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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mkak

  1. Mkak

    Competition Amongst Women

    Yeah, a large majority do. It may just be me (and I'm a tad dramatic ) but being a woman these days can be downright exhausting.
  2. Mkak

    Personal Trainer Tips

    Thanks hky! Had my first session this AM. Couldn't do a push-up, but I'll get there! I know it will all be worth it.
  3. Mkak

    Crossfit And My Sleeve

    That's amazing! How often do you work out with your trainer? Do you do CF exclusively, or do you throw in other things? Thanks!
  4. Mkak

    best feeling ever

    Hot damn you look good! Congratulations!
  5. Mkak

    100 Roses

    Aw I love your mom! Congratulations on the amazing loss! Keep up the great work girlfriend :)
  6. Mkak

    I've Been So Bad

    I'm with Crystal, I was on a 6-8 a day diet Coke habit and cut cold turkey. Yes, the first week sucked so much but it was honestly the best decision I ever made! And I wouldn't drink much Water if I didn't have my 20 oz. bottle glued to my hip. Highly recommend getting something you can take with you everywhere. As far as Snacks go, do you have access to a fridge? If yes, my go-to snacks are light string cheese, hard boiled egg whites, shredded chicken (just thrown a bunch of chicken breast in crock pot on Sunday and shred it up for the week), Protein shakes, lean ground beef, Greek yogurt, etc. Others eat jerkey, Protein Bars, nuts/seeds, etc. Hope some of that helps? You can do this, good luck!
  7. Hello there, I usually get 650-850 calories per day, 80g protein and try to keep my carbs under 30g. I do 3 meals and 2 snacks (usually string cheese or hard boiled egg whites). I find chicken to be the most filling for me. 3-4 oz. and I won't even think about food for hours.
  8. Mkak

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Good morning everyone! 226.4 today. Officially halfway to my goal weight!
  9. Try PB2! It's powdered Peanut Butter and has so much less fat and calories than regular PB. I'm a night snacker, too. I literally don't keep anything in the house (easy for me I don't have a hub and/or family to feed). Also, I started working out later at night after dinner so I don't even give myself time to snack.
  10. Question for my fellow big-busted sisters...what brand/type of sports bras have worked best for you all to minimize the bounce? Want to get into running so badly but my boobs are just too big and the situation is would be borderline obscene (and painful I might add). I'm about to pull a Roberta from "Now and Then" and tape these puppies down. Any insight is greatly appreciated
  11. Mkak

    August sleevers progress

    Hey August folks! Up until recently I had been doing great. I am down about 60 pounds since surgery on 8/15. Feeling great, but these past 2 weeks have been less than stellar for me. I think I'm in a rut? I've started grazing and eating things I know I shouldn't (umm, no, you DON'T need another handful of Wheat Thins!). Weekends are killing me. The scale is definitely showing it, too. I've been gaining/losing the same 2 pounds for the past 2 weeks. Not a good feeling, let me tell you. Anyone else in the same boat? Would love a buddy to help motivate us both and keep each other accountable. I so desperately want to make the most of this honeymoon period and I'm getting anxious I'm squandering it away. Let me know if anyone is interested .
  12. Mkak


    Thanks, GG! BTW, saw your new progress post...you 2 are looking AMAZING!
  13. Mkak


    I told myself when I hit 50 pounds I would get myself a new pair of gym shoes. Hit 51 last week, bought a snazzy new pair of running shoes yesterday and wore them tonight for the first time. Got out of the shower to find the below. SERIOUSLY? My dog that doesn't eat anything decides to destroy my brand new sneakers? I feel like crying right now Going to feel sorry for myself for the night. Thank you for allowing me to vent
  14. Hi! I use Fat Secret (crappy name, I know).
  15. Mkak

    Couch to 5K, Which App is most Thorough?

    You inspired me to jump back on the horse. Did my second C25K run today. Good luck to you and your friend!
  16. Yep, I've got the lower belly "crease" too. You're not alone sister. Sigh.
  17. Mkak

    Best Sports Bras for Running?

    Great tip! Never would have thought equestrian but makes perfect sense now! Going to check them out online today. Thank you, thank you!
  18. Mkak


    Went back and forth with both Nike and Foot Locker (where I purchased them) and NEITHER were willing to sell one shoe or offer any kind of discount on a new pair. Not going to lie, I was definitely bummed. So I went to Finish Line last week and bought a new pair. Sigh...
  19. My mom had the band about 3 years ago and she is struggling with many of the symptoms you listed above. They are particularly bad in the early mornings. Her doctor has her waking up at 5AM everyday and testing her sugar. He said it sounds like hypoglycemia to him so they're testing for 2 weeks to confirm. About 8 weeks after my sleeve surgery I was required to get a crazy amount of blood tests by a metabolic doctor. The one and only thing that came back low was my sugar. Wonder if it's hereditary? I'll keep you posted with how my moms follow up appointment goes! Best of luck to you
  20. Mkak

    Holy Crap!

    Holy crap is right! You look amazing!
  21. Mkak

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Morning everyone! Not a stellar week for me (hurled myself off the wagon over the weekend and didn't exercise much during the week so entirely my doing). Down to 227.7. I think that's a loss of .6? Today is a new day and my butt is headed back to the gym! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  22. Mkak

    Couch to 5K, Which App is most Thorough?

    I like the "Get Running" one. I think I paid $.99 for it? I still have yet to actually do more than 2 weeks consistently. Maybe someday
  23. Mkak

    Best Friends

    Love that you posted this! I too have been so lucky with the support from my friends and family from day one. It always breaks my heart when I read posts on here from people that don't have the support we do. Definitely has me counting my blessings
  24. Mkak

    Best Sports Bras for Running?

    LOLOLOL! GG, I probably started it with the cross dressing comment haha Thank you all for the suggestions! Going to check out the 3 mentioned
  25. Mkak

    Best Sports Bras for Running?

    BTB, did you discover this gem during your cross dressing day in your twenties?? :)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
