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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jerzygurl

  1. Wow. Perfect example of bad doctor's running up insurance costs. TURN HIM IN TO YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY AND THE MEDICAL BOARD!

    Yep. I don't think they expect patience to question them or say no, or say I want a 2nd opinion. I got a copy of his report from this past Monday too..and he told a couple of little fibs in it too...like stating "told patient to diet and exercise" lol did not..he was focused on that heart cath. Beside man, I'm there because I want to do something about my weight, and I'm already exercising. Told him 2x that I joined a gym and have been walking 4 days a week.


  2. I love your thinking. I too lost my hair after chemo and girl let me tell you, street it started growing back I loved it. But I also missed my long hair. So I will take your lead and if it falls out then so be it. Add for ekg, I didn't get to go because around 12 noon my vision got blurred and I couldn't see very well. I was sent to the e.r. They wanted to rule out a stroke and cancer and aneurysm. So, I have to reschedule for next week. All came back clear. Migraines it is lol

    Oh so glad everything came back okay!! Yes, we are not our hair!! We can rock however we want it... I missed long hair at first, but after chemo I realized how much I was spending on it... the short and natural "do" became my best friend..lol. up out of the bed, in the shower, dressed and out the door.. no muss, no fuss.. it actually shaved 45 minutes off my daily morning prep...lol

  3. I 2nd what was written above! Don't let him get away with this BS!

    How did today go with the new one?

    I'm going to definitely turn him in... and will let everyone know not to deal with this doctor. As for my 2nd opinion appointment with the card, its not until tomorrow afternoon. Not sure what he's going to say immediately. Nutritionist said today to expect him to say leave the reports, give me a physical and say, I'll get back to you in a couple of days.

  4. Omg. I would definitely file a complaint with the medical board. He fudged the report in order to extort money from your insurance. You should also notify your insurance company so that they can take him off of the approved doctors list. But do that after you are scheduled for surgery lol

    You better believe it. I will definitely turn him in...you want to do a heart cath on me based on lies in your reports.

  5. I’m so disappointed with my head. I purchased 4 bottles of the Biotin at vitacost.com ($5.49 each). Well,apparently they cause Migraines in people who suffer with migraines.Guess what -- I just started suffering with this damn debilitating nuisance. So now I’m scared to take them. I just got them in the mail last night – Ironically, I was in the E.R. yesterday afternoon with a Migraine. So if anyone is interested, I will mail them to you and then once you get it you can send me $5.00 via quickpay, I bank with Chase so all you need is my email address if your bank offers free money transfers. The bottles are sealed.

    It sucks that I can’t take these because my hair is damaged and has been falling out a little bit. I’m pre-op. Oh well, I guess I will try something natural like Mayonnaise and avocado. Thank you.

    Awwww sorry to hear about that...hope you feel better soon.

    I don't plan on doing anything extra with my hair. I'm natural now and just wash it and put on a headband and go. Life is much easier. But then I went natural after losing my hair several times due to chemo. I'm at the point in my life where I finally say...I am not my hair... If it starts to thin out after surgery, then I'm just going to get a boy cut..lol Or guess I should say a really low buzz cut.

    Btw, how'd you make out with your EKG and docs visit?

  6. Another update: The new card's office called to make sure I bring everything to my appointment tomorrow and make sure I have every single stress test (including all the detailed reports, not just the doctor's synopsis). I checked my records and realized card 1's office didn't include the detail for 1st treadmill stress test results. So I went back there today and asked specifically for the detailed report. The young lady gave me the side eye, but printed it out. I get home and began to read it..and guess what it says in my EKG assessment? That I stopped exercise due to fatigue. OMG! (LIE) I finished the entire test. They told me when to stop. If was to be longer than 6 minutes, I could have easily done it. I have an EF Rate of 65% and during the treadmill was 92% maximized.

    Just unbelievable. What a liar.

    Tomorrow onto a new cardiologist. Will update later.

  7. Good grief! What an ass! Good for you for sticking to your guns and not letting him bully you into the cath. So many people just are so compliant with their doctors, when at times there guts are tell them not too. It's always best to follow your gut! So glad that you were able to get in with another Card so quickly, and I wish you the best of luck!

    Thanks for the support. Yep, he definitely didn't like me saying NO or thinking for myself. Doctor's are human beings not GODS! I will treat them with respect but I will not worship one, nor be a puppet or a guinea pig for one.

  8. Good morning Hun. I'm so frustrated for you as well. You said the Dr. was money hungry in our last conversation. I'm wondering, once you get clearance from the new cardiologist, if there's anyway to appeal his payment. Especially since it wasn't needed. Granted, it is better to be safe than sorry, but at least if you get the needed clearance then that should be the proof to have your insurance deny his last payment (just a thought). In the meantime, don't fret. God puts things in our paths for reasons. You will soon be sleeved. *Hugs* :wub:

    Yes, we did have that conversation. I had a gut feeling remember? I actually received a survey from the hospital regarding his service..I'll see how it goes with the new Card on Thursday before I contact my insurance company to complain.

    Thanks ....have a wonderful day! And the journey continues for us all...

    peace and blessings...

  9. That really stinks of that dr to act that unprofessional. Legally, if you request your records in writing, he has to give them to you. The new dr will most likely fax something over after you've signed it, forcing the bad dr to give them all over.

    Hope it gets better for you!

    Yes it does stink. I did manage to get full copies late yesterday. I actually went to his other office location where I knew he wasn't and asked for a copy of all the studies in my file because I was going to another doctor out of state. Technically, where I live to get "out of state" is only a 10 minute ride..so it was not a lie..lol She said sure.... click, click, click...all done. So I have everything I need for my appointment with the new card on Thursday...

    Some doctor's are just simply unbelievable. Glad it worked out for you as well. Like pulling teeth though...geesh...

  10. Before I even got to the end of your post I was screaming to get a different cardiologist and get a second opinion but then I got to that point in you post and sighed a huge sigh of relief that you already were.

    While I agree that there are times that a cardiac cath is necessary and can save lives (I am a former cardiac nurse that worked on a post-op floor for cardiac caths and took care of patients with other cardiac symptoms) you don't fit the criteria the cardiologist I worked with would just want to cath a person for especially with all the other tests he ran unless it's something new they started doing in the past few years since I left that specialty area. The biggest red flag for me was the fact he didn't want to give you your test results. Kind of shady in my opinion. Good luck with the new cardiologist don't let the one bad apple ruin the bunch.


    He really came off as Slick Willie. Even when I asked about more non-invasive testing like CT of the Heart, he said he didn't want to expose me to the radiation because of my past history. Huh? I told him, I get a CT Scan every three months and have been for some time..with no negative impact because as my oncologist explained to me, it's a very small amount that is administered and has been proven quite safe. His comment after that...I just don't want to expose you to it..

    One good thing about this new cardiologist the young lady recommended to me is that they are big on non-invasive studies...I like that.. I've been probed, poked, sliced and diced enough for necessary surgeries..so I'm not quick to leap to say...yes stick some wires in my heart ...at your earliest convenience.

  11. My primary care doctor took me thru the ringer as well. I finally had to call the insurance company on him to get him to release my medical records to the surgeon. It was the worst.....stay positive and know that it will happen. Good luck.

    lol well I hope you switched PCP's... I couldn't believe the cardiologist only gave me the one page of my Nuclear Stress Test and Echo..and said the first pages were just measurements and medical jargon, etc and not necessary for my records. Huh? I need them for my 2nd opinion dude. Some doctor's are just unreal. I think he was offended when I said no..and asked for copies of my test and files.

  12. I don't mean to be a Debbie downer..but cardiac caths do save lives...my boyfriend had one and it detected major blockage..they did a stent and hee is with me because of it..Now from the perspective of your weight loss journey..finding out about heart disease beforehand is a good thing. You would not want to undergo this major surgery,lose all of the weight you want to lose.....just to wake up one day and have a full blown heart attack. ( heart disease is not synonymous to being heavy) NOW , Im not saying don't get a second opinion..just don't let your desire to have this surgery ( which is just one part of your desire to regain your health) over take the need to make sure your health is at it's optimal best leading into it. I wish you the best of success with ALL things related to your goal to lose weight & become your healthy best self... Do a whoo-sahhh and take a deep breath and tackle this and then you will be on your way to getting sleeved.

    Thank you. Glad the Cath saved your boyfriend's life. I'm sure it is quite necessary for many. But research has found there are many done unnecessarily when other test are now available that are not as invasive.

    in my case, I don't have any symptoms or problems with my heart..and truthfully, I don't trust this doctor. He just comes off like Slick Willie... I'll get a second opinion and go from there..but what I will not be doing is returning to card 1 for anything.

    Thanks again.

  13. Thank you Pickleface... appreciate it.

    I'm truly hoping a change in cardiologist will be for the better. I was so defeated today when I left his office.. Highly unusual for me because I'm generally upbeat and happy all the time.

    My mother told me to pick myself up and find another path... who knew I would run into one while gathering my reports.

    Fate. I say.

  14. I got up early to go to the cardiologist for my clearance.

    Back story: I have a past history of ovarian and breast cancer. I finished my 3rd round of chemo this past may. I decided in 2010 to have WLS but with my recurrent cancer it was not to be...each time I thought I can do it now...cancer re-occurred. This last time I was on a GOG study and it seems to have definitely worked in my favor. Elated, I went to my oncologist and told him I wanted the weight loss surgery..he agreed it was a good idea because of the contributing factor of obesity to female cancers and my history of HBP. He gave me a small window to get it approved and done. He spoke to the WLS and they both agreed, I should have no issues with the surgery and both recommended the Gastric Sleeve as the best option. This was all in August.

    Okay fast forward: I completed all my test with flying colors. The GI Series, Chest X-ray and Lab Work showed unremarkable results and no anomalies. My ECG showed "borderline" but I wasn't worried because my oncologist had already ordered and received my CT Scan results of my chest/abdomen/pelvis (taken a week after) and it showed unremarkable results too..Heart was healthy, no artery Calcium, clear lungs, spleen, liver, stomach, intestines all in remarkable order and everything was within normal limits. AS for the ECG, I went to a cardiologist associated with the hospital for further study because I need cardiac clearance for the WLS.

    Anyway, I saw the cardiologist and did another ECG that came back borderline so he wanted to do a stress test, the stress test he said was okay, but he wanted to investigate further because a little dip on the machine when I'm at max capacity exercising which is common among women, but better safe than sorry. I was game, still have plenty of time before I see WLS again. So then an echocardiogram was done, my EF Rate was 65%, no significant blockages, valves are good, what little anomalies there are attributed to long term HBP issues and current medications. Sooo, even that was not good enough, he wanted a Nuclear Stress Test...okay..still game.. had that last week, results show nothing significantly abnormal--report also mention HBP effects on regurgitation, blah blah blah (which btw will be cured with weight loss).

    This morning, I go to his office expecting to receive my cardiac clearance and guess what? He now wants to do a Cardiac Catherization...for what MAY BE blockage, no way to tell, not sure, we need to go in and check.. My reasoning is WHY? What makes you think I have something wrong with my heart. I have no symptoms, no pain, no SOH, I finished both Stress Tests easily, there is no familial history of heart disease, heart attacks or blockages. I immediately refuse and he said well think about, I wouldn't want you to have a heart attack..and I said am I at risk and he said, we all are..factors matter, could be 10 yrs from now..or tomorrow..can't say. You can lose weight the normal way in the meantime. Then he says, well let's just get you set up for it..because you can't have your surgery w/o my approval. Again, I said no, and he said why? At that point I was in tears because I have an appt with the surgeon in two days and all I needed was the clearance.

    Needless to say, I asked for a copy of my Nuclear Stress report (he only gave me one page of it). Right then I decided to get another opinion. So I go to all the various places and get copies of my studies. On my way into the hospital I ran into a young lady I met at my seminar in July who accompanied her sister, she already had the Sleeve done. Must be fate. She told me she had an A-Fib and her cardiologist still cleared her. She said she worked for the hospital and they are famous for running up the tab in the cardiology department. I've read such too..a great deal of catherizations are completely unncessary. So I called up her Cardiologist, he didn't have any openings for a month(bummer), but when I explained my situation further the receptionist put the R.N. on the phone, I gave her a bit more detail and told her who recommended me, and actually said she could squeeze me in this week but at a location further away. Hey fine by me!! It will be after my last NUT appt and after I see the surgeon, but at least its this week.

    I knew that doctor was a money grabber. I said it 3 weeks ago. I have a platinum insurance plan and he intends to milk it dry. Well, I'm done..and I'm switching cardiologists! Wish me luck. I've been crying tears of frustration intermittently all day...even called my mom when I walked out of his office and balled like a baby because I'm really ready and want this badly for my health! He just doesn't seem to get it.

    Okay I've vented...yes I'm frustrated...but I'm determined. So surgery may or not be in two weeks or even this month... but I'm still hoping. Especially since my test are all showing okay...depends on this new cardiologist. Finger Crossed. Tears finally dry.

    Thanks for reading my novel .... :-)

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