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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SuperFab

  1. I was getting worried Fab!! So good to hear you're doing well. Your post sounds so much happier than a couple of weeks ago. Hell yeah you look fabulous. Is it too early for a before/after pic???

    I can get my daughter to snap a pic this coming weekend and post it. She can also show me how to make one of those split image collage pic thingies.

    Yeah, at first it was rough but we knuckle down n do our best. I knew once I got past the first few weeks I'd be better so I just kept swimming :)

  2. Hey y'all!!! I'm alive, I promise! My iPhone crapped out and I just got the replacement today.

    I'm all moved, almost all the way unpacked and feel so different. I'm over 40 pounds down (I'll probably weigh tomorrow) and you can really tell in the way I look. And I am doing things that used to be awkward or painful, like bending to tie my shoes, bending to shave, etc. best feeling ever.

    I haven't thrown up once since my first few days. I did dry heave once Bc I still get nauseous. I have to take zofran for nausea every day. I take my ppi (protonix) twice daily and my bipolar meds. That's it. No more BP meds. No more Lyrica for my back. It's crazy wonderful.

    I learned I HAVE to measure 2-3 ounces out, depending what it is. Otherwise it hurts if I have any more than that. A very uncomfortable feeling.

    I've also found I can drink liquids if they are on ice. Otherwise I get nauseated. Who am I kidding, I am always nauseated. Lol

    I'm actually excited about going to a wedding March 29 Bc I look so fucking fabulous. Just sayin

  3. Hey everyone... I am having a problem, my stomach has be upset since yesterday. It won't stop moving and talking to me. Has anyone else had an upset stomach. I don't want to eat to drink anything except for Water. Every time I get or drink anything my stomach gets more upset.

    Are you taking a ppi like Prilosec, Zantac or Protonix? Sounds like u need to be and if one doesn't work try a different one. I have to take protonix twice a day.

  4. Thanks :). Last night was kinda rough, I kept waking up extremely nauseous even though I have the anti-nausea patch behind my ear AND the nurse gave me extra nausea meds through my IV. It was extremely hard to keep from throwing up, but I managed. I did do a bug dry heave though, which felt terrible on my insides. Today is better, I'm glad I'm getting off the morphene, that stuff made me too drowsy. Still sore as hell though obviously :(

    I had the patch, phenergan, zofran and finally Benadryl... And was still dry heaving. Hang in there. It really does get better. I felt like I was ripping in two when I was dry heaving so I feel your pain.

  5. "Ummmmm" I think people are always quick to judge :( how about a possibility while eating what we are required to but maybe have a lot lower metabolism than others that's a Huge possibility! Maybe have your metabolism tested I did and found out mine is lower than most meaning I will lose slower!

    Maybe you're right. But when u post on a forum it's open to discussion. Meaning you're going to get advice from different angles. One takes what one needs from the answers and chooses to ignore what they don't.

    This is my second account on this forum, as I was locked out of my old one. I've been on these boards for 3 years total. More often than not slow weight loss is from too many carbs. If it doesn't work, cutting carbs, then try someone else's suggestion. You eventually find what works for you.

  6. Hello all. I haven't been avoiding y'all, I've just been moving into a new place :)

    As far as dry mouth, my lips are so dry... And my hands are. Very dry. I'm always putting lotion on. At first I thought it was from handling all of the cardboard boxes and newspaper to dishes and things in, but now I'm thinking I'm pretty dehydrated as my urine is very yellow.

    As far as Constipation goes, I'm the opposite. Which doesn't help my dehydration issues.


  7. So I'm 7 days out of surgery and am still feeling pretty bad. Honestly, I'm scared that I didn't make the right decision. I've had some moments where my desire to eat other foods around me outweigh the importance of this new journey. What if I have these moments and can actually eat? This is the first time that I've really questioned my strength I see this through. I've had such a hard time getting in the recommended liquid and Protein, have lots of painful cramping and now I'm nauseated to boot. I really hope it's going to get better, but I'm feeling pretty down right now. Mostly because I haven't figured out how to listen to my new stomach. Sometimes the pain is really bad. I had my follow up appt yesterday and the surgeon said that I was doing fine. So why do I feel so bad?

    I felt the same as far as pain, nausea and being depressed. I know you're tired of hearing this, but it gets better each day. But do take it easier. There are a couple of is who ripped our muscles where that internal stitch was healing. Be very careful when u bend down. Actually, try not to at first.

    Keep in mind, right now your hormones are flooding your body. You're going to get mixed feelings. Your emotions are on overdrive. Just know that you are not alone.

    Your tummy is numb. You will learn to feel restriction and learn to read your body's cues. It just takes time for the nerves in your tummy to come back awake.

  8. I know SJ, I was packing and I swear I hear something pop and it literally felt like I'd been stabbed. I gasped n fell back. Freaked my friend out. I couldn't catch my breath and I laid there holding my side. Today I had to see the doc and am now all codeined up. Even after the pain meds I can barely move. I kept saying I think I popped something open and crying like a baby to the doctor.

  9. I'm three weeks post op and I felt hunger from the second day post op ppl were trying to tell me I wasn't hungry or it was head hunger but the noises from my stomach told ppl yes she's hungry I eat little and often and am constantly starving

    My noises and stomach churning in hunger quit after I started protonix. Mine was just acid. Thank goodness. Lol

  10. Ok, my hospital list:

    Stuffed bear or small firm pillow for pressure when getting up or down, coughing, and my ride home. (I have a 3hr ride home) I was told to put a bright pillowcase on it instead of white so it won't get confused with hospital linens or forgotten.

    Blistex. Some hospitals don't allow Chapstick due to the glycerine in it, but blistex is allowed.

    Phone charger attached to a small extension cord.

    Panties. They let my sister wear them after surgery and she felt less exposed in them when male nurses were checking her incisions, etc plus you can tuck your drain into them while you're up and about if you have a drain.

    Toothpaste and toothbrush



    I plan on wearing the same clothes and flip flops home as I wear to the hospital.

    Gas x strips

    Lotion. I remember my sister's hands were so dry and she was always asking for my lotion.

    List of ppl to contact n tell them I made it out of surgery in case I'm too out of it. My bf is out of state and will be wondering how I am. My kids will be worrying too.

    Tweezers. You never know when ur gonna need to pluck or tweeze

    Medical binder


    Change for vending machine



    Bag of meds

  11. @ Superfab...I'll bet your happy you did it, huh? Tell us how you feel about the surgery now.

    Well..... I've had a rough go of it. Pain, nausea, trouble with Protein making me gag, lol

    But yeah, I'd do it over in a heartbeat. Funny thing is, I have severe spinal stenosis with an exorbitant amount of lower back and hip pain. I walked with a walker for a year until I started taking a drug called Lyrica. Lyrica helped my nerve pain and I was able to walk for a limited time with minimal pain. NOW I take no bp meds and no Lyrica. Sure I get fatigued Bc I just had a major surgery. But.... No back or hip pain. I've already eased enough pressure off of my back and hips to discontinue what I literally thought of as a miracle drug.

    Funny thing is, you'll hear people say "after surgery it gets better every single day" and they aren't BSing you. It's true. Every day you feel better physically and get stronger emotionally.

    Best thing I've ever done :D


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
