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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jerzygurl

  1. So after two weeks of liquid diet, prepping and planning for support and care for myself and my kids, as well as prepping myself mentally for this surgery, I woke up from anesthesia with no sleeve.

    They found a tumor in the base of my stomach. I have to see a gastroenterologist and have a biopsy done. Once everything is ok and the tumor is removed I can proceed with the sleeve.

    I'm sad, disappointed. I cried so much in the hospital, the nurses were so nice to me.

    Good news is the surgeon said that from the look of it, it looks benign. Im calling the specialist tomorrow to see how soon they can get me in. Hoping for the best!

    Awww I feel so bad for you. All that prepping... but I was told the same thing by my doc..even if the CT Scan & MRI doesn't show anything, there could still be something there when he goes in...especially with my cancer history.

    Here's hoping it all works out quickly and you can get your sleeve and start your journey.

    Stay positive.

  2. how my African American sis. I'm home now and resting. my doctor said everything went fantastic. I am in some pain but that's to be expected. not bad as a c-section. it's about the same as my hysterectomy.

    Hmmm...well I've had a hysterectomy so at least I know what to expect..lol

    Get some rest and glad all went well!

  3. Ever since I made the decision to move forward with getting WLS, time seems to be creeping by. I tried to spread out all of my doctor appointments over two months to make it easier, but a week still feels like a month:(

    I want to have all appointments done before my last NUT appt on Oct 25th so that everything can be submitted to insurance right after, but all I have been able to think about is, "how am I going to wait for another two months find out if I'm approved?"

    Has anyone else been a victim of time, and if so, how did you get by without going crazy?

    Yep, I understand. I've scheduled all mine close together to get it done and over with as quickly as possible. My insurance will pay for it, but I have to do three separate months of visits, my initial consult with the doc 8/15 is one, NUT eval on 09/11 counts as #2 and then NUT eval on 10/1 counts as the third. They are waiting for my cardio appt to submit paperwork to insurance... Doc says I should be able to get surgery early October (fingers crossed). It also depends upon the results of my CT Scan & MRI...my oncologist already agreed verbally but wants to submit his written approval after Scans...just to make sure I am truly cancer free...

    Just hang in there..it will go quickly.. look at Summer...it's pretty much gone.

  4. I am on Pinterest and am constantly pinning outfits. But my splurge will be a pencil skirt suit from Theory with some 5 inch heels....yeah, I can't wait to get back into all my heels.

    Yes Yes Yes.. I miss my heels. I have a closet full of expensive shoes...sandals, boots... when clothes stopped fitting, I transferred to shoes and boots...and I can't wait to dig back into them again!

  5. I was sleeved on 19th February and this is my progress so far! Hope this inspires someone! I had my gall bladder removed yesterday from gallstones for losing so much weight so fast though if anyone has questions don't hesitate to ask me! Sorry I am Australian so I put in KG's but in pounds I have lost 132.7 pounds!


    I know some may think I'm crazy but...132lbs is worth a Gall Bladder..lol seriously!

  6. I was sleeved on 19th February and this is my progress so far! Hope this inspires someone! I had my gall bladder removed yesterday from gallstones for losing so much weight so fast though if anyone has questions don't hesitate to ask me! Sorry I am Australian so I put in KG's but in pounds I have lost 132.7 pounds!


    Wowzer!!!!! Awesome...

  7. My last straw was a couple of years ago. I kept getting tired of buying new clothes (bigger sizes), taking HBP meds, being uncomforable and being disguted at my image in the mirror. I started to do something about it too, even went to a surgeon for the lapband, but shortly thereafter, I had a reoccurrence of cancer. So that was postponed, from there it was two long rounds of chemotherapy. Meanwhile, I kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger... I ate mostly from depression and self-isolation... I had lost four people very close to me to cancer within a year's time, plus I had to deal with my own cancer issues.. truth is, I had completely given up and just ate and ate and ate..like I wanted to die too.. I thought what the heck, we are all going to die anyway--then my doctor put me on an anti-depressant last Christmas and I started to feel much better..even while currently in chemotherapy. I finished chemo this past may and knew it was time to do something; to get serious and to take control of my life and my actions. I must say, I am also completely tired and fed up with wearing out the thighs of all my pants too.. I am embarrassed to be this size..this is the largest I've ever been and I'm uncomfortable, my knees hurt, my feet and back ache and I now have urinary stress incontinence attributed to my weight gain! My blood pressure stays high even w/meds (PCP added another pill today to bring it down or I won't be able to have surgery), my feet and ankles swell..ugh.. I'm just ready to get this party started... I want this weight off.. and I'm ready to tackle it...seriously. In a way glad the lapband didn't happen back then, going for the sleeve now and the process with my insurance company is much quicker than it was before, now its immediate approval with my health issues as opposed to a 6 month wait...

    Gotta look at the bright side...

    Thanks for reading...

  8. OMG. Update!! Labs are done! Psych appt is 8/28! And I asked the center if they could move up my appoint with the surgeon and they DID! It is now 9/5! I wonder what the surgeon will ask for or if that will be it! Also, the only person who knows I am doing this is my husband. Who did you all tell?

    I told my folks and siblings..two of my friends...and my neighbor because she had it done..and will be a great help.

  9. Wonderful News for you!! BCBS/Horizon of NJ is pretty much the same. Very fast with approvals. I'm looking at middle of Oct for surgery (hopefully). I've finished everything but the cardiologist appt (9/4 was soonest I could get) NUT & the Psych visit (9/3 & 9/11). Got an appt in the a.m with PCP to sign off... oncologist must also sign off (due to cancer history) appt tomorrow afternoon for that.... All should be finished by middle of September!!

  10. Hello everyone, I'm a newbie..and here's my story:

    I've tried every diet and eating planning known to man, since the time I was 15 years old... some mainstream, some not so mainstream...from popping pills to the vinegar diet to the soda diet and from Atkins to the Zone... all over the course of 33 years. I've lost upward of 65 lbs, only to gain it back, plus some. I've had a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a dietician, a prayer circle and a shopping list...to enhance my weight loss chances. The only weapon (outside of WLS) I've never employed was a witch doctor, but if one could have promised weight loss, I would have probably signed up and tried it too.

    Suffice it to say, at this point in my life, I'm ready, I mean absolutely ready for a permnanent alteration to my phsyiology, not as a short cut but as a life long tool to help me, not only mount the monster but to conquer it and bury it deep without any chance of recovery.

    I have reached the point, after much careful study and research, after many discussions and conversations, where I am completely and utterly ready for WLS & the Gastric Sleeve. I am committed to completely changing my life, my eating habits and my exercise habits. I've been working out again with a trainer, light stuff, . I finished my final round of chemotherapy for OV cancer in May, and now I've gotten the approval to move forward with this new journey.

    I'm ready. I've started the process. Yes, I am ready.

    I look forward to reading everyone's story and being inspired by other's journey.

    Bountiful Blessings to All

  11. What worries me though is that my body just got used to the sugary drinks and all that, the amount of food. Instead of feeling pain, I wouldnt feel much at all. Instead of having diarrhea after the frappe, I would just be a little uncomfortable, but not much...

    I just never thought I would have these problems again..................and this has been an addictive thing, checking the scale. My new clothes are fitting, and Im feeling good, but its invalidated when I check the scale.< /p>

    My neighbor had to go back to the NUT and the Psychologist several times before she finally understood, she had a food addiction and a killer sweet tooth that she had to conquer. As she stated: Both told her, the Sleeve and all WLS is just a tool, she must also be faithful and do her part for it to work properly..

    She said, she finally realizes that she has an addiction like any other and must work to fight against it. She thought the WLS was going to end it all but it didn't it. Now she's back on track and losing. She also found out that she loved swimming and added that as her work out routine.

    I really wish you luck in your journey. I hope you figure out your way in this new way of living. Just thought, I'd share someone else experience in hopes that it would help.

    Peace and Love

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