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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Squid

  1. I've tried getting salads there a few times since my surgery but I end up just throwing away most of it because the spinach and veggies get all gross from the dressing before I can eat it all. I rather grocery store salad bars that charge you by the lb. No waste and I get off cheaper.

    I had part of a flatbread thing from quiznos last week as I had forgotten to pack a lunch. Most regrettable as the bread made me feel horrible. Fortunately since I've gotten up early enough to pack something.

  2. Yeah psych field attracts a lot of kooks too...

    Glittering generalization sure but many health food propietors have a tendency to be eccentric.

    Idk, it just annoys me how some of the stuff they push isn't medically/scientifically substantiated. Maybe that makes me find them more annoying and thus critical of their sales tactics.

  3. Interesting you posted this...I'm starting to shed as well. Doctor suggested taking Folate and Biotin along w/ making sure I get my Protein in.

    I didn't connect my face breaking out to the Biotin until you mentioned it. I have been experiencing some acne recently and now that I think of it, it's coincides with me starting the Biotin. Interesting.

    I started using a product called Toppik for the thinning in on top - another member here suggested it. I'm glad she did. It covers the thin spots well.

    My doc did say that anything you lose post-op will grow back in 6 months. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    That is interesting that you experienced it as well on the biotin. I guess it is just a side effect. I read that it hasn't really been substantiated that it really helps with hair regrowth so I'll probably just cram Protein and not take it at all anymore.

    That stuff looks cool. If it gets much worse I'll probably have to pick some up. I have been doing blow outs and moving my part around to help disguise but its still bothersome. :( My fingers are crossed too! Six months would be nice!

    I am 15 months out and I think my Hair loss stopped around a year or so out.. and was only really bad for about 3 - 5 months.. My experience was no one noticed it except me and my hairdresser. I took nothing to try to counter act it other than just trying to follow plan of Water and protein. It will be ok. It will get thick again.. Everything takes time. Don't stress over it, just enjoy your new life :)

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I think it just is really freaking me out seeing so much after showering and stuff but maybe isn't quite as noticeable on my head as I think it is. :P Sound advice, I'm sure stressing over it isn't helping at all. Thanks for the encouragement :)

  4. Within the last few weeks I've been shedding pretty bad and my hair wasn't super thick to begin with. I was taking around 5k+ mgs a day of Biotin in addition to a general hair skin and nail supplement which contained Biotin as well but I think it was causing me to break out really really badly. So I suspended taking it about 2 weeks ago after I read that it can cause acne.

    While the jury is still out as to if biotin can directly cause breakouts I personally seemed to get them really bad when I was taking it. I also started oral birth control about a month before surgery which is supposed to combat some hormonal acne. I can't figure out what the culprit is causing my skin to be so bad. Could there be a correlation with all the stress my body is under losing so much weight? I've bought some otc acne washes to no avail, tried leaving it alone and just using Water, spot treating..... nothing seems to be working.

    Did any of yall experience anything similar? When will my hair stop shedding and start regrowing? Its great to have a new body but my hair and skin is just a wreck right now and its a little disconcerting. =/

  5. Health food store workers are notoriously pushy and weird. Something about that career makes them become almost religious over it all.

    As much as I would rather shop local I just order stuff online due to their ridiculous mark up. (the ones around me anyways) What he said to you was really odd, would have made me uncomfortable too!

  6. Sobe life Water tastes decent.The sugar free poweraide and gatoraides taste good too. Not really a "juice" tho but when I started getting ready for surgery and awhile after I drank a lot of those powdered crystal light type things to transition off carbonation as I too had been a soda junkie. I mostly just drink Water and coffee now tho. Thankfully my craving for drinking sweet stuff has mostly subsided since being sleeved. My Dr. told me awhile back that juice really isn't that great for you, might as well eat the fruit and get the Fiber in as well. :)

  7. My bf could eat deep fried folie gras dipped in mayonaise and not gain weight so just my surgery was the limiting factor. I was only able to make It 5 days but the Dr Told me I needed to wait ten. Oops.

    all my stitches was kind of a position limiter but he was able to work around it heh. Doggie/spooning might be good for yall initially. Neither has to be on top using abs much. Use some pillows in a creative manner :)

  8. OK.... i think I had these before on some weight loss plan...but what do they accomplish and where do I go to get them?

    From what I understand it helps with energy levels and can help prevent some hair loss. Pre op I was getting a fair amount of it in energy drinks and powders but been focusing on Water more now and the whole no carbonation thing. I forget what foods it occurs in naturally.

    I got mine with all my scripts from the hospital. I bet you can find them on Amazon or something.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
