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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by italian-girl

  1. I have 4 brothers and they all have told me the same thing about men... Ego hits are the worst so if you're hot it's sometimes harder for a man to approach you.

    So my advice to you is, say hello first... And really that's all it takes is a smile and a hey! Most of the time just saying hey with a smile means you're approachable.... Kind... Not gonna blow someone off if they say something first...

  2. That is not a friend. One of my best friends on the planet is a very small Teenie tiny size zero. She was one of the most supportive people I could of asked for. She still is. She is a great person who has always had my back no matter what I needed her for. She has continued to be wonderful support for me and a good friend.

    I am 100% lucky to have friends, family and coworkers that are extremely supportive of me since day 1.

    I've had "friends" in the past that weren't truly friends and once I figured that out I let the go. I don't have room in my life for negativity and that's what jealousy is.

    I know it's hard to lose a friend but in the end it's the best thing to do by letting them go.

  3. Ok here we go!

    1. I don't weigh myself regularly I will go weeks without stepping foot on the scale because I don't really care to know daily or weekly how much I weigh. Usually every couple weeks

    2. I made my famous vanilla bean cupcakes with fresh blueberry frosting for my nieces birthday yesterday and I licked the frosting beater. (Only one lick but still)

    3. Sometimes I forget to eat and will look at my fitness pal and realize I only consumed 400 calories that day.

    4. I bought a belly dancing workout video and tried it and my arms still hurt from 4 days ago.. Wait that's probably not a bad thing...

    5. In order to get all my Fluid in (60 oz.) I have to drink hot tea (decaf) unsweetened. because Water alone taste like sewer smells and it's hard to drink. For some reason cold beverages and I are not friends its very hard to drink cold beverages.

    6. I got rid of my entire size 26 wardrobe already because I don't intend to ever fit in those clothes again. My new size 20 clothes are very few and I rotate my outfits because I won't fit into these much longer. So there isn't any point to buy more than a few items... However I do regret not keeping one pair of my big jeans.. Ill never be able to do the standing in one leg picture when I get to my goal

    7. speaking of goals I don't actually have a set one.. I just figured I'd lose till I hit a place I'd feel comfortable and then maintain from there.. I gave myself 12 months to get to a maintaining point..

    8. I signed up for a 5k in may of 2014. I'm starting the couch to 5k today.. Me +running I never thought I'd see the day!

    9. I choose not to worry about or obsess about the weight loss I am following my program and I'm having faith that if I do and stay positive about it everything will fall into place. Yeah some days i mess up and don't eat enough because I was running around all day and forgot to eat, or I licked the frosting beater.. But it's not every day and I'm human.. I'm not perfect nor do I expect to be.

    10. I really really enjoyed the look on my ex's face when he saw me the other day... I might of enjoyed it a little too much but oh well!

    I think we all have days of good and bad and it's ok. It's how we bounce back from a bad day and move forward that counts anyway...good luck to everyone!! Know that no matter what happens yesterday today's a new day and you can always change it into a positive!

  4. Did my husband pay you to say this?? He was so mad at me that I cut my head off. My son said where's you head?? And I told him I chopped it off. How else did he think I'd lost 40 lbs? <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    You're right. I know you're right. I will work on it. all I see is my double chin and my uneven skin tone and my thinning hair.

    Sent from my iPhone using VST

    Confidence is 90% in our faces! I agree with the other poster, don't chop off your head! Be proud of your accomplishments and flash the beautiful smile along with the happiness of being in that dress!! I'm sure you looked beautiful and nobody would if noticed anything you are worried they would see. ;)

  5. Haha I know' date=' right?![/quote']

    :) I'm pretty sure I've startled a few people by saying that to their faces... 1 girl in particular was a friend of one of my really good friends. Whom she was always super jealous of. I never have understood jealousy. Anyway... The 3 of us were out one night and I was being hit on quite a bit, and she wasn't so she said to my friend, she is getting hit on more than you are! ( I think she thought she was hurting my friends feelings by saying that) and my friend said yeah she always gets hit on like this.. It's a normal night for her...

    So she looks at me and says well you are pretty for a big girl... And I responded with No, you're just pissed I'm prettier than you are and getting hit on by guys you find attractive and I'm fat.. She seriously just looked at me and fumbled for words... I've always been kinda sarcastic and blunt.. My friend just laughed... Because she has heard me say that to people before..

    If people wanna be passive aggressive in trying to "compliment" you. I say be blunt back. :)

    In a few months your sister in law will have to come up with a new way to give you a compliment... Because the word big and you won't be in the same sentence!!

  6. I was sleeved on Oct. 1st and did good for the first week. The second week I started to go downhill ...quick. I had extreme pain in my lower back and right side near my ribs. I just assumed it was gas pain combined with my already low pain tolerance. Finally' date=' the pain got so bad, and so constant, I checked myself in to the Emergency Room at the nearest hospital. There, they discovered I had blood in my urine, and ordered a CT Scan. Almost immediately after the CT Scan, the doctor came back and told me they discovered blood clots in a very unusual place: the arteries going from my spleen and my liver, as well as my lungs.

    I spent the night in the hospital and the kept me on an anti-clotting drug called Coumadin, and dilaudid for pain. They paged my surgeon who came in first thing the next morning to tell me he had been brainstorming with numerous other doctors on what went wrong and what could be done to save my life.

    He told me the hospital I was currently at did not have the team of doctors nor the medical equipment necessary to help me. So I was immediately transported by ambulance to another hospital in Denver.

    To say the least, I was TERRIFIED. Immediately upon arrival at the new hospital I went straight to the ICU where my husband and grandmother were waiting. They spared no time in getting me prepped for the first of three surgeries to remove the clots.

    I remember only bits and pieces after that. Mostly just the extreme pain, and fear. I remember being so weak, and my husband and grandmother stayed by my side the entire time. (Backstory: my grandma raised me, so she is more like my mom.)

    My husband brushed my hair, held my hand while they poked me endlessly with needles, and even brushed my teeth. One memory I have was right after my second surgery, and being so afraid, so I asked my grandma to hold my hand.

    Thanks to God and my team of doctors, upon completing the third surgery, all blood clots (with the exception of the one in my lung) were removed. I was then able to get out of the ICU and into a private room.

    Then the hardest part began: finding out why this happened. Every day for two weeks they drew blood two, sometimes three, times per day; sending the samples to various places around the country for testing.

    Finally, they found the answer. I am part of 2% of the nation that is a carrier for a genetic mutation/blood disorder called Prothrombin 20210a. I'm 31 years old and have never had any symptoms. But the only way of knowing about this genetic mutation would have been for me to have genetic testing done prior to surgery (which is extremely expensive and most health insurance companies do not cover that). Also, six years ago I had surgery to remove my gallbladder and had ZERO issues.

    The moral of the story is this: There are risks for any surgery. It's not my surgeon's fault, it's not my own fault. It it what it is. Would I go through the surgery now, even knowing about my blood disorder? I would have to talk to my surgeon to see if, knowing my problem, there would have been any precautions that could have been taken to avoid me almost losing my life, or see if my surgeon would even think I could be a candidate for the sleeve surgery.

    Bottom line is, I'm happy to be alive. I'm happy to be blessed with so many people that love and care about me.

    Just know that no matter how much planning we do, there are always risks involved.[/quote']

    Happy to hear you're well and alive. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Thank you for sharing your story.

  7. Some advise my PA gave me:

    We Do not expect you to be perfect.

    But' date=' if you can look your self or anyone else in the eye and say I am on program;

    Most hours

    Most days

    Most weeks

    Most months

    Most years.

    You will get there.


    I think that's a great piece of advice. As we are all human. I have yet to meet a perfect human.

  8. My sister in law just tried to compliment me (I guess) by saying that when she used to be heavy she didn't look as pretty as me. And said even though I'm thick I still look nice. Ok' date=' I've lost 78 pounds since January! And she doesn't know I've had this surgery so boy will she be shocked 6 months down the road when she can't say I'm pretty for being heavy.[/quote']

    That was always a stupid thing for people to say.. You're pretty for a big girl or good looking for being a big guy.

    No you're just upset that I'm better looking than you are.. And I'm fat...

  9. I love getting the "Hey Skinny" comments and it's also fun to have people say' date=' "Wow! You really look good," and have them keep staring at you doing double takes as if they can't believe what they see and it really is you.

    One of the oddest ones I've gotten now twice is "I bet you're more confident now" and I'm sure it's just me but I kind of hate that one. It makes we want to say that no I'm not because it took a lot of confidence to put my 325 pound body out there like nothing was wrong with it and to like me for me at that weight. I don't feel more confident in that aspect -- it's just that they are seeing the real me that I've known I was all along.

    I don't know -- maybe it is confidence. I know that I'm much more comfortable wearing sexy clothes now in the sense that I know people won't be talking behind my back and saying, "Look at that fat girl. Omg, I can't believe she is wearing that!" but it wasn't like I didn't want to wear those things earlier or feel like I was beautiful even when some people didn't see me like that. I guess it's the curse of being the fat girl with the pretty face that got away with some stuff.[/quote']

    I learned a long time ago that I have always had more confidence in myself than most of my very skinny friends. I'd laugh at them when they would complain about another girl and they would use the word fat to describe them.

    I'd say um no she isn't fat, she is average size they would look at me and say no you are average... And I always thought they had eyesight issues...

    I learned however that many women big or small have MAJOR self confidence issues. I have always had self confidence I was never uncomfortable in public and quite happy with a positive outlook on life and myself. i traveled a lot had made friends with people everywhere I went and I learned that when you feel good about yourself and give off a positive vibe that's what people see. I never have gotten offended easily and I noticed people never tried to hurt my feelings by calling me fat. I already knew I was fat I'm not blind I see what I look like I was just comfortable in my own skin.

    So my friends and family just saw me as average because that's how I carried myself.

    People see me and mind you I'm only 56 lbs lighter and a size 20 from a 26 and they are like OMG you look amazing!!! If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that line I'd have at least 65 dollars! :)

    I didn't have surgery because I was unhappy, I had it to help control my diabetes. And it's been amazing for me that my numbers are in normal range after 12 weeks.

    I'm the same me, I still tell myself I'm beautiful every day when I look in the mirror.. If you can't tell yourself that then you can't expect anyone else to! :)

  10. Thanks Italian-girl' date=' the doc did not mention adding a personal letter to appeal. I will definitely do that. I need back surgery and at this weight the surgery would be very invasive (front and back incisions, with 2 surgeons) if I lose weight the surgery options open up. I am in horrific pain everyday. I have pre-diabetes, sleep apnea and high bp. I am scared, I have an 8 y/o autistic son and fear I won't be there to help him when he is older. He is high functioning, but that is with constant therapy and support. I am an only child and both my parents are gone. I will start the letter tomorrow, along with the letter with my son's diagnosis. Thx :-)[/quote']

    I have a 14 year old autistic nephew. I know how hard that is on a parent. Good luck! Letters of personal appeal usually help.

  11. I take care if a little girl who is almost 12. I've been with then since the day she was born. I decided it was time to tell her about the surgery. She said' date=' "....but WHY? You're not THAT overweight!".

    I'm 5'4 and 305! Lol.

    Almost made me cry. She really just sees me and not my size! Love her, that was so sweet![/quote']

    Kids can be so sweet in their innocence. I love it.

  12. How many grams of Protein are you guys getting in a day that are losing the weight? I get 75 at least and Im NOT losing! Help!

    60 grams is the goal my program requires... But exercising is what's helping me.

    When I do cardio I eat some form of good carbs as I found since I did that I've lost better.. And by good carbs I mean oatmeal or quinoa.

    I can't guarantee that will work for you. I can only say what works for me.

    Plus I'm not sure what your program requirements are.. As everyone's are different. Mine allows carbs if they are on the " good carb list"

    I don't eat a lot of it but I do add some on cardio days.

  13. I didn't need the pain meds ever. My commute to work is between 1 hour and 20 minutes and 2 hours if there is major traffic, my commute home is between 1 and half hours to 3 hours depending on the day of the week and traffic. And my surgeon said the risk of blood clots sitting in that position that long is too high. She was very strict on my not driving till 6 weeks out... Not being in a car or same position for more than 30 minutes at a time unless I was sleeping.< /p>

  14. Ok' date=' guys...I am scheduled for surgery November 19th and I am supposed to start my yogurt and Water diet soon. I work right next door to Orange Leaf. For those of you that don't know it is a frozen yogurt place. Their yogurt is out of this world and I could totally survive a month on that if I had to lol! I know that I can't have fruit chunks in my pre-op yogurt, but I found no mention of frozen yogurt. Anyone know if that is ok??? I am hoping for a yes! LoL Please let me know! I just prefer the taste of the frozen yogurt as it is almost like ice cream lol Please don't get me wrong...I like some regular yogurt as well. Now I am just rambling lol look forward to some great answers! God bless and good night!


    It has a lot of sugar in it usually. But you can freeze Greek yogurt in those Popsicle molds that seemed to work for me.. And everyone else in my family since they usually ate them before I could.. I used sugar free Jello pudding too..

  15. My surgeon made me take 6 weeks. I went on short term disability. I only work in optometry but its a very busy office. But also I commute and the chance of blood clots was much too high so she made me take 6 weeks that ended up 8 weeks. Because of a kidney infection and kidney stones.

    But I'd take as much time as your surgeon feels is necessary

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