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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by TxCalico

  1. You might like to read the posts of our October 2013 sleevers -- to see what's ahead for you!

    If you're like I was, you can't imagine that this or anything would really work, so all the comments and pix that have been posted might be helpful.


    Most Forums are filled with questions and concerns of Newbies -- which is mostly what this site is for. Veterans tend to leave the Forums and go on with their lives.

    Just thought that reading the posts of those who've made it thru might encourage you as it did me...

  2. Just passed my one-year Surgeversary, and I never would've believed this would happen for *me*. (Other people, sure, but nothing ever worked for me!) I really debated getting the Sleeve at age 60, but I didn't want to carry extra weight into my elder years. I debated doing it because I "should" be able to do it myself, but finally admitted that if I couldn't do it over the past 30 years with diets & pills & hypnosis & etc, I probably wasn't going to be able to do it by myself.

    This is one of the best things I've ever done for ME! I feel healthy and energetic again! And tho I'm thrilled to look better, I really did this for good health. I chose the Sleeve because it's simple and did not re-route internal plumbing -- it's livable! I can eat anything I want, but one slice of thin pizza is more than enough (instead of half a pizza!), yet usually I want healthier foods, and this former carb-addict no longer craves carbs. My favorite sweet treat is strawberry Greek Yogurt!

    HW- 212 ... CW- 149 ... I've maintained 60 lb loss for six months, finally getting used to shopping for size 6. (fyi, sizes have changed! I never wore a size 6 even when I weighed 145 back when. Trying to make us feel better, I guess, but we're fooling no one but ourselves.)

    Congratulations to everyone! The first year is already past, and many MANY healthy years are ahead!


  3. I was sleeved in Mexico, so don't have a local bariatric doc. I started taking an acid-reducer like Prilosec/Prevacid (generic omeprazole) as instructed because I understand we are more likely to have too much stomach acid. Is this temporary or long-term? How long do we take this drug?

    I never had acid issues in the past, so I've not been really sure what I need to look for now, how to tell if it's happening. I don't want to cause esophogeal problems, but I also don't want to take a drug forever if it's not needed.

    What do your doctors tell you?

    Thanx greatly!!

  4. Six months after 10-14-13, I am at GOAL! I really didn't believe it would happen, and I would've been happy to be within 10 lbs of my original goal... but I made it! I debated even getting the sleeve at my age (60) and weight (60 lbs to lose), admonishing myself that I *should* be able to do it on my own! Now I am Sooooo Glad I made that trip to Mexico!

    I feel GREAT, and I look forward to healthy years ahead, which is why I did this. It's an extra Plus to look better, too!!! I post this pic just as an encouragement for anyone considering the sleeve, whatever your age. If you're 50 lbs or more overweight, it's worth it, even if insurance won't cover the cost.

    p.s. The other day, my 9-year-old grandson described someone to his mom as "tall & thin like Grammy" ~ which made me realize my grandkids will never remember me any other way!!! That made me smile all week long! :-)

  5. Six months after 10-14-13, I am at GOAL! I really didn't believe it would happen, and I would've been happy to be within 10 lbs of my original goal... but I made it! I debated even getting the sleeve at my age (60) and weight (60 lbs to lose), admonishing myself that I *should* be able to do it! Now I am Sooooo Glad I made that trip to Mexico!

    I feel GREAT, and I look forward to healthy years ahead, which is why I did this. It's an extra Plus to look better, too!!! I post this pic just as an encouragement for anyone considering the sleeve, whatever your age. If you're 50 lbs or more overweight, it's worth it, even if insurance won't cover the cost.

    p.s. The other day, my 9-year-old grandson described someone to his mom as "tall & thin like Grammy" ~ which made me realize my grandkids will never remember me any other way!!! That made me smile all week long! :-)


  6. Thanks, LindafromFlorida ~ Yes, that was my original post when I started this Topic. I'm now only 3 lbs from my original goal! And as I posted recently, I'm SO glad I did this, because I never would've gotten anywhere near my current weight without the sleeve! I feel healthy & slim & happy & energetic again.

    I don't care if I ever reach that original goal, it's just a number. My greatest goal was to get my BMI to 24.9 or less -- in the Normal range -- and i've surpassed that now, so I'm feelin' Good!

    As so many have said here, I wish I could've done it 30 years ago, but I'm glad I could do it now and be healthier in my 60's & beyond. One of the best decisions I've ever made!


  7. AutumnPunkin, you should've returned it! They have a 100% guarantee. I returned mine and had them send me another container of unflavored Protein powder, which I add a bit to my coffee each morning. (Then I don't feel guilty having non-nutritious coffee... LOL)

    The cheese sauce wasn't BAD, it just wasn't good either! I kept a baggie of it, thinking I'd use it sometime, but I still haven't done so. Maybe someday.

  8. Hang in there, girl! The first few weeks are the hardest, and everyone's body reacts differently - plus it's common to have a stall about three weeks out! Remember, you've had major surgery and it will take time for your body to adjust, but things WILL continue to improve!

    I remember being able to feel food and Water get to my stomach, and it felt strange and uncomfortable (luckily not painful). That passed eventually and now at five months I no longer notice it. Your time will come.

    Be patient with yourself, don't rush the progression of foods, and try to stay positive. Your own attitude can speed up or slow down your healing process, so concentrate on whatever good things you can!

    Sounds like you may be dealing with some depression, so talk to your doctor about it, too, and get outside for a little walk every day. It'll do you good, physically and mentally. Wishing you the very best.

  9. I was hesitant to do this at 60, but I took the plunge and was sleeved in Mexico 10-14-13. Best thing I've ever done for my health!

    In not-quite-four-months, I've lost 51 lbs, with only 9 left to my goal. I wouldn't have believed it if someone had 'promised' me this would happen! And tho I love being thinner, wearing clothes I haven't fit in AGES, I'm thrilled that I am entering my older years without carrying around all that extra weight and the related health issues.

    The sleeve definitely changes things. I'm seldom hungry and, when I am, I *want* Proteins & healthy foods. This former carb-addict doesn't miss carbs!! Yet if I do want bread or rice or a dessert, with the sleeve I can have it - but just a bite or spoonful removes the craving, so it's really the best of both worlds for me. (I've done very little of that so far, I just like knowing that I CAN!)

    My husband & I just returned from a week-long cruise and I enjoyed lots of delicious bites, but the foods were not my downfall as they used to be. Even better, I felt GREAT snorkeling and climbing and riding a bobsled and even having my picture taken! LOL

    I know this procedure isn't for everyone, but I'm certainly glad I learned about it and did it. No regrets.

  10. I started this topic and, thanks to all your wonderful posts, I took the plunge and was sleeved in Mexico 10-14-13. Best thing I've ever done for my health!

    In not-quite-four-months, I've lost 51 lbs, with only 9 left to my goal. I wouldn't have believed it if someone had 'promised' me this would happen! And tho I love being thinner, wearing clothes I haven't fit in AGES, I'm thrilled that I am entering my older years without carrying around all that extra weight and the related health issues.

    The sleeve definitely changes things. I'm seldom hungry and, when I am, I *want* Proteins & healthy foods. This former carb-addict doesn't miss carbs!! Yet if I do want bread or rice or a dessert, with the sleeve I can have it - but just a bite or spoonful removes the craving, so it's really the best of both worlds for me. My husband & I just returned from a week-long cruise and I enjoyed lots of delicious bites, but the foods were not my downfall as they used to be. Even better, I felt great snorkeling and climbing and riding a bobsled and even having my picture taken! LOL

    I know this procedure isn't for everyone, but I'm certainly glad I learned about it and did it. No regrets.

  11. Wow! Some of you have had amazing weight loss since October!

    Three Months = 45 lbs for me, and I have 15 to go. I'm still amazed that it's actually WORKING! I guess I was afraid it wouldn't work for ME... and if this is all I lost, I'd actually be happy with it, because I never could have gotten to this weight all on my own, when I've been trying to do so for 30 years! What's exciting is knowing that I'll CONTINUE to lose, and maybe even reach my goal.

    I've lost 22", with 5" from bust, 7" from waist, 5" from hips (the rest is arm/thigh/calf measurement). I'm wearing clothes I haven't worn in years, and looking forward to going shopping soon! My husband and I are going on a cruise next week, so I'll have some pix to share then -- and actually looking forward to taking them! LOL

    Best of all, I FEEL GREAT. It's awesome to be thinner, but I did this to be healthier as I get older, and I love being able to run & play with grandkids, get up/down from the floor or jump up in the back of the pickup -- to MOVE without carrying around those 45 pounds!

    As we say: Luv My Sleeve! :D

  12. I was sleeved in Mexico, so I don't have a bariatric doctor stateside. I'm going to my first local doctor appt this month so I can get bloodwork done. My doc was never very supportive, so I'm looking forward to surprising him with 45 lbs down in 3 months! (Then I think I'll switch doctors, just CUZ.)

    I know I need to check B-12 level, but can someone advise me what what exactly I need to request be checked, bloodwork or otherwise? Thanx!

  13. So when do you get the sleeve, hopeful? You'll still have to avoid NSAIDS, so maybe there's a patch or something you can use instead for arthritis pain. I didn't hardly exercise the first couple of months, but it feels good now. Everyone needs to make it a regular part of life. Walking is great, using hand-weights 2-3 times/week is great. It doesn't have to take a lot of time, but it's truly important as the weight comes off in order to keep the body firmer.

    Good luck & blessings to you!

  14. Tizzielish, I also did the self-talk of "You should be able to do this", but I finally realized that if I hadn't been able to keep it off for 30 years, I probably won't be able to in the next 30 years... so I went with the sleeve and am SOOOOO glad I did. In two months, I've lost 37 pounds that will never come back! I'm still in shock, it's just now becoming 'real'... and I'm starting to believe that I will actually lose another 20-30 lbs to reach my goals. (I have two: a good healthy goal and my dream-weight goal! LOL)

    I'm not your doc, so I don't know which procedure is best for you, but I would definitely ask him/her to justify WHY he doesn't like the sleeve, since it doesn't require all the restructuring of your internal plumbing or risk future malnutrition. A friend compared it to when she got her eyes 'fixed' with radial keratotomy years ago, and asked her eye doc about doing the new lazer eye surgery... Oh no, the doc said, that's risky and could damage the eyes, yada yada. But she says that's because he didn't do the lazer surgery so he didn't support it!

    Whichever is best for you, go for it and enjoy the years ahead with a slim, healthy body!

    Wishing you luck & blessings!

  15. Congrats, SLW! You and several others have lost a lot for such a short time! Your bariatric center can use whatever number they want, but since your highest weight was when you started this process (and not 6 months or a year ago), then I'd use that number. Take credit for what you've done and be proud!

    BTW, everyone seems to freak out about not having BMs often, but geez -- we're hardly eating anything!!! Get some Fiber gummies and drink your liquids, and it will pass.

    I gotta start exercising *regularly*. I've been so hit & miss about it!

  16. I too like to see a new post and hear how everyone's doing! It's amazing that everyone seems to be doing very well, with only minor glitches. I'm wearing clothes that have hung in my closet for years, and that's a great feeling! and when I bought some plants at the store last week, I climbed in & out of the bed of my pickup with no problem!! I could truly feel the difference not having those 30 lbs on my body!

    One challenge for me is I need to learn to eat slower, taking time between bites. I don't eat much of course, but I'll chew it right up and without thinking eat a nother bite and then I get very uncomfortable before I realize it. Trying to get better at that.

    How about in January -- three months out -- I'll start a post for October Sleevers again so we can get updates!?!

    Good luck & blessings, everyone!

  17. Terri Lynn, ya gotta be kidding me! 27 lbs in just 3 weeks and you're disappointed? Be PROUD! You're losing the weight a LOT faster than you gained it and, most important, you're healthier on the INSIDE. The weight will come off, and you'll be looking better and feeling better every week!

    I'm having trouble getting all my liquids -- and I've always been a big drinker! (liquids, not liquor- LOL) but that half-hour of no liquids before and after eating seems to expand when I get busy and then it's time to wait half an hour before eating again! I'm used to drinking a half a glass of Water at a time and I can't do that now. I gotta work on this.

    What's your biggest challenge? Getting enough liquids? enough Protein? certain foods? exercise? Ideas & suggestions...

  18. It's great to hear so many success stories! I find I don't get on the boards as much any more, now that "the deed is done", but we should do our part to pay it forward with those who are nervous and facing their own sleeve surgeries!

    I'm on soft foods now, and it's loverly to chew real foods again! I'm still amazed that I can be sooo hungry (if I've gone too long without a snack) yet I can't finish something like a half-cup of chicken/egg salad! Love it.

    BTW, I guess that 3-weeks stall is real. I was losing nicely but this past week lost only 2 lbs. But I know it'll happen eventually.

    MLH, I'm so happy for your positive health changes! What's happening INSIDE our bodies now is truly more important that what our bodies look like on the outside... And I found an awesome alternative for Calcium: Try Calcet Creamy Bites Calcium Supplement (BJsBariatrics.com). They're little chewable squares that taste good!! I love the lemon cream, it's such a nice change from all the chocolate stuff -- almost like a little treat. There's also a chocolate version that's sorta chocolate/caramel; it's also good, but I'm tired of chocolate after all my shakes in the past month! 500 mg Calcium & 400 IU Vitamin D per creamy bite.

    Wish I could find something similar for basic Vitamins. I have a bariatric chewable Vitamin that's berry flavored but it's SO strong, I have to force myself to chew & swallow it. Can we ever again take normal Vitamins? Does anyone have one they actually like?

    Keep on akeepin' on! :P

  19. Fluffnomore gave a good basic description!! Your stomach will be sore (like a thousand sit-ups or like someone slugged ya!) but not really painful. Anesthesia can make you nauseous for a day or two, and that's a truly yucky feeling, but remember it will pass soon! As soon as possible, start moving & keep moving -- walking often will help everything!

    Every day during that first week gets better and easier, and by the second week you're feeling almost-normal again. Plus you are now seeing the numbers on your scale go down, and that's a great feeling!

  20. Love it, Sleevie J! Glad you're doing so GOOOOOD! ~and this is just the beginning of our journeys! :D

    Lisa DM, I've heard a stall is common around week 3. Hang in there! I'm so glad to see the scale going down instead of UP for a change!

    pookluvp, have you tried unflavored Protein added to Soups? That works well for me, and I'm not using shakes as much. and now I can use my Magic Bullet (only $49 at Costco) to puree chunky soups & casseroles into what I can eat, so that's been a BIG help!

    And now it's November and we are PAST the kickoff! YEAY!

  21. Just a quick note, so much that's been written already is excellent!

    In regard to your dad: You are doing a lot of reading and research, but he is not. Share with him facts and information that will educate him and comfort him. Print out whatever info you think would help him understand your situation and the sleeve surgery in general, so he can read it, too. That really helped my husband.

    And as someone said, be sure you are ready to give up the typical American junk-food diet. The sleeve will help a LOT, but it does require your personal readiness to change. Yes, eventually you can have a slice of pizza or a couple of chips, but are you really ready to give most of that up? If you are, then go for it, girl. I wish I'd been able to do this long ago! ;)

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