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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SuperFab

  1. I've got my appointment today with the surgeon! I've got a list of questions, but does anyone maybe have any questions that I might've missed that you wish you had asked?

    What sort of leak tests do you perform?

    Will I have a drain?

    Will I have a private room?

    Will I have an abdominal binder?

    What will I be given for pain medicine?

    What is the average # of nights in the hospital?

  2. I planned on it. :) just thinking it's cause there's only one stitch left, when there were 2.. Cause it really only started after I got home from that appointment. But it's annoying enough that I've been taking pain meds all night cause I almost can't handle the pain when I stand up. It does go away after a minute or 2 of standing, but still. Ugggg. Ha.

    They pulled my drain n didn't stitch me up. It closed on its own. Now, the scar where they took my stomach out catches and hurts Bc they perform an internal stitch deep in the muscle tissue. That one still gets me.

  3. I just hope I am not stretching it out by not knowing how many ounces I am getting an hour or so... I started sipping one at 8:45 and finished around 11:15 am.. Don't know if it's just me thinking too much about it lol all this time at home has my brain going bananas lol

    I know my shakes are 11oz and sip on it til I'm too full. Then refrigerate it for a bit. Pull it out n sip more. Once it's all gone I log a complete shake. I drink til I'm full, though.

    However, I'm gonna have to start measuring 3oz portions of my Soups Bc I get too full and it hurts if I don't.

  4. The first night home I cried because my family thought I was going to be able to do for them like always and I need them to do for me for once. Get Ella baby food it's great. I do have a problem with my 13 years old like to eats the fruits. This way no one will eat your stuff. Five days post op. I have horrible gas pains still. I have taking gasx it doesn't help. I walk up and down chicago blocks. They gas is still here. Anyway, it took me five days to figure out my stomach is full. I haven't throw up and hope I don't. Today I decided not to take any pain pills because I want to drive soon. Now I have questions does anyone breath smells( cuz my is horrible right now and I taste blood all the time). Do u every get dizzy and light headed even when u are full? I breakout in a sweat when I get dizzy

    I have really funky breath and a bad taste in my mouth all the time. I get lightheaded. I think it's from too few calories.

  5. I showered again today, and I feel like a new person. I keep getting weird spasm or pains in my upper stomach esophagus. It's real weird and I don't like it. Hah. I did decide to try and not take pain meds to see how it goes, and I'm not sure it was a good idea.

    I just had to take some Bc I was a dummy and lifted a box and strained my stomach muscles :(

  6. I showered again today, and I feel like a new person. I keep getting weird spasm or pains in my upper stomach esophagus. It's real weird and I don't like it. Hah. I did decide to try and not take pain meds to see how it goes, and I'm not sure it was a good idea.

    I just had to take some Bc I was a dummy and lifted a box and strained my stomach muscles :(

  7. Hey SF These are the things we can look back on and laugh at. Laughter is the best medicine. I feel so much better today than yesterday and so on. 1 wk tomorrow was surgery. What a difference a week makes. I'm so looking forward to a normal size. I went to a huge consignment shop today to look for a pic I saw the last time I was there. I was able to get it at 1/2 price. The one employee asked my friend and I if we'd like to do an interview for their promotion. I thought 6 mo's from now I'd jump at the chance but until then I think I'll stay out of the lime light. LOL. They were videoing a tall, thin blonde. I drove the 32 miles to Phoenix, walked the whole warehouse consignment and drove back. Had a Protein Shake, took a 1/2 hr nap and I'm up and feeling good. Glad we're on the mend and to the new us.

    Glad to see you're up and staying busy. Today I started packing and picked up the box of stuff. It didn't seem heavy at all but I started hurting. Now I'm gonna nap or something. Maybe I won't feel as sore afterward.

  8. I can't thank you all for the inspiring stories and how you've supported each other. Surgery is 4 days away for me (Thursday) and I have been able to be light hearted thanks to you all. :) Any suggestions on things you had wished you had gotten done before surgery (shaved legs, cut hair, more Water intake, more pooping!) that I can learn from? My want-tos are helping me get to the finish line (thanks Jencovi!) and not freak out too bad. Melissa

    i wish I'd gotten my Rx filled before surgery so I wouldn't have to wait for them a day afterward. Also, I am glad I colored my new growth before I went in. It made me feel better about myself :)

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