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Jen GA Peach

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jen GA Peach

  1. Starting weight (this challenge) 234

    CW 220

    Highest weight before surgery 248.

    Goal was 210, but I knew that was petty lofty. I'm 6 1/2 weeks out, so I can't snub my nose at a 28 pound weight loss. Any other year I would be 5-10 pounds heavier after the holidays. Looking forward to continued weight loss in new year.

  2. Grrrr, I'm stuck! Today's weight 225, same as last week.

    Surgery date 11/18. I'm only 4 weeks post op, I really expected to lose more before hitting a stall. Starting weight 248, surgery day 239. Back to work 2 weeks post op @ 225. Gained 2 pounds, lost 2 pounds and here I sit. Frustrated! Appt today with surgeon, said to keep working on getting liquids, Protein & exercise in daily, come back in 2 months. Said they will check my labs & if anything unusual shows, he will call me. This is still sooo hard!

  3. Hey everyone, just found this page. I'm Nov 18th sleeved too. Back to work this week and struggling to get Protein & liquids in. Haven't lost all week, actually gained 2 pounds. Feeling very frustrated. Back to old feelings of "I'll never lose weight, no matter what I do" ugh! Really need some encouragement.

  4. Hey, I had my surgery Nov 18. First week was miserable, 2nd week better but not good. I was losing about a pound a day. This week I'm back to work & struggling to get my liquids & Protein in. Have actually gained 2 pounds. Feeling very discouraged. Hope this is one of those stalls I hear about. Can't imagine I did this major thing and will still not lose more than 20 pounds. Feeling embarrassed, wish I hadn't told anyone at work. But figured it would be obvious when I lost a ton of weight quickly. Not so much. Will try to go to support group at hospital today, but we're expecting bad weather so idk if that will happen. Would love a surgery buddy (or 2).

  5. Jen- You have to walk. And walk. And walk some more. Instant gratification. It hurts to get up but once you start walking you feel better. I promise!

    yes it does help, but I can only walk so much before I'm beat. I wish it would just pass already.
    Can you take Extra Strength Maalox? They gave me about 2 oz. in the hospital the day I had gas that kept me hospitalized an extra 1 1/2 days.
    I was in so much pain 2 nights ago, I drank tea I walked, I took gas X, nothing helped. I put a pillow on my bloated belly and laid face down, only relief I had for hours. I slept like that, woke up and pain was gone. Passed some gas yesterday, but wasn't able to GO until tonight. Whew! So, I week post op and gas pain and bloating gone. Sorry, TMI I know, but wanted to give an end story to anyone struggling with gas pains.

  6. Day 3 post op & while the gas pain was better this morning, I over did it between my post op appt, kiddo appt and grocery store. Plus I was trying to go off strong meds and took only Tylenol. Huge mistake! Didn't stay in front of pain & I am just about doubled over in pain now. Ice pack on my belly helps. But I'm going back to the good meds. Both my dr and hubby wanted me to keep taking them a few more days anyway.

    Peppermint tea! I wish I had thought of that I will def be drinking that tonight. Thanks for posting! Keep in posting November stories peeps, we need each other.

  7. Thanks everybody. I'm back on the wagon this morning. My surgeon usually requires 1 week like I am eating now (3 Bariatric Meal Replacement shakes & 1 low fat low carb high Protein meal) then 1 week with 5 shakes a day & nothing else. Since I had 3 weeks til surgery the last time I was in to see him, he said if I started right then, I could do the 3 shakes 1 meal diet the whole 3 weeks until the day before surgery.(clear liquids only that day). So that is what I was trying to do, but looks like I will have to do the full liquid next week since I cheated so much the last few days. I need a swift kick in the butt to wake me up to the fact that this is a gift to even have the surgery, I have got to quit squandering my chance. That's where this forum is great. Thanks again.

  8. My surgery is on Nov 18, started my liquid diet a week ago. I did ok the first 2 days. I'm not hungry, but I've been emotional eating. I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to lose enough weight & shrink my liver enough & my surgeon won't do the surgery. I had lost 5 lbs, but I still have 2 weeks. I'm supposed to have 3 Meal Replacement shakes & 1 high Protein, low fat , low carb meal a day. Need some encouragement please!

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