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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by back2barb78

  1. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    I'm in the same boat. I know I'm not eating enough daily. I'm just not hungry. I have not been hungry since I had surgery, I just know I need to eat. I don't know how people can drink the shake with water- makes me nauseated just thinking about it! I've been mixing mine with almond light milk for a long time now. I am the same- I definitely look so much better and can feel the difference in my body as far as getting around , but I need to eat more! I think I'm losing slowly because I don't eat enough. I'm now 10.5 weeks out. Still very noisy after I eat I know it will get better.
  2. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    </blockquote> <br> Wow, you're further out than me but sounds like your sleeve is giving you a much harder time than mine is, which makes me both happy and sad. Almost like I wish I was playing vomit Russian roulette because then maybe I'd have better success long term! <br> I think we all go through tough periods but I don't think any of us did anything but the right thing! This will give us a future that without it was just a pipe dream. Yeah Mouse it was much easier in the beginning than now. Now I'm trying different things and having nausea which is understandable sometimes because my stomach is still "new". It is a tough period and I definitely am happy it's just occasional nausea than having surgical complications. That would be a mess. It's not even different foods it's things I've eaten before. My stomach is officially in charge. I need a name for it! Just a tough time right now with my body getting used to the changes
  3. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    I'm glad all worked out for you
  4. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    HG is right Kindle- this does suck sometimes. Mind you, I'm still early in the process and it is most definitely a "new normal." I go in the grocery store now and I walk around and I don't know what to do. I don't know what to buy to eat. I see all the food and it's no longer appealing. It makes me nauseated most of the time. I definitely have thought did I do the right thing- could I have made a change in my relationship with food without doing this? I don't think I could've honestly. But was this too extreme? I don't know. I can't change what I've done, but did I do the right thing? I had to make a change and I have to stand behind my choice. I see other people eat and I'm jealous! You know what else- I watch food chowdown shows that I never watched it this much before. It's crazy! Don't know why I'm doing it. This is definitely a weird time for me. I'm figuring out what I can eat and some days it works and some days it comes back up. I know it's just right now (well I hope it's just right now) but it doesn't suck any less.
  5. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    Their Walmart is huge like Costco- at least the one we went to. Don't make the same mistake me and my mother did-you'll end up on the other side of town! Only take Marriott taxis The doormen are very nice.
  6. back2barb78

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    New Years Challenge CW11/27-272 12/4-266 12/11-crazy at work and I forgot to weigh in 12/18-264 Slowly but surely
  7. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    Good luck to all the soon to be sleevers I think there are a few this week
  8. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    Congrats HAF, Adoptivemom, and Kindle on your upcoming surgeries!
  9. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    I will Karliy The Pemix was the anti-nausea med. And the supradol is a med I was familiar with giving all the time to postop c-section patients called ketorolac or toradol. Wonderful non-narcotic pain med. They gave it to us IV after surgery too.
  10. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    They gave us a nausea med that we took for two weeks if I remember correctly. I don't know if they will sell you extra. I know Mexico is famous for the pharmacies though and I should've gone with my instinct to buy some extra nausea meds for home.
  11. back2barb78

    October 2013 Sleevers Roll call!

    OBnurse, are you back to work yet? I'm having the hardest time. I can barely get 3 glasses of water in let alone eat some days when it's busy. How are you doing it at work?
  12. back2barb78

    October Sleevers - Who else

    Congrats Lew and Mary!! It's a wonderful feeling
  13. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    So ladies I went to the ED yesterday and of course the ED nurse practitioner started telling me oh it's the time of the year when skin gets dry... blah blah and I wanted to tell her "Lady, I'm Black! All we do is put lotion on!" Anyway, she also mentioned itching can come from a low fat diet and I might need to add more fats to my diet. She did labs and X-rays and gave me IV fluids in addition to nausea meds (lifesaver) and itching meds. The itching meds calmed it down a little, but it still didn't stop! I'm so baffled. She sent me home with Zofran (thank you sweet baby Jesus) and told me to call my surgeon. Last night when I got home I was able to keep some chicken soup down. I'm calling OCC in the morning. I was thinking of buying extra nausea meds while I was there, and should have. If I need to, I can always drive down there tomorrow. HoosierGirl, I hope your right. I look like the poor dogs I used to see with fleas scratching themselves raw. Its embarrassing and I know I'm making people nervous, but I can't stop! I'm all blotchy red. Now that I know it's nothing serious, I will take my Benadryl and wait until it passes.
  14. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    No definitely not shingles- shingles are no joke painful and run along nerves. This is just all over generalized itching. Thank you Ann and you're absolutely right. I had to work yesterday- we have so many nurses out right now for various reasons and even one of the other nurses I was with was having issues and we powered through the shift. If I had called off yesterday, they would have been screwed beyond believe we were so busy. I'm going to go to the ED. I just don't want to go and have them send me home with a Benadryl rx and have wasted my time, not to mention my ED co-pay. Drs are so quick to just write off your complaints sometimes and think you're crazy. Now I have 4 days off and don't have to worry about leaving my friends struggling, so it will be handled
  15. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    No I didn't call the clinic. I figured if I have any issues I should just go to the ED here. The only thing the clinic could do is call in a prescription for nausea meds and I'm not sure if they do that. Last night after I posted I tried to eat some chicken salad. All I did was put the food in my mouth and started dry heaving repeatedly since I hadn't eaten. I didn't even get to chew! Not sure what's up with me. And you're right Raven, I don't want to give the little ones anything. I wanted to stay home today but we are so absolutely short handed with staff I would have let the unit in a lurch today if I did. Today the itching is better but i need to eat but I'm so scared! I hate vomiting
  16. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    Hey guys! Just wanted to update you on what's up with me since it's so weird. I started itching on Tuesday night- all over (no rash, no new food, I've done nothing different). It wasn't so bad yesterday, but today- Oh my word. I had to use my break to go get Benadryl cream/spray and spent the rest of my shift spraying and slathering myself. I'm scared something is up because I'm so nauseated and I also started having looser stool when the whole time I've been constipated. I took regular Benadryl and started an IV because I know I haven't had enough fluids- or food for that matter. If I don't feel better in the morning, I'll go to the ED tomorrow I'm typing and scratching
  17. back2barb78

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    New Years Challenge Goal- 257lbs SW 11/27-272lbs 12/4-266lbs down 6lbs
  18. back2barb78


    Absolutely. I still don't have an appetite and I get to where I'm telling myself you need to eat but you need to drink too! I haven't gotten the hang of eating 5 times a day. I'm just not hungry
  19. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    Good luck tomorrow healthbound! Everything will be wonderful
  20. back2barb78


    Sassy that happens. You may go up and down and not see the scale move for awhile. Are you working out daily?
  21. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    I know. It will be a long road for us, but a road well worth it! When you see the changes and others see them too, you will definitely be happy.
  22. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    It was Mouse! What's great is it was literally only a spoon of it and not a big mound of mac and I was satisfied
  23. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    Thanks b2b, I've stopped taking pain meds all together and I'm just going to tough it out. My mouth is tender but the worst part is my stomach, it must be mad at me because I was doing a lot better with drinking. Now entering puréed stage I can't stomach much of anything, my sleeve fights me on the smallest amounts of anything, gurgling angrily. I'm getting progressively weaker and tomorrow is supposed to be my first day back at work. Mercy me why did I do this to myself!! It's true Mouse, the sleeve is an angry, gurgly little thing. I notice this when I first start eating or drinking and especially if I wait too long to put something in there. It seems like it's better the more often you eat/drink.
  24. back2barb78

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone! I had such a great day. I saw my cousin who I hadn't seen in many years (he happened to be in the area) and I went to my boyfriends moms house as well. Her home at Thanksgiving is a gluttons paradise- literally 40-50+ family members, extended family and friends with buffet style catering dishes with TONS of food. Desserts galore and the liquor flowing. Two men commented on how small my plate was- I told one who's known me for a long time about my surgery. I had even put more on my plate that I knew I wasn't going to eat! I ended up eating turkey with gravy, mac n cheese, dressing, and green beans and drank water. Once my boyfriend settled into a game of Madden (?) with his BFF (men), I took the opportunity to go see a friend from that I recently reconnected with who also was nearby (my cousin and an old friend- what luck!). I would never have gone to see her or my cousin at my heaviest. She and I were obsessed with our weight and the gym in college and I would not want her to see me that way and my cousin is SUPER FIT. I was so happy to see her because she's so much fun, and we've also made plans for a Caribbean cruise April 2015! So excited! I'm going to do every excursion/adventure I can and people will probably wonder what kind of drugs I'm on for the whole 12 days I'm going to be running around that ship so much 8) A few people at my boyfriends moms said I looked good and it made me happy but also kind of sad knowing how much I had let myself go. I'm not going to dwell on the past though, and I know no matter what I will never let myself go there EVER AGAIN. I had a great holiday, didn't have alcohol, and even LOST a pound when I weighed myself today! She wins!!!
  25. back2barb78

    October 2013 Sleevers Roll call!

    Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone! I had such a great day. I saw my cousin who I hadn't seen in forever and was so happy to not be shamefully huge. I would never have gone to see him 61lbs ago because he and his wife are so thin and fit. I went to my boyfriends moms house and had a good time as well. Her home at Thanksgiving is a gluttons paradise- literally 40-50+ family members, extended family and friends with buffet style catering dishes with TONS of food. Desserts galore and the liquor flows well into the night- it's an absolute feeding frenzy! Two men commented on how small my plate was- I told one who's known me for a long time about my surgery. I had even put more on my plate that I knew I wasn't going to eat! Once my boyfriend settled in to a game of Madden with his best friend from high school (these are 42 yr old military men mind you), I took the opportunity to go see a friend from college that I recently reconnected with. Again, I would never have gone to see her either. She and I were obsessed with our weight and the gym in college and I would not want her to see me that way. Even now it's still not as comfortable. I was so happy to see her and when I move she'll be my gym buddy like old times. We've also made plans for a Caribbean cruise in April 2015! So many people said how good I looked and it made me happy but also kind of sad knowing how much I had let myself go. I'm not going to dwell on the past though, but I know no matter what I will never let myself go there EVER AGAIN. I had a great holiday, didn't have alcohol even though I thought I would try some, and lost another pound! Who can ever say they LOST a pound the day after Thanksgiving? She wins!!!

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