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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MissErika

  1. How does everyone feel about ketosis? Does anyone here follow the plan strictly? Is anyone against it after weight loss surgery (since we are trying to prepare for life-time, healthy and clean eating?) I am tempted to cut fruit from my diet to try to get into ketosis but I don't know if I am giving in to my old habit of "oh lets try this new diet!!" again or if I should keep respecting myself, be proud of my progress so far and stick with moderation. I guess I am being greedy and want to lose faster.
  2. MissErika


    I did ketosis for 6 months and lost 90 pounds prior to surgery (although I did gain it back later on) so I know that it works. The problem is that I got very burnt out on it because I don't enjoy meat, cheese and eggs. I mean I do but I am more of a fruit/vegetable person and I don't remember EXACTLY what I did. I do have a few questions: -Will I be able to continue drinking tea and coffee? I am asking because I didn't drink these things last time I did "strict" low carb -Crystal lite? Same reason above. I don't plan to do this for long time. I would probably do it until I hit the 3 month mark (everyone always says that's when you lose the fastest) because I don't want to be afraid of fruit again and I enjoy having berries with my Breakfast or an apple as a snack. Also I can't imagine going over 20 carbs in a day if I don't eat fruit (or much vegetable due to not being hungry after my protein) o.O Thank you everyone for replying!!
  3. MissErika

    What do you watch on Netflix?

    Already mentioned but I loved Orange is the new black, Breaking Bad, DOCTOR WHO!!!!!!!
  4. MissErika

    Hungry yet?

    My stomach growls and it's really gas. I know some people are still hungry after getting the surgery though. You are also on liquids so it's pretty normal considering liquids really don't fill you up (unless they are protein shakes - which you need to be drinking a lot at that stage) When you get to soft foods it will most likely go away. Make sure you drink lots of water too!
  5. MissErika

    Alcohol calories and working out

    It's easy for alcohol to creep up on you both physically and calorie/sugar wise. My NUT said to do a small amount of vodka with crystal lite or something since juices have added sugar, soda has carbonation, etc. But it can cause dehydration, fluid retention and make you feel icky the next day which could stall weight loss. However, everybody is different! And some is much better at handling foods/drinks than others. Just be cautious - many people can't hold nearly as much as they used to.
  6. MissErika

    selfpay Help!

    I had Dr Hollis here in Houston it was about 12,000. I lost 50 pounds in 5 weeks too! He has a lot of experience and I loved the staff.
  7. MissErika

    Drinking too fast

    I would like to hear responses because I am wondering this myself. Sometimes if I am having really good iced tea on a hot day or a new crystal lite flavor, I noticed that I gulp. No pain, goes down smoothly, etc but I don't know the effects this would cause on my sleeve.
  8. MissErika


    I did Kale and it got crunchy and kinda dry but it didn't bother me. The flavor was great. The crunch DOES go away though as it sits out in the air. The same thing with chickpeas! I love putting chickpeas in the oven with seasonings and like, a drop of olive oil (to keep the seasonings on) for 45 mins in the oven. But once again as time goes on they stop having their crunch... I don't know how to fix it. I haven't tried using the dehydrator afterwards or put them in the oven. I kinda just deal with it. I did all of this pre-sleeve btw. I did apples and bananas because they were about to go bad and well, they took FOREVER and some were crunchy and some were rubbery. I'm not a master at it, lol. I think I probably put some too close. I only used my dehydrator about 4 times and one time was with to make jerky - which was the BEST!!!
  9. MissErika


    Ok, I will be completely honest. I can't imagine a sleever eating a full portion of this so I divided the nutrition information in half. There is no real nutrition value in this...so this isn't a good thing to eat, however, if you HAVE to eat something crunchy and it's a "once in awhile" thing so be it. Everyone is different. I know that I would be tempted to consume them everyday but I know some people who have far more self control than I do. Moderation is great, if you can keep it in moderation. That is the hardest part. If you want a crunch with more nutrition I recommend homemade kale chips/apple chips/etc. You can put a little salt and vinegar and you control what you put on it. Not everyone has a dehydrator though...
  10. Thank you. I also have thyroid medication and need to take carafate and my acid reducer spaced apart. I've been trying to use lotion and stay hydrated but I guess it's not good enough right now. I have an appointment today with my PCP at 2! And I have a post-op appointment with my surgeon tomorrow. I will definitely try to figure all this out. Thank you (everyone) for all of the support.
  11. I wasn't sure which forum to put this on. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. I never was a morning person but now I just can't stand it! In the morning I get nauseated, dizzy and very exhausted like I haven't slept in years. It doesn't matter if I get 6 hours, 8 hours or 10 hours. I can't seem to shake that and it happens almost every morning. This is a big issue because I have work, which requires me to get up at 4am. If I let my body wake up naturally, my symptoms are gone or very minimal. What gives? My mom thinks I'm making this up I think. Also I have a constant popping in my ear that has been here for three days. Going to see a doctor about that. I am also breaking out EVERYWHERE on my body because I constantly itch, which causes a rash when I start to itch. My mom thinks it's a food allergy - I think it's because of my omeprazole. Did anyone else have this problem or recommend any tips for me to move past this? Also, I am 5 weeks out for anyone who is curious. Almost 6. Oh and I'm definitely not pregnant - in case anyone thinks that.
  12. That's a good idea. Thinking back... I had turkey and a little cheese one night about 15 minutes before bed and I woke up fine that next morning but I stopped because I didn't want my acid reflux returning and I only want to eat when I'm hungry. Thank you!
  13. Ugh. I know I do. I always did have vitamin deficiencies (it runs in my family too, which is weird) I'm going today. I just needed to rant to people. Thank you for replying. And I didn't want to post this in complications because it's not nearly as bad as other people are going through (leaks, etc)
  14. I haven't had any sinus infection or congestion. The ear is the only thing, which is strange. I took a claritan yesterday but the popping remained. The only time my ear doesn't pop is when I lay on it. ;S I could be having low blood sugar but I can't eat for hours after waking up (thyroid, carafate and my omeprezole all have to be within 30 mins to an hour of each other) so I need to see how to fix that. :l I could look into my foods and see. Do you think you can develop food allergies after VSG? I never had any before. Thank you for replying.
  15. MissErika


    If you aren't having pains right now then it is okay but don't do it again. Your stomach is healing and it works hard to digest raw veggies like that. I am 5 weeks out and not even eating that yet.
  16. MissErika

    Newbie, questions and concerns

    This is something that he has to do. This is a permanent change. I do get upset watching my parents eat bad foods because they are a trigger and I want it, but I can't take it out on them. It sounds like he isn't ready to do this surgery. I know that everyone goes through ups and downs but really - ask him if this is something he wants to do. He should be excited, not angry. If he isn't ready to give up bad foods, he can't move forward and will most likely fail. He physically won't be able to eat food for a long time - is he prepared for that? If he decides he doesn't want to do this, I recommend weight watchers honestly with clean eating. That way he can have the foods he enjoys, in moderation, but will be tracked. Or go to a NUT and follow their plan. I must say, though, a supportive family makes everything easier. You can plan your meals and cook on sunday and freeze them for the week, that's what I do. That way the kids get good nutrition too. You could always make low carb/healthy pizzas and chicken nuggets too when you want the taste but not the excess calories.
  17. MissErika

    Something interesting about all the profile pics

    DANG, YOU LOOK GOOD! What an accomplishment!!! On topic, I am a 21 year old girl which is probably why I look so young.
  18. MissErika


    Hi everyone, I keep hearing about smoothie king gladiators and I was just wondering what your opinions are. I'm sorry if this thread already exists!! For those who don't know about gladiators...they are a low carb Protein mix at smoothie king! Only 1 carb, 0 fat, 0 sugar, 180 calories and 45 protein! http://www.smoothiek...etail.php?id=74 I need a change in my diet and I am disappointed with my current Protein powder. I've been craving lots of fruits. It says it can be used with fruit juice or natural fruit. I was going to do natural fruit - or is it not worth it because of added carbs/sugar? I eat berries daily and sometimes peaches and had no problem. I am still losing weight. Basically... 1. Are the flavors (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry) delicious without the fruit? I am a chocolate junkie but I'm scared to try chocolate shakes now because of my current one...it's disgusting. 2. If I choose to add fruit, which should I do? Which is the healthiest but most flavorful without added excessive carbs/sugar? For example, strawberry and kiwi instead of strawberry banana? Or a mix of just berries? etc. What's the best mix? It says I can choose two. Also I would like to know your experiences! I am a student so doing something like this each day isn't an option. But I would like to try it before buying a big bag...I regret my Bariatric Advantage shakes...
  19. Okay, a known side effect of WLS is constipation - if you don't have it, you are lucky!!! I am on regular foods and I always eat my protein first but I never am able to get down my fruits and vegetables. I take fiber supplements but those don't help like they should. Once a week I drink half a cup of warm prune juice (which is half a serving on the label) to keep regular - and it helps within hours WITHOUT cramping. TMI - IT COMPLETELY CLEARS ME OUT LOL. I have taken stool softeners, which either don't work or they make me cramp. I also took M.O.M which left me crying with cramps (yet I couldn't go). I get natural, no sugar added prune juice. Do you think that half a serving a week will kill my weight loss? It hasn't so far but I'm on week 5. I'm pretty sensitive to sugar and carbs which is why I'm asking. I'm also asking in-case any of you have any suggestions too. I feel guilty each time because it is beaten into my head that juice is the source of evil but wouldn't it be worth it to go every 7 days? Is there something better out there I should try?
  20. Life doesn't end because of pre-op...it STARTS! You are preparing your body for a big battle that will lead to a happier, healthier life!! But, I lost 15 pounds in 7 days doing optifast shakes. That was the only thing I was allowed to have besides water.
  21. MissErika

    White Poop

    I'm not a doctor - but I remember being curious about my changes in stool. This helped (link below) But always remember that even a simple symptom can lead to life threatening diseases that will make you die in 7 days, ACCORDING TO THE INTERNET. That was supposed to be a really bad joke by the way, my mom always tells me that when I run to her with my self - diagnosis... Definitely tell your doctor though. http://www.doctoroz....ling-you?page=3
  22. MissErika

    No carbs, sugar, pork, all pre-op diet

    HA, I was shocked when I read "pre op" honestly because it's just so unheard of!! Everyone has a liquid pre-op... >.< Or so it seems like. In my pre-pre OP (before liquid) I had: Two eggs in the morning. Turkey sausage/bacon. Berries. Or a granny smith apple (those curb hunger, I swear by it) or cheese and lean meat from the deli that's nitrate free (mainly in a rush) Lunch: chicken salad with spinach, nuts (count them) and berries (if I didn't have it at breakfast) and balsmic spray (it spreads nice and you control it) or Stir fry veggies with meat, low sodium soy sauce You can do tuna on a piece of bread and cheese (did this on weight watchers before) or a "pizza" in the oven with light pizza sauce, turkey pepperoni and lots of veggies. Dinner: Basically same as lunch. Meat and veggies. Casseroles, stews, etc. Everything I mentioned before. Snacks/dessert: Baked apple. Cut apple into pieces with cinnamon, wrap the top of the bowl you use, and put in microwave for a minute to minute and a half. Yogurt. Celery sticks and natural Peanut Butter (if your NUT lets you, mine didn't) Veggies with guacamole It's been so long... it's hard to remember everything lol...
  23. MissErika

    No carbs, sugar, pork, all pre-op diet

    Let me see... Unlimited veggies except starchy ones, one dairy, two legumes, one nuts/seeds, four oils, two fruits, 3 proteins and ONE CARB and you call that strict???? I would love to be on that diet!!! My pre-op was only liquid shakes. I was unlucky but even the "lucky" ones on this site can have 1 meal that is ONLY green veggies and lean meat. YOU CAN DO SO MUCH WITH YOUR DIET! Omlets, wraps, "pizzas" on tortilla, smoothies of all kinds, any vegetable you want, beans! Chilli! Salads!!!!! MEAT! Get creative! Dang, you can even create a nice southern sunday dinner with that. Healthy and non fried of course... Can you have rolled oats? You can do even more with those instead of tortilla/bread... fruit salad and healthy yogurts. Baked apples. Stir fry! STEWS! TACOS (even without tortilla its great)!!!!!! I am getting too excited. But yes, you will miss these foods after surgery for a bit. :-) You can probably make some nice casseroles too.
  24. MissErika


    Yeah I noticed that the prices are pretty high...but I'm kinda scared to buy the powder without trying what it tastes like first. I didn't know if strawberry banana was worth it because I always hear, "STAY AWAY FROM BANANAS!! THEY GO STRAIGHT TO SUGAR" etc... >.< Also I read the nutrition wrong. It's 180 calories...not 150. Not sure where I saw 150 at.... Thank you for replying.

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