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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by unbesleevable1

  1. unbesleevable1

    6 Months Post VSG Progress

  2. unbesleevable1

    Quest Bars

    They are good for Protein. Watch the CARBS! Their claim of 'net carbs' is not truthful. I love them and was eating about 2 a day, but my weight loss slowed. When I cut them out, I sarted losing again. Just my experience.
  3. unbesleevable1

    6 weeks post VSG

  4. unbesleevable1


    From the album: 6 weeks post VSG

    I had to hold my breath and lean to the left a little, but there it is. BAM!
  5. unbesleevable1

    4 months post-op ... hit plateau

    Yes, I agree with above poster. Quest Bars may not have the correct "net carbs" that they claim. I cut them out when my weight loss slowed around 4 1/2 months. I also started exercising, which I hadn't been doing. The other ingredient, if you're doing every thing else right, is patience. I have an app called Libra that tracks my projected loss, and it showed that I had actually lost more faster than it predicted, so was ahead of the projection. That's where I stalled. My body just was catching up. So be patient, it's really hard to screw this up if you're reasonably following the plan.
  6. unbesleevable1


    Find a more skilled surgeon.
  7. unbesleevable1

    Trying to decide--Bypass or Sleeve?

    bypass is better for people with type 2 diabetes, or have 100+ lbs to lose. The sleeve also doesn't have the same complications with absorption (iron/ vitamins) that you see with RNY/ bypass. I think its a huge personal choice, along with your doctor's guidance and education.
  8. unbesleevable1

    Romantic Relationship-Secret Surgery-Bad Timing

    Having been through it, there is no way I could have hid it from those close to me. I think that would have added such a level of stress that I could not have dealt with. I know there are a lot of ppl that have concealed the surgery, by telling little white lies... I just don't see that there's anything shameful about having this surgery. My scars are just now starting to fade, but still noticeable. I know this is not what you wanted to hear. I know you are set on keeping it from everyone. For me, it is my secrets that keep me sick.
  9. unbesleevable1


    Take a breath. It's not going to be instant. Took a long time to put on the weight and takes a while to take it off. Patience, patience.
  10. unbesleevable1

    November buddies where are you?

    Hi guys, I I am down 70 lbs from my highest last Feb and about 50 since surgery. Another 30 or so to go to get to goal of 175. I'm 5'7 and very happy so far.
  11. unbesleevable1

    Question about pre-op diet

    If you decide to use a different Protein than the one recommended by your doctor, just be sure to check the carbs and sugar and protein grams. They can vary greatly. you can take your current powder to Vitamin shoppe and they can help find one that is comparable. I had great luck with one made by OH YEAH. I loved it pre op, and after surgery I couldnt stand it anymore.
  12. unbesleevable1

    diarrhea? 3 mos. post sleeve

    My biggest complication (or I should say, inconvenience) is my bowels. I am either constipated or having diarrhea. When I have to go, I have to GO RIGHT NOW. It has calmed down a bit, but it is what I deal with. You might try the brat diet which can help with diarrhea. (banana, rice, applesauce, toast) That helps with binding. Good luck!
  13. unbesleevable1

    Smoking :(

    I quit a month before surgery. My surgeon didn't have any strict feelings about it one way or another. Others are much more strict, and will test you for nicotine and not operate. I quit using the tiny lozenges. I am 5 months post op and havent smoked or used any nicotine replacement. There are times I crave! But you can do it! Take it minute by minute. Good luck, it's really for your own safety (airway and healing). Wasn't a risk I wanted to take.
  14. unbesleevable1

    Question about pre-op diet

    Don't do it if you don't have to. It's hell. By far it was the hardest part about this process for me. If your doc doesn't want you to do it, trust him. And trust me, you're not missing anything!!!! I did it for 3 weeks and many people nearly lost their lives, a lot of people got yelled at, and I punched a lot of pillows. HANGRY! So if you have dodged this bullet, dodge it happily!
  15. unbesleevable1

    Workout plans.

    I didn't do anything more than some casual walking until about 4 months post op when my weight loss started to lag. Now I workout about 3-4 x a week. I do cardio on the treadmill: incline walking and jogging/ running. I also do some body weight resistance training stuff like plank, burpees, squats, push ups, tricep dips etc. I never do the exact same workout. On the treadmill I either work on endurance (distance, low speed), speed (short intervals at faster speeds) or strength (max incline, walking and jogging in short bursts). I actually enjoy it. I'm so grateful for my sleeve and my motivation to get stronger and healthier.
  16. unbesleevable1


    Im grateful for my stab wounds. They remind me what I've committed to. I am about 5 months out and they're starting to fade. I don't put anything special on them, as my skin tends to heal pretty well.
  17. I lost pretty effortlessly the first 4 months. I did no exercise, and didn't count calories or anything. I would lose and lose and lose. When I hit 4 months, the weight stopped coming off so easy. Now I have to work. I knew the day would come. I eat very well (mostly dense Protein and very little carbs). I also get about 30-60 min of cardio every day as well as some strength work. Anyway, sooner or later you have to eat well and exercise. The neat part is, it actually works. It's not like before the surgery when it all felt hopeless. I would try to restrict calories and exercise and nothing would happen. UGH. So the surgery is a huge push in the right direction. It's a tool you can either use, or abuse. Treat the head, it's where the real problem lies.
  18. unbesleevable1

    Pre-Op Diet Hell!

    I wasn't so much tired, just very very angry. ( I also quit smoking shortly before pre op diet started). It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. It's harder than the surgery. Stick with it, the results will be worth it in the end.
  19. unbesleevable1

    4 1/2 Months Post VSG

    From the album: 6 weeks post VSG

  20. I am writing these things down, because I am sure there will be times early post op when I wonder "why did I do this?" This is why: 1. Having to shop from a limited clothing selection. Eff you , size 20, you suck. 2. The feeling of my fat middle squooshing out when I sit down. 3. swolly feet 4. Feeling like the fattest person in the room 5. Being the fattest person in the room 6. Feeling invisible 7. Feeling self conscious and size conscious 8. My stomach touching the table in a restaurant booth 9. Not fitting comfortably in a movie theatre seat 10. Looking at myself in pictures 11. Feeling ugly 12. Body aches, knee aches, hip aches 13. shoes that used to fit, and now are too tight 14. Low energy 15. Not turning heads 16. Looking in the mirror naked 17. clothes that no longer fit. 18. Not being able to wear my rings 19. Being afraid to run into people I haven't seen in a while 20. Not feeling pretty Ok, I only wrote 20. I'm sure there are more. Help me out. Why do you never want to go back?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
