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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LynRN

  1. So yesterday was my 11th anniversary. I have lost about 65 lbs since surgery and nearly 90 lbs since my highest weight. So my husband brings in a Victoria's Secret bag and I'm thinking to myself, that had better be body spray because that's the only thing that I can wear from Victoria's Secret. But no, he bought several pair of "cheeky" panties. Mind you, I have been shopping for undies at Lane Bryant for nearly all of my adult life but my cute LB panties have become Granny panties. So my husband decided to take matters into his own hands and buy me some new ones. But from VS? I would never dream of buying anything from VS. so, I reluctantly try them on. Drum roll... They fit! And my butt actually looked good in them. Score one for me... And my Hubby.

  2. So, here'a my story. My highest recorded weight in 2012 was 276 lbs at 5'2. my BMI was over 50. Went to WW and lost 27lbs down to 249. Bounced around between 249-262 all the way up to pre-op diet. I was sleeved on 11/25/13 at 253. Weight loss has been slow from the beginning. I started grad school in January which has been stressful enough but then I lost my mother unexpectedly to a heart attack on April 1st. I didn't really start exercising until 3 months out and just when I got into a routine, my mom passed. Since then, I have only lost about 15-17 lbs. Granted, I have been stressed and grieving and maybe not eating the best. On top of it, this is the hardest semester of my graduate program (nurse practitioner) and I am so overwhelmed. I have, however, been pretty consistent with exercise for the last month or two and I seem to be losing even more slowly. I am currently 188, which is still over 50lbs away from a normal BMI. I have a fitbit and at a minimum I try to get my 10000 steps in by walking. But most days, I do a combo of Zumba, 30 day shred, C25K, and walking. I also try to eat between 800-1000 calories. Some days I am more successful than others at staying in that range. I am meeting with a wellness coach on Monday because I want to begin a heavy lifting program called Stronglifts 5x5.

    I know you guys don't know me, but I appreciate any advice or wisdom that you can share. I am so overwhelmed with life. Losing a mother, a weight loss journey, full-time grad school, caring for two little boys, working a job, supporting my husband who is also a full-time student, financial strain... anyone of these things is stressful on its own, but the combination is almost unbearable. This is a support group, right?

  3. I started C25K yesterday, and it went okay but there's def room for improvement. It felt good to be able to run, though. I tried the program about 60-65 lbs ago and my shins hurt and cramped so bad. I thought I had shin splints, but apparently it was the weight. No pain at all with running yesterday, a little thigh soreness today, though. I did Zumba today and walked about 5 miles with the husband and kids. Feels good. I absolutely love walking, especially on scenic walking trails. It doesn't feel like exercise because I can lose track of time and just enjoy my surroundings. Anyway, congrats on your success as well.

  4. Sorry, pressed send prematurely. Anyway, she has been good to me, but I hated the fact that if I was going to an event, I knew there was a real possibility that me and the other chubby girls might be able to pass as a singing group because we are all wearing the same 2 or 3 outfits. Granted, I know there are other options for plus size ladies, but LB was my safety net. I recently bought a couple of pieces there, but I am just about sized out of the store.I am pleased to report that I just bought a bunch of outfits from OLd Navy and Macy's in size 16 and XL. Not bad from 24-26 and 3XL. All my bigger stuff is in bags ready to give away. Feels good. But it feels weird not to have to shop in one or two stores (Torrid was my other fave), but I am rediscovering my style since I have options. So so long, old friend. I may miss ya a little, but I WON'T be back!

  5. How many calories and how much volume (in ounces) were/are you eating at 6 months? I will be 6 months out on the 25th and am currently eating about 5 ounces at a time and 800-1000 calories a day. I'm down about 66lbs from preop and 57 lbs from surgery. Wish it were more but I kind of fell off the last six weeks after a personal tragedy. Still lost 11 lbs, though. Anyway, I'm working to get back on track now. Also, how many carbs are you eating? Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks.

  6. Okay, so today I tried Brussels Sprouts for the very first time, I know that's a shame (I'm 32). And guess what, I love them. I don't know why they get such a bad rep. I sautéed them with red onions in butter flavored cooking spray (olive oil would probably be better) and seasoned them with granulated chicken bouillon and fresh garlic. Not bad at all. They will be going into the repertoire.

  7. <p>Yummy, I've had that problem before. Purees don't leave you feeling full. You're most likely fine, because you're new and your stomach is still healing. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Lyn, I would check with my doctor but he's all the way back home. :( I'm in Austin TX and he's in NJ. I don't take my omeprazole now but maybe I could call? I don't even know. :(</p>

    Maybe it would be worth calling. Are you supposed to be taking Omeprazole now?

  8. My degree says Nursing, not Medicine.

    You are splitting hairs. Of course medicine and nursing are distinct disciplines. But you were talking about when someone says, "in the medical field." I think most people equate that with being in healthcare in one form or another including doctors, nurses, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and yes even CNAs and CMAs, phlebotomists and all kinds of technicians. Basically anyone who cares for patients in a healthcare setting. My husband is about to graduate from a surgical technology program and is currently in clinicals. Is he not "itmf" when he spends his days alongside the surgeon and OR nurses handling people's blood and guts? We may have to agree to disagree on this? Plus, your horse seems just a little too high for me.

  9. I'm also an RN BSN and I'm in an MSN program now. If a physician told me that I am not in the medical field because I'm a nurse, I'd be highly offended. I wonder if the OP is a new RN because after working 10 years in the hospital, I've come across some CNAs and LPNs that can put some RNs to shame. And in a teaching hospital, resident physicians learn a whole heck of a lot from nurses. They may come in flaunting the letters behind their names, but they quickly learn how little they know when it's game time. I really couldn't care less about credentials, it's about the knowledge and skill. But unfortunately crap rolls downhill in the hospital.

  10. LynRN, <br>

    I am so sorry for your loss. I know the world is spinning right now and you won't believe me when I tell you that it will get better, but it will. I lost my Father unexpectedly 17 years ago. It was such a profound loss I thought I would never get over it. But day by day it gets easier, never fear though, it isn't easier because I don't think of him, it is easier because I do. Let me explain, those deep feeling of sadness eventually mature to moments of joy when you remember "Mom taught me that", or realize "Mom would have said this funny thing about that"... Even 17 years later as I sat watching the Super Bowl this year, I thought my Dad would have been texting me something funny because he hated the Seahawks, and it brought me joy. You will get there. <br><br>

    For now, embrace your grieving process, but remember your Mom would be encouraging you to take care of yourself. So do her proud, support yourself and your family through this tough time. <br><br>

    Hope this is helpful,

    Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean more when they come from someone who's been there. This is going to be so hard but I know that with the help of The Lord and the support of my family, I will make it through this.

  11. I know this thread is old, but I had to resurrect it.

    You know you lost weight when ... Your skirt falls down around your ankles in the mall parking lot.

    Yep ... That happened. Thank goodness I was wearing Spanx or else someone would have seen my too big granny panties that hang down like the diaper of a toddler that hasn't been changed all day. I think it's time for some new clothes.

  12. <p>What I call "hunger" now is actually a painful burning sensation. It is fierce and comes on me every 2/3 hours. I currently take omeprazole every day and it is SO MUCH worse when I forget to take my pill. But even with the pill, it is there.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>So mainly, I eat to stop the burn. I am keeping it to under 1000 calories a day. I exercise for 30 min 3x a week. I had surgery 12/18 and went in at 263 pounds. I am now 219. I'm pretty proud of that 44 pounds!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I know there are those who have lost more in less time. I also know that age and stress have a lot to do with the rate of loss.</p>

    My PA actually increased me to twice daily dosing. Maybe ask your doc about gastritis, especially since it feels like painful burning.

  13. <p>Feeling the urge to eat, to drink Water, to walk, etc are common amongst all patients. You are already 3 months post op so I think feeling hungry is a must feeling now. In my opinion you should get in touch with your doctor and discuss the issue with him/ her.</p>

    I actually was told the exact opposite by my PA and nut at my 3 month appointment. They were concerned that I was beginning to feel hunger. They said its probably gastritis and increased my Omeprazole dose. I think the OP should thank her lucky stars and enjoy it while it lasts. Unless there's pain or nausea or an inability to eat, then the surgery is doing its job.

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