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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ReDbEaN

  1. ReDbEaN

    December Fitness Challenge

    HOW do you keep running with blisters??? Do you not feel them until you stop? Seriously? I don't know
  2. ReDbEaN

    So Down:(

    Thankya, kind sir. I do wonder though - have you seen your optometrist lately? :-P
  3. ReDbEaN

    So Down:(

    Hah! I'm not feeling that I'll be hot and sexy but as long as I can be healthy and not so darn fat I'll be good
  4. ReDbEaN

    So Down:(

    My sister is the one in that photo with me! And the pic really is bad...but honestly y'all have made me feel much better...so thank you...and btw, you ARE a HOT MAMA! ;-P
  5. ReDbEaN

    So Down:(

    See!! Your sister sucks!! My stuffing pic is also me flipping her off so not good But look at my selfie and one my husband took two weeks ago.. See the major difference? Oh and I weigh less in the one my husband took.. But I don't look it! But I chalk it off to he sucks at photography Don't tell me I look good! Look at the difference humph! I think you're looking like a HOT MAMA!! SOOOO there! :-P
  6. ReDbEaN

    So Down:(

    Well do share :-P it was my sister that took the photo!
  7. ReDbEaN

    So Down:(

    True, true! And I know it, I know photographers do that...thanks for this perspective. Doesn't necessarily negate how awful I looked but I does make me look at it from a different viewpoint.
  8. ReDbEaN

    So Down:(

    Awww thanks for the hug! I am such a hugger in person:)
  9. ReDbEaN

    So Down:(

    Thanks ma'am, I know it's a lot, but I have sooo much more to go!
  10. ReDbEaN

    So Down:(

    Thankya ma'am. I hope next Thanksgiving I will be runway hot :-P
  11. Hah! That's how I wanna do it!
  12. ReDbEaN

    Sleevers Near Baton Rouge, La?

    33 oz is better than nothing. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Keep us updated on your drs visit.
  13. ReDbEaN

    So Down:(

    I'm scared to think of taking other photos!! I thought I wouldn't mind so much this time...I was sadly mistaken. I will do my best not to dwell on it, it was just such a wake up call that I have sooo much more to go.
  14. ReDbEaN

    So Down:(

    Thanks ma'am. I am definitely gonna do my best to not revert back to the old ways...just was so upsetting to see how bad I looked after I thought I was looking so much better. And I asked her to delete it, but she hasn't. Thank you again for the encouragement.
  15. ReDbEaN


    Way to go!!
  16. ReDbEaN

    Oh Em Gee! Squeeeeeeek!

    WOOOT WOOOT!!! That is exciting!!! Congrats!
  17. Hah, I'll be sure to put my boots on today to plank! :-P I can only imagine what my hubby and kiddos would think !!!
  18. My feet slip too!!! Imma try shoes too
  19. I did my 25 second planks today:)
  20. ReDbEaN

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    Oh, Laura, noooo! You are a beautiful person, inside and out. I'm so, so sorry you have such terrible thoughts about yourself, especially when I look up to you so very much. I don't have any words of wisdom to share, I wish I did. I wish I could take all of that ugly and make you realize what I see when I see Laura-ven, which is an amazing, caring, smart-alec, loving person who isn't afraid to speak her mind (which I love)!!! I sure hope your day/mind has gotten better since this post. Hugs to you from me
  21. ReDbEaN

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    Laura, BE PROUD!! That's über exciting!! And no clue if anyone thought they offended me - lemme set it all straight...I don't offend easily and I haven't read anything on here to be offended with by anyone. I love my daily "chats, help, uplifting," with alla you folks:)
  22. ReDbEaN

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    Sometimes "airing" your feelings is all a part of the healing process. And please don't apologize, we all need to talk things out at times. Talking it out was not my reason for posting..i am in the process of dealing with all my head issues...I just thought it might be helpful to express that no one is alone on here..It is a like time fight to deal with all the reasons we are who we were or are today......Like I said in a past post...I have had the therapy and the insight and worked my ass off for years learning what makes me tick.....I wanted to be there for others like they have been there for me..I put it out there for everyone..I took a chance that all would understand why......The last issue I had to work on was taking the protective walls down...all the rest is just bad memories and locked in the past where they cannot harm me anymore.... I am a painting a work in progress..like everyone else on this forum...I just chose to put it all out there for you to seethe underbelly of what I have worked on for so long and hard....I really hope you all understand that this was for me a gift to all of you......trying to encourage and help some who want it... I understand, and I think it has helped some of us. I know it has me…I may not have shared, but I can honestly say it is nice to know i'm not alone…so, Thank you
  23. ReDbEaN

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    Sometimes "airing" your feelings is all a part of the healing process. And please don't apologize, we all need to talk things out at times.

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