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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MetroDetroitChic

  1. Elizabeth.... Man, do I feel for you. That is a hard situation to be in. I remember college. It is hard for sure.

    May I gently suggest that you go attack the mental side of this for a bit? It might help to prepare yourself mentally for your surroundings (which are tough for sure). There are triggers why we eat... And we all have them. I think that figuring those out might help you with your issues more than anything.

    You are only 21 and have so many wonderful years ahead of you.

    I truly wish you luck.

  2. Today is my 3 week surgiversary. I can't believe how fast it's gone by. Yet it feels like surgery was sooo long ago. I'm doing really good. I managed to pull open my yucky incision and it was oozing. So freaking gross. But if that's the only problem then I'm totally fine with it. Looking forward to the next food stage (soft) next week.

    Are you okay??? Oozing sounds bad. :(

  3. It's been 2 days since surgery and I'm feeling pretty good. The worst part right now is my swollen abdomen. I don't know if it's because of the gas or the trauma of the surgery (maybe both?) but i cannot wait for it to get back to normal. I'm wondering how long that took for others?

    I'm doing pretty good so far getting things down. I'm drinking lots of Water, had my first Protein Shake, drank a whole bottle of the Isopure Protein Drink and even a little bit of yogurt drink and applesauce. Took all my meds and Vitamins too.

    You are doing awesome to get all that in!

    I'm still not exactly sure when normal hits. My abdomen doesn't really hurt that much... I would claim it is (and as been) swollen for the last ten years. Lol. But seriously, I'm guessing most of the swelling is gone now. I am on day 9.

    Yeah the hives are REALLY a bummer. Now I am wondering if it was the new shirt I pulled out yesterday that I had never warn before (because it was too small then). That may have caused it. Probably never washed it like an idiot. Hmmmmmmmm......

  4. I am 13 days in. Not only will I be 2 weeks post op tomorrow it will also be my birthday!!!! This was my gift to myself. I said I wanted to be under 200lbs for my birthday and I've already reached my goal my weight day of surgery was 219.7 today I am 195.2 I'm down 24.5lbs in 13 days I swear it seem so unreal. The weight and inches are coming off so fast it is almost scary. Tomorrow I am pulling out the tape measure!!! :)


    Yes, I agree with you for sure... The weight loss is kind of a bit SCARY! I lost 21 lbs in six days. I mean really, how much can a stomach weigh??? (That was a joke, btw).

    This weight loss solution is truly extreme --- on all levels!

  5. Jeanne so glad to hear you are doing so well! You are definitely one of the all-stars. Keep it up!

    I went back to work today. Got a lot done but holy cow did I feel wiped out. No energy whatsoever and very cloudy headed. Lack of calories will do that to ya though! Luckily I work from home twice a week.

    It's weird hearing how cold everyone is. I'm in so cal and commute out to Palm Springs for work. It was a little over 90 degrees out there today.

    Picked up mashed potatoes from KFC and have had a couple spoonfuls. They are VERY filling. It's weird, I was anticipating the typical "full" feeling. But this new full feeling is very different than I expected. It's more like a "uh yeah go ahead and take another bite and see what happens, I dare ya". Not the satisfying full that I used to feel. Definitely still trying to get used to it...

    Sorry for rambling.

    You aren't rambling at all. Love to hear how everyone is doing. It feels good to know there are others out there.

    Yesterday, it was like someone flipped a light switch at about 3pm. I suddenly had energy and felt great. I mean GREAT. (Well, not Deluded great...lol. But like really good peppy great.) it was two hours or so after I had my Iron pill, and I made sure to take it with practically zero Calcium (hard to do) and a Vitamin C. Words cannot express how much better I feel! ( I am writing this at 5am... Got up without an alarm). I'm wondering if the iron finally kicked in. They say it takes a few days to a week. Before then, I felt like something the cat dragged in. If I was up moving, I just felt confused and like I wanted to pass out.

    I'm not even going to comment on your weather! Lol. It is 17 degrees and MI is still covered in crater sized potholes. I drive a big truck and they still jar you so bad they rattle your teeth. Good grief.

    So I figured out a way to describe this new feeling to my husband... "You know when you are at Maggiano's (amazing multi course meal with a trillion calories) and you are at the end, are so so so full, and they bring out the Desserts and set them down in front of you? Now, there is no way that bite is gonna fit...but you take that bite anyway and you can feel it on the tippy top of your stomach? It's like that --- all the time." And that he could understand.

    Lastly, I have to say without Premier Protein shakes, I would be toast. They have 30g of Protein and are small. I must admit they are getting to be gross. But I'm not aware of anything else that comes close to that protein density, so I will continue to "chug em" down. (At the rate of one per half hour. Ugh) anyone with tiny yet protein packed shake ideas.... I would live to hear them!

    One week ago I was getting ready for the hospital. Feels like a lifetime ago in some ways. Wow. My turn to apologize for the rambling now!

    Happy Tuesday everyone!

  6. I used them. Not sure if they helped but they can't hurt. Can you try plain Tylenol? The narcotics will definitly slow gastric motility and make you hold onto pain/gas. I know I wanted to take it but didn't want to crush plain Tylenol and the children's liquid is so sweet unless you can find the sugar free (which I couldn't).

    Ok all good to know. I'll do without the pain med and see if I can find children's Tylenol tomorrow.

    Ugh I went from feeling great to near tears from the shoulder pain.

    Thanks so much Janey!

    My neck pain was constant from day 2. Got worse with day 3&4 and by 5 my arm, neck and should ACHED. I treated with liquid Tylenol which I found at CVS. I actually wound up sleeping a lot day 5, (was a rough day in general) and when I woke up on day 6, I felt tons better.

    I have been trying to max out Protein intake to help healing along. It hurts so bad when I hit these huge Michigan potholes with my car. I'll basically do anything to get my stomach to heal so that stops....

    Hope that you feel better very soon...

    Once you get rid of that gas, you should be golden.

  7. Oh so gross.

    You are hilarious!!!

    It happened to me too. You might care now, but you won't when you're in there. It doesn't phase them because they see it all the time, and given the amount of medication you'll be on, they could practically give you a bedside enema and you'd not care/forget... It's the hospital. They have a "we won't tell, you won't remember" policy. It'll be okay. Trust me.


  8. Hi, I am new to this forum. I had my surgery on 18 mar. I too am having some of the issues stated here. I feel like I am freezing one minute(shaking with sore stomach muscles is not fun) and sweating in the next 2. I know it was my stomach they removed right? It wasn't my thermostat.

    As for Protein, ugh, nausea is bad. More is the fear of actually heaving. I have read some good ideas for shakes in here. I am also going to call my sponsor. She might actually have some good ideas if this is gas, hunger,or acid.

    To all who have their surgeries this week, good luck and remember the saying," this too shall pass".

    I had surgery on March 18th also. I went to work and lasted 1.5 hours. I am home now about to try to work on the couch. Muuuuuch easier!

    Lmk what your doctor says about the freezing thing. I've read a lot about Gherlin controlling hunger and temperature... But I never trust what I read on the internet. It would make sense that the whopping 400 calories a day I am getting isn't enough to keep me fueled. I think my body is choosing between breathing and pumping a heart - or heating me. At 400 calories, there likely isn't enough fuel to do it all. Lol.

    But who knows. Hoping Day 7 is a good one for you!


  9. Today's the day! I'm off to the hospital for my 10:00am surgery!! Can't believe how calm I am. I'll try to post an update when it's done, if I'm up to it. Good luck to all who are going in today!

    Best of luck!!! You will do great. Remember the first few days can be a doozey, but it quickly gets better after that. Good luck!!!!

  10. What a difference a day makes! Today was day 6 and the gas pains are gone. Those things hurt like the dickens! So glad they are gone when I woke up!

    They have been replaced with a chill. Not like a little chill...more like a "I am never ever gonna get warm despite this mountain of blankets" kind of chill. I am embarrassed to say I took three showers to warm up today. I googled it and I guess it's common due to loss of Ghrelin. Then I found this link:


    As I venture to work tomorrow morning for the first time since surgery, I am sure to dress like I am from the Arctic Circle. Sheesh.

    I hope everyone is feeling okay this evening....

    - Beth

  11. Yes. I feel the same. Swallowing liquids is no longer painful but purees fill me up so fast. It feels incredibly full, pressure.

    Maybe that is the key ---thickness. The Protein shake was very thick. Maybe thicknesses matter? In my head I always negate super thin broth or Water, figuring they will go right through my stomach. Maybe I'm not accounting enough for them.

    I wish there was a rule for when to eat what. Experimenting is making me crazy, the only rule it know (I think) is that Water clears your stomach within 30 minutes. I figure that is true because I was told to stop drinking 30 mins before eating.

    Again, just a guess. :(. ...again, I would love to know any "rules" you guys have come up with.

  12. I am struggling to determine when my stomach is full. Tonight I wound up at a Japanese Steak House for a friend's birthday. Being that today is Day 5, I ate Water and broth only.

    That said, I had a hard time sorting through head hunger (swearing I was hungry because there was all this delicious food in front of me) and actual hunger and being full. It was totally confusing.

    Then I came home to make myself a Protein shake, because I was sure I was hungry after only having broth and Water. But after two sips, my stomach felt lots of pressure and was like STOP! I think I realized I was full way too late.

    Have any of you guys figured this out? I would live some tips. I obviously am a colossal failure at this tonight!

  13. Day 5 now. Can move without a ton of ab pain now. That @$&?! Gas from the surgery still hurts like the dickens. I saw my doc this morning as I came back from the hospital with a rash. Turns out I am allergic to the heart monitoring IV pad adhesive. I have Patches of hives there. So went and got meds for that.

    Doc is pleased with Protein intake: 78 grams today and yesterday. She said that will help me heal quickly. Water is proving more difficult. I get close to 64oz, but never quite get there. Hunger is non existent (a weird feeling to be honest). But food/ liquid inside makes my gut sound like symphony. Lol.

    Dealing with Constipation issues from lack of fluids and pain meds. Miralax seems to work. Not til the second day though. I tried Fiber (benefiber) and apparently that is a no-no because it can make your system bloated and stretch.

    Slept most of today. Gearing up for work (desk job) on Monday. Not sure how well that will work, but heck! We're gonna try!

    I hope that update helps.

  14. i was bawling and haveing like a panic attack from all the pain. My liquid lortab has not been helping much so i have been hurting alot since ive been home. Hopeing this gets better cuz it sucks right now. I was doing great in the hospotal but now that im home... Not so.much

    I feel for you! Oh my I do! Every pothole we hit had me gasping for air because it hurt so much.

    I hope you feel better soon. I hope I feel better soon. Geez. This was not how I imagined the process going in my head. (Naive? Probably,) but definitely not in my grand vision. Lol.

    Hang in there!!!

  15. Sooo... Has anyone been dealing with painful swelling of their stomach and slight redness around one of the incision sites? I just noticed it before going to bed tonight.

    I dont have a fever.

    I don't relish the idea of going back to the hospital.

    Wait til swelling increases maybe? Or until it gets hot? Hoping my body will just take care of it. I don't want to ignore something important, but want to steer clear of the doc's if at all possible too.

    Any advice you can provide will be great. You guys have been wonderfully supportive today. I needed it so much.... And am so very grateful for it! Thank you!

  16. I am at home, and for the meantime, feel like the pain and nausea are controlled.

    I don't know why, but I guess I wasn't expecting the surgery/recovery process to be that hard. Is it worth it? Now that I am on the healing side, I am sure the answer will be yes. 48 hours ago, I am not sure I could have said it was worth it. I was in a real bad place.... Wowzers. I took a list with me of non-physical reasons I was going this and reminded myself of them often. That definitely helped.

    Just being honest with the group. The surgery parts SUCKS....

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