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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by calicakes

  1. 3 minutes ago, zelza29 said:

    How much food should I be eating four weeks post surgery gastric sleeve

    Did you meet with a nutritionist before your surgery? For me, I could not even finish a scrambled egg 4 weeks post surgery. I concentrated on trying to get my Protein in. I made smoothies with Big Train protein frappe mix( it tasted like a Frappuccino). It was hard for me to consume chicken, so I ate a few bites of tuna salad or cottage cheese.

  2. Hey, OP here. Congrats to everyone. I lost the majority of my weight while on WW. I rejoined again 1 week before Covid hit( March 2020). I was so stressed and depressed that I put on 10lbs. I've lost it since and even more. I started at 290, I'm now 185. I haven't reached " goal weight" since my sugery, but I'm ok with it. I'd like to lose 20 more, and I hope I do. I'm not obsessed with it. WW makes me too obsessed, counting points, worried about my next meal. Now I try to practice intuitive eating.

  3. I'm the author of this thread. I did join WW and lost about 30lbs, but I also joined diet bet and won some money too. I had my sleeve surgery 4yrs ago and have kept off 100lbs. I would like to lose 30 more, so I was considering re-joining WW, but just following the program. THere is an app called Itrackbites.com that is pretty much WW with a much lower fee( I think 3 dollars). No one at WW ever flagged me for losing too fast.

  4. I'm hoping for early February surgery. ( insurance approval is pending)

    Right now I'm uber thankful for my supportive partner, she has given up sugar and carbs in solidarity because I'm on my liquid pre op diet.

    I think this thread needs before/ after pictures for everyone who has had surgery.

    Very sweet. My wife has never had a weight problem and as always been very athletic. She's been very supportive( I'm 2yrs out). She even refused to eat in front of me in my early days, but I had zero desire to eat so I told her to go ahead. She does not have a big appetite now so the majority of the time we go out, we end up sharing an entree.

  5. Feeling like a total failure. That honeymoon phase ended and I wish I'd never told anyone I had gastric sleeve. I still feel restriction with Proteins, but exercise is still hard for me to grasp. I initially lost 57 pounds. Gained 20. My lowest weight was 199. I'm tall so that helps, but I'm nowhere near goal. Some days I wonder if I should consider revision to bypass. I have no will power and the liquids/puddings/sweets go down far too easily. THIS MSQUEEN IS SAD.

    Please don't feel like a failure. I know that is how I have been feeling too but I also have to realize I did lose weight and so did you and that's a huge thing. :) Sure we didn't get to goal but as we continue to try and get back on track, we may reach a more realistic goal for our bodies. When it comes to the food, yes, everything seems to go down easier but it's up to us what we put in our mouths. You can make the right choices. Remember we had this surgery for a tool and we have to use it to our full advantage. We may only get to a goal weight in another year. We have to keep going and still stay focused. We can do it MSQUEEN. We can! :D

    Exactly, its a TOOL. Its up to us to do the work. Last night I attended a YELP Elite event, basically a multi-course free meal. I was full after the first course, yet I continued to eat and eat. I didnt even make it home, I had to ask my wife to pull off the freeway so I could vomit. I have not thrown up for over a year( maybe more like 18 months). I kept eating even though I was full. I seriously do not think I can attend any of those types of events ever again.

  6. Loved reading about all the success stories. :) I was sleeved on November 13, 2013. My highest weight was 312 lbs Surgery day I was 273 lbs. On December 16, 2014 I made it to 199 lbs. Yay I couldn't believe it. I am now at 223 lbs and just can't seem to get back on track. My initial goal weight was 150 lbs. I have now realized that 170 lbs is more of a goal for me. I just can't get back to losing. My mind is not there. :( Could somebody help me? I'm always comparing myself to others successes and get very discouraged like I failed. Tell me what do you eat in a day to keep losing? Any help would be so much appreciated. <3 Thank you for listening.


    My surgery was Nov 19, 2013. I never got down to "goal" either. I started at 269, lost 11lbs on the 2 week liquid diet before surgery. The lowest I got was 211.6 and this morning I was 214.6. I would LOVE to be under 200lbs, but I seriously think its my lack of exercise. I still get really full fast, but I also snack which I never did in the active losing phase. Its still a struggle, but I need to remember that I was on an insulin pump before surgery and I take no insulin now, even though I'm still considered a diabetic. I also take 2 less medications than I did before surgery. I have psoriatic arthritis and that has slightly improved with weight loss. Its auto-immune so it will never go away.

    On another note, my 35lb dog slipped a disk in his back and now needs to be carried up and down 2 flights of stairs. It amazes me that I used to carry double his weight up the stairs. I don't know how I did it.

  7. I had no problem with eggs when I was allowed to eat solid food. I usually eat 1 white or just egg beaters. Sometimes I want a real egg. I eat an egg for morning Protein almost everyday so I would be really depressed if I couldn't. A friend of mine had a bite of her husband's omelet when she was a few weeks out. She got violently ill and still cant handle eggs and she is 6 months out.

  8. This morning I had half a whole wheat English muffin( only Thomas's brand). For lunch, I'll eat one piece of wheat bread with turkey and a slice of cheese. I will have chicken and salad for dinner. I still lost 2lbs last week eating bread. I'm also on 25units of long acting insulin a day so I do need to have some carbs. I can't just sit down at dinner and eat from a bread basket in a restaurant, but I can have small amounts and I'm 100% OK with that.

  9. I do eat lean cuisines and I just ate 2 days of zonehealthy food delivery( had a groupon that was expiring that I bought way before the surgery). I look for lean cuisines with a lot of protein( glazed chicken, chicken parm, turkey dinner) and eat the Protein first and maybe a few bites of the rice/pasta and then I am done. I hadn't lost anything for 2 weeks and then all of a sudden, I am dropping like crazy. I lost 5lbs last week( that I had gained because I was on painkillers for a kidney stone) and 3 this week.

  10. I'm 8 weeks too.

    B-low carb tortilla, 1 egg white( or egg), 1 turkey sausage, half slice 2% cheese. Made into a burrito. Cant finish the entire tortilla.

    sugar free iced coffee 2Tbls of half and half.

    L- lean cuisine. Today I had glazed chicken. 240 calories. Didn't finish all the rice, but ate the chicken. 22g of Protein. a few slices of cucumber

    D- I made a sauté yesterday with mushrooms, broccoli, onions and peas, a touch of wine and chicken broth, a sprinkle of parmesean. I mixed in 2 ounces of low carb Pasta. I ate maybe 1/2 cup total. I have enough left for 2 or 3 more meals. I only used 1 very thin chicken breast.

    I bought some Quest bars, so will probably have half later for a snack. So sick of Protein shakes.

  11. Well, I joined but haven't been following because the following day( after I joined), I ended up in the ER with Kidney stones. I barely have an appetite, am doped on on painkillers, waiting for the stone to pass. The only thing I could handle for dinner was toast. I know, not good, but I cant stomach Protein right now.

    Regarding the 1100 calories, I usually eat one low carb tortilla, 1 egg, 2 turkey sausage, `1 slice 2% cheese for breakfast). I don't finish the entire thing. I drink 1 iced coffee( sugar free Syrup, 4tbls of half and half). I eat almost an entire lean cuisine for lunch. I eat the Protein first, then some of the rice/pasta and veg. For dinner, I eat chicken or fish, salad and maybe some veg. I have a Premier Protein ready to drink shake in the afternoon. Sometimes, if I am hungry, I have a balance bar. That equals about 1000-1100 calories. I don't think I am eating a lot of food. It sure doesn't feel like a lot.

    When the stone passes, I am going back to the gym and going to limit my carbs. WW has a new plan, you don't count points, just focus on lean protein, low-fat dairy, veg, fruit and whole grains. I am going to follow my Dr's plan, however I am going to use the meetings for support and to keep track of my weight loss.

  12. I wouldn't tell anyone that I had WLS. I think I am going to do it. I will let you know how it goes.

    Yes, too much food on WWs and your experiences are going to be too much different IMO for others to relate to. I know our WWs meetings are not at all supportive of WLS unless someone is trying to lose regain and they routinely spoke out against it.

    But if it's the structure you need, you know your body best! :)

  13. I had surgery on Nov 19th. The weight just fell off during the first 4 weeks because I wasn't hungry at all. As soon as I hit 4 weeks, my appetite and cravings came back. I'm 7 weeks out tomorrow and I haven't lost anything in 2 weeks. I am tracking my food on sparkpeople and I am not eating over 1100 calories a day. I'm not exercising as much as I should and that could be part of the problem. I got a 50% offer off the monthly pass for 6 months from WW. So, I'm thinking of joining for the accountability, meetings and honestly, I'd love to attain lifetime status considering how many times in the past Ive joined WW. What do you all think?

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