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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Although I did not experience hair loss, all of my negative post-op mojo came from my fingernails. Here is what my nutritionist suggested and it worked. She suggested that I increase my intake of Gelatin, so I got it from three sources: sugar-free gelatin, both broth Soup, and supplements. There are other threads here about bone-broth soup, which is basically soup stock the way Grandma used to make with beef, chicken, or ham bones with bits of meat still on it, simmered with carrots, onions, celery and whatever other vegetables float your boat. That is basis behind why chicken soup is such a nutrient dense comfort food when you don't feel well. Within a couple of weeks of adding gelatin to my daily intake, my nails (and skin) improved dramatically.
  2. Miss Mac

    Not my first rodeo

    From what I read from other forum members, many people who have a lap band come back for revisions. You are not alone.
  3. Miss Mac


    According to HIPPA, you are entitled to a copy of your medical records. How can a doctor not keep records and still be allowed to practice medicine? With 20+ visits in three years, they surely know you well enough to provide a statement confirming that the doctor was monitoring your weight and providing dietary suggestions. Didn't they measure your weight, sugar and blood pressure each time you went? I would get a new doctor and report the one who doesn't keep records.
  4. Miss Mac

    Packing for surgery

    I took waaaaaay too much stuff. All I wanted to do was sleep. If I had it to do again, I would just take basic toiletries (including chapstick) and loose clothes to wear home. The books and electronics that I took to entertain myself never got used. I slept and watched TV. Those extra pillows are helpful.
  5. Isn't steak and a ........girlfriend......what every man wants for a special occasion? chicken and steak terryaki strips meatballs deviled eggs celery sticks stuffed with cream cheese and pimientos fresh fruit and cheeses
  6. I was sleeved and was pretty much a flat noodle until I started regular cooked foods at one month. From there on my energy started coming back in small measures.
  7. Those Protein shakes are a right of passage to re-inventing yourself. i found all of the pre-made store-bought ones to be disgusting, but I get along quite well with the Syntrax Nectars because they come in so many flavors. You can even mix them with Crystal Lite Lemonade instead of dairy milk or almond milk. My favorite right now is the chocolate mint. Oddly enough I like the grapefruit flavor, because mixed with the lemonade, it tastes like Fresca soda. You can get those and other bariatric groceries at www://bariatricchoice.com and www://my bariatricpantry.com.
  8. Miss Mac

    Post-Op Exercise Plans?

    Here is a list of what I work with. MISS MAC'S Exercise Video Collection.docx
  9. Miss Mac

    Blood Disorder

    Hmmmmm, I have never heard of it, but I do know that if your blood is too thin, you can't eat foods with Vitamin K. That would include broccoli, celery, cabbage, spinach, sprouts, pickles, asparagus, carrots, prunes, cinnamon, ginger, etc. So, maybe you could ask your doctor about increasing the amount of Vitamin K and warming spices that you consume.
  10. Miss Mac

    Meds that increase appetite

    I was on Sertraline for anxiety prior to my sleeve. The bariatrician switched me to Wellbutrin (Buproprion) at the first visit. It has helped with the anxiety and is helpful in decreasing appeitite and promoting weight loss. I dropped Metformin right away, and finally had to drop Lyrica because they were fighting my weight loss.
  11. I love it. I think I am going to watch this every morning for inspiration.
  12. Miss Mac

    Post Op Mexico VSG

    Stairs were no problem for me. I live in a tri-level and was all over the place when I came home on the second day.
  13. Miss Mac

    Help with protien

    www://Bariatricchoice.com www://Mybariatricpantry.com Here are two places that sell a variety of products. I like the Syntrax Nectars because it comes in many fruit flavors that you can mix with Water. I use Crystal Lite Lemonade with them. They also have Protein Soups and other bariatric-friendly grocery products.
  14. Miss Mac

    Fat Shaming Husband...so hurt

    Hmmmmm, why didn't I think of this sooner???? If there is Domestic Violence Training in your county or state, your hubby and you should sign up for it. In Illinois it is pr The training is geared toward Police, Fire, Teachers, Medical Professionals, Psychiatrists, Marriage Counsellors, Shelter Volunteers, Pastors....anyone in a professional capacity who is likely to counsel in a volatile Domestic situation. If he got involved in that kind of certified professional training, it would be like a veil lifted from his eyes and you would not have to say another word.
  15. Miss Mac


    Fill it with Water and then pour it into a quart jar or something else you do know the measure of. That should give you an idea of how much it holds.
  16. Miss Mac

    Back in the Game Again

    Umm, true confession, while I told myself I was looking for love at the beginning of the year (after some very significant weight loss) I think I was really just looking for fun. I found it. Every first date ended up with great sex. I didn't really calm down and finish sowing all the wild oats until August. You may be resisting because you want the affirmation. I think that's what I wanted (at least for a season). Not trying to knock you off stride and I am certainly not one to judge, but be open to that idea. OKC Pirate....say whaaaaaat? Do men really expect a woman to put out on a first date? Does a man even want a long-term relationship with a woman who puts out on every first date? I sense a Mars / Venus issue here.
  17. Miss Mac

    Chicken livers... It's what's for dinner

    I glad you found a Protein that agrees with you. The only way I will eat liver is if it is minced and well hidden in spicy food, or wrapped in bacon and baked. Otherwise, Blechhhhhh!
  18. You may have to try a local library. Amazon.com carries it for $20 and change, both new and used, but is out of stock. Other booksellers want scalper prices for the book. Kindle has it for $9.99 through Amazon.
  19. Miss Mac

    Did I do the right thing?

    The comment that bothers me is that he wants you to watch him eat. I had a mean old rotten ex-husband who wanted me to watch him watch TV and not leave the room, even to go to bed. That's control and intentional sabotage. Does he feel like he is losing something if you lose more weight. Would he have a tantrum if you eat grilled chicken salad while he eats a Big Mac of if you do something else while he eats? Tell us more about the dynamic working here. It might make a difference in what direction we go with our comments. I am all for walking away from jerks - life is too short to live with a jerk. Others feel that more direct conversation or self-examination is the way to go. Please clue us in on where you stand with him, apart from the weight loss issue.
  20. One thing that is important is for people who have had their surgery to hang around and pay it forward. Along around three months,a lot of people drop off, but their input would be so helpful to folks coming up behind them. I encourage you to hang around and do the same. Congratulations on getting sleeved. I hope you are recovering well.
  21. Miss Mac

    I need help/a kick in the pants

    Hi....I don't get it. Every adult in the house is sleeved. So, who is bringing the tempting stuff home, and why aren't they being informative and supportive of your efforts? You do need to eliminate roadblocks one by one, and the first one is to insist on support from the family, since they should understand. Although, you did not say if they were successful along the way themselves or are losing ground because of the junk edibles.
  22. Miss Mac

    Struggling with forgiveness horse related

    She demonstrated what she thinks of you. You are not obligated to be her friend. “Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. Fumigate.” ― Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass
  23. Miss Mac

    Fear of Losing

    Hi.....and welcome to the forum. I like to tell new folks that opinions and tact will vary, but we mean well. At the age of 64, i do have some droop, but not enough to make plastic surgery worth spending my Social Security on. If I had money to burn, maybe I would, but I don't have to impress anyone. However, if I were younger with decades of dating and relationships ahead of me, I would start saving money for plastics. Most insurance plans only cover the skin removal if the surgeon can prove medical necessity, like infection under the skin that does not respond to other treatments. I have not heard of anyone's insurance willing cover the tummy tuck, which is surgical tightening of the lower abdominal muscles. Both procedures are pretty drastic, but I think of all of our bariatric brothers and sisters on this forum, who have had the surgery, few if any have expressed any regret. One thing you have to your advantage is that the younger you are, the more likely your skin will cooperate in tightening up on its own. If I were you, I would just cross that bridge when I get to eat. You may not need plastics at all. Then if you saved up money for it, just spend it on a fierce new wardrobe or treat yourself to a vacation.
  24. Miss Mac

    Stopped losing

    Don't know why, but any day that I use my weights, I am up at least 1/2 pound the next day.....then it takes me three days to lose it again.
  25. Miss Mac

    Surgery at 16

    Your youth is definitely in your favor. Just wait until this time next year. You will be amazed at the difference. And by the way, congratulations of getting this under control early instead of wasting forty years of yo- yo dieting like us oldsters.

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