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Everything posted by ReDbEaN

  1. ReDbEaN

    Best and worst "compliments"

    The hubby and I have some really good friends - another couple. The guy of said couple is a total prankster/jokster/KID (in his 30's)...ANYWAY...the other day we were together and he asked me how much weight I've lost, I told him, his reply "Well, I swear you've lost 12 lbs in your HEAD!!" His poor wife, I thought she was gonna die from embarrassment!
  2. ReDbEaN


    That's the BEST way to eat fries! I like McDonalds fries with their ice cream too
  3. ReDbEaN


    Haha...only ONE redeeming quality?? That bad eh??!! My MIL makes seafood gumbo for Christmas every year...it's good, but my moms is WAAAAYYYY better :-P
  4. ReDbEaN


    We have fried turkey every year:)
  5. ReDbEaN


    A. I LOVE Mrs. Butter!!! B. The stupidity…are you SERIOUS?!!! WOW!
  6. ReDbEaN

    November fitness challenge

    So sorry you've gotten hurt! I have arthritis of my spine too, found out a couple of months ago, and I'm younger than you (36)...I do have back issues at times, not enough to bother me though.
  7. ReDbEaN

    Call me <evil> but...

    My paternal grandmother (who is not even remotely skinny) always made comments when I would see her like "Heather, you've gained weight since I saw you last..." Until I told her something...then she was upset - she said she didn't realize she was doing that, apologized, and hasn't done it since. I think maybe some peopel aren't trying to be rude, like my grandmother...some are, and won't care if you say something. Either way, I'm the person who will call you out on things if you say it to me!!
  8. ReDbEaN

    Call me <evil> but...

    WOW!! Please tell me you responded!!!
  9. ReDbEaN

    Call me <evil> but...

    SMART MAN!! Hahahaha
  10. ReDbEaN

    Best Hot Cocoa Protein Drink

    Ohhh I'm glad you like it!! I drink it all the time. I haven't tried homemade...not sure how the protein powder would do...but if you find a way to make it cheaper...please share :-)
  11. ReDbEaN

    Call me <evil> but...

    Heeheehee...enjoying a succulent feast!! :-P
  12. ReDbEaN

    Call me <evil> but...

    PAAAHAHHAHA!!! One of my male friends says he hates "flossing" when he's....welllllll you know :-P
  13. ReDbEaN


    I haven't eaten 5 guys in about 1 1/2 years but when I did eat it, it was scrumptious
  14. ReDbEaN

    Call me <evil> but...

    ^^ this just made me LOL People gotta decide for themselves I suppose, no right or wrong way - hairless or not
  15. ReDbEaN


    Ohhh yeaaa!!!! That place is EVIL!! The best burgers and fries!
  16. I need to go through my closet...I have been putting it off cuz I think in scared they will all still fit and that would just be waaaayyy too depressing!!
  17. ReDbEaN

    November fitness challenge

    30 min MMA
  18. ReDbEaN

    Tummy tuck today!

    You look so awesome!!! WOW!
  19. ReDbEaN

    Best Hot Cocoa Protein Drink

    I tried the bariwise cappuccino today...it's really good...and I've tried the Wonderslim one as well...I like it, but it has 3 g less protein in it soooo I won't buy those again
  20. ReDbEaN

    Marriage And Too Many Emotions

    I know exactly what you mean about the emotions being everywhere! I have been married for 17 years, have 3 kids, and my poor hubby has been so patient and kind to me when I cry for seemingly no reason. I do find that the more I exercise, the better I feel ( go figure..people have told me this for years and I wouldn't listen). You should not get mad at your husband for eating whatever he wants when it was you who had the surgery, not him. I, like RJ, have fallen more in love with my husband since the surgery - he is my rock! It sounds like yours is your rock too. I have found that people, in general, tend to take their frustrations out on the people who they know love them the most, such as a spouse. We have a tradition in our home and honestly I think it helps with these kind of situations - every night (when he's not working), we sit down for dinner with the kiddos and everyone at the table has to tell 3 things they are thankful for. It can make a bad day seem not so bad when you have to remember something positive, little things, big things, doesn't matter…just so long as it's something you are thankful for - makes you concentrate on the GOOD in life. I don't know if that would help you or not, but it does help me. And hun, try NOT to hate yourself…that in itself will just make you all the more upset. As my hubby always tells me when I get upset about mistakes I make, "you have to leave it in the past…" Maybe you should talk to your doc about either changing or upping your anti-depressants. How far out are you? I'm 11 1/2 weeks out and I feel sooo much better than I did at the very first - I still have some bad times though, but more good than bad. Sorry for rambling so much, I hope something I said can make enough sense to you. I truly understand the crazy emotions, but it should/will get better. Good Luck to you
  21. May God be with you and your family during this terrible loss. I am so sorry. Thank you for being her voice and sharing her story.
  22. ReDbEaN

    Best Hot Cocoa Protein Drink

    The proti diet hot cocoa will just settle Globe, and all I do is swish my cup, I add the hot water and stir til all the lumps are gone...it dissolves well.
  23. ReDbEaN

    What Are You Reading?

    The newest Janet Evanovich "Takedown Twenty" is out!!! Loving it
  24. ReDbEaN

    Competition Amongst Women

    I totally get this...I have so many male friends...always have b/c I ABHOR drama and men just don't have nearly the drama as women

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
