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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by cloud9

  1. 6 weeks post op here. Trying to find flavors that will disguise the taste of whey Protein found in the powders. I have to move from pre-mixed shakes to powders because it it cheaper in the long run. Need to watch the $$$$! Bananas + PB2 + chocolate (sugar free syrup) so far is only thing I have found that will cover the flavor of whey. But I don't like all the carbs in bananas. I tried upping the PB2 + chocolate but it gets way too sweet I am also working my way (no pun intended) through the various recipes on this website. However I am using my powders and that is not cost effective. realize that everyone's taste buds differ....but I could sure use some help here. something low in carbs and sugar free ideally.
  2. Wow - you look great Aaron!! Congratulations!
  3. Quest here too. But I am still trying new stuff. Glad you posted this question Endless80! Please share what you discover in your "quest" he he.
  4. cloud9

    Acne prone skin..

    Yep I hear you on the hormone raging acne! My skin is better now too but super dry above nose and pimple prone below the nose (chin and around mouth). Seek non-comedogenic moisturizers and cleansers. And don't over-dry the pimple prone area - that will just alert your skin to produce more oil. Jojoba oil (ester wax) is another good option. Ester is the most similar to human skin oil (sebum). This stuff has made a HUGE difference for me. It is inexpensive. Alone or a few drops with your non-comedogenic moisturizer....it wears nicely with make-up, dewey look, not heavy. I slather Jojoba oil on my face and neck at night however which makes me shiny but I am sleeping so I don't care. I put a drop or two in palm of my hand when I cleanse with Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Hydrating Cleanser. Also now I wash my chin area (pimple prone area) VERY gently - no scrubbing given that caused my skin to be irritated and break out even more. Good luck in your quest - share what you discover please!!! Here is a list of comedogenic ingredients to watch out for: http://www.temptalia.com/the-ingredients-guide-comedogenic-irritating-ingredients-to-watch-for
  5. cloud9

    Possible Stricture ahhh!

    How are you doing timeforchange? You are in my prayers! Please keep us posted. Cabingirl what are you doing to manage things/eating with the stuck valve. Is that a big deal for you? I saw my doc. gave me meds for nausea discussed everything from strictures to blockages, and we went over my foods and eating habits in detail and narrowed in on what I am eating today that I was not eating pre-op. This is starting to look like a peanut allergy (intolerance more like it). Before surgery peanuts and peanut butter made me a very queasy and caused gas so I simply avoided them. In fact I rarely thought of peanuts..I just did not eat them. However after surgery and when I was cleared for pureed foods (1 month post op) I started making my own protein shakes. Guess what I am consuming DAILY and in pretty good quantities??? - PB2! 2 scoops of PB2 in this tiny stomach is a lot of PB to digest. So I am going to stop the PB2 in my shakes and see how I do. If that does not clear up things then I go back in a few weeks for scope. I thinking the peanut/peanut butter connection is the cause. Hoping I am right.
  6. cloud9

    Possible Stricture ahhh!

    Wish I had information that could help. Hoping someone with similar experience weighs in. So very sorry this is happening to you. Glad you have something to help keep food down. Did they give you prognosis for perhaps the valve healing/functioning again over time? Can they fix the HH or do something to remediate the valve? Or some milestone they are waiting for/watching before moving to next measure? I am scouring the internet, this website, and other WLS websites to see if I can locate anything about post VSG and the type of valve damage you describe. I hope they have some type of alternative to bypass. You are in my prayers.
  7. cloud9

    Possible Stricture ahhh!

    I had surgery Aug 27th. Felt great post op then about 1 month into it I started getting horrendous nausea and sometimes I vomit. I really thought this was just my stomach getting accustomed to food/healing because I have seen posts where folks have nausea/vomiting early-on post op. So was just dealing with it hoping it would get better as time progressed. I called and spoke with the RN today - she talked to the surgeon and they are talking endoscopy - see doc on Wednesday. Please keep me posted on how you are doing - you are in my prayers for the very best outcome.
  8. cloud9


    Congratulations Andrew!! Huge milestone on your way to a new life. Very excited for you! YOU decide what you want to disclose and to whom. I personally did not tell more than my sister, husband, and my best friend. Our other friends and family members have noticed my weight loss and I simply tell them I am making wiser food choices, smaller portions and exercising - all of which is true. I have made a life change! I am am extremely private person from the get go so this is about right for my tolerance for revealing personal information. I get great support from the 3 of them but also from those that do not know about the surgery. Bottom line for me is that my friends/family want me to be healthy and they root me on in my life change. if I need support from people who have greatest understanding of my post op questions, needs, issues/challenges I have this web site - excellent support. I continue to learn more each time I visit this forum. You will need to do what you feel is right for you. Best wishes on your surgery - keep us posted!!
  9. cloud9

    United Healthcare PPO

    Another milestone! Hooray! Oh yep...stay on them every step of the way!!! Congratulations Caligirl!!!
  10. cloud9

    Here I am

    sounds like you have great care ~ and walking is an excellent sign! You have such a positive attitude too. I am pulling for ya - speedy recovery for you Roo!! CONGRATULATIONS!
  11. cloud9

    Below 250 woo hoo

    WOW you look fantastic! Congratulations!!!!
  12. cloud9

    Today is the day!

    speedy recovery to all!! How exciting... please keep us posted!
  13. In complete agreement about Unjury - yuk. I know everyone's tastes differ. I tried the BSN Syntha 6 and it is really quite good!
  14. cloud9

    Monday Surgery day

    How exciting Robert! Jitters are normal. What time is your surgery?
  15. Holy smokes ... LMAO!!! Laughing so hard, coffee came out of my nose. And congratulations because these are all NSVs in my opinion. LOL..... thanks for the great laugh I needed that!
  16. cloud9


    Awesome! the long wait is over...... so excited for you! Keep us posted on your progress!
  17. Wow that is fantastic progress - you really inspire me!!!
  18. Cute cut! Really frames your face well and you eyes standout. Your skin has a nice healthy glow too.
  19. In addition to the excellent recommendations above - Blistex/chapstick was a lifesaver for me - had raging case of cotton mouth post-op which made it impossible to keep my lips moist.
  20. cloud9


    Wooo hoooo!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for you!!!!!
  21. cloud9

    Scale and Non-Scale Victories!

    What an accomplishment - great work!!!!
  22. I do like the Pure Protein products - you are so right about 35 grams of protein in just 11 ounces. Wish the powdered protein resulted in a similar taste. I am going to take a dozen cans of Pure Protein on my business trips because RTD is the way to go for me when on the road! I got a hard side suitcase to keep the cans safe from damage. fingers crossed that plan will work! Thanks again.
  23. I am on a Quest and will give BSN Syntha 6 and Muscle Farm Combat a try - also the flavor combinations you noted in your other post. I looked at your 8 Bites Blog "Yuck in a Cup" (clever title!) ....I wish I would have had that type of information before surgery; I found it to be most helpful even today at 6.5 weeks post op. I got the slim stack of papers you speak of from my surgeon as well ...kinda slim on details about shakes. I get a great deal of information from this website thank goodness. Thank you again for the recommendations.
  24. Closest Nutrishop is 5 hours away but in a town I will be visiting in November - so will put it on my Go See list while there!! I also tried to purchase online but they do not offer such - darn it could not find it on Amazon either. Thank you again!
  25. cloud9

    I would like to say hello!

    Welcome Sabrina and congratulations on taking those first steps. This site has been such a great source of information and inspiration for me. Glad you found it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
