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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Justinh125

  1. I love stevia extract and I consider it natural as it is from the stevia leaf and minimally processed..

    Funny how we care so much about such things now....

    I'm sure we weren't quibbling over artificial when we were stuffing pizza and Oreos in our mouths :D

    Most of the food we eat is artificial anyways. When I worked in the sciences, I was frequently shocked at things that could be called "natural" but were as synthetic as it gets. Another urban legend: "organic." It doesn't really mean anything. A good friend from college started an "organic" farm and makes a fortune by putting the right labeling on things, but it's no more organic than any other commercial farming operation.

  2. Spices shouldn't hurt anything, but if you're concerned, try a little and see how it fits for you. I've been spicing everything--oddly the sleeve has made me crave salt really badly. So I salt the crap out of everything. I think maybe my blood pressure is actually getting too low and my body is trying to compensate or something.

  3. Back when I was consuming copious amounts of various hallucinogens, I heard somewhere that aspartame caused hallucinations if you consumed enough of it. Some friends and I went to one of those bulk stores and purchased an enormous amount of it. We all took the equivalent of maybe a few hundred packets of the stuff each.

    Unfortunately, nothing interesting happened at all. One of my friends got diarrhea. That was the most interesting thing that happened. No hallucinations at all. Not even an acid flashback.

  4. Well, first of all, Stevia is made of steviol glycoside which is an artificial sweetner, just like sucralose or any of the others... Of course, 100% of artificial sweeteners are as "artificial" or "real" as you want them to be depending on how you define those terms (they aren't defined well by the FDA or anyone else.)

    The article doesn't cite what research actually suggests there's any truth to that. It just says "research suggests." Often, these articles are supported by companies like Monsanto, which have lots of money invested in you using fructose instead of artificial sweetener.

    I respectively disagree with you...

    2. Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, NatraSweet, Canderel, Spoonfuls, DiabetiSweet) is a common chemical sweetener with possible side effects that sound like they're out of a horror movie. From hallucinations to seizures to brain tumors, it is hardly worth consuming for the sake of saved calories.

    3. Sucralose (Otherwise known as Splenda, my past-sweetener of choice), is scary. Recent research suggests that Splenda can enlarge both the liver and kidneys and shrink the thymus glands. Sucralose breaks down into small amounts of dichlorofructose, which has not been tested adequately tested in humans. Splenda reportedly can cause skin rashes, panic, diarrhea, headaches, bladder issues, stomach pain, and those side effects don't even sum it up.

    Think this sounds bad? Do some further research. Most artificial sweeteners on store shelves are accompanied by numerous side-effect stories. (Some recent studies suggest they cause cancer. Should something as serious as cancer really be overlooked?) Research also suggests that they actually cause overeating among consumers.

    In addition to all of this, consider the waste involved in the industry of artificially sweetening. Ever stepped into a coffee shop and noticed a mound of sugar substitute packets building on the counter or in the trash? We've been wasting one of our most precious resources for the sake of a sweetener that can harm our bodies and prevent weight loss. It sounds unfathomable, but true nonetheless.

    What you can do instead to get your sugar fix:

    Turn to natural sweeteners for your drinks and food alike. Honey, organic maple Syrup, molasses, date sugar, brown rice syrup, and stevia are just a few natural sweeteners you can turn to. Not only will they wreak less havoc on your body, but your support of these sweeteners instead will, eventually, help to slow the production of toxic artificial sweeteners--which are significantly less delicious in my opinion anyway.

    I am not interested in a war over this..but I will post this information for consideration...thank you!

  5. Artificial sugar.....PLEASE..stay clear of that crap....Rats get tumors and die when they give them that stuff....i am not convinced that any artificial sugar on the planet is good for you...Try using agave and maple Syrup to sweeten your food....I use them.....K

    I respectfully dissent. It is true that if you give a rodent about 100X the amount of artificial sweetener that any human could consume in their lifetime, it will cause tumors. But there is no evidence it can do that at the levels humans could reasonably consume in their lives.

  6. It's my understanding that the incision that's giving you the most pain is the one they pulled your stomach through, then put it back through after reducing its size.

    Actually, the part they remove is just pulled out...not put back in. They use a special type of staple gun, and they segment off most of the stomach, then pull that through the incision. The rest is your "sleeve."

  7. If you are diabetic, I'd use them in moderation. They will make your blood sugar go up a bit, since it's basically starch which your body breaks down to sugar. I don't think they're going to hurt in a small portion, especially if you cook it healthy (i.e, not a french-fry.) I suppose it's like anything else, don't overdo it and I'm sure you'll be fine.

  8. I'd say have fun, take many opportunities to walk around the decks, and take the stairs instead of the elevator when you can. Since you'll have plenty of food options, I don't think it's the end of the world if you decide to treat yourself and have some unhealthy food from time to time. You'll have to keep your portion sizes small, but even french fries aren't that bad for you if you have them in small quantities.

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