading up on Chi running and am about to order Slow Burn. Thanks for the suggestions. It turns out I was getting sick which is why I was struggling... Deedadumble I am 3 months out so still heavy on Proteins and I try to have a cheese stick about an hour before.. Too close to workout and I get horrible stomach cramps when I run.. What kind of fuel do you do before a run??

  2. Had to have a honest moment with myself today and will be going back to week 6 and redoing the last few weeks of the program. Trying to run a full 30 min every "run day" now that I graduated is quickly zapping my moral, and I feel like I need to make this a program I can stay on. I am excited I was able to make it to the full 30... But am really struggling to stay at that level. Think backing up and working my way back to this point will help me get excited again, with some attainable wins... and at the same time continue to prep my body for the next step... Any of you vets ever do something like that??? Does it help???

  3. Life got in the way of me finishing week 8 last Friday so I did it today!!! I finished the program and ran for 30 minutes straight!!! I was no where near 5k at the end but that will come. I'm signed up for a race in March... I have until then to increase my speed/ distance. Where's my running buddy? Jumping back in? Did you finish?

  4. After running outside for the first time the other day I am feeling shin splints. Anyone else experience this? Is it ok to continue with runnning? The pain is not by any means excruciating just an ache but am concerned will I be causing damage to continue. Thanks for any info.

    Had that issue the first time I tried to run a few years back... Getting fitted for the right shoe and insert made a huge difference for me. If you have a place that can check that for you, and you can afford it, it will really help out.

  5. Tag Droppin! Just finished w8d1. It was a challenge. Got a cortisone shot this morning and back up on my prednisone. Muscles feel like Jello so don't know how the rest of the week is going to go. :-( With turkey day this week and then hubs & I are driving his parents to Az Friday & Saturday. I will fly home Monday so I'm going to do the best I can with the time I have.

    Sounds like things are getting pretty rough.. Did your doctor clear you to keep running??? Tag

  6. Just finished W7D2. Went pretty well. It's nice since I've slowed my pace down, I can actually run and just let my mind wander and think about things. I actually came up with some pretty good ideas for Christmas this year. Lol Anxiously awaiting my pacing partner, droppinstones, to post her run today. Are you on MFP? Everyone have a great hump day! I'll be back tomorrow.

    Not on MFP but comes up here a lot maybe I should be :). Finished week 7 day 2


  7. Just finished W7D1. Averaged a 15 min mile so still slow but STEADY!! I am glad I cut back my speed. I felt like I could have gone a little longer and I wasn't struggling to breath. I just had to come to the place to realize that it's ok to be slow. I don't have to be a sprinter to be considered a runner and my speed will improve with time, consistency and persistence. Hey friends, I'm a RUNNER & I'm proud of it!!

    Tag pace buddy! Right there with you! Week 7 Day 1 done!

  8. The last couple runs have been a lot better. The 1% incline feels good and I've shortened my stride I think. I feel good after 7 km. I haven't been able to make myself run further than that since I finished the Couch to 10k. I just don't feel like I need to run longer than 50 minutes at a shot for exercise. Gallbladder surgery tomorrow so yesterday was probably my last run for the next week or two.

    Good Luck

  9. It was raining so hard when I woke up this morning (at 6:15) to go to run my 10K and I was SO tempted to stay in my warm and dry bed, but I managed to get up and get ready. I was prepared with a poncho, and luckily it wasn't too cold out. Ran the whole way, but was pretty darn slow in comparison to all the other runners there. Finished in 1:15, which was my target for the race. My pace was around 11:59. Next race is a Christmas 5K with a bunch of friends and after that I'm trying to decide whether to run a 10K or 1/2 in Maui when I go visit my sleeve sister for our 1 year surgiversary.

    Congrats!!! I'm still only at 14:00 for 22 minutes! Good work!

  10. For anyone looking for some running music and has a spotify membership... I found this on gizmodo... All the songs are between 170 - 190 beats per minute which is supposed to be the ideal pace to avoid injury... Or as the article puts it.. "most people have a bouncy stride, which wastes energy and strains joints through excessive impact." Anyway they did the research and created two spotify lists.

    Rock and Roll:


    Hip Hop:


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
