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Posts posted by nomytx

  1. Good Morning....

    my starting weight is 215 for this challenge

    my goal for the Easter challenge is 210

    i had poor results this past challenge. I do not want to have my expectations to high.

    That is only 5lbs...i should be able to do that?

  2. I am sad to say ....I weighed myself this morning and i am weighing in at 218.

    I gained a pound.

    A friend of mine told me that it happens, not to get discouraged ...to late.

    I am trying to be positive. Starting a fresh start.

    I went to see my nutritionist last week and she scolded me and scolded me good for not meeting my intake of 70g of Protein. Telling that not taking in the protein requirements could slow me down in losing weight. So i started drinking shakes again ( faithfully) and now i gained a darn pound.

    Maybe i should go back to the start...liquid diet.

    Not feeling proud of myself.

  3. Bea's having a GOOD DAY today! For the first time in 28 years my BMI says I'm "overweight" instead of "obese"! I hit 200.0 today and could not be MORE THRILLED!

    I showed increases or the same weight every single day all the way up to the beginning of month 7. Now my weight fluctuates in both directions, although with a steady, but slow, decline every week. So although I know tomorrow may but slightly up again, after another week or so I can fully expect to NEVER see numbers starting with "2" again. There is something so very exciting in that!

    I may log today's weight as my weekly weight, not because I am interested in "cheating" (it will all come out right in the end anyway) but simply because I've hit a point that is game-changing in my life and want to log it, share it, hold on to it.

    Sorry for going on and on about this, but if anyone could understand what I'm feeling, it's all of you. So, I just had to share here. :D

    CONGRATULATION! I am so happy for you.

  4. Bea - Im sorry that I didnt log on yesterday to give you my starting and goal weight for patty day challenge, it was my birthday and I was not feeling well either! ugh feeling a bit better today.

    I will go with Sunday's weigh in for starting weight 199

    goal for st Patty's day in 4 weeks 193.

    1.5 pound per week average sounds doable!

    Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you get well soon.

  5. Count me in. I know I was a slacker (with weighing in) this past challenge but I promise to get better. Hopefully I will get better with my weight-loss too. I really feel bummed with the results of the Valentine's Day Challenge. I will log on or before Monday to report my starting weight and goal.

    Thanks,Bea for all you do!

  6. Im 5 weeks post op now. Can't seem to connect with anyone who's had a similar post vsg period experience as i had so I'm assuming I am an outlier but I was rushed to ER on Monday ( day 3 of my 1st post op period). Extra extra heavy flow and large palm sized clots -- leaked through layered overnight padding. Cramps were bad but managed with es Tylenol and heat pad - very odd but I've had way worse cramps with less bleeding and smaller clots pre op. used to be addicted to advil pre op. the scary part was not being able to walk straight and the intense dizziness and feeling like I would black out at any second. Thank God my sister lives close and was available cause I was home alone and would have blacked out if I took anymore steps. I was wheeled into the ER and so emotional. An entire night of non stop heavy bleeding and leaking and Scary sized clotting. Hemoglobin was 10 and blood pressure was low. No transfusion needed but my obgyn believes this reaction is related to the surgery-- she sent me for ultrasounds and put me on Iron. My surgeon says my heavy flow and clotting are not related to the surgery. I'm at a loss cause this hasn't ever happened before. I do normally have fairly heavy periods with quarter sized clots and cramping but nothing to the point where I leak through layered overnight pads and become dizzy and feel faint. Obgyn suggests taking agestryn (sp?) in case it happens next month which she believes It will -- I'm nervous about that but hoping it doesn't happen and this was just 1 isolated incident.

    I know how/what you are feeling.

    I have been suffered extremely heavy flows since December 2013 (my surgery in August 2013). Before surgery my menstrual periods never lasted more than four days and were very light. I did not suffer cramps; I suffered with Migraines. Now, post-op, it is crazy. They have lasted nine+ days for the past three months now. They are extremely heavy. So heavy I can not walk without gushing clots seems to be with each step I take. After days of suffering with heavy flow, CRAMPS with being lightheaded and dizzy,I get the Migraine. I have not gone to the ER (thank God). I haven't gone to the doctor either but have an appointment tomorrow. I hope we find out what is causing this. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Im 5 weeks post op now. Can't seem to connect with anyone who's had a similar post vsg period experience as i had so I'm assuming I am an outlier but I was rushed to ER on Monday ( day 3 of my 1st post op period). Extra extra heavy flow and large palm sized clots -- leaked through layered overnight padding. Cramps were bad but managed with es Tylenol and heat pad - very odd but I've had way worse cramps with less bleeding and smaller clots pre op. used to be addicted to advil pre op. the scary part was not being able to walk straight and the intense dizziness and feeling like I would black out at any second. Thank God my sister lives close and was available cause I was home alone and would have blacked out if I took anymore steps. I was wheeled into the ER and so emotional. An entire night of non stop heavy bleeding and leaking and Scary sized clotting. Hemoglobin was 10 and blood pressure was low. No transfusion needed but my obgyn believes this reaction is related to the surgery-- she sent me for ultrasounds and put me on Iron. My surgeon says my heavy flow and clotting are not related to the surgery. I'm at a loss cause this hasn't ever happened before. I do normally have fairly heavy periods with quarter sized clots and cramping but nothing to the point where I leak through layered overnight pads and become dizzy and feel faint. Obgyn suggests taking agestryn (sp?) in case it happens next month which she believes It will -- I'm nervous about that but hoping it doesn't happen and this was just 1 isolated incident.

    I am expiwr

  8. Friday (01/10/2014) weigh-in was 223 lbs.

    Friday (01/17/2014) 222 lbs.

    Friday (01/24/2014) 220 lbs

    Friday (01/31/2014) 220lbs

    0 lbs. ( :angry: at myself)

    Doesn't look like I am going to make my goal this challenge but I am still going to try to do my best. I can't figure, what I am doing so wrong? Why won't that scale move down fast enough? Going to keep my head up :wacko:

    See y'all next week.

  9. HELLO ONDERLAND! So nice to see you after all these years!

    199.8 this morning! Barely made it, but I'll take it!

    Have a great weekend everyone! I have my first first date tonight in like 3 years. YIKES! Wish me luck!

    Congrats on reaching Onderland!

    Good Luck tonight! Have Fun!

  10. I have suffered with Migraines for years. I had hoped that after surgery and as i lost weight they would stop. No luck! Since this past Saturday (1/11/14) I have been suffering a headache with dizzy spells, lightheaded, light sensitivity (all the signs of a Migraine minus the severe pain.) I don't know what to do. I have take my migraine medication; it did not work. I have even gone to my doctors for injections and I still feel the same.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
