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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ausmith

  1. ausmith

    Arm lift / brachioplasty

    Gee that is fantastic so I'm pretty convinced I will go with the same. Thanks for sharing
  2. ausmith

    Arm lift / brachioplasty

    The legs look fine to me also. I'm looking at the same procedures that you have had in about 12mths. I'm sure I will go with the same as you for the legs because I don't want the long scars. When you have time I would be interested in seeing photo's of the scars you have on your arms to see if that is what I am expecting. With the legs did they cut around or just partially down?
  3. ausmith

    Arm lift / brachioplasty

    Jane do you have any up to date pictures of your arms and legs?
  4. Hang in there this is the time you need to be strong because the sleeve WILL get you into onederland. Just try not to stress about it. This is very different from anything you have tried before. If you stick to the plan and keep moving the weight will eventually start to move again. I know because the same is happening to me but I look at my husband who was done at the same time as I was and he is already at goal. Frustrating but a great motivator to me to show me it does work just faster for some.
  5. So good to hear how your going Lissa it's been a while and I was wondering how you were going. Congrats on the job and the move.
  6. Great to see you back on the site Kelli
  7. Sounds about right it may pick up as you progress. The amount of water is a huge component, try really hard to increase what you are currently getting. Good Luck
  8. My husband and I did this together 7mths ago and it's the best thing we ever did. Just keep in mind men will and DO lose faster. Be very prepared for that as it will do your head in every now and then. Although over all it is a great example that the sleeve truly works and when you are in stall you will look at him and know that It does work. Good luck to you both
  9. ausmith

    What size to sew?

    You have so much to look forward to with a skill like that. I am 7mths out and have spent years having cloths made when I go to Asia to make sure I have cloths that fit. I have no idea what size I am I have lost 80lb and going back in 2 weeks to have cloths made again. I think stretchy is the way to go for the first few months because your shape will be changing daily. Maybe keep the really great fabric for a few special goal outfits at different sizes. Like when you get to a 16 have a beautiful outfit waiting and then as an extra celebration plan somewhere to wear it. I would LOVE to be able to sew beautiful things. Good Luck with your journey
  10. ausmith

    Feeling normal again

    Raj what issue do you now have with the sleeve? I know you have been through hell but hoped you were all ok now.
  11. Can't say I get the terrible taste but I suggest you eat more small meals if you are trying to get your cals up but can't eat more in the meals you are having. If you don't get enough cals your body goes into starvation, so try a couple of snacks. Good Luck
  12. ausmith

    My Ongoing Story :)

    Good luck the end of the tunnel is very close, hang in there
  13. ausmith

    Surgery with your spouse?

    My husband and I were both sleeved in Oct 13. He has already reached goal with a loss of 105lb and I have lost 78lb. I still have 44lb to go. It has been great because we were on the same food stages at the same time I also find we have had more patience for each other. The prob now which we were aware of going into this was that male's will lose faster and in my husbands case NO exercise and hardly any stall. I on the other hand walk for an hour 5x week and I'm always in a stall lol. So it can be a little frustrating but it is also the perfect incentive for me because it proves to me that it works and it keeps me motivated when I am stalled. Something to watch out for is that he now has to increase his calorie's and carbs to stop the weight loss which he is struggling with at the moment. While I have to be careful to remember I Can't eat what he can, i do have to continue to exercise and I do have to stay on plan if I want to lose the rest of my weight. In saying all of that YES I would recommend couples do this together it's the best thing we have ever done.
  14. ausmith

    Bathing suits. Aaarrgghh!

    Is it 1 piece and are they pants underneath or shorts ?
  15. Well done Misty that's a fantastic result and good luck with the last 5. Glad to see you are still posting its great for those of us that look forward to your updates. I'm almost 7 months and still have 20kg to go
  16. Hi Hayley my husband and I were sleeved 22/10/13 in Brisbane with Dr Lockie. We did lots of research and decided that he was the Dr along with his team that best suited us. We were living over seas and came back to Aus for the surgery. My husband has already at goal and I still have 25kg to go. So I know it works because I am living with the proof. We were interested in the band at first but decided against it because of the upkeep ie fills etc we wanted something permanent that once it was done we could get on with our new healthy lives. Which we are doing. Good Luck to you and I look forward to hearing about your journey.
  17. ausmith

    How Do You Plan Your Meals?

    We were the same so I decided instead of the fruit and veg going to waste. I would put the fruit and veg through the juicer and my husband and I add 1 scoop of protein powder to it and use it as a replacement for a snack each or every other day. Great way to squeeze the fruit and veg in and to decrease the waste.
  18. Be careful about leaving plastic water bottles with water in them in the heat in the car. I watched a show where Cheryl Crow was quiet outspoken about believing that contributed to her cancer. Don't know all the facts but better to be safe than sorry
  19. Has anyone heard from Lissa S and Kellie lately ? I miss reading their updates and Aussiegirl as well.
  20. Hang in there around day 4 things will start to get better
  21. Great that you want to keep breast feeding but what does your Dr say ? It is going to be so hard to get enough nutrition for yourself the first few weeks after surgery, maybe he can suggest some sort of supplement. Good Luck you are going to do great.
  22. ausmith

    Cant get out of the 80's !

    I'm stuck at 178 and it's driving me CRAZY !
  23. ausmith

    Gas-X strips in Australia?

    You won't need them, the gas that you will have will not be moved by the gas strips. Walking is what it is going to take to get rid of the gas after surgery. If you need anything else the hospital will give you something for it.
  24. HW 254.1 Current Weight 178.2 Total lose 75.9 Goal weight 132 I still have 46.2 to go which seems like it will take forever because my husband is already at goal. We were both sleeved on the 22nd Oct 2014.
  25. Hi to all the newbie's and good luck with your journey's

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