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Miss Mac

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Mac

  1. Miss Mac

    There is poop and I cant poop

    This happened to me when I started soft foods. It was like passing a watermelon through a straw. I used Smooth Move Tea for a couple of days to get relief. I have been taking Miralax in a cup of hot chocolate every night to keep things going.
  2. When I told my GP I was considering WLS, he gave me the name of the surgeon at the bariatric clinic at Loyola University Medical Center Hospital. Get a copy of your medical records. Call a hospital that has a bariatric program and ask them if they could recommend a GP who is supportive of WLS.
  3. Miss Mac

    Best Type Of Exercise To Burn Fat?

    Ii thought it was strength training because of the hours of afterburn.......
  4. Miss Mac

    Time off for stay at home Mom

    Since your son is ten, you will do better than someone who has lap babies or disabled parents to care for. You will need a couple of days just to get the anesthetic out of your system, and you will be tired at least until you get back on soft foods. You will no doubt have a lifting restriction. Mine was no more than five pounds for a month. I needed help getting the laundry to the basement but was able to do the wash once it was down there. Then I had help bringing it back up. If hubby can get a week off and help around the house that week, you should be able to putter around after that. You might not feel like driving until you get some strength back. I was ok around the house from the second week out and had "cabin fever" by the third week.
  5. Pay the least you can.....let it go for fifty years if you have to.
  6. I have pretty much eliminated anything made in a factory.
  7. Miss Mac

    Ok, bit the bullet and ordered the book

    I think you will find it to be surprisingly helpful. Years ago when I was between marriages, I came across this book: Date Like a Man: What Men Know About Dating and Are Afraid You'll Find Out It's basic premise was to show women how to juggle "a pair and a spare" and to just enjoy dating without focusing on the unforeseeable future.
  8. Miss Mac


    That's a horrible way to start on what should be the most life-changing experience you will ever have. It does get better. As you continue to lose weight, your quality of life will improve, not to mention your range of motion and overall health. If you get a survey from the hospital, fill it out and tell the truth. Hospital administrators read those things and take corrective actions - especially if it is a Press-Ganey survey that ranks them among other hospitals across the country. Geeze-o-Pete, it sounds like you got your surgery at Walmart with Goofy as your anesthesiologist and Donald Duck (quack) as your surgeon. Not all medical staff has IV skills, even at the best hospitals. If you are among the unfortunate few who have hidden veins, the task is even more challenging. The worst is over now. You've done well to have a 74 pound weight loss already. You will feel better as soon as you graduate to soft foods. With the improvement that is coming with your nutrition, your body systems will rejoice and reward you with better health than you probably have ever had. Just be patient, dear. We get in such a hurry to undo a lifetime of dietary error, and it just takes some time to reverse that process. Buyer's remorse and the emotional roller coaster are common at the stage you are at......what you are feeling is perfectly normal. Be kind to yourself. Rest. Keep hydrated. Follow doctor's instructions as best you can. Visit us often. This is a great support group here. I tell newbies that opinions and tact will vary, but we mean well.
  9. As soon as I hit six months, I went from several pounds a week to a few grams a month.
  10. Miss Mac

    What’s Your Best Food Swap?

    Greek yogurt blended with ricotta, vanilla, and sweetener gives me the taste and texture of vanilla ice cream and does a lot less damage.
  11. Miss Mac

    Favorite Greek Yogurt

    At our house we use Friendly Farms Plain Greek Yogurt from Aldi's. It has 130 calories and 23 grams of Protein per cup. I add to it what I want. It mixes well with ricotta, vanilla, and sweetener to get the taste and texture of ice cream.
  12. My doctor told me to put the scale away for month, and I gained ten pounds! So, I am back to weighing daily and I leave myself a three-ounce bounce. Being as I can gain three pounds overnight, I have to weigh daily to stay ahead of the game. And if I gain three pounds overnight, it takes me weeks to lose it.
  13. Miss Mac

    Dumped on Valentine's Day

    Get your hands on a copy of Steve Harvey's book Act Like a Lady: Think Like a Man. It will help you develop a new perspective on how to value your own worth and how to detect a stinker. It explains what qualities different kinds of men are really looking for. It will help you decide if you want to be high maintenance, cheap to feed and easy to entertain, or just cheap and easy. It will help you realize that YOU have control over how a relationship develops and that a man needs to prove that he is worthy of your company and sexy goodies. You don't have to wear yourself out trying to figure out why you are not pleasing to a certain man and what you must do to fit his ideal of a mate or a free treat. Amazon.com has many copies of that book, both new and used. Good luck.
  14. Miss Mac

    Dumped on Valentine's Day

    Oh, No! Sorry to hear that your gentleman friend is not as smart as he thinks he is, or else he wouldn't have turned his back on such a giving person as yourself. I was married to two stinkers before I happened to meet the love of my life, and we have been together nearly ten years. Chin up and don't settle for anyone less than that person who will give you happiness and peace of mind. How are you going to know you have met your prince if you haven't kissed a few frogs first?
  15. Miss Mac

    Whats your full signal?

    Hiccups or sneezing six times (for real).
  16. Miss Mac

    Meds and weight gain

    i know exactly what you are talking about. I used to take Lyrica for various neuropathies, but suspected something was up. My weight gain and loss seemed to coincide with my off and on use of the drug. So, I toughed it out and did not take it for Novemeber and December. In January, I went back on it and in spite of 800 calories a day, I gained 1back 10 pounds in 12 days. So, I stopped it again.
  17. If you figure on 21 grams of Protein with each meal, and a morning, afternoon, and bedtime snack of 7 grams, that is 84 grams of protein right there. For example, this morning for Breakfast, I had a one egg ham and cheese omelet with a couple bits of green pepper. ...Boom...21 grams. For a mid-morning snack, I could have 3 ounces of Greek Yogurt with a handful of blueberries.....9 grams of protein. How about for lunch, let's have a scoop of tuna salad with 3 ounces of tuna - 21 grams of protein. I make two ounces of tuna with a chopped boiled egg...still 21 grams. I might have a sweet gherkin on the side if I have room. Maybe an afternoon snack could be 1/2 a Protein shake made with 4 ounces of milk.....that is another 15 grams of protein. dinner might be 3 ounces of chicken and a sprig of broccoli .....21 grams more. Bedtime snack sometimes is once ounce of deli turkey rolled up with 1/2 ounce slice of provolone cheese.....finishing the day out with another 7 grams. I keep sugar free Jello made up in case I get hungry during the night and want to eat my thumbs. So, there you go. Just with this example, you have 89 grams of protein, 700 calories, and 23 carbs. That gives you room for additional veggies, fruit, dairy, condiments...whatever your plan allows.
  18. Miss Mac

    D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me

    It's a Sin, by Eddie Howard....never heard of it, and never heard of him. In response to vile and disrespectful language......I couldn't believe that the one that was rolling around here last week went so far. The OP was cursing out every response in a disgusting way and no intention of benefiting from our input. Those ones need to be shut down sooner and forbidden to post anything in this forum. I have been on here for over two years, and I feel like I know many of you as well as any of my neighbors, and I like most of you more than I like some people in my own family. It's hard to not chime in on garbage like that, because it does fan the flame. We all need to get better at ignoring folks like that. We are decent people who can respectfully disagree. Like I frequently tell newbies......Opinions and tact may vary, but we mean well. I love my forum family. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.
  19. Miss Mac

    Food Funeral- mistake !

    You are learning the difference between listening to what your digestive system is telling you and what your taste buds are telling you. Once you have had your bariatric surgery, your new tummy will be the BOSS of you forever, and will be sure to make you miserable for hours if you push its buttons. You new tummy will humble you quickly and do everything it can to bring you into submission. Of course you can override your hard-learned lessons and gain back all the weight you lose, but it won't be because your body didn't communicate to you what it needs. It's hard to comply, but once you mess up the third or fourth time, you will get the message. I wish you an uncomplicated surgery and easy recovery.
  20. I was in the hospital two days and had a leak test on the second day. All I did was stand in front of an xray machine and stand there while I drank a few swallows of dilute barium. It only took a few minutes. I have had 12 other surgeries including two c sections, and the sleeve was the easiest and least painful recovery of all of them.
  21. A stroke scared the living daylights out of me and I don't want that to happen ever again. It was caused by my obesity and 53" belly, which caused my high blood pressure and multiple other co-morbidities. As I was coming back on to regular foods, I was shocked to realize how little food the human body needs to survive. When I see other people eating the amounts of food I used to eat, I just want to kick myself in the seat. So, the major thing that is making this work is the fear of dying if I don't. I just did not take my health seriously enough before.
  22. Miss Mac

    Hospital bag

    I took waaaaay too much. All I wanted to do was sleep off the anesthetic. The only things I used was my stuffed bunny that I used for support of my IV arm, a few toiletries, and my robe. I used my Chapstick and my notepad and pen. That's about it. I wore loose clothing that I was going to put back on and wear home.
  23. A pharmacist clued me in on Cold Eeze which has a heavy dose of zinc in it. Or you could just take a zinc supplement. If I get a cold, it's knocked out in a couple of days before I get miserable. Apparently the zinc interferes with the virus's ability to reproduce. The Mayo Clinic recommends to NOT use the zinc nasal spray because of its affects on your sense of smell.
  24. Miss Mac

    Husband left me!

    I get the feeling that there is more to his discontent other than the size and shape of the human container that you reside in. A hubby who cares about your health and well-being would not even think of pulling a stunt like this. Bariatric surgery has a way of exposing the raw dynamics of our relationships. It is painful, but it gives us the opportunity to know what people really think about us. I am sorry you have to go through this. Since you get to re-invent yourself anyway with the physical changes that are coming, maybe this painful situation will eventually work out to your advantage. Hang in there and do what you have to do to get healthy. Hugs from Miss Mac in Chicago.
  25. Cold Eeze or zinc supplements have always cut a cold short for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
