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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ausmith

  1. the best investment you will make in your future good luck
  2. ausmith

    Veteran Sleever having complications

    Hang in there, think about how lucky you have caught it with enough time to do something about it. Let us know how you go. Good Luck
  3. ausmith

    Veteran Sleever having complications

    Call your last surgeon and ask him to recommend someone close to where you are. If he doesn't know of anyone tell him your symptoms and ask him what you need to do and where to go. Don't delay this any longer. You could be causing irreparable damage the longer you ignore it. Life is to short, don't delay
  4. ausmith

    I'm in!

    This will be the best thing you have ever done for yourself, it was for my husband and myself
  5. ausmith

    Male Sleevers?

    My husband and I were sleeved the same day almost 2 yrs ago. He was on 800-900 calories a day for the first 12 months made up of 5 to 6 small meals. Not sure if you are getting your calories from 3 meals or more ? If it's 3 try to break it up into 5. I would be worried if the dizzy spells continue for any length of time and suggest you visit your Dr for full blood works. After 12 months my husband was at goal and increased his calories to 1400. All the exercise he does is a 1 hr walk everyday his weight was 275lb and he is now at his goal of 176lb. Hope this helps
  6. ausmith

    Dizzy - 3 months and 3 weeks post op

    Make an appointment with your Doctor don't take chances
  7. ausmith

    Deciding to keep my sleeve quiet....

    My husband and I had our operations the same day and we have told no one except my sister ( best friend ) and my 29yr son and that was just in case anything happened to us. We also don't plan on telling anyone going forward and it has been 2 yrs in October. I wouldn't tell anyone about any other medical procedure so I don't even look at it as an issue of should we or shouldn't we.
  8. Nothing better than the war wounds that come with the knowledge that you have finally lost the weight. Well done
  9. ausmith

    Slow loss @ 7 week post op

    It is just a stall you will get through it by sticking to what you have been told to do, unfortunately most of us have many stalls during our journey. One thing I will say is when was the last time you were able to lose 25lbs in 7 weeks and were able to keep it off ? Don't be hard on yourself it's a journey not a sprint.
  10. what's a slider? I've never asked. You're the lucky person who gets to tell me It is also one of those strange food that reacts differently to the point of no restriction. It's ice cream for me. My husbands slider food is corn chips. I have no idea why it happens but during your journey you will find one or two foods that you seem to be able to eat so much more than other foods and yes it's never a great food with lot's of Protein
  11. You are going to say this many times during your journey keep doing what you need to do and it will fix itself. Try not to stress because that won't help and neither will a lot of the quick fixes you might get told.
  12. This is normal don't panic, you prob won't be able to get your full requirements of fluid or protein in until you are on full foods. Just remember to try your best with the fluids because you don't want to become dehydrated. You will also probably be a little weak until you can get your proteins in which is also normal.
  13. ausmith

    Low iron/ hemoglobin levels

    I have always had low iron and it wasn't an issue for the surgeon. My iron is still low almost 2 yrs out and I'm still taking iron tablets
  14. ausmith

    Is a big appetite common?

    It's normal not to have an appetite yet. It will come back but everyone is different as to when and how big. What I can say is it doesn't matter how big it is you can only fit so much in before feeling full and if you try to over eat from there you will have a very uncomfortable reaction. So don't worry to much about it, you will be fine. You will be amazed at how little you eat before becoming full.
  15. Jane I know you had a lot of plastic surgery at the same time and I'm trying to have the same done. Full body lift, breast lift and reduction, arms and minimal legs. I am also having it done in another country and will need to fly home prob 2 weeks latter. My question is I have a special birthday planned 3 months after surgery in Bali for 12 days. What were you like 3 months latter ? Will I be up to it. I haven't told anyone about the sleeve 21 months ago and don't plan on telling them about this also. I know you have written about your time after surgery but I can't find it. Sorry for hijacking your post.
  16. Bec that's amazing I know you tried really hard to get to this point in your life. Good luck next week. Don't forget to let us know how your going.
  17. Make an appointment to see your surgeon and your dietician that should not be where your at and it could mean you have a problem. Best to discuss it with the surgeon he will get to the bottom of it. You paid for a surgery ( or your insurance ) that has not made any impact that's a real concern. Let us know how you go
  18. Yes my advice was to exceed 80g protein at 1yr and I have just had my 18month ( which was 3 moths late now 21 months ) and the surgeon has stuck with that advice plus all of the obvious no drinking with meals etc
  19. ausmith

    I want to help my friends but i can't

    You just gave me an epiphany. I think my coworkers are really just complaining rather than sincerely asking for help. I don't know why I didn't recognize that before....I'm an expert on complaining. Just wondering how your going after all this time. Is it easy for you to maintain this far out ?
  20. ausmith

    I'm 21 and freaking out!

    Well done so happy to hear that you know your limitations and your not letting it get you down. You have goals and plans on how to get there. You will succeed!
  21. Was it denied specifically because you had your procedure in Mexico? That doesn't seem fair! I am on prilosec, I think my concern is that I developed Barrett's in under 11 months without any history of acid reflux. They think part of it is that I had my gallbladder removed a month after my sleeve and that it led to bad bile reflux too. If you had Barrett's do you think you'd have the bypass (if your insurance wasn't an issue)? I am trying to assess whether the revision is something that I should take very seriously or if I should hold off. Because of my job I'll be back in the States for a couple of months this winter to sort out a visa issue, so I feel like I need to make a plan to prepare for having surgery then if I decide I need to. I'm no Dr and I don't have this issue but if it was me and the damage was this extreme after 11mths. Then I would not hesitate. Cancer doesn't discriminate it kills. Sorry to be so direct but your body is on a collision course and your Dr has given you an option to stop the problem. Your 26 and have your whole life ahead of you. Take care my thoughts are with you. Keep us posted with what you decide
  22. My husband and I used Dr Phil Lockie and are so happy with the surgery and the before and after care. Hang in there you don't have long to go now
  23. I am 21 months out and have lost 112 so far. Like you I hated having my photo taken until recently. I put a photo of myself and my husband on FB and my page went crazy with comments from friends and family who we have not seen for a long time. It was like Xmas it made me feel so good. In saying that though I still struggle to work out what size I am when I see someone on the street I will say to my husband is that the size I look. He shakes his head no. So still struggling with thinking I look bigger than I am at times. This is the best thing I have ever done
  24. ausmith

    I'm 21 and freaking out!

    I hate that this is a reality but it is so true
  25. OMG I was wondering how you were going. Your doing great, I'm shaking my head thinking what was it that made you follow through this time with the opp and not the other times ? You have a great story to tell which may help some that are nervous and thinking about cancelling. Not everyone is brave enough to speak up but I know there are people that lie low but read everything that comes up on this board. Keep going you should be truly proud of what you have accomplished so far.

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