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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by soflatechie

  1. +1 on too much stocking up. You may end up throwing a bunch away, not only because your tastes change, but also because you will only be on shakes for a short time after surgery and you will not be able to just chug it down, so you may end up with a ton of powder you can't use.

    I am a week out of surgery. What I did was find the powder and/or ready to drink shakes I like and keep a weeks worth. I use Amazon.com and if you have their prime service it is free two-day shipping. I just keep ordering a week or two of stuff until I don't need it anymore.

    Keep crystal light or your favorite clear liquid with you at all times, and just remember to drink periodically. Getting enough Water is tough so you have to have it with you to remind yourself.

    The pillow is a good idea on the ride home from the hospital but you will be surprised how quickly the pain subsides and you won't need it.

    Make sure you are walking every day. That is so important after surgery.

    To avoid vomiting - sip your drinks VERY slowly and only small sips. If you feel pressure in your chest you may have drank too quickly so wait a few before continuing, unless you have already drank quite a bit, in which case you are done.

  2. hrlaurie:

    I had an acquintance who did replace food with alcohol after surgery, but he was a heavy drinker before surgery, failed his psych clearance and went to South America to get the surgery anyway. Not a wise choice.

    I don't think if you are not a heavy drinker you would use alcohol later as a crutch but everyone if different. This surgery is as much about our minds as it is about the physical aspects. Already on my pre op diet I have had to deal with the desire to run to food to relieve stress, and not being able to.

    We will all have to find other outlets for comfort that we have previously used food for. Hopefully, we can find healthy ones - exercise, community work, hobbies, etc.

    For me, food was always the main event. When the wife and I decide to go on a date night, it always started with or ended up in a restaurant, with huge portion of bad stuff. That is going to change, and it won't be easy.

    But we will do it!

  3. My surgery is the 20th. I have done a lot of research, know all the risks. But I also know I chose a great surgeon and that this surgery is done all the time now. Don't worry, you will get through this, and usually our fears are worse than the reality.

    Don't know how you feel about this sort of thing, but this is what I say to myself in times like these:

    “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

  4. Every one is different. We are all unique. It is true that there are those that can pick themselves up from their bootstraps and resolve their issues on their own. It is also true that not all counseling is good. I have experienced that also.

    However, I will offer this.

    I would say that the large majority of us are considering WLS because we have NOT been able to do it on are own. If we could, what would we be doing here?

    I mean no offense, but is it reasonable for a psych to consider excessive alcohol a problem, one that could benefit from counseling? I think so. Can someone take care of it on their own? I guess so, but most do not. I have seen it time and time again.

    With respect to WLS, I saw first hand an acquaintance with a habit of drinking socially swap out his food addiction with drinking and become an alcoholic after surgery.

    If you are one of those that can deal with this on your own, more power to you.

    But is it reasonable for a pysch to be concerned for you and ask you to get counseling, knowing that you already have an issue with food that has caused you to seek the help of others to correct it?


  5. No worries :)

    I worry that this liquid diet will cause me to sound harsh as well because I am just so anxious to get this over with.

    Yesterday I almost went off on one of the staff at my pre-op appointment because they said I didn't have clearance from the pulmonologist after my sleep study. Yeah, a few days from surgery and already on a liquid diet, he wanted me to go back to the pulmonologist and get clearance?

    Luckily he realized I did have clearance, or my next stop would have been Dunkin Donuts! (kidding)

  6. Agreed. This is a huge decision. The sleeve is irreversible. You want to go in with your eyes wide open. The psych needs to make sure you know and understand what you are getting yourself into.

    Real world example - I knew someone who failed the psych years ago. What did he do? He went to south America where the requirements were easier. About a year after the surgery he started sabotaging his progress by grazing with carbs and alcohol. Gained the weight back.

    It is tough if psych says no but I think it is important. I am on my pre op diet and already I am noticing how I have previously used food to comfort me during stressful times. Just had my pre op visit and it was a little stressful so after the visit the first thing I thought about is how normally I would just go to the hospital cafe for a snack and a coffee to deal with it. Of course I can't now. Amazing how the mind works.

    We need to deal with our minds or this won't work.

    May not be what the op wants to hear but I mean no offense, just my .02

  7. I am one week away from surgery and yes I was told the same thing. I started weaning myself off caffeine about 2 months ago, and it was tough. I had headaches and cravings for a couple of weeks and never really was completely off until six days ago when I started my pre-op diet.

    I am ok. I am surviving on one Decaf coffee in the morning. And actually, the coffee is starting to taste weird. Maybe it's in my head but it doesn't give me the same same pleasure as the 3+ cups I used to have a day. I guess without the caffeine rush it has lost its luster.

    I was told no caffeine for 6 months after surgery. Honestly, if I can deal with it I may not go back to it. I never really liked the idea that I just HAD to have my coffee to function. It made me feel like an addict (food addiction is enough without another vice)

    Just my .02

  8. On my pre-op diet I am using Premier Protein (chocolate and Vanilla) 30g proteien

    In the mornings I use Syntrax nectar (Chocolate Truffle and Cookies and Cream) 23 g Protein

    I buy both through Amazon. Both taste good to me. However I will say that the Syntrax Nectar does take a good shake to get it to dissolve so sometimes if I am in a hurry I am eating chunks of protein. :)

    Can not stand the after taste of Isopure.< /p>

  9. I am a week away and I can relate to the hassle of all the pre op testing. I work 30 miles away from the hospital so getting all the time off to do all the labs and tests were dufficult. But now I am in the home stretch.

    For me traveling is a consideration but really I am so looking forward to playing sports again. I already have my eye on the following:

    1. Mma class once a week

    2. Going back to outdoor racquetball

    3. Baseball league

    It will be awhile but I will achieve those three things....

    Just anxious to get this over with

  10. So my surgery is on the 20th, one week away.

    I was told by my nutritionist that the pre-op diet was something I would look back on as the hardest part. I have been on it for 5 days now, and...well...it is not that bad.

    My pre-op diet is a liquid diet - protien shakes and Clear liquids only.

    The first day was a nightmare and I was seriously questioning this whole surgery thing.

    But as time has gone by, the shakes I chose (premier protein) really fill me up and clear chicken broth in the evening keeps me from cheating.

    It is really weird because for me not to cheat and eat something in the evening is tough. I guess the realization that I need this for surgery is keeping me on track.

    Has anyone else had that experience? Thinking the pre-op diet was gonna do you in and being surprised?

    Just want to get this over with though and get to the other side...

  11. Folks, my surgery is January 20th. Yesterday was my first day on pre-op, and it was a nightmare. I get up in the morning and traffic was backed up on every highway to work. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get there. Then I had to work a normal day only on shakes, chicken broth and Jello. When I get home, I still had stuff to do and no energy to do it.

    By the end of the night, I was questioning EVERYTHING.

    This morning things are a little better.

    Maybe we should stop and recognize that the pre-op experience is not easy, and it will play with our heads. Let's stay focused and we will get through this.

    Just my .02

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