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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ScottsGirl

  1. ScottsGirl


    I'm just over a month out and eat very moist rice with no probs. Quinoa does have a good amount of protein in it BUT it is also has a lot of carbs. Quinoa is not really a grain, it's in the seed family. Google quinoa and see what you see. You can always cook up some lentils, I add them to a lot of foods, including mashed potatoes, lentils are loaded with protein! I also eat a lot of other beans. You might want to look up a list of high protein foods and see if there is anything on the list that you might like.
  2. LOL... too funny! Don't hurt yourself, but you can have sex as soon you feel up to it! I felt well enough 5 days in.... and 6 days, and 7 and...
  3. ScottsGirl


    Don't do it. Dehydration is not fun and can happen quickly. Drink decaf or none at all.
  4. ScottsGirl

    Today's My Birthday

    Have a positively memorable birthday! Happy-happy!
  5. ScottsGirl

    This is why im doing it

    Time to tell your "friend" a thing or two...? What she did was just wrong!
  6. ScottsGirl

    Calorie confusion

    I've lost 15lbs 4 weeks out, and my doctor was pleased with that and said he doesn't want me to lose too fast. You've lost 18lbs since surgery, that's better than before, right?! You didn't say anything about exercise, are you getting some in; at least 30 mins a day...? Also, your protein intake is very important for weight loss and maintaining muscle. A thousand calories a day is not unreasonable as long as you are burning more than that a day!
  7. ScottsGirl

    Down 152 lbs!

  8. ScottsGirl

    Still Losing

  9. ScottsGirl


    Go for it, I pureed lots of soups during my puree weeks. I was told NOT to eat corn for some reason, not sure if that's okay for you, but I think tortilla soup has corn... no? Just puree it very well!
  10. ScottsGirl

    Change in Eye Sight?

    Same thing happened to me too! Both my surgeon and eye doctor said that they had never heard of that happening before. The eye doctor did go on to say that if you're diabetic and your glucose levels are lowered that your sight may change a little. However, my sight is pretty much back to normal, maybe just a tad better than before!
  11. Save your money! Trader Joe's has a great chewable, 3-month supply for only around $8! Here's a pic of them...
  12. ScottsGirl

    Day 3 and food...

    You can get nutrients from Premier Protein Shakes as well; it's loaded with vitamins and has 160 calories! I wasn't able to have yogurt until week 3, but every doctor is different. Your sleeve needs to heal and eating something like this could put pressure on it. If you have an experienced doctor, then you should take his/her advice. But, if you do eat anything, just make sure it's not thick as it may not go down easily!
  13. I ate anything that could be pureed. I am on soft food now, but I just ate Malto Meal for breakfast because it has more protein than CofW, and goes down easy if thinned out. I would puree freshly cooked and spiced lentils and add them to everything I ate to add protein; they are pretty tasty in thinned-out mashed potatoes! Pureed beans and bean soup are good anytime of the day! My favorite was restaurant-bought egg flower soup, cooked longer at home, and pureed. Just make sure you thin out all your food with water and/or milk to prevent problems when eating.
  14. ScottsGirl

    Pre-op diet and diabetes

    I also have (HAD!) type II diabetes; symptoms disappeared within a week or two! I only had to do a one-day pre-op liquid diet, and I didn't do sugar-free, except Isopure Protein Water. If my glucose level was a little low or I felt weakish, I would eat regular Jello, but just 3/4 of a cup or so. If you are going to be on a liquid diet longer than that, then you really need to talk with your surgeon about it and find out what to do if your numbers get too high or low. Make sure you monitor your levels daily. Congratulations!
  15. Get rid of the symptoms ASAP!!! The anesthesiologist may not let you have surgery! Do whatever you have to do!
  16. ScottsGirl

    Full liquid ideas...please!

    Full liquid just means that you're still on the same liquids as the first week, but you can add watery Protein shakes, runny Cream of Wheat/Malto Meal, milk, and s/f pudding and ice cream. That's about it. No Soup, unless it's blenderized AND strained (no bean/veggie skin etc). Any soup with lots of protein (bean/pea), or even make your own. Pureed/strained lentils and canned soy Beans are plentiful protein sources. You can add n/f or 1% milk and/or Water to anything to thin it out. Don't eat anything that it too thick, or you may be sorry that you did! Sorry to break it to you, but your body is still healing and can only handle watery stuff still. Didn't your surgeon give you the list? When you get into the puree phase, you'll have more variety, but believe me, it's difficult to even eat that at times!
  17. ScottsGirl

    Reaction From The Men In Your Life

    My boyfriend was totally for it! He watched me struggle after a 60lb weight loss that I did on my own; I just completely plateaued for a couple years after that. It may have had something to do with chronic sciatic nerve pain, but all that pain is GONE! Some ppl will say it's extreme, but it's your life and your decision, and if they truly care, they should be supportive of whatever you decide ... regardless of their opinion.
  18. It is totally normal. Your body is adjusting, give it more time. Even though you're not losing pounds, you are probably losing inches AND gaining muscle from the Protein. Just do as your doctor says, and the scale will move when it is supposed to. Don't focus on the scale so much until after 4-6 weeks out. I lost 20 pre-op and have lost 12 post (surgery was on August 7th). I have only lost 1lb in the past week and a half, but my body has shrunk quite a bit! I 'look' smaller everyday!
  19. ScottsGirl

    What exercise should i do..

    I'm sure there's a video here somewhere that will work for you! http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=weights+to+use+for+flabby+arms&oq=weights+to+use+for+flabby+arms&gs_l=youtube.3..33i21.5957.14125.0.14254.
  20. ScottsGirl

    15 months post op (PICS)

    Cheers to a job well-done! :) :) :) :)
  21. ScottsGirl

    Starving all of the time!

    Maybe if you thin your food out before you eat it, it will go down easier. Are you still on soft foods right now? You definitely need to contact your doctor and let him know what you're going through!
  22. ScottsGirl

    Liquid Diet

    You may like this one better... http://www.premierprotein.com/product/chocolate-shake/ Will the doc let you have jello, popsicles, and restaurant soup (strained)- broth?
  23. ScottsGirl

    pre-op weight loss

    I lost 20 prior to surgery by eating half of what I did usually. They want you to lose prior to help shrink your liver a bit so that it's less of an issue during surgery. I am 3 weeks out and have lost 12lbs. I have not lost any weight for the past week. I know this is normal, and that the weight WILL come off once my system has completely adjusted. Everyone is different and will lose at a different pace. I DO NOT compare myself to anyone else as they are not me, and you should do the same. VSG is a tool to aide in weight-loss and should always be viewed as such. What YOU chose to do after, is up to Y-O-U. I can also confirm that without the VSG, I would not have lost 12lbs in two weeks. So, this being said, I can ALMOST guarantee that you WILL lose more weight with the surgery, than you would without. In speaking for myself, I am very glad that I did it and have no issues with head hunger as of now. I am satisfied quickly when I eat and have to really focus on Protein and Water, which annoys me, but I know this is a LIFELONG commitment. I WANT THIS! I am a very slow loser, but as long as I'm losing and not gaining, I am satisfied with my progress. Women tend to gain 1-5lbs temporarily each month, for obvious reasons, but it's just water. Stay focused, eat right, exercise faithfully and you WILL meet your goal eventually.
  24. ScottsGirl

    Non thick shake protein?

    Here's my favorite pre-made... http://www.premierprotein.com/ They have an option to see where they are sold in your area. You can also make your own with Protein powder mixed WELL with Water, n/f or 1% milk etc. to make them as watery as you wish.
  25. ScottsGirl

    Birth control

    I am 46 as well and not interested in any more children. Although we haven't used birth control in the seven years we've been together, I opted to have the Novasure procedure done in July; THE best thing I've ever done! NO chance of getting preggers and almost NO periods (only spotting for a few days!) If you're interested, talk to your GYN to see if you're a candidate. Here's some info on it ... http://www.novasure.com/ With the sleeve, it's ALWAYS best to discuss the consequences of pregnancy with your surgeon.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
