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Posts posted by SuperFab

  1. Hi All- Day 17 and I overdid it. Granted its Mardi Gras and I live in New Orleans. Spent two nights out with kids and friends at parades. Then lunches with girlfriends in day ( where I have like 4 bites of Soup and watch everybody eat). Anyhoo, kind of quit paying attention as much to Water intake and mac Protein intake; feeling really ragged out and sore. Refocusing on myself today and keeping good track. When things get hectic it's easy to focus on everything else except yourself. Hope everyone's ok today.

    Amen to that. I'm only 10 days out and am in the process of moving. It's way too easy to put everything before your own health when you're not vigilant. Today is definitely going to be a "focus on me" day.

  2. Hunger can still be present after surgery. But.... Oftentimes it may be that the sufferer needs an acid reducer, as acid mimics hunger. Or it's head hunger and not true hunger. It could also be that Protein intake isn't high enough, or too many carbs are triggering hunger. Each individual differs and if you experience hunger after surgery there are lots of reasons why. Your doctor will work with you on the best way to eliminate it, if possible.

  3. I had surgery the same day. All I'm supposed to worry about is staying hydrated until my 2 week post op visit when I'm cleared for advancing my diet to puréed foods.

    I tried Protein shakes and I gag. Literally. And the smell of the unflavored gags me. The only Protein I'm getting for the moment is from Greek yogurts and my doc says to just stay hydrated for now. If it weren't for cream of chicken Soup, sf puddings and Greek yogurt I'd starve. Lol


  4. I cried today. I'd been out and about with my friend everywhere. EVERYWHERE!!!! We are both moving and were shopping around for things we needed and I was in the middle of Walmart and this overwhelming fatigue hit me. I felt so tired and I just started to cry. Right there in front of the soy sauce and rice noodles. I had to go sit in the car. I know. I'm a weirdo.

    But my guy is in Washington state and I'm in Oklahoma. I haven't seen him since October and it just hit me that he's not here to bolster me when I need support. I felt utterly alone in an ocean full of bodies. And the fatigue from doing too much today got to me.

    I know right now that my body is being flooded with hormones and it's normal to be overly emotional, but that didn't stop it from happening.

  5. My doc told me to take the fiber daily until I add veggies back into my diet if that helps. I am on much different diet than everyone else. I started purées on post op day 3. I start soft Proteins next Monday. It makes me feel like this isn't going to work. Like I love my dr and trust him, but I've literally cried over it to my husband that I'm already like eating food and a lot of people on here are still on liquids. I've been swallowing pain meds since my last day in the hospital. I'm just feeling like this isn't going to work.

    It WILL work, so get that thought out of your head right now. There are lots and lots of people on this site whose doc has advanced their diets as fast as yours and they do just as well as anyone else. Kick those negative thoughts out of your head.

  6. I'd almost rather do ANYTHING than have another IV. The thought literally makes me feel like I'm gonna faint.

    So, I've figured out that my tiny tummy will hold 3 ounces of RTD shake. Not a drop more. Same with cream Soups, yogurt or pudding. I just have to premeasure everything. Which is fine. It can hold more if it's like propel or a clear liquid. So I am going to try to stay hydrated above all else. The first 2 weeks my doc stresses hydration above all else so that's what I'm gonna focus on. I honestly don't think my tummy is ready to process a lot more than that yet.

    I have a funky metallic taste in my mouth that I thought might be ketosis, but I doubt it since I'm putting milk in my cream soups. My tastes have already changed. Sweet stuff gags me. It's way too sweet. I love plain Water, now it hurts.

    I'm actually not disappointed in my results. I'm glad I can only hold such a small amount right now and that my tastes have changed. The only thing that scares me is my Fluid intake. I actually think I'm going to focus each morning on my fluids and start my day that way until I get into a routine.

    I know I seem to complain a lot and I'm sorry it seems that way. I'm just more or less trying to update on where I'm at. Lol

    Even though I am struggling in certain areas I'd do this all over again. In an instant. I'm just trying to figure out my groove :)

  7. 14 days post op...got home from my second hospital stay two days ago. I have a picc line in my arm which is incorrectly placed and causing me chest pain..Also one line is clogged or kinked and cannot be flushed. All of my food I'm getting through 24 hour intravenous infusions. Filled with regret and really depressed.

    It's very hard for me to be positive and upbeat. I haven't really been getting my fluids or Protein in so I'm worried about what my two week update will entail. Just know that I'm keeping you in my thoughts and here if you wanna talk.


  8. Oops I am 10 days post op just did the math again lol can you atleast get Water down? I would talk to the dr . Poor thing that sucks :( I haven't had any prob with nausea yet...

    Yeah. I'm getting water. Today I drank 2 ounces every 5 minutes to make sure I don't get dehydrated. Plain water makes me literally nauseated. I have to mix it with something. It's so weird, you hear about other people's experiences and think you're prepared, and maybe most people are, but I wasn't. I wasn't prepared for the extreme amount of pain I'd wake up in, nor was I prepared for how nauseated I'd be. All of the things that were ok before surgery make me gag now. This is definitely a learning experience and if anyone dares tell me I took the easy way out I'll knock em flat on their ass.

  9. I never wore a binder at all, my Dr is awesome so.if.it.were.required.he.would have made me wear it.

    It's not "required" by all doctors. Mine prefers you to wear one for two weeks Bc it makes coughing, sneezing, vomiting, getting up and down and side sleeping less painful. Keeps everything nice and tight. Without it I felt like all of my guts were gonna spill out into the floor. Lol

  10. I had surgery on Monday afternoon and if it wasn't for my liquid percaset I wouldn't sleep at all and I wouldn't get any liquids in either, it hurts when I lay down, hurts when I get up! So I know it'll take a lil while so I'm just gonna use the meds they gave me lol.

    My insurance wouldn't cover the pain meds in liquid form. Nice, huh? Lol

    I was just getting concerned Bc I'm getting like 150-200 calories a day.

    As for sleeping, I'm a side sleeper and that deep incision burns sometimes and pulls so it wakes me up.

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