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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by belunos

  1. belunos

    Feeling full

    It feels like pressure building in the tummy. Not like the old pressure of getting full, more like it really starts pushing on the stomach. And it builds crazy fast, one you start to feel it even a little its time to stop eating.
  2. My surgeon has me at 600 calories until at least six months
  3. 3 months out.. Lost 80lbs in first two months. 27 of those were in preop. Barely moved in 3rd month.
  4. I hit a 3 week long stall at week three. Even though I read about it here it was hell. Worst part is my Dr and nut refuse to acknowledge that stalls happen.
  5. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I got hungry about four days out and it never went away. I mean it does away after eating, but I get hungry pretty regularly. It was pretty bad until I got on semisolids.
  6. My Dr is the complete opposite. Well, not complete I guess. At three months out I'm supposed to be at 70 grams of Protein in no more than 600 calories :/ Sorry, had to vent a little
  7. I woke up swinging, ready to fight. No idea why. After I calmed down I vomited blood but apparently that was normal. All I wanted to do was sleep, but my oxygen dropped every time I dozex off, so they had to keep wakening me. No real pain, some nausea but not a ton, and on o2
  8. belunos

    post op liquid diet

    My peeps allowed anything 'clear',to be counted toward the water intake. Including clear protein drinks.
  9. belunos

    passing out

    Passing out is definitely something you should bug your doctor about How far post op are you? Are you on BP meds?
  10. belunos

    Too much food?

    Soft foods go through you almost like liquid. You may not feel full restriction until dense Proteins (but boy will you fill it )
  11. I've found that drinking right after has little/no effect on my hunger. However, if I eat to capacity (lol four oz) it can make me sick to add Water on top. I didn't really drink while eating even before, so I can't speak to during.
  12. belunos

    Gaining 3 weeks post op !

    I battled the same 5 lbs for three weeks when I hit the 3rd week stall. Don't worry, the loss will start again
  13. I don't know there would be any correlation. From the testimonies I've read the surgery just sacks everything to hell. Some people gain from the fluids. My experience: I lost 27 lbs on the pre op, and another 25 or so in three weeks after. Hit a stall at week 3, but I doubt it's related.
  14. belunos

    The Ghost Sleeve

    If it's anything like my experience, you'll get more and more restriction after solids. At 1 month I could eat a good portion of solids. At 2 1/2 months I can eat about half of 1st month solids. I have no idea why but I'm happy about it
  15. Normally once a week. Sometimes though.. sometimes I just feel smaller and have to check!
  16. belunos

    do you miss?

    I pretty much did 2 full months of 'food funerals' (read: excuse to over indulge) before surgery. I gained about 20 lbs, then lost all plus some during my 2 week pre-op. It was probably dumb and destructive, but I regret nothing
  17. belunos


    My libido has increased, but it was indirectly because of surgery. Some weight loss with increased confidence caused it. So yes, the surgery can be at least the catalyst, if not the direct reason.
  18. belunos

    A Story About Head Hunger

    Best. New. Post. Ever. You nailed it on the head in my opinion. The head hunger gets more intense at times you used to binge. For me, that's the weekend. I imagine for your neighbor the pain increases at times their foot would normally hurt. Now that you mention it, I can imagine I may have something like phantom limb syndrome, but with my missing stomach. When I get hungry I feel like I can eat a horse, and it sometimes makes me overeat. A lot to think on.
  19. Surprising, my Dr is usually strict, but encourages straw use if needed.
  20. I get hungry at about the same rate with or without water with my food. However, I can't get a lot of food (protein) in if I drink at the same time
  21. Its just pain. It would be open or have a large red circle around it if there were an issue.
  22. Jan 21st Sw: 360 Cw: 292 Not really keeping track of food. It feels like I have even more restriction than when I started, so as long as I eat protein first there's no room for anything else.
  23. I had hypertension and no issues. Dr wasn't concerned. Are you on medication?
  24. belunos

    Advancing diet...?

    I advanced mine faster than I was supposed to. My team wasn't even willing to entertain the notion of moving ahead even a couple of days early, so I said fudge it. My place treats you the same no matter what, but we're individuals.
  25. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/mexican-weight-loss-surgeries-prompt-call-for-health-warning-1.2560052 I've read about plenty of people having good experiences down there. I don't have any say as I didn't go down there, but thought I would bring it up for discussion.

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